[f-spot: 8/14] port this to GtkBuilder, fix stuffs here and there
- From: Ruben Vermeersch <rubenv src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: [f-spot: 8/14] port this to GtkBuilder, fix stuffs here and there
- Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 12:53:29 +0000 (UTC)
commit 8ecfbac1adce508077f48305317a61580ea41db1
Author: Stephane Delcroix <stephane delcroix org>
Date: Thu Jun 25 11:18:00 2009 +0200
port this to GtkBuilder, fix stuffs here and there
.../Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExport.cs | 375 ++------------------
.../FacebookExport/FacebookExportDialog.cs | 376 ++++++++++++++++++++
.../Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookTagPopup.cs | 3 +-
extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/Makefile.am | 4 +-
4 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 355 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExport.cs b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExport.cs
index 41bdd1c..d56959f 100644
--- a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExport.cs
+++ b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExport.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007 George Talusan
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Novell, Inc.
- * Later changes (2009) by Jim Ramsay
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Jim Rasay
* This is free software. See COPYING for details.
@@ -279,49 +279,13 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
private int size = 604;
- private FacebookAccount account;
- private Dictionary<long, User> friends;
- /* parallel arrays */
- private int current_item;
- private IBrowsableItem[] items;
private string[] captions;
private List<Mono.Facebook.Tag>[] tags;
- private Glade.XML xml;
- private string dialog_name = "facebook_export_dialog";
- private Gtk.Dialog dialog;
- private FSpot.Widgets.IconView thumbnail_iconview;
+ FacebookExportDialog dialog;
ThreadProgressDialog progress_dialog;
- [Widget]VBox album_info_vbox;
- [Widget]VBox picture_info_vbox;
- [Widget]HBox log_buttons_hbox;
- [Widget]HButtonBox dialog_action_area;
- [Widget]Button login_button;
- [Widget]Button logout_button;
- [Widget]ProgressBar login_progress;
- [Widget]RadioButton existing_album_radiobutton;
- [Widget]RadioButton create_album_radiobutton;
- [Widget]ComboBox existing_album_combobox;
- [Widget]Table new_album_info_table;
- [Widget]Entry album_name_entry;
- [Widget]Entry album_location_entry;
- [Widget]Entry album_description_entry;
- [Widget]ScrolledWindow thumbnails_scrolled_window;
- [Widget]TextView caption_textview;
- [Widget]TreeView tag_treeview;
- [Widget]EventBox tag_image_eventbox;
- [Widget]HBox permissions_hbox;
- [Widget]CheckButton offline_perm_check;
- [Widget]CheckButton photo_perm_check;
- Gtk.Image tag_image;
- int tag_image_height;
- int tag_image_width;
System.Threading.Thread command_thread;
public FacebookExport ()
@@ -330,12 +294,11 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
public void Run (IBrowsableCollection selection)
- CreateDialog ();
- items = selection.Items;
+ dialog = new FacebookExportDialog (selection);
- if (items.Length > 60) {
- HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog,
+ if (selection.Items.Length > 60) {
+ HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (dialog,
Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error,
Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Too many images to export"),
Catalog.GetString ("Facebook only permits 60 photographs per album. Please refine your selection and try again."));
@@ -344,323 +307,37 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
- captions = new string [items.Length];
- tags = new List<Mono.Facebook.Tag> [items.Length];
- thumbnail_iconview = new FSpot.Widgets.IconView (selection);
- thumbnail_iconview.DisplayDates = false;
- thumbnail_iconview.DisplayTags = false;
- thumbnail_iconview.DisplayRatings = false;
- thumbnail_iconview.ButtonPressEvent += HandleThumbnailIconViewButtonPressEvent;
- thumbnail_iconview.KeyPressEvent += HandleThumbnailIconViewKeyPressEvent;
- thumbnail_iconview.Show ();
- thumbnails_scrolled_window.Add (thumbnail_iconview);
- login_button.Clicked += HandleLoginClicked;
- logout_button.Clicked += HandleLogoutClicked;
- offline_perm_check.Toggled += HandlePermissionToggled;
- photo_perm_check.Toggled += HandlePermissionToggled;
- create_album_radiobutton.Toggled += HandleCreateAlbumToggled;
- create_album_radiobutton.Active = true;
- existing_album_radiobutton.Toggled += HandleExistingAlbumToggled;
- CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText ();
- existing_album_combobox.PackStart (cell, false);
- tag_image_eventbox.ButtonPressEvent += HandleTagImageButtonPressEvent;
- tag_treeview.Sensitive = false;
- caption_textview.Sensitive = false;
- DoLogout ();
- Dialog.Response += HandleResponse;
- Dialog.Show ();
- account = new FacebookAccount();
- if (account.Authenticated)
- DoLogin ();
- }
- public void CreateDialog ()
- {
- xml = new Glade.XML (null, "FacebookExport.glade", dialog_name, "f-spot");
- xml.Autoconnect (this);
- }
- Gtk.Dialog Dialog {
- get {
- if (dialog == null)
- dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) xml.GetWidget (dialog_name);
- return dialog;
- }
- }
- public void HandleLoginClicked (object sender, EventArgs args)
- {
- if (!account.Authenticated) {
- Uri uri = account.GetLoginUri ();
- GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (Dialog.Screen, uri.ToString ());
- HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
- Gtk.MessageType.Info, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Waiting for authentication"),
- Catalog.GetString ("F-Spot will now launch your browser so that you can log into Facebook.\n\nOnce you are directed by Facebook to return to this application, click \"Ok\" below. F-Spot will cache your session in gnome-keyring, if possible, and re-use it on future Facebook exports." ));
- mbox.Run ();
- mbox.Destroy ();
- LoginProgress (0.0, Catalog.GetString ("Authenticating..."));
- account.Authenticate ();
- }
- DoLogin ();
- }
- void DoLogin ()
- {
- if (!account.Authenticated) {
- HigMessageDialog error = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
- Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Error logging into Facebook"),
- Catalog.GetString ("There was a problem logging into Facebook. Check your credentials and try again."));
- error.Run ();
- error.Destroy ();
- DoLogout ();
- }
- else {
- log_buttons_hbox.Sensitive = false;
- dialog_action_area.Sensitive = false;
- try {
- LoginProgress (0.0, Catalog.GetString ("Authorizing Session"));
- offline_perm_check.Active = account.HasPermission("offline_access");
- photo_perm_check.Active = account.HasPermission("photo_upload");
- LoginProgress (0.2, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching user info..."));
- User me = account.Facebook.GetLoggedInUser ().GetUserInfo ();
- LoginProgress (0.4, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching friend list..."));
- Friend[] friend_list = account.Facebook.GetFriends ();
- long[] uids = new long [friend_list.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < friend_list.Length; i++)
- uids [i] = friend_list [i].UId;
- LoginProgress (0.6, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching friend details..."));
- User[] infos = account.Facebook.GetUserInfo (uids, new string[] { "first_name", "last_name" });
- friends = new Dictionary<long, User> ();
- foreach (User user in infos)
- friends.Add (user.UId, user);
- LoginProgress (0.8, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching photo albums..."));
- Album[] albums = account.Facebook.GetAlbums ();
- AlbumStore store = new AlbumStore (albums);
- existing_album_combobox.Model = store;
- existing_album_combobox.Active = 0;
- album_info_vbox.Sensitive = true;
- picture_info_vbox.Sensitive = true;
- permissions_hbox.Sensitive = true;
- login_button.Visible = false;
- logout_button.Visible = true;
- // Note for translators: {0} and {1} are respectively firstname and surname of the user
- LoginProgress (1.0, String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("{0} {1} is logged into Facebook"), me.FirstName, me.LastName));
- } catch (FacebookException fe) {
- Log.DebugException (fe);
- HigMessageDialog error = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
- Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Facebook Connection Error"),
- String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("There was an error when downloading your information from Facebook.\n\nFacebook said: {0}"), fe.Message));
- error.Run ();
- error.Destroy ();
- account.Deauthenticate ();
- DoLogout ();
- } finally {
- log_buttons_hbox.Sensitive = true;
- dialog_action_area.Sensitive = true;
- }
- }
- }
- void HandleLogoutClicked (object sender, EventArgs args)
- {
- account.Deauthenticate ();
- DoLogout ();
- }
- void DoLogout ()
- {
- login_button.Visible = true;
- logout_button.Visible = false;
- login_progress.Fraction = 0;
- login_progress.Text = Catalog.GetString ("You are not logged in.");
- album_info_vbox.Sensitive = false;
- picture_info_vbox.Sensitive = false;
- offline_perm_check.Active = false;
- photo_perm_check.Active = false;
- permissions_hbox.Sensitive = false;
- }
- public void HandlePermissionToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
- {
- string permission;
- if (sender == offline_perm_check) {
- permission = "offline_access";
- } else if (sender == photo_perm_check) {
- permission = "photo_upload";
- } else {
- throw new Exception ("Unknown Source object");
- }
- CheckButton origin = (CheckButton)sender;
- bool desired = origin.Active;
- bool actual = account.HasPermission (permission);
- if (desired != actual) {
- if (desired) {
- Log.DebugFormat("Granting {0}", permission);
- account.GrantPermission (permission, Dialog);
- } else {
- Log.DebugFormat("Revoking {0}", permission);
- account.RevokePermission (permission);
- }
- /* Double-check that things work... */
- actual = account.HasPermission (permission);
- if (actual != desired) {
- Log.Warning("Failed to alter permissions");
- }
- origin.Active = account.HasPermission (permission);
- }
- }
- void HandleCreateAlbumToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
- {
- if (create_album_radiobutton.Active == false)
+ if (dialog.Run () != (int)ResponseType.Ok) {
+ dialog.Destroy ();
- new_album_info_table.Sensitive = true;
- existing_album_combobox.Sensitive = false;
- }
- void HandleExistingAlbumToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
- {
- if (existing_album_radiobutton.Active == false)
- return;
- new_album_info_table.Sensitive = false;
- existing_album_combobox.Sensitive = true;
- }
- void HandleThumbnailIconViewButtonPressEvent (object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
- {
- int old_item = current_item;
- current_item = thumbnail_iconview.CellAtPosition ((int) args.Event.X, (int) args.Event.Y, false);
- if (current_item < 0 || current_item >= items.Length) {
- current_item = old_item;
- return;
- }
- captions [old_item] = caption_textview.Buffer.Text;
- string caption = captions [current_item];
- if (caption == null)
- captions [current_item] = caption = "";
- caption_textview.Buffer.Text = caption;
- caption_textview.Sensitive = true;
- tag_treeview.Model = new TagStore (account.Facebook, tags [current_item], friends);
- IBrowsableItem item = items [current_item];
- if (tag_image_eventbox.Children.Length > 0) {
- tag_image_eventbox.Remove (tag_image);
- tag_image.Destroy ();
- }
- using (Gdk.Pixbuf data = PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize (ThumbnailFactory.LoadThumbnail (item.DefaultVersionUri), 400, 400)) {
- tag_image_height = data.Height;
- tag_image_width = data.Width;
- tag_image = new Gtk.Image (data);
- tag_image_eventbox.Add (tag_image);
- tag_image_eventbox.ShowAll ();
- }
- void HandleTagImageButtonPressEvent (object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
- {
- double x = args.Event.X;
- double y = args.Event.Y;
- // translate the centered image to top left corner
- double tag_image_center_x = tag_image_width / 2;
- double tag_image_center_y = tag_image_height / 2;
- double allocation_center_x = tag_image_eventbox.Allocation.Width / 2;
- double allocation_center_y = tag_image_eventbox.Allocation.Height / 2;
- double dx = allocation_center_x - tag_image_center_x;
- double dy = allocation_center_y - tag_image_center_y;
- if (dx < 0)
- dx = 0;
- if (dy < 0)
- dy = 0;
- x -= dx;
- y -= dy;
- // bail if we're in the eventbox but not the image
- if (x < 0 || x > tag_image_width)
- return;
- if (y < 0 || y > tag_image_height)
- return;
- //FacebookTagPopup popup = new FacebookTagPopup (friends);
- }
- void HandleThumbnailIconViewKeyPressEvent (object sender, Gtk.KeyPressEventArgs args)
- {
- thumbnail_iconview.Selection.Clear ();
- }
- void HandleResponse (object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args)
- {
- if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) {
- Dialog.Destroy ();
- return;
- }
- if (account != null) {
- Dialog.Hide ();
+ if (dialog.Account != null) {
+ dialog.Hide ();
command_thread = new System.Threading.Thread (new System.Threading.ThreadStart (Upload));
command_thread.Name = Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Uploading Pictures");
- progress_dialog = new ThreadProgressDialog (command_thread, items.Length);
+ progress_dialog = new ThreadProgressDialog (command_thread, selection.Items.Length);
progress_dialog.Start ();
- }
- void LoginProgress (double percentage, string message)
- {
- login_progress.Fraction = percentage;
- login_progress.Text = message;
- Log.Debug (message);
- while (Application.EventsPending ()) Application.RunIteration ();
+ dialog.Destroy ();
void Upload ()
Album album = null;
- if (create_album_radiobutton.Active) {
- string name = album_name_entry.Text;
- if (name.Length == 0) {
- HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
+ IBrowsableItem [] items = dialog.Items;
+ string [] captions = dialog.Captions;
+ if (dialog.CreateAlbum) {
+ string name = dialog.AlbumName;
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) {
+ HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Album must have a name"),
Catalog.GetString ("Please name your album or choose an existing album."));
mbox.Run ();
@@ -668,24 +345,22 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
- string description = album_description_entry.Text;
- string location = album_location_entry.Text;
+ string description = dialog.AlbumDescription;
+ string location = dialog.AlbumLocation;
try {
- album = account.Facebook.CreateAlbum (name, description, location);
+ album = dialog.Account.Facebook.CreateAlbum (name, description, location);
catch (FacebookException fe) {
- HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (Dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
+ HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (dialog, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Creating a new album failed"),
String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("An error occurred creating a new album.\n\n{0}"), fe.Message));
mbox.Run ();
mbox.Destroy ();
- }
- else {
- AlbumStore store = (AlbumStore) existing_album_combobox.Model;
- album = store.Albums [existing_album_combobox.Active];
+ } else {
+ album = dialog.ActiveAlbum;
long sent_bytes = 0;
@@ -728,8 +403,6 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
progress_dialog.Fraction = 1.0;
progress_dialog.ProgressText = Catalog.GetString ("Upload Complete");
progress_dialog.ButtonLabel = Gtk.Stock.Ok;
- Dialog.Destroy ();
diff --git a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExportDialog.cs b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExportDialog.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3d8b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookExportDialog.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ * FacebookExportDialog.cs
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * George Talusan <george convolve ca>
+ * Stephane Delcroix <stephane delcroix org>
+ * Jim Ramsay <i am jimramsay com>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 George Talusan
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Novell, Inc.
+ * Later changes (2009) by Jim Ramsay
+ *
+ * This is free software. See COPYING for details.
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Gtk;
+using GtkBeans;
+using FSpot.Utils;
+using FSpot.Platform;
+using FSpot.UI.Dialog;
+using Mono.Facebook;
+using Mono.Unix;
+namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
+ internal class FacebookExportDialog : BuilderDialog
+ {
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] VBox album_info_vbox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] VBox picture_info_vbox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] HBox log_buttons_hbox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] HButtonBox dialog_action_area;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Button login_button;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Button logout_button;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] ProgressBar login_progress;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] RadioButton existing_album_radiobutton;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] RadioButton create_album_radiobutton;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] ComboBox existing_album_combobox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Table new_album_info_table;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Entry album_name_entry;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Entry album_location_entry;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] Entry album_description_entry;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] ScrolledWindow thumbnails_scrolled_window;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] TextView caption_textview;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] TreeView tag_treeview;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] EventBox tag_image_eventbox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] HBox permissions_hbox;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] CheckButton offline_perm_check;
+ [GtkBeans.Builder.Object] CheckButton photo_perm_check;
+ Gtk.Image tag_image;
+ int tag_image_height;
+ int tag_image_width;
+ FSpot.Widgets.IconView thumbnail_iconview;
+ Dictionary<long, User> friends;
+ public FacebookExportDialog (IBrowsableCollection selection) : base (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (), "FacebookExport.ui", "facebook_export_dialog")
+ {
+ items = selection.Items;
+ captions = new string [selection.Items.Length];
+ tags = new List<Mono.Facebook.Tag> [selection.Items.Length];
+ thumbnail_iconview = new FSpot.Widgets.IconView (selection);
+ thumbnail_iconview.DisplayDates = false;
+ thumbnail_iconview.DisplayTags = false;
+ thumbnail_iconview.DisplayRatings = false;
+ thumbnail_iconview.ButtonPressEvent += HandleThumbnailIconViewButtonPressEvent;
+ thumbnail_iconview.KeyPressEvent += delegate (object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) {(sender as FSpot.Widgets.IconView).Selection.Clear(); };
+ thumbnails_scrolled_window.Add (thumbnail_iconview);
+ thumbnail_iconview.Show ();
+ login_button.Clicked += HandleLoginClicked;
+ logout_button.Clicked += HandleLogoutClicked;
+ offline_perm_check.Toggled += HandlePermissionToggled;
+ photo_perm_check.Toggled += HandlePermissionToggled;
+ create_album_radiobutton.Toggled += HandleCreateAlbumToggled;
+ create_album_radiobutton.Active = true;
+ existing_album_radiobutton.Toggled += HandleExistingAlbumToggled;
+ CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText ();
+ existing_album_combobox.PackStart (cell, false);
+ tag_image_eventbox.ButtonPressEvent += HandleTagImageButtonPressEvent;
+ tag_treeview.Sensitive = false;
+ caption_textview.Sensitive = false;
+ DoLogout ();
+ account = new FacebookAccount();
+ if (account.Authenticated)
+ DoLogin ();
+ }
+ FacebookAccount account;
+ public FacebookAccount Account {
+ get { return account; }
+ }
+ string[] captions;
+ public string [] Captions {
+ get {return captions; }
+ }
+ List<Mono.Facebook.Tag>[] tags;
+ List<Mono.Facebook.Tag>[] Tags {
+ get { return tags; }
+ }
+ int current_item;
+ IBrowsableItem[] items;
+ public IBrowsableItem[] Items {
+ get {return items; }
+ }
+ public bool CreateAlbum {
+ get { return create_album_radiobutton.Active; }
+ }
+ public string AlbumName {
+ get { return album_name_entry.Text; }
+ }
+ public string AlbumLocation {
+ get { return album_location_entry.Text; }
+ }
+ public string AlbumDescription {
+ get { return album_description_entry.Text; }
+ }
+ public Album ActiveAlbum {
+ get { return ((AlbumStore) existing_album_combobox.Model).Albums [existing_album_combobox.Active]; }
+ }
+ void HandleThumbnailIconViewButtonPressEvent (object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
+ {
+ int old_item = current_item;
+ current_item = thumbnail_iconview.CellAtPosition ((int) args.Event.X, (int) args.Event.Y, false);
+ if (current_item < 0 || current_item >= items.Length) {
+ current_item = old_item;
+ return;
+ }
+ captions [old_item] = caption_textview.Buffer.Text;
+ string caption = captions [current_item];
+ if (caption == null)
+ captions [current_item] = caption = "";
+ caption_textview.Buffer.Text = caption;
+ caption_textview.Sensitive = true;
+ tag_treeview.Model = new TagStore (account.Facebook, tags [current_item], friends);
+ IBrowsableItem item = items [current_item];
+ if (tag_image_eventbox.Children.Length > 0) {
+ tag_image_eventbox.Remove (tag_image);
+ tag_image.Destroy ();
+ }
+ using (Gdk.Pixbuf data = PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize (ThumbnailFactory.LoadThumbnail (item.DefaultVersionUri), 400, 400)) {
+ tag_image_height = data.Height;
+ tag_image_width = data.Width;
+ tag_image = new Gtk.Image (data);
+ tag_image_eventbox.Add (tag_image);
+ tag_image_eventbox.ShowAll ();
+ }
+ }
+ public void HandleLoginClicked (object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (!account.Authenticated) {
+ Uri uri = account.GetLoginUri ();
+ GtkBeans.Global.ShowUri (Screen, uri.ToString ());
+ HigMessageDialog mbox = new HigMessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
+ Gtk.MessageType.Info, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Waiting for authentication"),
+ Catalog.GetString ("F-Spot will now launch your browser so that you can log into Facebook.\n\nOnce you are directed by Facebook to return to this application, click \"Ok\" below. F-Spot will cache your session in gnome-keyring, if possible, and re-use it on future Facebook exports." ));
+ mbox.Run ();
+ mbox.Destroy ();
+ LoginProgress (0.0, Catalog.GetString ("Authenticating..."));
+ account.Authenticate ();
+ }
+ DoLogin ();
+ }
+ void DoLogin ()
+ {
+ if (!account.Authenticated) {
+ HigMessageDialog error = new HigMessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
+ Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Error logging into Facebook"),
+ Catalog.GetString ("There was a problem logging into Facebook. Check your credentials and try again."));
+ error.Run ();
+ error.Destroy ();
+ DoLogout ();
+ }
+ else {
+ log_buttons_hbox.Sensitive = false;
+ dialog_action_area.Sensitive = false;
+ try {
+ LoginProgress (0.0, Catalog.GetString ("Authorizing Session"));
+ offline_perm_check.Active = account.HasPermission("offline_access");
+ photo_perm_check.Active = account.HasPermission("photo_upload");
+ LoginProgress (0.2, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching user info..."));
+ User me = account.Facebook.GetLoggedInUser ().GetUserInfo ();
+ LoginProgress (0.4, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching friend list..."));
+ Friend[] friend_list = account.Facebook.GetFriends ();
+ long[] uids = new long [friend_list.Length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < friend_list.Length; i++)
+ uids [i] = friend_list [i].UId;
+ LoginProgress (0.6, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching friend details..."));
+ User[] infos = account.Facebook.GetUserInfo (uids, new string[] { "first_name", "last_name" });
+ friends = new Dictionary<long, User> ();
+ foreach (User user in infos)
+ friends.Add (user.UId, user);
+ LoginProgress (0.8, Catalog.GetString ("Session established, fetching photo albums..."));
+ Album[] albums = account.Facebook.GetAlbums ();
+ AlbumStore store = new AlbumStore (albums);
+ existing_album_combobox.Model = store;
+ existing_album_combobox.Active = 0;
+ album_info_vbox.Sensitive = true;
+ picture_info_vbox.Sensitive = true;
+ permissions_hbox.Sensitive = true;
+ login_button.Visible = false;
+ logout_button.Visible = true;
+ // Note for translators: {0} and {1} are respectively firstname and surname of the user
+ LoginProgress (1.0, String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("{0} {1} is logged into Facebook"), me.FirstName, me.LastName));
+ } catch (FacebookException fe) {
+ Log.DebugException (fe);
+ HigMessageDialog error = new HigMessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal,
+ Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, Catalog.GetString ("Facebook Connection Error"),
+ String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("There was an error when downloading your information from Facebook.\n\nFacebook said: {0}"), fe.Message));
+ error.Run ();
+ error.Destroy ();
+ account.Deauthenticate ();
+ DoLogout ();
+ } finally {
+ log_buttons_hbox.Sensitive = true;
+ dialog_action_area.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleLogoutClicked (object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ account.Deauthenticate ();
+ DoLogout ();
+ }
+ void DoLogout ()
+ {
+ login_button.Visible = true;
+ logout_button.Visible = false;
+ login_progress.Fraction = 0;
+ login_progress.Text = Catalog.GetString ("You are not logged in.");
+ album_info_vbox.Sensitive = false;
+ picture_info_vbox.Sensitive = false;
+ offline_perm_check.Active = false;
+ photo_perm_check.Active = false;
+ permissions_hbox.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ public void HandlePermissionToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ string permission;
+ if (sender == offline_perm_check) {
+ permission = "offline_access";
+ } else if (sender == photo_perm_check) {
+ permission = "photo_upload";
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception ("Unknown Source object");
+ }
+ CheckButton origin = (CheckButton)sender;
+ bool desired = origin.Active;
+ bool actual = account.HasPermission (permission);
+ if (desired != actual) {
+ if (desired) {
+ Log.DebugFormat("Granting {0}", permission);
+ account.GrantPermission (permission, this);
+ } else {
+ Log.DebugFormat("Revoking {0}", permission);
+ account.RevokePermission (permission);
+ }
+ /* Double-check that things work... */
+ actual = account.HasPermission (permission);
+ if (actual != desired) {
+ Log.Warning("Failed to alter permissions");
+ }
+ origin.Active = account.HasPermission (permission);
+ }
+ }
+ void HandleCreateAlbumToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (create_album_radiobutton.Active == false)
+ return;
+ new_album_info_table.Sensitive = true;
+ existing_album_combobox.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ void HandleExistingAlbumToggled (object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (existing_album_radiobutton.Active == false)
+ return;
+ new_album_info_table.Sensitive = false;
+ existing_album_combobox.Sensitive = true;
+ }
+ void HandleTagImageButtonPressEvent (object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
+ {
+ double x = args.Event.X;
+ double y = args.Event.Y;
+ // translate the centered image to top left corner
+ double tag_image_center_x = tag_image_width / 2;
+ double tag_image_center_y = tag_image_height / 2;
+ double allocation_center_x = tag_image_eventbox.Allocation.Width / 2;
+ double allocation_center_y = tag_image_eventbox.Allocation.Height / 2;
+ double dx = allocation_center_x - tag_image_center_x;
+ double dy = allocation_center_y - tag_image_center_y;
+ if (dx < 0)
+ dx = 0;
+ if (dy < 0)
+ dy = 0;
+ x -= dx;
+ y -= dy;
+ // bail if we're in the eventbox but not the image
+ if (x < 0 || x > tag_image_width)
+ return;
+ if (y < 0 || y > tag_image_height)
+ return;
+ //FacebookTagPopup popup = new FacebookTagPopup (friends);
+ }
+ void LoginProgress (double percentage, string message)
+ {
+ login_progress.Fraction = percentage;
+ login_progress.Text = message;
+ Log.Debug (message);
+ while (Application.EventsPending ()) Application.RunIteration ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookTagPopup.cs b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookTagPopup.cs
index 92e1eb7..c5e5e67 100644
--- a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookTagPopup.cs
+++ b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/FacebookTagPopup.cs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
* This is free software. See COPYING for details.
+using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FSpot.Widgets;
using Mono.Facebook;
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ namespace FSpot.Exporter.Facebook
private Gtk.Window _popup;
- public FacebookTagPopup (Dictionary<long, User> friends) : base ("FacebookExport.ui", "facebook_tag_popup")
+ public FacebookTagPopup (Dictionary<long, User> friends) : base (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (), "FacebookExport.ui", "facebook_tag_popup")
Friends = friends;
diff --git a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/Makefile.am b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/Makefile.am
index 5515dad..b4866d4 100644
--- a/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/Makefile.am
+++ b/extensions/Exporters/FacebookExport/Makefile.am
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY = $(PLUGIN_NAME).dll
$(srcdir)/FacebookExport.cs \
+ $(srcdir)/FacebookExportDialog.cs \
$(srcdir)/FacebookTagPopup.cs \
$(srcdir)/Mono.Facebook/Album.cs \
$(srcdir)/Mono.Facebook/AssemblyInfo.cs \
plugindir = $(pkglibdir)/extensions
- rm -f $(plugindir)/$(PLUGIN_NAME).addin.xml
plugin_DATA = \
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