[gnumeric] Updated gnumeric.spec.in to something a touch more recent

commit 1e77d01b65929d7d337f4a253b7e1dfd0acbc455
Author: Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 17:59:58 2009 -0600

    Updated gnumeric.spec.in to something a touch more recent
    2009-06-24  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
    	* gnumeric.spec.in: updated to something a touch more recent

 ChangeLog        |    4 +
 gnumeric.spec.in |  372 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c787b2c..5587220 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 2009-06-24  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
+	* gnumeric.spec.in: updated to something a touch more recent
+2009-06-24  Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>
 	* src/style-conditions.c (gnm_style_conditions_eval): fix
diff --git a/gnumeric.spec.in b/gnumeric.spec.in
index e6b4606..cf265d7 100644
--- a/gnumeric.spec.in
+++ b/gnumeric.spec.in
@@ -1,264 +1,186 @@
 # This file is basically not maintained.  Use as inspiration only.
-# conditional features selected using --with <foo> or --without <foo>
-%{!?_with_gnome:	%{!?_without_gnome: %define _without_gnome --without-gnome}}
-%{!?_with_gda:		%{!?_without_gda: %define _without_gda --without-gda}}
-%{!?_with_guile:	%{!?_without_guile: %define _without_guile --without-guile}}
-%{!?_with_long_double:	%{!?_without_long_double: %define _without_long_double --without-long-double}}
-%{!?_with_python:	%{!?_without_python: %define _with_python --with-python}}
 %define  RELEASE 1
-Summary: the GNOME spreadsheet
-Name: 		gnumeric
-Version: 	@VERSION@
-Release: 	%rel
-License: 	GPL
-Group: 		Applications/Productivity
-Source: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnumeric/gnumeric-%{version}.tar.gz
-Url:		http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric
-BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
-BuildRequires:	glib2-devel		>= 2.10.0
-BuildRequires:	libgsf-devel		>= 1.14.6
-BuildRequires:	gtk2-devel		>= 2.10.0
-BuildRequires:	libxml2-devel		>= 2.4.12
-BuildRequires:	libglade2-devel		>= 2.3.6
-%if %{?_with_gnome:1}%{!?_with_gnome:0}
-BuildRequires:	libgnome-devel		>= 2.0.0
-BuildRequires:	libgnomeui-devel	>= 2.0.0
-BuildRequires:  libbonobo-devel		>= 2.0.0
-BuildRequires:  libbonoboui-devel	>= 2.0.0
-%{?_with_gda:BuildRequires:	libgda-devel		>= 1.0.1}
-%{?_with_guile:BuildRequires:	guile-devel		>= 1.5}
-%{?_with_python:BuildRequires:	pygtk2-devel		>= 1.99.10}
-Prereq:		GConf2
-Prereq:		scrollkeeper
+Name:             gnumeric
+Epoch:            %epoch
+Version:          @VERSION@
+Release:          %rel
+Summary:          Spreadsheet program for GNOME
+Group:            Applications/Productivity
+License:          GPLv2
+URL:              http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/
+Source:           ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/%{name}/1.9/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+BuildRoot:        %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
+BuildRequires:    goffice-devel >= 0.7.8
+BuildRequires:    libgsf-devel >= 1.14.15
+BuildRequires:    libxml-2.0-devel >= 2.4.12
+BuildRequires:    glib-2.0-devel >= 2.12.0
+BuildRequires:    pango-devel >= 1.12.0
+BuildRequires:    scrollkeeper
+Requires:         scrollkeeper hicolor-icon-theme
+Requires(pre):    GConf2
+Requires(post):   /sbin/ldconfig GConf2 scrollkeeper
+Requires(preun):  GConf2
+Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig scrollkeeper
 This is Gnumeric, a spreadsheet for GNOME.  It aims to be a drop in
 replacement for proprietary spreadsheets.  It provides import/export from
-MS Excel files and many other formats (csv, latex, xbase, applix, quattro pro,
-OpenOffice, planperfect).
+MS Excel files and many other formats (odf, csv, latex, xbase, applix, quattro pro,
+%package devel
+Summary: Files necessary to develop gnumeric-based applications
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-%{release}
+Requires: pkgconfig
-# Don't even think about it. -- MW
-#%package devel
-#Summary: Files necessary to develop gnumeric-based applications.
-#Group: Development/Libraries
+%description devel
+Gnumeric is a spreadsheet program for the GNOME GUI desktop
+environment. The gnumeric-devel package includes files necessary to
+develop gnumeric-based applications.
-#%description devel
-#The gnumeric-devel package includes files necessary to develop gnumeric-based
-#Install gnumeric-devel if you want to develop programs which will use gnumeric.
+%package plugins-extras
+Summary:          Files necessary to develop gnumeric-based applications
+Group:            Applications/Productivity
+Requires:         %{name} = %{epoch}:%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-%{release}
+Requires:         perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
+%description plugins-extras
+This package contains the following additional plugins for gnumeric:
+* gda and gnomedb plugins:
+  Database functions for retrieval of data from a database.
+* perl plugin:
+  This plugin allows writing of plugins in perl
-%define clean_buildroot [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %setup -q
-%configure \
-  %{?_with_gnome} %{?_without_gnome} \
-  %{?_with_gda} %{?_without_gda} \
-  %{?_with_guile} %{?_without_guile} \
-  %{?_with_long_double} %{?_without_long_double} \
-  %{?_with_python} %{?_without_python}
+%configure --enable-ssindex
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
-%find_lang %{name}
-export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
-gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /etc/gconf/schemas/%{name}-dialogs.schemas >/dev/null
-gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /etc/gconf/schemas/%{name}-general.schemas >/dev/null
-gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /etc/gconf/schemas/%{name}-plugins.schemas >/dev/null
+%find-lang %{name}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications
+desktop-file-install --vendor gnumeric --delete-original                  \
+  --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications                         \
+  --add-category Office                                                 \
+  --add-category Spreadsheet                                            \
+  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
+#put icon in the proper place
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-%{name}.png \
+  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png
-%files -f %{name}.lang
-%defattr (-, root, root)
-%if %{?_with_bonobo:1}%{!?_with_bonobo:0}
-# Don't even think about it.  -MW
-# Gnumeric is not ready for a devel package yet.  Please wait until we split
-# out libgnumeric.
-#%files devel
-#%defattr (-, root, root)
+#remove unused mime type icons
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/gnome-application-*.png
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}/gnome-application-*.png
-* Sun Oct 10 2004 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Lets stick with fedora core package names as the defacto standard until
-  something better presents itself.  There are still no guarantees that this
-  works.
-* Fri Sep 12 2003 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- install the plugin schema too.
-* Sun Nov  4 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- bump the libole req
-* Wed Oct  9 2001 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- gnome-core added as a requirement because gnumeric requires
-  gnome-help-browser.  Also added bonobo >= 1.0.9 as a requirement.
-* Wed Sep 12 2001 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Keep the /usr/share/gnumeric directory structure under RPM revision control.
-  %dirs should be used sparingly, but no other package will use this directory
-  structure, so it's okay here.
-* Thu Jun 28 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- bump libxml1 req.
-* Wed Jun 27 2001 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Added the python stuff back; it reappeared in 0.66.
-- We're now Bonobo by default!
-- Cautiously added a %dir.  %dir gets overused by many RPM's.  Try running
-  'rpm -qf /usr/bin' some time.  ;-(
-* Wed Jun 27 2001 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Note that the most important reason for -devel RPM's is to exclude files that
-  aren't needed on the majority of systems.  The reason that the "premature"
-  and "useless" files were moved to a -devel RPM wasn't to highlight their
-  usefulness for software development, it was to facilitate their exclusion
-  from the vast majority of installations.  It would be better to not install
-  these files in the first place, but spec files should follow the principle of
-  least surprise and mirror what a "make install" would do.
-- Used some more wildcards for easier maintainability.
-- Re-alphabetize.
-- gnumericConf.sh shouldn't have its executable bit stripped.
-- The python plugin doesn't seem to be getting built by default anymore.
-* Tue Jun 26 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- load the bonobo ui file from a version specific location
-* Sat May 19 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- update the gal req
-* Tue Apr 01 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- remove gnorba file
-- rename oaf file
-- include category files
-* Tue Feb 20 2001 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Adapted to the recent directory reorganization.  Also alphabetically
-  reordered the directories while I was at it.  Someone should figure out why
-  we can't package the locale data.
-* Tue Feb 13 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for libglade
-* Sat Feb 10 2001 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for GAL
-* Wed Dec 06 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for GAL
-* Tue Nov 14 2000 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Require GAL 0.2.2 instead of
-- Use %{version} instead of at characters surrouding VERSION (it makes a nicer
-  generated spec file).
-- Created devel package.
-- Fixed category to match Red Hat.
-- Added the standard mechanism to build from either the tarball or CVS (and
-  reindented things following the current practice).
-* Thu Nov 09 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for GAL
-* Fri Nov 03 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for GAL
-* Wed Oct 18 2000 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
-- Added gnumeric.xml, gnome-application-x-gnumeric.png,
-  gnome-application-x-xls.png, gnumeric.oafinfo, and gnumericConf.sh. 
-- Fixed incorrect idl path.
-- Removed an excess blank line.  ;-)
-* Sun Oct 01 2000 Almer S. Tigelaar <almer1 dds nl>
-- Make some minor adjustments for the autoformatter
-* Thu Sep 28 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for gnome-print
-* Wed Sep 20 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for glade
-- Looks like someone already added gal.
-* Wed Sep 20 2000 Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth gnu org>
-- Made it work with the new autoformatter
-- Upped gnome-print to 0.22
-* Sat Aug 11 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for gnome-print
+#remove spurious .ico thing
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps/win32-%{name}.ico
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/pixmaps/%{name}/win32-%{name}.ico
-* Sat Jun 21 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Add libole2
+#remove scrollkeeper stuff
+rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var
-* Sat May 20 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for gnome-print, and libglade.
+#remove .la files
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libspreadsheet.la
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}/plugins/*/*.la
-* Mon May 15 2000 Karl Eichwalder <ke suse de>
-- Use %{version}, %{name} and %{sysconfdir} more consistently.
-- Avoid long lines.
-* Thu Mar 29 2000 Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas online no>
-- Removed gnome-gnumeric-xl.png since it is nowhere to be found.
-- Added --without-bonobo and --without-gb.
-- Added %define for sysconfdir
-* Mon Feb 29 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated version requirements for gnome-print, and gnome-libs.
-* Sun Jan 30 2000 Gregory McLean <gregm comstar net>
-- Added in some auto-detect the language files logic (rpm 3.0.xx only)
-* Mon Jan 12 2000 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Add depend on gtk+ >= 1.2.2 so that we can get gtk_object_get.
+if [ "$1" -gt 1 ]; then
+    export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
+    gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
+      %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}*.schemas > /dev/null || :
-* Mon Jan 03 2000 Gregory McLean <gregm comstar net>
-- Updated to 0.47
-* Mon Dec 20 1999 Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org>
-- Updated the libglade dependancy.
-- Remove req for guile.  We can build without it.
+export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
+/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \
+  %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}*.schemas > /dev/null || :
+scrollkeeper-update -q -o %{_datadir}/omf/%{name} || :
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
+   %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
-* Thu Sep 02 1999 Gregory McLean <gregm comstar net>
-- Added small fix so glade generated dialogs appear.
+if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
+    export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
+    gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
+      %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}*.schemas > /dev/null || :
-* Wed Jul 14 1999 Gregory McLean <gregm comstar net>
-- Added the gnome-print requirement.
-- Updated the file list to try and quiet down the updating.
-- added the sysconfdir
-* Tue Mar 9  1999 Gregory McLean <gregm comstar net>
-- Updated the spec file.
+scrollkeeper-update -q || :
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
+   %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
-* Thu Sep 24 1998 Michael Fulbright <msf redhat com>
-- Version 0.2
+%files -f %{name}.lang
+%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
+%exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}/include
+%exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}/plugins/perl-*
+#%exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}/plugins/gdaif
+#%exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}/plugins/gnome-db
+%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
+%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/%{version}/idl
+# The actual omf file is in gnumeric.lang, but find-lang doesn't own the dir!
+%dir %{_datadir}/omf/%{name}
+%files devel
+%files plugins-extras

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