[gimp-web] Fixed a typo.

commit 7e9bce86b282c316ee797bf0f95964981268797e
Author: Michael Schumacher <schumaml gmx de>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 19:07:33 2009 +0200

    Fixed a typo.

 webmasters.htrw |    7 +++++--
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/webmasters.htrw b/webmasters.htrw
index 602e88c..e87a882 100644
--- a/webmasters.htrw
+++ b/webmasters.htrw
@@ -49,8 +49,11 @@ rsync mirrors to update your server. Please do include the country of
 your server in the summary of the bug, and all of the urls (ftp, http,
 rsync) into the description.</p>
-<p>The size of the data as seen on <a href="ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/";>ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/</a> is currently around 4.1 GiB, with gimp and gtk subdirectories amounting to about 3.4 GiB.<br/>
-New releases do get uploaded some time before the announcement is made, so snycing every few days should do.</p>
+<p>The size of the data as seen on <a
+href="ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/";>ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/</a> is
+currently around 4.1 GiB, with gimp and gtk subdirectories amounting
+to about 3.4 GiB. New releases do get uploaded some time before the
+announcement is made, so syncing every few days should do.</p> 
 <h2>Last resort</h2>

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