[gnome-games/gnibbles-clutter] Small fix regarding head & tail position and other small stuff

commit b26ca5a0e5c4210704adc72b1ff765355f296e86
Author: Guillaume Beland <guillaume beland gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jun 20 12:28:49 2009 -0400

    Small fix regarding head & tail position and other small stuff
    The game now hang in gnibbles_cworm_ai_wander for an unknown reason to date..
    i'm investigating

 gnibbles/level.c        |   12 ++--
 gnibbles/main.c         |   21 +++----
 gnibbles/worm-clutter.c |  140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 3 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnibbles/level.c b/gnibbles/level.c
index 0db6ace..afb2ab7 100644
--- a/gnibbles/level.c
+++ b/gnibbles/level.c
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 extern GnibblesCWorm *cworms[];
 extern GnibblesProperties *properties;
+extern GnibblesWarpManager *warpmanager;
 GnibblesLevel *
 gnibbles_level_new (gint level)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ gnibbles_level_new (gint level)
             cworms[count] = gnibbles_cworm_new (count++, j, i, WORMRIGHT);
         case 'Q':
-          //gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp (warpmanager, j - 1, i - 1, -1, -1);
+          gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp (warpmanager, j - 1, i - 1, -1, -1);
         case 'R':
         case 'S':
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ gnibbles_level_new (gint level)
         case 'X':
         case 'Y':
         case 'Z':
-          //gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp
-          //  (warpmanager, j - 1, i - 1, -board[j][i], 0);
+          gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp
+            (warpmanager, j - 1, i - 1, -(lvl->walls[j][i]), 0);
         case 'r':
         case 's':
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ gnibbles_level_new (gint level)
         case 'x':
         case 'y':
         case 'z':
-          //gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp
-          //  (warpmanager, -(board[j][i] - 'a' + 'A'), 0, j, i);
+          gnibbles_warpmanager_add_warp
+            (warpmanager, -(lvl->walls[j][i] - 'a' + 'A'), 0, j, i);
           lvl->walls[j][i] = EMPTYCHAR;
diff --git a/gnibbles/main.c b/gnibbles/main.c
index 164c257..86b38ec 100644
--- a/gnibbles/main.c
+++ b/gnibbles/main.c
@@ -1256,19 +1256,16 @@ render_logo (void)
 static void
 move_worm_cb (ClutterTimeline *timeline, gint msecs, gpointer data)
   const int elapsed_time = clutter_timeline_get_elapsed_time (timeline);
   const int duration = clutter_timeline_get_duration (timeline);
   if (!(elapsed_time == duration))
-  gfloat w,h;
-  gfloat x,y;
-  guint size;
-  gint i, olddir, length, tmp_dir;
+  gint i, olddir, length;
-  for (i = 0; i < 4 /*numworms*/; i++) {
+  for (i = 0; i < properties->numworms; i++) {
     // get the current direction of the worm
     olddir = cworms[i]->direction;
     // determine the new direction the worm will take
@@ -1278,18 +1275,16 @@ move_worm_cb (ClutterTimeline *timeline, gint msecs, gpointer data)
       gnibbles_cworm_add_straight_actor (cworms[i]);
     length = g_list_length (cworms[i]->list);
+    printf ("Worm ID: %d, Length:%d", i, length);
     //if there's only one actor in the list, just move the actor
     if (length == 1) {
       gnibbles_cworm_move_straight_worm (cworms[i]);
     } else if (length >= 2) {
       gnibbles_cworm_move_head (cworms[i]);
       gnibbles_cworm_move_tail (cworms[i]);
-      if (size <= 0)
-        gnibbles_cworm_remove_actor (cworms[i]);
-    } else {
-        //worm's dead
-        return;
+    } else if ( length < 1) {
+      //worm's dead
+      return;
@@ -1372,7 +1367,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   int i;
-  level = gnibbles_level_new (5);
+  level = gnibbles_level_new (1);
   gnibbles_board_load_level (board, level);
diff --git a/gnibbles/worm-clutter.c b/gnibbles/worm-clutter.c
index 3ca9800..9c16346 100644
--- a/gnibbles/worm-clutter.c
+++ b/gnibbles/worm-clutter.c
@@ -99,27 +99,28 @@ gnibbles_cworm_add_straight_actor (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
   if (worm->direction == WORMRIGHT || worm->direction == WORMLEFT) {
+    worm->xtail = worm->xhead; 
     if (worm->direction == WORMRIGHT)
-      worm->xhead += properties->tilesize;
+      worm->xhead += size * properties->tilesize;
-      worm->xhead -= properties->tilesize;
-    if (!tmp)
+      worm->xhead -= size * properties->tilesize;
+    if (!tmp) {
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (actor),
                               properties->tilesize * size,
-    else
+    } else {
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (actor), 0, properties->tilesize);
+    }
     g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (actor), "repeat-x", &val);
   } else if (worm->direction == WORMDOWN || worm->direction == WORMUP) {
+    worm->ytail = worm->ytail;
     if (worm->direction == WORMDOWN)
-      worm->yhead += properties->tilesize;
+      worm->yhead += size * properties->tilesize;
-      worm->yhead -= properties->tilesize;
+      worm->yhead -= size * properties->tilesize;
     if (!tmp)
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (actor),
@@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ gnibbles_cworm_resize (GnibblesCWorm *worm, gint newtile)
 gnibbles_cworm_move_straight_worm (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
+  //g_return_if_fail (!(g_list_length (worm->list) == 1));
   gfloat x,y;
   ClutterActor *head = g_list_first (worm->list)->data;
@@ -282,6 +284,7 @@ gnibbles_cworm_move_straight_worm (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
 gnibbles_cworm_move_head (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
+  //g_return_if_fail (g_list_length (worm->list) <= 1);
   gfloat w,h;
   gfloat x,y;
   guint size;
@@ -291,23 +294,25 @@ gnibbles_cworm_move_head (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
   clutter_actor_get_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), &w, &h);
   clutter_actor_get_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), &x, &y);
   size = w < h ? h : w;
+  size = size + properties->tilesize;
+  size = size / properties->tilesize;
   // set the size of the head actor 
   switch (worm->direction) {
     case WORMRIGHT:
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
-                              size + properties->tilesize, 
+                              size * properties->tilesize, 
       worm->xhead += properties->tilesize;
     case WORMDOWN:
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
-                              size + properties->tilesize);
+                              size * properties->tilesize);
       worm->yhead += properties->tilesize;
     case WORMLEFT:
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
-                              size + (2 * properties->tilesize), 
+                              size * (2 * properties->tilesize), 
       clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
                                   x - properties->tilesize, y);
@@ -316,7 +321,7 @@ gnibbles_cworm_move_head (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
     case WORMUP:
       clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
-                              size + (2 * properties->tilesize));
+                              size * (2 * properties->tilesize));
       clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (head), 
                                   x, y - properties->tilesize);
       worm->yhead -= properties->tilesize;
@@ -329,6 +334,8 @@ gnibbles_cworm_move_head (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
 gnibbles_cworm_move_tail (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
+  //g_return_if_fail ( g_list_length (worm->list) <= 1);
   gfloat w,h;
   gfloat x,y;
   guint size;
@@ -339,44 +346,49 @@ gnibbles_cworm_move_tail (GnibblesCWorm *worm)
   clutter_actor_get_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), &w, &h);
   clutter_actor_get_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), &x, &y);
   size = w < h ? h : w;
+  size = size - properties->tilesize;
+  size = size / properties->tilesize;
   tmp_dir = gnibbles_cworm_get_next_actor_position (worm);
   switch (tmp_dir) {
-   case WORMRIGHT:
-     clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                              size - properties->tilesize, 
+    case WORMRIGHT:
+      clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                              size * properties->tilesize, 
+                              properties->tilesize);
+      clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                                x + properties->tilesize, y);
+      worm->xtail -= properties->tilesize;
+      break;
+    case WORMDOWN:
+      clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                              properties->tilesize, 
+                              size * properties->tilesize);
+      clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                                x, y + properties->tilesize);
+      worm->ytail -= properties->tilesize;
+      break;
+    case WORMLEFT:
+      clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                              properties->tilesize * size, 
-     clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                                 x + properties->tilesize, y);
-     worm->xtail -= properties->tilesize;
-     break;
-   case WORMDOWN:
-     clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                             properties->tilesize, 
-                             size - properties->tilesize);
-     clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                                 x, y + properties->tilesize);
-     worm->ytail -= properties->tilesize;
-     break;
-   case WORMLEFT:
-     clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                             properties->tilesize * size, 
-                             properties->tilesize);
-     clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                                 x - properties->tilesize, y);
-     worm->xtail += properties->tilesize;
-     break;
-   case WORMUP:
-     clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                             properties->tilesize, 
-                             properties->tilesize * size);
-     clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
-                                 x, y - properties->tilesize);
-     worm->ytail += properties->tilesize;
-     break;
-   default:
-     break;
-   } 
+      clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                                x - properties->tilesize, y);
+      worm->xtail += properties->tilesize;
+      break;
+    case WORMUP:
+      clutter_actor_set_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                              properties->tilesize, 
+                              properties->tilesize * size);
+      clutter_actor_set_position (CLUTTER_ACTOR (tail), 
+                                  x, y - properties->tilesize);
+      worm->ytail += properties->tilesize;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  if (size <= 0)
+     gnibbles_cworm_remove_actor (worm);
@@ -663,23 +675,23 @@ gnibbles_cworm_ai_wander (gint x, gint y, gint dir, gint ox, gint oy)
     y = BOARDHEIGHT - 1;
   switch (level->walls[x][y] - 'A') {
-  case BONUSLIFE:
-    return 1;
-    break;
-  case BONUSHALF:
-    return 0;
-    break;
-  default:
-    if (level->walls[x][y] > EMPTYCHAR && level->walls[x][y] < 'z' + properties->numworms) {
+    case BONUSDOUBLE:
+    case BONUSLIFE:
+      return 1;
+      break;
+    case BONUSHALF:
       return 0;
-    } else {
-      if (ox == x && oy == y)
-	return 0;
-      return gnibbles_cworm_ai_wander (x, y, dir, ox, oy);
-    }
+      break;
+    default: 
+      if (level->walls[x][y] > EMPTYCHAR && level->walls[x][y] < 'z' + properties->numworms) {
+        return 0;
+      } else {
+        if (ox == x && oy == y)
+	        return 0;
+        return gnibbles_cworm_ai_wander (x, y, dir, ox, oy);
+      }

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