[couchdb-glib] Added script to create test contacts from Stuart

commit 0978945dcca5b1d2bd49196491a14ea0005c3ad9
Author: Stuart Langridge <stuart langridge canonical com>
Date:   Fri Jun 19 18:22:41 2009 +0200

    Added script to create test contacts from Stuart

 tests/Makefile.am            |    2 +
 tests/createCouchContacts.py |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index 72f83fa..bfd9c27 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ test_list_databases_SOURCES = test-list-databases.c
 test_list_databases_LDADD = 	\
+EXTRA_DIST = createCouchContacts.py
diff --git a/tests/createCouchContacts.py b/tests/createCouchContacts.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38dbb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/createCouchContacts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Canonical Ltd.  All rights reserved.
+# sil, Feb 2009
+import os, random, string, sys
+from couchdb import Server
+from uuid import uuid4
+CONTACT_DOCTYPE = "http://example.com/contact-record";
+first_names = [ "Jack", "Thomas", "Oliver", "Joshua", "Harry", "Charlie",
+    "Daniel", "William", "James", "Alfie", "Grace", "Ruby", "Olivia",
+    "Emily", "Jessica", "Sophie", "Chloe", "Lily", "Ella", "Amelia" ]
+last_names = [ "Dalglish", "Grobbelaar", "Lawrenson", "Beglin", "Nicol",
+    "Whelan", "Hansen", "Johnston", "Rush", "Molby", "MacDonald", "McMahon" ]
+cities = ["Scunthorpe", "Birmingham", "Cambridge", "Durham", "Bedford"]
+countries = ["England", "Ireland", "Scotland", "Wales"]
+companies = ["ACME Ltd", "Trotter Trading", "Utopia Enterprises"]
+titles = ["Engineer", "Manager", "Director", "Vice President", "CEO"]
+def randomString(length=10):
+    "Return a string of random lowercase letters and of specified length"
+    return ''.join([random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(length)])
+def randomPhoneNumber():
+    "Return something that looks like a phone number"
+    return "+%s %s %s %s" % (random.randint(10, 99), random.randint(10, 99),
+      random.randint(1000, 9999), random.randint(1000, 9999))
+def createContacts(local_port, database_name, number_of_contacts):
+    server_url = 'http://localhost:%s/' % local_port
+    server = Server(server_url)
+    if database_name in server:
+        db = server[database_name]
+    else:
+        db = server.create(database_name)
+    for maincount in range(1, number_of_contacts + 1):
+        # Record schema fields
+        fielddict = {
+            "record_type": CONTACT_DOCTYPE,
+            "record_type_version": "1.0"
+        }
+        # Name fields
+        first_name = random.choice(first_names) + str(maincount)
+        last_name = random.choice(last_names)
+        # Addresses
+        addresses = {}
+        for addresscount in range(2):
+            description = ["home", "work", "other"][addresscount]
+            address = {
+              "address1": "%s Street" % random.choice(last_names),
+              "address2": "",
+              "pobox": "",
+              "city": random.choice(cities),
+              "state": "",
+              "postalcode": "%s12 3%s" % (randomString(2), randomString(2)),
+              "country": random.choice(countries),
+              "description": description
+            }
+            uuid = str(uuid4())
+            addresses[uuid] = address
+        # Email addresses
+        email_addresses = {}
+        for eaddresscount in range(2):
+            eaddress = {
+              "address": "%s %s %s com" % (
+                first_name, last_name, randomString(3)
+              ),
+              "description": ["home", "work", "other"][eaddresscount]
+            }
+            uuid = str(uuid4())
+            email_addresses[uuid] = eaddress
+        # Phone numbers
+        phone_numbers = {}
+        for pncount in range(3):
+            pn = {
+              "priority": 0,
+              "number": randomPhoneNumber(),
+              "description": ["home", "work", "other"][pncount]
+            }
+            uuid = str(uuid4())
+            phone_numbers[uuid] = pn
+            if pn["description"] == "home": saved_home_uuid = uuid
+        # Store data in fielddict
+        fielddict.update({
+            "first_name": first_name,
+            "last_name": last_name,
+            "addresses": addresses,
+            "email_addresses": email_addresses,
+            "phone_numbers": phone_numbers,
+            "birth_date": "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (random.randint(1900, 2006),
+                random.randint(1, 12), random.randint(1, 28))
+        })
+        # Add example application annotations
+        fielddict["application_annotations"] = {
+            "Funambol": {
+                "application_fields": {
+                    "jobTitle": random.choice(titles),
+                    "company": random.choice(companies)
+                },
+                "private_application_annotations": {
+                    "phoneHome": saved_home_uuid
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # Store data in CouchDB
+        db.create(fielddict)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ("-h", "--help"):
+        print "Parameters: local_port database_name number_of_contacts_to_create"
+        sys.exit()
+    local_port = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 5984
+    database_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "contacts"
+    number_of_contacts = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 10
+    createContacts(local_port, database_name, number_of_contacts)
+    print "Created %s contacts at http://localhost:%s/_utils/database.html?%s"; % (
+      number_of_contacts, local_port, database_name)

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