[foundation-web] Added the script to create temporary voting tokens
- From: Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: [foundation-web] Added the script to create temporary voting tokens
- Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 19:03:04 -0400 (EDT)
commit 4ec2319eb75fd239664b9eba704508ac171a7a23
Author: Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue gnome org>
Date: Sun Jun 7 23:50:46 2009 +0200
Added the script to create temporary voting tokens
bin/create-tmp-tokens.pl | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/create-tmp-tokens.pl b/bin/create-tmp-tokens.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d1116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/create-tmp-tokens.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use DBI;
+# Script to create temporary tokens for voters.
+# How to use this script
+# ======================
+# Look for the elections/referendum id in the database. Like
+# "SELECT * FROM elections"
+# Look for the current one and remember its id.
+# If don't don't have a row for the current election yet, consider using
+# BEGIN; SET NAMES 'utf8';
+# INSERT INTO elections (name, voting_start, voting_end, choices_nb, question)
+# VALUES ('2010 Spring Board of Directors Election',
+# TIMESTAMP('2009-06-08 00:00:00'),
+# TIMESTAMP('2009-06-22 23:59:59'),
+# 7,
+# 'Which candidates would you like to see in the GNOME Foundation Board?');
+# INSERT INTO election_choices (election_id, choice)
+# VALUES ((SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()), 'Firstname Lastname1'),
+# ((SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()), 'Firstname Lastname2'),
+# ((SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()), 'Youget Theidea');
+# And "COMMIT;" if there were no errors. Or "ROLLBACK;" if there were errors.
+# You should then use this script like this:
+# $ ./create-tmp-tokens.pl 1 tokens.txt maildata.txt
+# where 1 is the elections/referendum id in the database.
+# tokens.txt now contains SQL statements you can use to create the temporary
+# tokens in the database. You can do that with, e.g.
+# mysql -h button-back -u username -p foundation < tokens.txt
+# maildata.txt now contains the data that will be used by mail-instructions.pl
+# This script assumes, that there is a "electorate" Table which can be a
+# simple VIEW created like this:
+# CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `foundation`.`electorate` AS SELECT id, firstname, lastname, email FROM `foundation`.`foundationmembers` WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR) <= foundationmembers.last_renewed_on;
+die "Usage: create-tmp-tokens.pl <election id> <output file for tokens> <output file for mail data>\n" unless $#ARGV == 2;
+$election_id = $ARGV[0];
+open TOKENS, ">$ARGV[1]" || die "Cannot open file $ARGV[1]: $!";
+open MAILDATA, ">$ARGV[2]" || die "Cannot open file $ARGV[2]: $!";
+my $datasource = "dbi:mysql:foundation:button-back:3306";
+my $dbi = DBI->connect ($datasource, 'username', 'password') or die "Unable to connect mysql server: $DBI:errstr\n";
+my $query = "SET NAMES 'utf8'";
+my $dbh = $dbi->prepare($query);
+my $query = "SELECT id,firstname,lastname,email FROM electorate";
+my $dbh = $dbi->prepare($query);
+$dbh->bind_columns(\$id, \$firstname, \$lastname, \$email);
+print TOKENS "SET NAMES 'utf8';\n";
+while ($dbh->fetch()) {
+ @chars = ( "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", 0 .. 9 );
+ $token = join("", @chars[ map { rand @chars } ( 1 .. 10 ) ]);
+ print TOKENS "INSERT INTO election_tmp_tokens (election_id, member_id, tmp_token) VALUES ($election_id,$id,'$token');\n";
+ print MAILDATA "$firstname $lastname;$email;$token\n";
+close MEMBERS;
+close TOKENS;
+close MAILDATA;
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