[gtk-css-engine] Created tag gtk-css-engine-0.3.0

The unsigned tag 'gtk-css-engine-0.3.0' was created.

Tagger: Robert Staudinger <robsta gnome org>
Date: Fri Jul 31 19:54:55 2009 +0200

    Version 0.3.0

Changes since the last tag 'gtk-css-engine-0.2':

Robert Staudinger (102):
      post-release version increment.
      Streamline project page generation.
      Introduce `--enable-rapid-development' configure argument.
      Clutter integration infrastructure.
      Add simple clutter example.
      Add clutter example that involves node usage.
      actually link dependent libraries.
      `make distcheck' with standalone libccss.
      Gtk color scheme support.
      Initial gtk color mixing support (mix(), shade(), darker(), lighter()).
      Finish basic color functions support.
      Split out libccss.
      Fix `make distcheck'.
      remember how to fix per-widget theming.
      Fix after ccss style API change.
      Fix credits in the ChangeLog.
      initialise and shutdown ccss.
      Rename exported symbols file for consistency.
      Update auxiliary files.
      update with information about widget theming.
      fix after libccss API rearrangement.
      initial list of widget roles.
      stylesheet describing the relation between widgets and primitives.
      inherit trough for scales and scroll-bars.
      comment-out deprecated widgets for now.
      fix problem that prohibits line' primitives from being drawn.
      Fix after small libccss API change.
      Switch to libccss' node-based viewport API.
      Fix after libccss API change (glib header dep removal).
      Fix includes after now that libccss doesn't pull in <glib.h> any more.
      inherit from combo-box to its drop-down button.
      Propagate attributes from primitive to widget, for richer matching.
      Basic support for `sub-widget roles'.
      Add TODOs.
      Fix after libccss-gtk split out.
      Depend on libccss' usage of libsoup.
      properties propagate to the primitive's widget.
      Make widget role a primitive, not a class.
      Install and use the user-agent CSS.
      comment-out unsupported statement.
      Fix after libccss extended function interface.
      handle `block' instances being passed to function implementations.
      Support for basic (single-value) gtk style properties.
      Move towards handling gtk style properties.
      mention libccss repository.
      Fix after ccss API changes.
      Fix after ccss-clutter split-out.
      always pass an image uri back to ccss.
      Fix after ccss API changes (function user-data).
      Work on single-canvas support.
      A modest start on a single-canvas theme.
      Work on the single-canvas theme a bit.
      Fix after ccss API changes (introduction of ccss_grammar_t).
      Fix after ccss API changes (user-data to property- and function-
      Get rid of global stylesheet, pass it between style instances instead.
      Enable preview-mode through an environment variable instead of at
      Use ccss-gtk on top of ccss-cairo.
      fix after ccss API changes (no more ccss_style_t ctor).
      Support drawing with NULL widget pointer.
      [build] Do not use AM_MAINTAINER_MODE.
      Use vim modelines.
      [build] Rename directory for better consistency.
      [build] Add autogen.sh and doap file.
      [build] Add missing build-system-, theme- and auxiliary files.
      Move over function hooks to ccss-gtk.
      [build] Have autotools place its files in build/
      [css2gtkrc] Need to call gtk_init() in main().
      [style] Ensure stylesheet is set in the drawing functions.
      [build] Add 'shave'.
      [build] Autogenerate the ChangeLog.
      Remove 'css2gtkrc', this is now proviced by libccss-gtk.
      [build] Disable shave by default, so packagers get verbose logs.
      [themes] Initial commit of the 'moblesse' theme
      [style] Fix drawing of the 'flat-box' primitive.
      [moblesse] Add arrow SVGs.
      [style] Consistently use dash-notation for detail strings.
      [moblesse] Basic check-marks and radio knobs.
      [moblesse] Basic frame and notebook.
      [moblesse] Basic handles and troughs.
      [moblesse] Basic progress bar and treeview.
      [moblesse] Basic calendar.
      [moblesse] Basic calendar header and menu item.
      [moblesse] Install 'moblesse', ship arrows.
      [moblesse] Basic gtk-menu.
      [moblesse] Make notebooks lighter than normal background.
      [moblessse] Basic expander.
      [moblesse] Small spin-button arrows PNGs, the SVGs don't scale down nicely.
      [style] Introduce 'gtk-trough' pseudo widget.
      [style] Fix matching of scrollbar steppers.
      [moblesse] Treeview headers.
      [moblesse] Support for toggle-buttons.
      [style] Introduce the 'gtk-cell' pseudo widget.
      [moblesse] Don't use global radius, just where needed.
      [moblesse] Consistent use of selected and prelight colours.
      Fix 'make distcheck'.
      [aux] Add LGPL 2+ COPYING.
      [pioneer] Theme skeleton for the single-canvas approach.
      [build] No more need for maintainer mode in autogen.sh.
      Update after libccss multiple-pseudo-class-per-node API change.
      Update auxiliary files.
      Fix warnings.
      Set release version.

Thorsten Wilms (3):
      [pioneer] Add Focused to Notebook
      [pioneer] Adjust page size, hide BG
      [pioneer] Fix plates, fade out focus indication on left side active tab

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