[sawfish] replaced GtkButton + GtkPreview + GtkColorSelection trio by single GtkColorButton -- removed now obs

commit dc3158634fdfa9227fbdab21c9803711fea0906a
Author: chrisb <zanghar freenet de>
Date:   Thu Jul 30 14:01:22 2009 +0200

    replaced GtkButton + GtkPreview + GtkColorSelection trio by single GtkColorButton -- removed now obsolete color-preview.jl

 ChangeLog                         |    8 ++++
 Makefile.in                       |    1 +
 lisp/sawfish/gtk/Makefile.in      |    3 +-
 lisp/sawfish/gtk/color-preview.jl |   66 -------------------------------------
 lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl |   41 +++++------------------
 man/news.texi                     |    7 ++++
 6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index f71d4ea..bcd2745 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2009-07-30  Christopher Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>
+	* lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl: since we now got gtk-color-button-get-color-interp in rep-gtk, replace
+	                                     Button + ColorPreview [deprecated] + ColorSelection Trio by single ColorButton
+	* lisp/sawfish/gtk/color-preview.jl: obsolete because of the above widget-transistion
+	* Makefile.in: add sawfish-ksm.desktop to uninstall rule
 2009-07-29  Christopher Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>
 	* lisp/sawfish/wm/mmc/window-manipulation.jl: moved maximize-unframe/reframe into sawfish.wm.state.maximize
 	                                              moved rename-window into sawfish.wm.windows 
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index ac6db77..7bac62f 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ uninstall :
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/xsessions/sawfish.desktop
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/applications/sawfish.desktop
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(GNOMEDIR)/share/gnome/wm-properties/sawfish-wm.desktop
+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/apps/ksmserver/windowmanagers/sawfish.desktop
 DOC :
 	repdoc DOC `find $(srcdir) \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.jl' \) -print`
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/Makefile.in b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/Makefile.in
index b2db81e..92b11c7 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/Makefile.in
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/Makefile.in
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ VPATH= srcdir@:@top_srcdir@
 REP_ENVIRON:=$(REP_ENVIRON) REP_LOAD_PATH=$(top_srcdir)/lisp:$(top_builddir)/lisp
-SRCS :=	color-preview.jl	\
-	stock.jl		\
+SRCS :=	stock.jl		\
 	widget.jl		\
 	widget-dialog.jl	\
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl
index ae07e20..3194fd2 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widgets/color.jl
@@ -26,50 +26,27 @@
     (open rep
-	  sawfish.gtk.widget
-	  sawfish.gtk.color-preview)
+	  sawfish.gtk.widget)
   (defconst default-color "#000000")
   (define (make-color-item changed-callback)
     (let* ((value default-color)
-	   (button (button-new-with-color value)))
-      (g-signal-connect
-       button "clicked"
-       (lambda ()
-	 (let ((colorsel (gtk-color-selection-dialog-new (_ "Select color"))))
-	   (gtk-color-selection-set-color-interp
-	    (gtk-color-selection-dialog-colorsel colorsel)
-	    (gdk-color-parse-interp value))
-	   (g-signal-connect
-	    (gtk-color-selection-dialog-ok-button colorsel) "clicked"
-	    (lambda ()
-	      (let ((color (gtk-color-selection-get-color-interp
-			    (gtk-color-selection-dialog-colorsel colorsel))))
-		(setq value (format nil "#%04x%04x%04x"
-				    (gdk-color-red color)
-				    (gdk-color-green color)
-				    (gdk-color-blue color)))
-		(set-button-color button value)
-		(call-callback changed-callback)
-		(gtk-widget-destroy colorsel))))
-	   (g-signal-connect
-	    (gtk-color-selection-dialog-cancel-button colorsel) "clicked"
-	    (lambda () (gtk-widget-destroy colorsel)))
-	   (g-signal-connect colorsel "delete_event"
-			       (lambda () (gtk-widget-destroy colorsel)))
-	   (gtk-widget-hide (gtk-color-selection-dialog-help-button colorsel))
-	   (gtk-widget-show colorsel)
-	   (gtk-grab-add colorsel))))
+	   (button (gtk-color-button-new-with-color (gdk-color-parse-interp value))))
+      (g-signal-connect button "color-set"
+        (lambda ()
+	  (let ((color (gtk-color-button-get-color-interp button)))
+	    (setq value color)
+	    (call-callback changed-callback))))
       (gtk-widget-show button)
       (lambda (op)
 	(case op
 	  ((set) (lambda (x)
 		   (setq value x)
-		   (set-button-color button value)))
+		   (gtk-color-button-set-color button (gdk-color-parse-interp value))))
 	  ((clear) (lambda ()
 		     (setq value default-color)
-		     (set-button-color button nil)))
+		     (gtk-color-button-set-color button (gdk-color-parse-interp value))))
 	  ((ref) (lambda () value))
 	  ((gtk-widget) button)
 	  ((validp) (lambda (x)
diff --git a/man/news.texi b/man/news.texi
index 81e98d8..3dc5fc3 100644
--- a/man/news.texi
+++ b/man/news.texi
@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ they occurred between. For more detailed information see the
 @item Make strings in sawfish-ui fully translatable [Alexey I. Froloff]
 @end itemize
+ item Widget Transistion:
+ itemize @minus
+ item Custom make-url-widget replaced by GtkLinkButton [Christopher Bratusek]
+ item GtkButton + GtkPreview + GtkColorSelection trio replaced by single GtkColorButton [Christopher Bratusek]
+ end itemize
 @item Other Changes:
 @itemize @minus

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