[anjuta/cxxparser] cxxparser: Added grammar files.

commit 4e9f9acafb8c0b0bf92ea59b39977c0346651870
Author: Massimo Corà <mcora src gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jul 26 21:57:40 2009 +0200

    cxxparser: Added grammar files.
    These won't be used to actually compile the code. But it's useful to have them with us.

 plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/README        |    5 +
 plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp.l         |  424 ++++++++++++++
 .../symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_func_parser.y |  404 ++++++++++++++
 .../cxxparser/grammars/cpp_scope_grammar.y         |  576 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../cxxparser/grammars/cpp_variables_grammar.y     |  530 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_grammar.y    |  388 +++++++++++++
 plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_lexer.l  |  318 +++++++++++
 7 files changed, 2645 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/README b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3870908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+These grammars have been used to generate the parsers/lexers using yacc/flex.
+I put them here but they won't be used in generation of the parsers at compile time.
+Grammars took from CodeLite CxxParser
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp.l b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be45f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp.l
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+/* Included code before lex code */
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "map"
+#include "cpp_lexer.h"		// YACC generated definitions based on C++ grammar
+#include "errno.h"
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#include "string"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+extern std::string cl_scope_lval;
+extern std::string cl_var_lval;
+extern std::string cl_func_lval;
+std::vector<std::string> currentScope;
+bool setLexerInput(const std::string &in, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens);
+void setUseIgnoreMacros(bool ignore);
+std::string getCurrentScope();
+void printScopeName();
+void cl_scope_lex_clean();
+void cl_scope_less(int count);
+//we keep a very primitive map with only symbol name
+//that we encountered so far
+std::map<std::string, std::string> g_symbols;
+std::map<std::string, std::string> g_macros;
+static std::map<std::string, std::string> g_ignoreList;
+static bool gs_useMacroIgnore = true;
+bool isaTYPE(char *string);
+bool isaMACRO(char *string);
+bool isignoredToken(char *string);
+static bool defineFound = false;
+/* Prototypes */
+#define WHITE_RETURN(x) /* do nothing */
+#define PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)   RETURN_VAL(x)  /* standard C PArser Keyword */
+#define CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)  PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)  /* C++ keyword */
+#define PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)  /* both PreProcessor and PArser keyword */
+										if(isaTYPE(yytext)){\
+											RETURN_VAL(LE_TYPEDEFname);\
+										}else if(isaMACRO(yytext)){\
+											RETURN_VAL(LE_MACRO);\
+										}else if(isignoredToken(yytext)){\
+										}else{ RETURN_VAL(LE_IDENTIFIER);}\
+									}
+#define PPOP_RETURN(x)       RETURN_VAL((int)*yytext) /* PreProcess and Parser operator */
+#define ASCIIOP_RETURN(x)    RETURN_VAL((int)*yytext) /* a single character operator */
+#define NAMEDOP_RETURN(x)    RETURN_VAL(x)            /* a multichar operator, with a name */
+#define NUMERICAL_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)            /* some sort of constant */
+#define LITERAL_RETURN(x)   RETURN_VAL(x)            /* a string literal */
+#define C_COMMENT_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)	     /* C Style comment  */
+#define RETURN_VAL(x) {\
+								cl_scope_lval = yytext;\
+								cl_var_lval = yytext;\
+								cl_func_lval = yytext;\
+								return(x);}
+%option yylineno
+identifier [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
+exponent_part [eE][-+]?[0-9]+
+fractional_constant ([0-9]*"."[0-9]+)|([0-9]+".")
+floating_constant (({fractional_constant}{exponent_part}?)|([0-9]+{exponent_part}))[FfLl]?
+integer_suffix_opt ([uU]?[lL]?)|([lL][uU])
+decimal_constant [1-9][0-9]*{integer_suffix_opt}
+octal_constant "0"[0-7]*{integer_suffix_opt}
+hex_constant "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+{integer_suffix_opt}
+simple_escape [abfnrtv'"?\\]
+octal_escape  [0-7]{1,3}
+hex_escape "x"[0-9a-fA-F]+
+escape_sequence [\\]({simple_escape}|{octal_escape}|{hex_escape})
+c_char [^'\\\n]|{escape_sequence}
+s_char [^"\\\n]|{escape_sequence}
+h_tab [\011]
+form_feed [\014]
+v_tab [\013]
+c_return [\015]
+horizontal_white [ ]|{h_tab}
+"/*" {
+     }
+"//" {
+     }
+{horizontal_white}+     {
+			WHITE_RETURN(' ');
+			}
+({v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})+   {
+			WHITE_RETURN(' ');
+			}
+({horizontal_white}|{v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})*"\n"   {
+			WHITE_RETURN('\n');
+			}
+auto                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_AUTO);}
+break               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_BREAK);}
+case                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CASE);}
+char                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CHAR);}
+const               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CONST);}
+continue            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CONTINUE);}
+default             {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DEFAULT);}
+define             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DEFINE);}
+defined            {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OPDEFINED);}
+do                  {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DO);}
+double              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DOUBLE);}
+elif                {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ELIF);}
+else              {PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ELSE);}
+endif              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ENDIF);}
+enum                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ENUM);}
+error              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ERROR);}
+extern              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_EXTERN);}
+float               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FLOAT);}
+for                 {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FOR);}
+goto                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_GOTO);}
+if                {PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IF);}
+ifdef              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IFDEF);}
+ifndef             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IFNDEF);}
+include            {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INCLUDE); }
+int                 {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INT);}
+line               {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_LINE);}
+long                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_LONG);}
+pragma             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PRAGMA);}
+register            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_REGISTER);}
+return              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_RETURN);}
+short               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SHORT);}
+signed              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SIGNED);}
+sizeof              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SIZEOF);}
+static              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_STATIC);}
+struct              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_STRUCT);}
+switch              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SWITCH);}
+typedef             {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_TYPEDEF);}
+undef              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNDEF);}
+union               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNION);}
+unsigned            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNSIGNED);}
+void                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VOID);}
+volatile            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VOLATILE);}
+while               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_WHILE);}
+class               {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CLASS);}
+namespace           {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_NAMESPACE);}
+delete              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DELETE);}
+friend              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FRIEND);}
+inline              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INLINE);}
+new                 {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_NEW);}
+operator            {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OPERATOR);}
+overload            {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OVERLOAD);}
+protected           {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PROTECTED);}
+private             {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PRIVATE);}
+public              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PUBLIC);}
+this                {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_THIS);}
+virtual             {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VIRTUAL);}
+{identifier}        {IDENTIFIER_RETURN();}
+{decimal_constant}  {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_INTEGERconstant);}
+{octal_constant}    {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_OCTALconstant);}
+{hex_constant}      {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_HEXconstant);}
+{floating_constant} {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_FLOATINGconstant);}
+"L"?[']{c_char}+[']     {
+			}
+"L"?["]{s_char}*["]     {
+"("                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_LP);}
+")"                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_RP);}
+","                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_COMMA);}
+^({horizontal_white})*"#" {BEGIN PREPR;}
+"{"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LC);}
+"}"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_RC);}
+"["                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LB);}
+"]"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_RB);}
+"."                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_DOT);}
+"&"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_AND);}
+"*"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_STAR);}
+"+"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_PLUS);}
+"-"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_MINUS);}
+"~"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_NEGATE);}
+"!"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_NOT);}
+"/"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_DIV);}
+"%"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_MOD);}
+"<"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LT);}
+">"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_GT);}
+"^"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_XOR);}
+"|"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_PIPE);}
+"?"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_QUESTION);}
+":"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_COLON);}
+";"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_SEMICOLON);}
+"="                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_ASSIGN);}
+".*"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DOTstar);}
+"::"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_CLCL);}
+"->"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ARROW);}
+"->*"                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ARROWstar);}
+"++"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ICR);}
+"--"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DECR);}
+"<<"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LS);}
+">>"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_RS);}
+"<="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LE);}
+">="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_GE);}
+"=="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_EQ);}
+"!="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_NE);}
+"&&"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ANDAND);}
+"||"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_OROR);}
+"*="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MULTassign);}
+"/="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DIVassign);}
+"%="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MODassign);}
+"+="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_PLUSassign);}
+"-="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MINUSassign);}
+"<<="                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LSassign);}
+">>="                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_RSassign);}
+"&="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ANDassign);}
+"^="                	{NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ERassign);}
+"|="					{NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ORassign);}
+<<EOF>> 				{	
+							//reset lexer
+							yyterminate();
+						}
+.						{return yytext[0];}
+<PREPR>\n			{	 
+						defineFound = false;
+						cl_scope_lineno++;
+					}
+<PREPR>\\			{
+					}
+<PREPR>define		{
+						defineFound = true;
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>\n		{
+						cl_scope_lineno++;
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>{identifier}   { 
+						if(defineFound)
+						{
+							defineFound = false;
+							g_macros[yytext] = true;
+						}
+					}				
+<PREPR>{identifier}       { 
+						if(defineFound)
+						{
+							defineFound = false;
+							g_macros[yytext] = true;
+						}
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>.		{}					
+<PREPR>.			{}		
+<CPP_COMMENT>.	 	{}
+<C_COMMENT>.	  	{}
+bool isaTYPE(char *string)
+	return g_symbols.find(string) != g_symbols.end();
+bool isignoredToken(char *string)
+	std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = g_ignoreList.find(string);
+	if(iter == g_ignoreList.end()){
+		/* this string is not in the ignore macro list */
+		return false;
+	} else {
+		/* it exist, but maybe it has a replacement */
+		return iter->second.empty();
+	}
+bool isaMACRO(char *string)
+	if(gs_useMacroIgnore) {
+		return g_macros.find(string) != g_macros.end();
+	}else{
+		return false;
+	}
+void cl_scope_lex_clean()
+	yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); 
+	yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+	cl_scope_lineno = 1;
+	currentScope.clear();
+	g_symbols.clear();
+	g_macros.clear();
+ * scope util functions
+ */
+void printScopeName()
+	/*
+	if(currentScope.empty())
+	{
+		printf("%d: current scope is global scope\n", cl_scope_lineno );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		printf("%d: current scope is %s\n", cl_scope_lineno, getCurrentScope().c_str());
+	}
+	*/
+void increaseScope()
+	static int value = 0;
+	std::string scopeName("__anon_");
+	char buf[100];
+	sprintf(buf, "%d", value++);
+	scopeName += buf;
+	currentScope.push_back(scopeName);
+std::string getCurrentScope()
+	//format scope name
+	std::string scope;
+	if(currentScope.empty()){
+		return "";
+	}
+	std::vector<std::string> tmpscope(currentScope);
+	while( tmpscope.empty() == false ){
+		std::string _scope = tmpscope.front();
+		tmpscope.erase(tmpscope.begin());
+		if(_scope.find("__anon_") == (size_t)-1 && _scope.empty() == false){
+			scope += _scope;
+			scope += "::";
+		}
+	}
+	//remove the trailing '::'
+	scope.erase(scope.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+	return scope;
+bool setLexerInput(const std::string &in, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens) 
+	yy_scan_string(in.c_str());
+	g_ignoreList = ignoreTokens;
+	//update the working file name
+	return true;
+void setUseIgnoreMacros(bool ignore) {
+	gs_useMacroIgnore = ignore;
+int yywrap(){
+	return 1;
+void cl_scope_less(int count){
+	yyless(count);
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_func_parser.y b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_func_parser.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e66b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_func_parser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// Copyright Eran Ifrah(c)
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "string"
+#include "vector"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "map"
+#include "function.h"
+#define YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT (cl_func_lval)
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#define YYDEBUG 0        /* get the pretty debugging code to compile*/
+#ifdef yylex
+#undef yylex
+#define yylex cl_scope_lex
+int cl_func_parse();
+void cl_func_error(char *string);
+static FunctionList *g_funcs = NULL;
+static clFunction curr_func;
+// externs defined in the lexer
+extern char *cl_func_text;
+extern int cl_scope_lex();
+extern bool setLexerInput(const std::string &in, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens);
+extern int cl_scope_lineno;
+extern void cl_scope_lex_clean();
+/*************** Standard ytab.c continues here *********************/
+/* This group is used by the C/C++ language parser */
+%token  LE_AUTO            LE_DOUBLE          LE_INT             LE_STRUCT
+%token  LE_BREAK           LE_ELSE            LE_LONG            LE_SWITCH
+%token  LE_CASE            LE_ENUM            LE_REGISTER        LE_TYPEDEF
+%token  LE_CHAR            LE_EXTERN          LE_RETURN          LE_UNION
+%token  LE_CONST           LE_FLOAT           LE_SHORT           LE_UNSIGNED
+%token  LE_CONTINUE        LE_FOR             LE_SIGNED          LE_VOID
+%token  LE_DEFAULT         LE_GOTO            LE_SIZEOF          LE_VOLATILE
+%token  LE_DO              LE_IF              LE_STATIC          LE_WHILE
+/* The following are used in C++ only.  ANSI C would call these IDENTIFIERs */
+%token  LE_NEW             	LE_DELETE
+%token  LE_THIS
+%token  LE_OPERATOR
+%token  LE_CLASS
+%token  LE_PUBLIC          	LE_PROTECTED       LE_PRIVATE
+%token  LE_VIRTUAL         	LE_FRIEND
+%token  LE_INLINE          	LE_OVERLOAD
+%token  LE_THROW		  	LE_CATCH
+/* ANSI C Grammar suggestions */
+%token  LE_IDENTIFIER              LE_STRINGliteral
+%token  LE_FLOATINGconstant        LE_INTEGERconstant        LE_CHARACTERconstant
+%token  LE_OCTALconstant           LE_HEXconstant
+/* New Lexical element, whereas ANSI C suggested non-terminal */
+%token  LE_TYPEDEFname
+/* Multi-Character operators */
+%token   LE_ARROW            											/*    ->                              */
+%token   LE_ICR LE_DECR         										/*    ++      --                      */
+%token   LE_LS LE_RS            										/*    <<      >>                      */
+%token   LE_LE LE_GE LE_EQ LE_NE      								/*    <=      >=      ==      !=      */
+%token   LE_ANDAND LE_OROR      										/*    &&      ||                      */
+%token   LE_ELLIPSIS         											/*    ...                             */
+			/* Following are used in C++, not ANSI C        */
+%token   LE_CLCL             											/*    ::                              */
+%token   LE_DOTstar LE_ARROWstar										/*    .*       ->*                    */
+/* modifying assignment operators */
+%token  LE_MULTassign  LE_DIVassign    LE_MODassign   	/*   *=      /=      %=      */
+%token  LE_PLUSassign  LE_MINUSassign              		/*   +=      -=              */
+%token  LE_LSassign    LE_RSassign                 		/*   <<=     >>=             */
+%token  LE_ANDassign   LE_ERassign     LE_ORassign    	/*   &=      ^=      |=      */
+%token  LE_MACRO
+%token  LE_CONST_CAST
+%start   translation_unit
+/* Costants */
+basic_type_name_inter:    LE_INT			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_CHAR			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_SHORT		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_LONG			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_FLOAT		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_DOUBLE		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_SIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_UNSIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_VOID			{ $$ = $1; }
+				;
+basic_type_name:	LE_UNSIGNED basic_type_name_inter 	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_SIGNED basic_type_name_inter 	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_LONG LE_LONG 					{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_LONG LE_INT 						{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	basic_type_name_inter 			  	{ $$ = $1; }
+				;
+/* ========================================================================*/
+/* find declarations																   */
+/* ========================================================================*/
+translation_unit	:		/*empty*/
+						| translation_unit external_decl
+						;
+external_decl	:	 	{curr_func.Reset();} function_decl
+					| 	error {
+							//printf("CodeLite: syntax error, unexpected token '%s' found\n", cl_func_lval.c_str());
+						}
+					;
+template_arg		:	/* empty */	{ $$ = "";}
+						| template_specifiter LE_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1 + " " + $2;}
+						;
+template_arg_list	:	template_arg	{ $$ = $1; }
+						| 	template_arg_list ',' template_arg	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3; }
+						;
+template_specifiter	:	LE_CLASS	{ $$ = $1; }
+							|	LE_TYPENAME	{ $$ = $1; }
+							;
+opt_template_qualifier	: /*empty*/
+							| LE_TEMPLATE '<' template_arg_list '>'	{ $$ = $1 + $2 + $3 + $4;}
+							;
+/* the following rules are for template parameters no declarations! */
+template_parameter_list	: /* empty */		{$$ = "";}
+							| template_parameter	{$$ = $1;}
+							| template_parameter_list ',' template_parameter {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+template_parameter	:	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' template_parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + $2 + $3 +$4 + $5 + $6 + $7 + " " ;
+						}
+						;
+func_name: LE_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1;}
+		 | '~' LE_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+		 | LE_OPERATOR any_operator {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+		 ;
+        '+'
+        | '-'
+        | '*'
+        | '/'
+        | '%'
+        | '^'
+        | '&'
+        | '|'
+        | '~'
+        | '!'
+        | '<'
+        | '>'
+        | LE_LS
+        | LE_RS
+        | LE_ANDAND
+        | LE_OROR
+        | LE_ARROW
+        | LE_ARROWstar
+        | '.'
+        | LE_DOTstar
+        | LE_ICR
+        | LE_DECR
+        | LE_LE
+        | LE_GE
+        | LE_EQ
+        | LE_NE
+        | '(' ')'
+        | '[' ']'
+        | LE_NEW
+        | LE_DELETE
+        | ','
+        ;
+/* functions */
+function_decl	: 	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier virtual_spec const_spec variable_decl nested_scope_specifier func_name '(' {func_consumeFuncArgList();} const_spec declare_throw opt_pure_virtual func_postfix
+					{
+						//trim down trailing '::' from scope name
+						$6.erase($6.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+						curr_func.m_isVirtual = $3.find("virtual") != std::string::npos;
+						curr_func.m_isPureVirtual = $12.find("=") != std::string::npos;
+						curr_func.m_isConst = $10.find("const") != std::string::npos;
+						curr_func.m_name = $7;
+						curr_func.m_scope = $6;
+						curr_func.m_retrunValusConst = $4;
+						curr_func.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+						if(g_funcs)
+						{
+							g_funcs->push_back(curr_func);
+						}
+						curr_func.Reset();
+					}
+					;
+declare_throw: 	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+			|	LE_THROW '(' template_parameter_list ')' {$$ = $3;}
+			;
+func_postfix: '{'
+				| ';'
+				;
+nested_scope_specifier		: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+							| nested_scope_specifier scope_specifier {	$$ = $1 + $2;}
+							;
+opt_pure_virtual 	: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						| '=' LE_OCTALconstant {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+scope_specifier	:	LE_IDENTIFIER LE_CLCL {$$ = $1+ $2;}
+						|	LE_IDENTIFIER  '<' {func_consumeTemplateDecl();} LE_CLCL {$$ = $1 + $4;}
+						;
+virtual_spec		:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+						| 	LE_VIRTUAL 	{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+const_spec			:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+						| 	LE_CONST 	{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+amp_item				:	/*empty*/	{$$ = ""; }
+						|   '&' 			{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+star_list			: 	/*empty*/		{$$ = ""; }
+						|	star_list '*'	{$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+special_star_amp		:	star_list amp_item { $$ = $1 + $2; }
+						;
+stmnt_starter		:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						| ';' { $$ = ";";}
+						| ':' { $$ = ":";}	//e.g. private: std::string m_name;
+						;
+/** Variables **/
+variable_decl		:	nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp
+							{
+								$1.erase($1.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_type = $2;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_typeScope = $1;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;
+							}
+						|	nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+							{
+								$1.erase($1.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_type = $2;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_typeScope = $1;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								$$ = $1 + $2 + $3  ;
+							}
+						| 	nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' template_parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+							{
+								$1.erase($1.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_type = $2;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_typeScope = $1;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_starAmp = $6;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_isPtr = ($6.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_isTemplate = true;
+								curr_func.m_returnValue.m_templateDecl = $4;
+								$$ = $1 + $2 + $3  + $4 + $5 + $6 ;
+							}
+						;
+void yyerror(char *s) {}
+void func_consumeFuncArgList()
+	curr_func.m_signature = "(";
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0)
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		curr_func.m_signature += cl_func_lval;
+		curr_func.m_signature += " ";
+		if(ch == ')')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '(')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+ * consume all token until matching closing brace is found
+ */
+void func_consumeDecl()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		//fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch ==0)
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '}')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '{')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void func_consumeTemplateDecl()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		//fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch ==0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '>')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '<')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+// return the scope name at the end of the input string
+void get_functions(const std::string &in, FunctionList &li, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens)
+	if( !setLexerInput(in, ignoreTokens) )
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	g_funcs = &li;
+	//call tghe main parsing routine
+	cl_func_parse();
+	g_funcs = NULL;
+	//do the lexer cleanup
+	cl_scope_lex_clean();
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_scope_grammar.y b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_scope_grammar.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc93fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_scope_grammar.y
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+ %{
+// Copyright Eran Ifrah(c)
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "string"
+#include "vector"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "map"
+#define YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT (cl_scope_lval)
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#define YYDEBUG 0        /* get the pretty debugging code to compile*/
+int cl_scope_parse();
+void cl_scope_error(char *string);
+void syncParser();
+static std::vector<std::string> gs_additionlNS;
+// externs defined in the lexer
+extern char *cl_scope_text;
+extern int cl_scope_lex();
+extern bool setLexerInput(const std::string &in, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens);
+extern int cl_scope_lineno;
+extern std::vector<std::string> currentScope;
+extern void printScopeName();	//print the current scope name
+extern void increaseScope();	//increase scope with anonymouse value
+extern std::string getCurrentScope();
+extern void cl_scope_lex_clean();
+extern void cl_scope_less(int count);
+/*************** Standard ytab.c continues here *********************/
+/* This group is used by the C/C++ language parser */
+%token  LE_AUTO            LE_DOUBLE          LE_INT             LE_STRUCT
+%token  LE_BREAK           LE_ELSE            LE_LONG            LE_SWITCH
+%token  LE_CASE            LE_ENUM            LE_REGISTER        LE_TYPEDEF
+%token  LE_CHAR            LE_EXTERN          LE_RETURN          LE_UNION
+%token  LE_CONST           LE_FLOAT           LE_SHORT           LE_UNSIGNED
+%token  LE_CONTINUE        LE_FOR             LE_SIGNED          LE_VOID
+%token  LE_DEFAULT         LE_GOTO            LE_SIZEOF          LE_VOLATILE
+%token  LE_DO              LE_IF              LE_STATIC          LE_WHILE
+/* The following are used in C++ only.  ANSI C would call these IDENTIFIERs */
+%token  LE_NEW             LE_DELETE
+%token  LE_THIS
+%token  LE_OPERATOR
+%token  LE_CLASS
+%token  LE_PUBLIC          LE_PROTECTED       LE_PRIVATE
+%token  LE_VIRTUAL         LE_FRIEND
+%token  LE_INLINE          LE_OVERLOAD
+%token  LE_THROW		  	LE_CATCH
+/* ANSI C Grammar suggestions */
+%token  LE_IDENTIFIER              LE_STRINGliteral
+%token  LE_FLOATINGconstant        LE_INTEGERconstant        LE_CHARACTERconstant
+%token  LE_OCTALconstant           LE_HEXconstant
+/* New Lexical element, whereas ANSI C suggested non-terminal */
+%token  LE_TYPEDEFname
+/* Multi-Character operators */
+%token   LE_ARROW            											/*    ->                              */
+%token   LE_ICR LE_DECR         										/*    ++      --                      */
+%token   LE_LS LE_RS            										/*    <<      >>                      */
+%token   LE_LE LE_GE LE_EQ LE_NE      								/*    <=      >=      ==      !=      */
+%token   LE_ANDAND LE_OROR      										/*    &&      ||                      */
+%token   LE_ELLIPSIS         											/*    ...                             */
+			/* Following are used in C++, not ANSI C        */
+%token   LE_CLCL             											/*    ::                              */
+%token   LE_DOTstar LE_ARROWstar										/*    .*       ->*                    */
+/* modifying assignment operators */
+%token  LE_MULTassign  LE_DIVassign    LE_MODassign   	/*   *=      /=      %=      */
+%token  LE_PLUSassign  LE_MINUSassign              		/*   +=      -=              */
+%token  LE_LSassign    LE_RSassign                 		/*   <<=     >>=             */
+%token  LE_ANDassign   LE_ERassign     LE_ORassign    	/*   &=      ^=      |=      */
+%token  LE_MACRO
+%token  LE_CONST_CAST
+%start   translation_unit
+/* Costants */
+        LE_INT			{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_CHAR		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_SHORT		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_LONG		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_FLOAT		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_DOUBLE		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_SIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_UNSIGNED	{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_VOID		{ $$ = $1; }
+        ;
+/* ========================================================================*/
+/* find declarations																   */
+/* ========================================================================*/
+translation_unit	:		/*empty*/
+						| translation_unit external_decl
+						;
+external_decl			:	class_decl
+						|	enum_decl
+						|	union_decl
+						| 	function_decl
+						|	namespace_decl
+						|	using_namespace
+						| 	scope_reducer
+						| 	scope_increaer
+						|  	question_expression
+						| 	error {
+//								printf("CodeLite: syntax error, unexpected token '%s' found at line %d \n", cl_scope_text, cl_scope_lineno);
+//								syncParser();
+							}
+						;
+template_arg		:	/* empty */	{ $$ = "";}
+						| template_specifiter LE_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1 + " " + $2;}
+						;
+template_arg_list	:	template_arg	{ $$ = $1; }
+						| 	template_arg_list ',' template_arg	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3; }
+						;
+template_specifiter	:	LE_CLASS	{ $$ = $1; }
+							|	LE_TYPENAME	{ $$ = $1; }
+							;
+opt_template_qualifier	: /*empty*/
+							| LE_TEMPLATE '<' template_arg_list '>'	{ $$ = $1 + $2 + $3 + $4;}
+							;
+derivation_list			:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+							|	parent_class {$$ = $1;}
+							| 	derivation_list ',' parent_class {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+parent_class				: 	access_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER	opt_template_specifier {$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+opt_template_specifier	: /*empty*/	{$$ = "";}
+							| '<' template_parameter_list '>' {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+access_specifier			:	/*empty*/	{$$ = "";}
+							|	LE_PUBLIC {$$ = $1;}
+							| 	LE_PRIVATE {$$ = $1;}
+							| 	LE_PROTECTED {$$ = $1;}
+							;
+/* the following rules are for template parameters no declarations! */
+template_parameter_list	: /* empty */		{$$ = "";}
+							| template_parameter	{$$ = $1;}
+							| template_parameter_list ',' template_parameter {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+/*template_parameter		:	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3 +$4;}
+							;*/
+template_parameter	:	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' template_parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + $2 + $3 +$4 + $5 + $6 + $7 + " " ;
+						}
+						;
+using_namespace:	LE_USING LE_NAMESPACE nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER ';'
+					{
+						//printf("Found using namespace %s\n", $3.c_str());
+						gs_additionlNS.push_back($3+$4);
+					}
+				;
+/* namespace */
+namespace_decl	:	stmnt_starter LE_NAMESPACE LE_IDENTIFIER '{'
+						{
+							currentScope.push_back($3);
+							printScopeName();
+						}
+					|	stmnt_starter LE_NAMESPACE '{'
+						{
+							//anonymouse namespace
+							increaseScope();
+							printScopeName();
+						}
+					;
+opt_class_qualifier 	: /*empty*/{$$ = "";}
+							| LE_MACRO {$$ = $1;}
+							;
+/* the class rule itself */
+class_decl	:	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier class_keyword opt_class_qualifier LE_IDENTIFIER '{'
+				{
+					//increase the scope level
+					currentScope.push_back($5);
+					printScopeName();
+				}
+				| 	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier class_keyword opt_class_qualifier LE_IDENTIFIER ':' derivation_list '{'
+				{
+					//increase the scope level
+					currentScope.push_back($5);
+					printScopeName();
+				}
+				;
+scope_reducer		:	'}'	{
+								if(currentScope.empty())
+								{
+									//fatal error!
+									//printf("CodeLite: fatal error - cant go beyond global scope!\n");
+								}
+								else
+								{
+									currentScope.pop_back();
+									printScopeName();
+								}
+							}
+					;
+scope_increaer	:	'{' {
+								//increase random scope
+								increaseScope();
+								printScopeName();
+							 }
+question_expression : '?'
+						{
+							consumeNotIncluding(';');
+						}
+class_keyword: 	LE_CLASS		{$$ = $1;}
+					|	LE_STRUCT	{$$ = $1;}
+					;
+func_name: LE_IDENTIFIER {$$ = $1;}
+		 | LE_OPERATOR any_operator {$$ = $1;}
+		 ;
+        '+'
+		| '='
+        | '*'
+        | '/'
+        | '%'
+        | '^'
+        | '&'
+        | '|'
+        | '~'
+        | '!'
+        | '<'
+        | '>'
+        | LE_LS
+        | LE_RS
+        | LE_ANDAND
+        | LE_OROR
+        | LE_ARROW
+        | LE_ARROWstar
+        | '.'
+        | LE_DOTstar
+        | LE_ICR
+        | LE_DECR
+        | LE_LE
+        | LE_GE
+        | LE_EQ
+        | LE_NE
+        | '(' ')'
+        | '[' ']'
+        | LE_NEW
+        | LE_DELETE
+        | ','
+		| LE_MULTassign
+		| LE_DIVassign
+		| LE_MODassign
+		| LE_PLUSassign
+		| LE_MINUSassign
+		| LE_LSassign
+		| LE_RSassign
+		| LE_ANDassign
+		| LE_ERassign
+		| LE_ORassign
+        ;
+optional_initialization_list: '{' {$$ = '{';}/* empty */
+		| ':' {consumeInitializationList() /*eat everything including the open brace*/;}
+		;
+declare_throw: 	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+			|	LE_THROW '(' template_parameter_list ')' {$$ = $3;}
+			;
+/* functions */
+function_decl	: 	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier virtual_spec const_spec variable_decl nested_scope_specifier func_name '(' {consumeFuncArgList();} const_spec declare_throw '{'
+					{
+						//trim down trailing '::' from scope name
+						if($6.find_last_not_of(":") != std::string::npos){
+							$6.erase($6.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+						}
+						currentScope.push_back($6);
+						printScopeName();
+					}
+				|	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier virtual_spec const_spec nested_scope_specifier func_name '(' {consumeFuncArgList();}  optional_initialization_list
+					{
+						//trim down trailing '::' from scope name
+						if($5.find_last_not_of(":") != std::string::npos){
+							$5.erase($5.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+						}
+						currentScope.push_back($5);
+						printScopeName();
+					}
+				|	stmnt_starter opt_template_qualifier virtual_spec const_spec nested_scope_specifier '~' func_name '(' {consumeFuncArgList();} const_spec  '{'
+					{
+						//trim down trailing '::' from scope name
+						if($5.find_last_not_of(":") != std::string::npos){
+							$5.erase($5.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+						}
+						currentScope.push_back($5);
+						printScopeName();
+					}
+				;
+applicable for C++, for cases where a function is declared as
+void scope::foo(){ ... }
+nested_scope_specifier		: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+							| nested_scope_specifier scope_specifier {	$$ = $1 + $2;}
+							;
+scope_specifier		:	LE_IDENTIFIER LE_CLCL {$$ = $1+ $2;}
+						|	LE_IDENTIFIER  '<' {consumeTemplateDecl();} LE_CLCL {$$ = $1 + $4;}
+						;
+virtual_spec		:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+						| 	LE_VIRTUAL 	{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+const_spec			:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+						| 	LE_CONST 	{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+amp_item				:	/*empty*/	{$$ = ""; }
+						|   '&' 			{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+star_list			: 	/*empty*/		{$$ = ""; }
+						|	star_list '*'	{$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+special_star_amp		:	star_list amp_item { $$ = $1 + $2; }
+						;
+stmnt_starter		:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						| ';' { $$ = ";";}
+						| ':' { $$ = ":";}	//e.g. private: std::string m_name;
+						;
+/** Variables **/
+variable_decl			:	nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp
+							{$$ = $1 + $2 + $3  ;}
+						|	nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+							{$$ = $1 + $2 + $3  ;}
+						| 	nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' template_parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+							{$$ = $1 + $2 + $3  + $4 + $5 + $6 ;}
+						;
+enum_decl				:	stmnt_starter LE_ENUM LE_IDENTIFIER '{' {currentScope.push_back($3); printScopeName();} enum_arg_list '}'
+						{
+							currentScope.pop_back();//reduce the scope
+							printScopeName();
+							//printf("found enum: %s, args are: %s\n", $2.c_str(), $5.c_str());
+						}
+						;
+enum_optional_assign	:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						|	'=' LE_HEXconstant	{$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						|	'='	 LE_OCTALconstant {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						|	'='	 LE_INTEGERconstant {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+enum_argument			:	LE_IDENTIFIER	enum_optional_assign {$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+enum_arg_list			:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						|	enum_argument	{$$ = $1;}
+						|	enum_arg_list ',' enum_argument {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+						;
+union_decl			:	stmnt_starter LE_UNION LE_IDENTIFIER '{'
+							{
+								currentScope.push_back($3);
+								printScopeName();
+								consumeDecl();
+								printScopeName();
+							}
+						;
+void yyerror(char *s) {}
+void syncParser(){
+	//move lexer to the next ';' line or scope opening '{'
+	//int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+//swallow all tokens up to the first '{'
+void consumeInitializationList(){
+	while( true ){
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '{'){
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+//swallow all tokens up to the first '{'
+void consumeBody (){
+	std::string cs = "{";
+	int depth = 1;
+	while( true ) {
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0){
+			break;
+		}
+		cs += cl_scope_text;
+		cs += " ";
+		if(ch == '{'){
+			depth++;
+		}else if(ch == '}'){
+			depth--;
+			if(depth == 0){
+				cl_scope_less(0);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	printf("Consumed body: [%s]\n", cs.c_str());
+void consumeFuncArgList(){
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0){
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == ')'){
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '('){
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+ * consume all token until matching closing brace is found
+ */
+void consumeDecl()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch ==0)
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '}')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			if(depth == 0) currentScope.pop_back();//reduce the scope
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '{')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void consumeTemplateDecl()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch ==0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '>')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '<')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+//swallow all tokens up to the first '{'
+void consumeNotIncluding(int ch){
+	while( true ){
+		int c = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(c == 0){ // EOF?
+			break;
+		}
+		//keep the function signature
+		if(c == ch){
+			cl_scope_less(0);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+// return the scope name at the end of the input string
+std::string get_scope_name(	const std::string &in,
+							std::vector<std::string> &additionalNS,
+							const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreTokens)
+	if( !setLexerInput(in, ignoreTokens) ){
+		return "";
+	}
+	//call tghe main parsing routine
+	cl_scope_parse();
+	std::string scope = getCurrentScope();
+	//do the lexer cleanup
+	cl_scope_lex_clean();
+	for(size_t i=0; i<gs_additionlNS.size(); i++){
+		additionalNS.push_back(gs_additionlNS.at(i));
+	}
+	gs_additionlNS.clear();
+	return scope;
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_variables_grammar.y b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_variables_grammar.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2777a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/cpp_variables_grammar.y
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+// Copyright Eran Ifrah(c)
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "string"
+#include "vector"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "map"
+#include "variable.h"
+#ifdef yylex
+#undef yylex
+#define yylex cl_scope_lex
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#define YYDEBUG 0        /* get the pretty debugging code to compile*/
+void cl_scope_error(char *string);
+int  cl_var_parse();
+void syncParser();
+void var_consumeDefaultValue(char c1, char c2);
+static VariableList *gs_vars = NULL;
+static std::vector<std::string> gs_names;
+static bool g_isUsedWithinFunc = false;
+Variable curr_var;
+static std::string s_tmpString;
+// externs defined in the lexer
+extern char *cl_scope_text;
+extern int cl_scope_lex();
+extern void cl_scope_less(int count);
+extern int cl_scope_lineno;
+extern std::vector<std::string> currentScope;
+extern bool setLexerInput(const std::string &in, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreMap);
+extern void setUseIgnoreMacros(bool ignore);
+extern void cl_scope_lex_clean();
+/*************** Standard ytab.c continues here *********************/
+/* This group is used by the C/C++ language parser */
+%token  LE_AUTO            LE_DOUBLE          LE_INT             LE_STRUCT
+%token  LE_BREAK           LE_ELSE            LE_LONG            LE_SWITCH
+%token  LE_CASE            LE_ENUM            LE_REGISTER        LE_TYPEDEF
+%token  LE_CHAR            LE_EXTERN          LE_RETURN          LE_UNION
+%token  LE_CONST           LE_FLOAT           LE_SHORT           LE_UNSIGNED
+%token  LE_CONTINUE        LE_FOR             LE_SIGNED          LE_VOID
+%token  LE_DEFAULT         LE_GOTO            LE_SIZEOF          LE_VOLATILE
+%token  LE_DO              LE_IF              LE_STATIC          LE_WHILE
+/* The following are used in C++ only.  ANSI C would call these IDENTIFIERs */
+%token  LE_NEW             LE_DELETE
+%token  LE_THIS
+%token  LE_OPERATOR
+%token  LE_CLASS
+%token  LE_PUBLIC          LE_PROTECTED       LE_PRIVATE
+%token  LE_VIRTUAL         LE_FRIEND
+%token  LE_INLINE          LE_OVERLOAD
+%token  LE_THROW		  	LE_CATCH
+/* ANSI C Grammar suggestions */
+%token  LE_IDENTIFIER              LE_STRINGliteral
+%token  LE_FLOATINGconstant        LE_INTEGERconstant        LE_CHARACTERconstant
+%token  LE_OCTALconstant           LE_HEXconstant
+/* New Lexical element, whereas ANSI C suggested non-terminal */
+%token  LE_TYPEDEFname
+/* Multi-Character operators */
+%token   LE_ARROW            											/*    ->                              */
+%token   LE_ICR LE_DECR         										/*    ++      --                      */
+%token   LE_LS LE_RS            										/*    <<      >>                      */
+%token   LE_LE LE_GE LE_EQ LE_NE      								/*    <=      >=      ==      !=      */
+%token   LE_ANDAND LE_OROR      										/*    &&      ||                      */
+%token   LE_ELLIPSIS         											/*    ...                             */
+			/* Following are used in C++, not ANSI C        */
+%token   LE_CLCL             											/*    ::                              */
+%token   LE_DOTstar LE_ARROWstar										/*    .*       ->*                    */
+/* modifying assignment operators */
+%token  LE_MULTassign  LE_DIVassign    LE_MODassign   	/*   *=      /=      %=      */
+%token  LE_PLUSassign  LE_MINUSassign              		/*   +=      -=              */
+%token  LE_LSassign    LE_RSassign                 		/*   <<=     >>=             */
+%token  LE_ANDassign   LE_ERassign     LE_ORassign    	/*   &=      ^=      |=      */
+%token  LE_MACRO
+%token  LE_CONST_CAST
+%start   translation_unit
+/* Costants */
+basic_type_name_inter:    LE_INT			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_CHAR			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_SHORT		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_LONG			{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_FLOAT		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_DOUBLE		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_SIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_UNSIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+				| 	LE_VOID			{ $$ = $1; }
+				;
+basic_type_name:	LE_UNSIGNED basic_type_name_inter 	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_SIGNED basic_type_name_inter 	{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_LONG LE_LONG 					{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	LE_LONG LE_INT 						{ $$ = $1 + " " + $2; }
+				|	basic_type_name_inter 			  	{ $$ = $1; }
+				;
+/* ========================================================================*/
+/* find declarations													   */
+/* ========================================================================*/
+translation_unit	:		/*empty*/
+						| translation_unit external_decl
+						;
+external_decl		:	{curr_var.Reset(); gs_names.clear(); s_tmpString.clear();} variables
+						| 	error {
+								yyclearin;	//clear lookahead token
+								yyerrok;
+								//printf("CodeLite: syntax error, unexpected token '%s' found at line %d \n", cl_var_lval.c_str(), cl_scope_lineno);
+								var_syncParser();
+							}
+						;
+/* the following rules are for template parameters no declarations! */
+parameter_list	: /* empty */		{$$ = "";}
+							| template_parameter	{$$ = $1;}
+							| parameter_list ',' template_parameter {$$ = $1 + $2 + " " + $3;}
+							;
+template_parameter	:	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 +  $2 + $3 +$4;
+						}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + $2 + $3 +$4 + $5 + $6 + $7 + " " ;
+						}
+						;
+//the main rule for finding variables
+//in the code. if this rule succeeded, the variables
+//is added to the gs_vars vriable
+variables			: stmnt_starter variable_decl special_star_amp variable_name_list postfix
+						{
+							if(gs_vars)
+							{
+								Variable var;
+								std::string pattern;
+								curr_var.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_var.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_var.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+								for(size_t i=0; i< gs_names.size(); i++)
+								{
+									//create new variable for every variable name found
+									var = curr_var;
+									var.m_pattern = "/^" + $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + gs_names.at(i) + " $/";
+									var.m_name = gs_names.at(i);
+									gs_vars->push_back(var);
+								}
+								curr_var.Reset();
+								gs_names.clear();
+							}
+						}
+						//
+						// Functions arguments:
+						//
+						| '(' variable_decl special_star_amp LE_IDENTIFIER postfix2
+						{
+							if(gs_vars)
+							{
+								Variable var;
+								std::string pattern;
+								curr_var.m_pattern = "/^";
+								curr_var.m_pattern += $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " " + $4 + $5 + "$/";
+								curr_var.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_var.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_var.m_arrayBrackets = $5;
+								curr_var.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+								//create new variable for every variable name found
+								var = curr_var;
+								var.m_name = $4;;
+								gs_vars->push_back(var);
+								curr_var.Reset();
+								gs_names.clear();
+							}
+						}
+						| ',' variable_decl special_star_amp LE_IDENTIFIER postfix2
+						{
+							if(gs_vars && g_isUsedWithinFunc)
+							{
+								Variable var;
+								std::string pattern;
+								curr_var.m_pattern = "/^";
+								curr_var.m_pattern += $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " " + $4 + $5 + "$/";
+								curr_var.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_var.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_var.m_arrayBrackets = $5;
+								curr_var.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+								//create new variable for every variable name found
+								var = curr_var;
+								var.m_name = $4;
+								gs_vars->push_back(var);
+								curr_var.Reset();
+								gs_names.clear();
+							}
+						}
+						| '(' variable_decl special_star_amp postfix3
+						{
+							if(gs_vars && g_isUsedWithinFunc)
+							{
+								Variable var;
+								std::string pattern;
+								curr_var.m_pattern = "/^";
+								curr_var.m_pattern += $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " " + "$/";
+								curr_var.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_var.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_var.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+								//create new variable for every variable name found
+								var = curr_var;
+								var.m_name = "";
+								gs_vars->push_back(var);
+								curr_var.Reset();
+								gs_names.clear();
+							}
+							if($4 == ",") {
+								cl_scope_less(0);
+							}
+						}
+						| ',' variable_decl special_star_amp postfix3
+						{
+							if(gs_vars && g_isUsedWithinFunc)
+							{
+								Variable var;
+								std::string pattern;
+								curr_var.m_pattern = "/^";
+								curr_var.m_pattern += $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " " + "$/";
+								curr_var.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);
+								curr_var.m_starAmp = $3;
+								curr_var.m_lineno = cl_scope_lineno;
+								//create new variable for every variable name found
+								var = curr_var;
+								var.m_name = "";
+								gs_vars->push_back(var);
+								curr_var.Reset();
+								gs_names.clear();
+							}
+							if($4 == ",") {
+								cl_scope_less(0);
+							}
+						};
+variable_name_list: 	LE_IDENTIFIER
+						{
+							gs_names.push_back($1);
+							$$ = $1;
+						}
+						| variable_name_list ','  special_star_amp LE_IDENTIFIER
+						{
+							//collect all the names
+							gs_names.push_back($4);
+							$$ = $1 + $2 + " " + $3 + $4;
+						}
+						;
+postfix3: ','
+		| ')'
+		;
+postfix2: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+		| '=' {var_consumeDefaultValue(',', ')'); $$ = ""; }
+		| ')' { $$ = ""; }
+		| '[' { $$ = $1 + var_consumBracketsContent('[');}
+		;
+postfix: ';'
+		| '='
+		| ')'
+		| '(' { $$ = $1 + var_consumBracketsContent('(');}
+		| '[' { $$ = $1 + var_consumBracketsContent('[');}
+		;
+applicable for C++, for cases where a function is declared as
+void scope::foo(){ ... }
+scope_specifier	:	LE_IDENTIFIER LE_CLCL {$$ = $1+ $2; }
+				|	LE_IDENTIFIER  '<' parameter_list '>' LE_CLCL {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + $5;}
+				;
+nested_scope_specifier: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+					| nested_scope_specifier scope_specifier {	$$ = $1 + $2;}
+					;
+const_spec			:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+					| 	LE_CONST 	{ $$ = $1; }
+					;
+amp_item			:	/*empty*/	{$$ = ""; }
+					|   '&'			{ $$ = $1; }
+					;
+star_list			: 	/*empty*/		{$$ = ""; }
+						|	star_list '*'	{$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+special_star_amp	:	star_list amp_item { $$ = $1 + $2; }
+						;
+stmnt_starter		:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						| ';' { $$ = ";";}
+						| '{' { $$ = "{";}
+//						| '(' { $$ = "(";}
+						| '}' { $$ = "}";}
+						| ':' { $$ = ":";}	//e.g. private: std::string m_name;
+//						| '=' { $$ = "=";}
+						;
+/** Variables **/
+variable_decl		:	const_spec basic_type_name
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + " " + $2;
+							$2.erase($2.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+							curr_var.m_type = $2;
+							curr_var.m_isConst = !$1.empty();
+						}
+						|	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + $3;
+							$2.erase($2.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+							curr_var.m_typeScope = $2;
+							curr_var.m_type = $3;
+							curr_var.m_isConst = !$1.empty();
+							s_tmpString.clear();
+						}
+						| 	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' parameter_list '>'
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + $3 + " " + $4 + $5 + $6;
+							$2.erase($2.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+							curr_var.m_typeScope = $2;
+							curr_var.m_type = $3;
+							curr_var.m_isTemplate = true;
+							curr_var.m_templateDecl = $4 +$5 +$6;
+							curr_var.m_isConst = !$1.empty();
+							s_tmpString.clear();
+						}
+						| const_spec LE_STRUCT nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '{' {s_tmpString = var_consumBracketsContent('{');}
+						{
+							$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 + " " + $4 + $5 + $6 + s_tmpString;
+							$3.erase($3.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+							curr_var.m_typeScope = $3;
+							curr_var.m_type = $4;
+							curr_var.m_isTemplate = false;
+							curr_var.m_isConst = !$1.empty();
+							s_tmpString.clear();
+						}
+						| const_spec LE_STRUCT nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER
+						{
+							$$ = $0;
+							$3.erase($3.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+							curr_var.m_typeScope = $3;
+							curr_var.m_type = $4;
+							curr_var.m_isTemplate = false;
+							curr_var.m_isConst = !$1.empty();
+							s_tmpString.clear();
+						}
+						;
+void yyerror(char *s) {}
+std::string var_consumBracketsContent(char openBrace)
+	char closeBrace;
+	switch(openBrace) {
+	case '(': closeBrace = ')'; break;
+	case '[': closeBrace = ']'; break;
+	case '<': closeBrace = '>'; break;
+	case '{': closeBrace = '}'; break;
+	default:
+		openBrace = '(';
+		closeBrace = ')';
+		break;
+	}
+	std::string consumedData;
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == closeBrace)
+		{
+			consumedData.erase(0, consumedData.find_first_not_of(" "));
+			consumedData.erase(consumedData.find_last_not_of(" ")+1);
+			consumedData += cl_scope_text;
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == openBrace)
+		{
+			consumedData.erase(0, consumedData.find_first_not_of(" "));
+			consumedData.erase(consumedData.find_last_not_of(" ")+1);
+			consumedData += cl_scope_text;
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+		consumedData += cl_scope_text;
+		consumedData += " ";
+	}
+	return consumedData;
+void var_consumeDefaultValue(char c1, char c2)
+	int depth = 0;
+	bool cont(true);
+	while (depth >= 0) {
+		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+		if(ch == 0) { break;}
+		if(ch == c1 && depth == 0) {
+			cl_scope_less(0);
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == c2 && depth == 0) {
+			cl_scope_less(0);
+			break;
+		}
+		curr_var.m_defaultValue += cl_scope_text;
+		if(ch == ')' || ch == '}'){
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		} else if(ch == '(' || ch == '{') {
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void var_syncParser(){
+//	int depth = 1;
+//	bool cont(true);
+//	while (depth > 0 && cont) {
+//		int ch = cl_scope_lex();
+//		if(ch == 0)					{ break;}
+//		if(ch == ',' && depth == 0) { break;}
+//		if(ch == ';' && depth == 0) { break;}
+//		if(ch == ')' && depth == 0) { break;}
+//		if(ch == ')'){
+//			depth--;
+//			continue;
+//		}
+//		else if(ch == '('){
+//			depth ++ ;
+//			continue;
+//		}
+//		printf("%d ", ch);
+//	}
+//	printf("\n");
+// return the scope name at the end of the input string
+void get_variables(const std::string &in, VariableList &li, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &ignoreMap, bool isUsedWithinFunc)
+	//provide the lexer with new input
+	if( !setLexerInput(in, ignoreMap) ){
+		return;
+	}
+	//set the parser local output to our variable list
+	gs_vars = &li;
+	setUseIgnoreMacros(false);
+	// the 'g_isUsedWithinFunc' allows us to parse variabels without name
+	// this is typical when used as function declaration (e.g. void setValue(bool);)
+	g_isUsedWithinFunc = isUsedWithinFunc;
+	//call tghe main parsing routine
+	cl_var_parse();
+	gs_vars = NULL;
+	// restore settings
+	setUseIgnoreMacros(true);
+	g_isUsedWithinFunc = false;
+	//do the lexer cleanup
+	cl_scope_lex_clean();
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_grammar.y b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_grammar.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3b516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_grammar.y
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// Copyright Eran Ifrah(c)
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "string"
+#include "vector"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "map"
+#include "expression_result.h"
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#define YYDEBUG 0        /* get the pretty debugging code to compile*/
+void cl_expr_error(char *string);
+static ExpressionResult result;
+// externs defined in the lexer
+extern char *cl_expr_text;
+extern int cl_expr_lex();
+extern int cl_expr_parse();
+extern int cl_expr_lineno;
+extern std::vector<std::string> currentScope;
+extern bool setExprLexerInput(const std::string &in);
+extern void cl_expr_lex_clean();
+/*************** Standard ytab.c continues here *********************/
+/* This group is used by the C/C++ language parser */
+%token  LE_AUTO            LE_DOUBLE          LE_INT             LE_STRUCT
+%token  LE_BREAK           LE_ELSE            LE_LONG            LE_SWITCH
+%token  LE_CASE            LE_ENUM            LE_REGISTER        LE_TYPEDEF
+%token  LE_CHAR            LE_EXTERN          LE_RETURN          LE_UNION
+%token  LE_CONST           LE_FLOAT           LE_SHORT           LE_UNSIGNED
+%token  LE_CONTINUE        LE_FOR             LE_SIGNED          LE_VOID
+%token  LE_DEFAULT         LE_GOTO            LE_SIZEOF          LE_VOLATILE
+%token  LE_DO              LE_IF              LE_STATIC          LE_WHILE
+/* The following are used in C++ only.  ANSI C would call these IDENTIFIERs */
+%token  LE_NEW             LE_DELETE
+%token  LE_THIS
+%token  LE_OPERATOR
+%token  LE_CLASS
+%token  LE_PUBLIC          LE_PROTECTED       LE_PRIVATE
+%token  LE_VIRTUAL         LE_FRIEND
+%token  LE_INLINE          LE_OVERLOAD
+%token  LE_THROW		  	LE_CATCH
+/* ANSI C Grammar suggestions */
+%token  LE_IDENTIFIER              LE_STRINGliteral
+%token  LE_FLOATINGconstant        LE_INTEGERconstant        LE_CHARACTERconstant
+%token  LE_OCTALconstant           LE_HEXconstant
+/* New Lexical element, whereas ANSI C suggested non-terminal */
+%token  LE_TYPEDEFname
+/* Multi-Character operators */
+%token   LE_ARROW            											/*    ->                              */
+%token   LE_ICR LE_DECR         										/*    ++      --                      */
+%token   LE_LS LE_RS            										/*    <<      >>                      */
+%token   LE_LE LE_GE LE_EQ LE_NE      								/*    <=      >=      ==      !=      */
+%token   LE_ANDAND LE_OROR      										/*    &&      ||                      */
+%token   LE_ELLIPSIS         											/*    ...                             */
+			/* Following are used in C++, not ANSI C        */
+%token   LE_CLCL             											/*    ::                              */
+%token   LE_DOTstar LE_ARROWstar										/*    .*       ->*                    */
+/* modifying assignment operators */
+%token  LE_MULTassign  LE_DIVassign    LE_MODassign   	/*   *=      /=      %=      */
+%token  LE_PLUSassign  LE_MINUSassign              		/*   +=      -=              */
+%token  LE_LSassign    LE_RSassign                 		/*   <<=     >>=             */
+%token  LE_ANDassign   LE_ERassign     LE_ORassign    	/*   &=      ^=      |=      */
+%token  LE_MACRO 
+%token  LE_CONST_CAST
+%start   translation_unit
+/* ========================================================================*/
+/* find declarations																   */
+/* ========================================================================*/
+translation_unit	:		/*empty*/
+						| translation_unit primary_expr
+						;
+primary_expr		:	{result.Reset();} simple_expr	
+						| 	error { 
+								yyclearin;	//clear lookahead token
+								yyerrok;
+								//fprintf(stderr, "CodeLite: syntax error, unexpected token '%s' found at line %d \n", cl_expr_text, cl_expr_lineno);
+								//fflush(stderr);
+								expr_syncParser();
+						}
+					;
+const_spec			:	/* empty */	{$$ = ""; }
+					| 	LE_CONST 	{ $$ = $1; }
+					;
+        LE_INT			{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_CHAR		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_SHORT		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_LONG		{ $$ = $1; } 
+        | LE_FLOAT		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_DOUBLE		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_SIGNED		{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_UNSIGNED	{ $$ = $1; }
+        | LE_VOID		{ $$ = $1; }
+        ;
+parameter_list	: /* empty */		{$$ = "";}
+				| template_parameter	{$$ = $1;}
+				| parameter_list ',' template_parameter {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+				;
+template_parameter	:	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp 
+						{$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 +$4;}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier basic_type_name special_star_amp 
+						{$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 +$4;}
+					|  	const_spec nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+						{$$ = $1 + " " + $2 + " " + $3 +$4 + $5 + $6;}
+					;
+simple_expr	:	stmnt_starter special_cast '<' cast_type '>' '(' 
+					{
+						expr_FuncArgList(); 
+						$$ = $4;
+						result.m_isaType = true;
+						result.m_name = $4;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						printf("Rule 1\n");
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				| stmnt_starter LE_THIS 
+					{
+						$$ = $2;
+						result.m_isaType = false;
+						result.m_name = $$;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						result.m_isThis = true;
+						result.m_isPtr = true;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				| 	stmnt_starter '*' LE_THIS 
+					{
+						$$ = $3;
+						result.m_isaType = false;
+						result.m_name = $$;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						result.m_isThis = true;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				| 	stmnt_starter '*' identifier_name 
+					{
+						$$ = $3;
+						result.m_isaType = false;
+						result.m_name = $$;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						result.m_isThis = false;
+						result.m_isPtr = false;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				|	stmnt_starter '(' cast_type ')' special_star_amp identifier_name
+					{
+						$$ = $3;
+						result.m_isaType = true;
+						result.m_name = $$;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						result.m_isThis = false;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				| stmnt_starter nested_scope_specifier identifier_name optional_template_init_list  optinal_postifx
+					{
+						result.m_isaType = false;
+						result.m_name = $3;
+						result.m_isThis = false;
+						$2.erase($2.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+						result.m_scope = $2;
+						result.m_isTemplate = $4.empty() ? false : true;
+						result.m_templateInitList = $4;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				| 	stmnt_starter '(' '(' cast_type ')' special_star_amp identifier_name ')'
+					{
+						$$ = $4;
+						result.m_isaType = true;
+						result.m_name = $$;
+						result.m_isFunc = false;
+						result.m_isThis = false;
+						//result.Print();
+					}
+				;
+identifier_name	:	LE_IDENTIFIER array_brackets {$$ = $1;}
+				;
+optional_template_init_list: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+							| '<' parameter_list '>' {$$ = $1 + $2 + $3;}
+							;
+optinal_postifx: 	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+					|	'(' 
+					{
+						$$ = $1; 
+						expr_FuncArgList();
+						result.m_isFunc = true;
+					}
+					;
+special_cast 	: 	LE_DYNAMIC_CAST {$$ = $1;}
+					|	LE_STATIC_CAST {$$ = $1;}
+					|	LE_CONST_CAST {$$ = $1;}
+					|	LE_REINTERPRET_CAST {$$ = $1;}
+					;
+amp_item				:	/*empty*/	{$$ = ""; }
+						|   '&' 			{ $$ = $1; }
+						;
+star_list			: 	/*empty*/		{$$ = ""; }
+						|	star_list '*'	{$$ = $1 + $2;}
+						;
+special_star_amp	:	star_list amp_item { $$ = $1 + $2; }
+						;
+stmnt_starter		:	/*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+						| ';' { $$ = ";";}
+						| ':' { $$ = ":";}	//e.g. private: std::string m_name;
+						;
+cast_type: nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER '<' parameter_list '>' special_star_amp
+				{
+					$$ = $1 + $2; 
+					$1.erase($1.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+					result.m_scope = $1; 
+					result.m_name = $2;
+					result.m_isPtr = ($6.find("*") != (size_t)-1);;
+					result.m_isTemplate = true;
+					result.m_templateInitList = $3 + $4 + $5;
+				}
+			| nested_scope_specifier LE_IDENTIFIER special_star_amp
+				{
+					$$ = $1 + $2; 
+					$1.erase($1.find_last_not_of(":")+1);
+					result.m_scope = $1; 
+					result.m_name = $2;
+					result.m_isPtr = ($3.find("*") != (size_t)-1);;
+				}
+			;
+nested_scope_specifier	: /*empty*/ {$$ = "";}
+								| nested_scope_specifier scope_specifier {	$$ = $1 + $2;}
+								;
+scope_specifier	:	LE_IDENTIFIER LE_CLCL {$$ = $1+ $2;}
+						;
+array_brackets 	:	/* empty */ { $$ = ""; }
+				|	'[' { expr_consumBracketsContent('['); $$ = "[]";}
+				;
+void yyerror(char *s) {}
+void expr_consumBracketsContent(char openBrace)
+	char closeBrace;
+	switch(openBrace) {
+	case '(': closeBrace = ')'; break;
+	case '[': closeBrace = ']'; break;
+	case '<': closeBrace = '>'; break;
+	case '{': closeBrace = '}'; break;
+	default:
+		openBrace = '(';
+		closeBrace = ')';
+		break;
+	}
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_expr_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		//fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch == 0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == closeBrace)
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == openBrace)
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void expr_FuncArgList()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_expr_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		//fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch ==0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == ')')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '(')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void expr_consumeTemplateDecl()
+	int depth = 1;
+	while(depth > 0)
+	{
+		int ch = cl_expr_lex();
+		//printf("ch=%d\n", ch);
+		fflush(stdout);
+		if(ch ==0){
+			break;
+		}
+		if(ch == '>')
+		{
+			depth--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if(ch == '<')
+		{
+			depth ++ ;
+			continue;
+		}
+	}
+void expr_syncParser(){
+	//dont do anything, a hook to allow us to implement some
+	//nice error recovery if needed
+// return the scope name at the end of the input string
+ExpressionResult &parse_expression(const std::string &in)
+	result.Reset();
+	//provide the lexer with new input
+	if( !setExprLexerInput(in) ){
+		return result;
+	}
+	//printf("parsing...\n");
+	cl_expr_parse();
+	//do the lexer cleanup
+	cl_expr_lex_clean();
+	return result;
diff --git a/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_lexer.l b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_lexer.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fcf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/symbol-db/cxxparser/grammars/expr_lexer.l
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+/* Included code before lex code */
+/*************** Includes and Defines *****************************/
+#include "map"
+#include "cpp_lexer.h"		// YACC generated definitions based on C++ grammar
+#include "errno.h"
+#define YYSTYPE std::string
+#include "string"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+extern std::string cl_expr_lval;
+extern std::string cl_var_lval;
+bool setExprLexerInput(const std::string &in);
+void cl_expr_lex_clean();
+bool exprIsaTYPE(char *string);
+bool exprIsaMACRO(char *string);
+static bool defineFound = false;
+/* Prototypes */
+#define WHITE_RETURN(x) /* do nothing */
+#define PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)   RETURN_VAL(x)  /* standard C PArser Keyword */
+#define CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)  PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x)  /* C++ keyword */
+#define PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)  /* both PreProcessor and PArser keyword */
+										if(exprIsaTYPE(yytext)){\
+											RETURN_VAL(LE_TYPEDEFname);\
+										}else if(exprIsaMACRO(yytext)){\
+											RETURN_VAL(LE_MACRO);\
+										}else{ RETURN_VAL(LE_IDENTIFIER);}\
+									}
+#define PPOP_RETURN(x)       RETURN_VAL((int)*yytext) /* PreProcess and Parser operator */
+#define ASCIIOP_RETURN(x)    RETURN_VAL((int)*yytext) /* a single character operator */
+#define NAMEDOP_RETURN(x)    RETURN_VAL(x)            /* a multichar operator, with a name */
+#define NUMERICAL_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)            /* some sort of constant */
+#define LITERAL_RETURN(x)   RETURN_VAL(x)            /* a string literal */
+#define C_COMMENT_RETURN(x) RETURN_VAL(x)	     /* C Style comment  */
+#define RETURN_VAL(x) {\
+								cl_expr_lval = yytext;\
+								return(x);}
+%option yylineno
+identifier [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
+exponent_part [eE][-+]?[0-9]+
+fractional_constant ([0-9]*"."[0-9]+)|([0-9]+".")
+floating_constant (({fractional_constant}{exponent_part}?)|([0-9]+{exponent_part}))[FfLl]?
+integer_suffix_opt ([uU]?[lL]?)|([lL][uU])
+decimal_constant [1-9][0-9]*{integer_suffix_opt}
+octal_constant "0"[0-7]*{integer_suffix_opt}
+hex_constant "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+{integer_suffix_opt}
+simple_escape [abfnrtv'"?\\]
+octal_escape  [0-7]{1,3}
+hex_escape "x"[0-9a-fA-F]+
+escape_sequence [\\]({simple_escape}|{octal_escape}|{hex_escape})
+c_char [^'\\\n]|{escape_sequence}
+s_char [^"\\\n]|{escape_sequence}
+h_tab [\011]
+form_feed [\014]
+v_tab [\013]
+c_return [\015]
+horizontal_white [ ]|{h_tab}
+"/*" {
+     }
+"//" {
+     }
+{horizontal_white}+     {
+			WHITE_RETURN(' ');
+			}
+({v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})+   {
+			WHITE_RETURN(' ');
+			}
+({horizontal_white}|{v_tab}|{c_return}|{form_feed})*"\n"   {
+			WHITE_RETURN('\n');
+			}
+auto                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_AUTO);}
+break               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_BREAK);}
+case                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CASE);}
+char                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CHAR);}
+const               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CONST);}
+continue            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CONTINUE);}
+default             {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DEFAULT);}
+define             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DEFINE);}
+defined            {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OPDEFINED);}
+do                  {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DO);}
+double              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DOUBLE);}
+elif                {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ELIF);}
+else              {PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ELSE);}
+endif              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ENDIF);}
+enum                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ENUM);}
+error              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_ERROR);}
+extern              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_EXTERN);}
+float               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FLOAT);}
+for                 {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FOR);}
+goto                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_GOTO);}
+if                {PPPA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IF);}
+ifdef              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IFDEF);}
+ifndef             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_IFNDEF);}
+include            {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INCLUDE); }
+int                 {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INT);}
+line               {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_LINE);}
+long                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_LONG);}
+pragma             {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PRAGMA);}
+register            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_REGISTER);}
+return              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_RETURN);}
+short               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SHORT);}
+signed              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SIGNED);}
+sizeof              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SIZEOF);}
+static              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_STATIC);}
+struct              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_STRUCT);}
+switch              {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_SWITCH);}
+typedef             {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_TYPEDEF);}
+undef              {PP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNDEF);}
+union               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNION);}
+unsigned            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_UNSIGNED);}
+void                {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VOID);}
+volatile            {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VOLATILE);}
+while               {PA_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_WHILE);}
+class               {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_CLASS);}
+namespace           {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_NAMESPACE);}
+delete              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_DELETE);}
+friend              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_FRIEND);}
+inline              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_INLINE);}
+new                 {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_NEW);}
+operator            {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OPERATOR);}
+overload            {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_OVERLOAD);}
+protected           {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PROTECTED);}
+private             {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PRIVATE);}
+public              {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_PUBLIC);}
+this                {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_THIS);}
+virtual             {CPP_KEYWORD_RETURN(LE_VIRTUAL);}
+{identifier}        {IDENTIFIER_RETURN();}
+{decimal_constant}  {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_INTEGERconstant);}
+{octal_constant}    {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_OCTALconstant);}
+{hex_constant}      {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_HEXconstant);}
+{floating_constant} {NUMERICAL_RETURN(LE_FLOATINGconstant);}
+"L"?[']{c_char}+[']     {
+			}
+"L"?["]{s_char}*["]     {
+"("                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_LP);}
+")"                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_RP);}
+","                  {PPOP_RETURN(LE_COMMA);}
+^"#"                 {BEGIN PREPR;}
+"{"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LC);}
+"}"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_RC);}
+"["                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LB);}
+"]"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_RB);}
+"."                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_DOT);}
+"&"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_AND);}
+"*"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_STAR);}
+"+"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_PLUS);}
+"-"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_MINUS);}
+"~"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_NEGATE);}
+"!"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_NOT);}
+"/"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_DIV);}
+"%"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_MOD);}
+"<"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_LT);}
+">"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_GT);}
+"^"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_XOR);}
+"|"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_PIPE);}
+"?"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_QUESTION);}
+":"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_COLON);}
+";"                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_SEMICOLON);}
+"="                  {ASCIIOP_RETURN(LE_ASSIGN);}
+".*"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DOTstar);}
+"::"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_CLCL);}
+"->"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ARROW);}
+"->*"                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ARROWstar);}
+"++"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ICR);}
+"--"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DECR);}
+"<<"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LS);}
+">>"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_RS);}
+"<="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LE);}
+">="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_GE);}
+"=="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_EQ);}
+"!="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_NE);}
+"&&"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ANDAND);}
+"||"                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_OROR);}
+"*="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MULTassign);}
+"/="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_DIVassign);}
+"%="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MODassign);}
+"+="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_PLUSassign);}
+"-="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_MINUSassign);}
+"<<="                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_LSassign);}
+">>="                {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_RSassign);}
+"&="                 {NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ANDassign);}
+"^="                	{NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ERassign);}
+"|="					{NAMEDOP_RETURN(LE_ORassign);}
+<<EOF>> 				{	
+							//reset lexer
+							yyterminate();
+						}
+.						{return yytext[0];}
+<PREPR>\n		{ 
+						defineFound = false;
+					}
+<PREPR>\\		{
+					}
+<PREPR>define	{
+						defineFound = true;
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>\n	{
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>{identifier}   { 
+						if(defineFound)
+						{
+							defineFound = false;
+						}
+					}				
+<PREPR>{identifier}       { 
+						if(defineFound)
+						{
+							defineFound = false;
+						}
+					}
+<WRAP_PREP>.	{}					
+<PREPR>.			{}		
+<C_COMMENT>.	  {}
+bool exprIsaTYPE(char *string)
+	return false;
+bool exprIsaMACRO(char *string)
+	return false;
+void cl_expr_lex_clean()
+	yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); 
+	yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+	cl_expr_lineno = 1;
+bool setExprLexerInput(const std::string &in) 
+	yy_scan_string(in.c_str());
+	//update the working file name
+	return true;
+int yywrap()
+	return 1;

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