[gnome-system-tools] Bug 571234 - Kill the unused boot tool

commit de6a626edcc34664480f1ffe7a363c4c6eed3f19
Author: Stéphane Demurget <stephane demurget free fr>
Date:   Sun Jul 26 00:44:46 2009 +0200

    Bug 571234 - Kill the unused boot tool
    Remove all code in src/boot. This assistant was not built since 5660bf86ed2f650f7606be0c3a31f9f9d5fdcd75, and was using deprecated GnomeDruid. Now the g-s-t don't use libgnome at all.

 doc/boot/.cvsignore              |    2 -
 doc/boot/C/.cvsignore            |    4 -
 doc/boot/C/boot-admin.xml        |  205 ---------
 doc/boot/C/figures/boot-tool.png |  Bin 56864 -> 0 bytes
 doc/boot/C/legal.xml             |   76 ----
 doc/boot/ChangeLog               |  339 ---------------
 doc/boot/Makefile.am             |   10 -
 doc/boot/boot-admin.omf.in       |   11 -
 doc/boot/es/es.po                |  415 ------------------
 doc/boot/oc/oc.po                |  244 -----------
 doc/boot/sv/sv.po                |  237 ----------
 gnome-system-tools.spec.in       |    2 +-
 src/boot/.cvsignore              |   11 -
 src/boot/ChangeLog               |  884 --------------------------------------
 src/boot/Makefile.am             |   30 --
 src/boot/boot-append-gui.c       |  510 ----------------------
 src/boot/boot-append-gui.h       |   75 ----
 src/boot/boot-druid.c            |  542 -----------------------
 src/boot/boot-druid.h            |   64 ---
 src/boot/boot-image.c            |  424 ------------------
 src/boot/boot-image.h            |   80 ----
 src/boot/boot-settings.c         |  455 --------------------
 src/boot/boot-settings.h         |   58 ---
 src/boot/boot.desktop.in.in      |   14 -
 src/boot/callbacks.c             |  487 ---------------------
 src/boot/callbacks.h             |   50 ---
 src/boot/main.c                  |   81 ----
 src/boot/main.h                  |   22 -
 src/boot/table.c                 |  596 -------------------------
 src/boot/table.h                 |   81 ----
 src/boot/transfer.c              |  277 ------------
 src/boot/transfer.h              |   41 --
 32 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 6326 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-system-tools.spec.in b/gnome-system-tools.spec.in
index 838a721..6089059 100644
--- a/gnome-system-tools.spec.in
+++ b/gnome-system-tools.spec.in
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir} %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{sysconfdir}/security/console.apps
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{sysconfdir}/pam.d
-for wrappedapp in boot network services time users ; do
+for wrappedapp in network services time users ; do
         ln -sf consolehelper %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/${wrappedapp}-admin
         # If we add the console.app file to the dist we should install it this way

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