[snowy] Replace django_evolution with South for db migrations

commit f4e95066b59748eee0e6b4f600d8b9b27f56cb38
Author: Brad Taylor <brad getcoded net>
Date:   Mon Jul 20 10:35:37 2009 -0400

    Replace django_evolution with South for db migrations

 TODO                                               |    1 -
 lib/django_evolution/__init__.py                   |   15 -
 lib/django_evolution/admin.py                      |    5 -
 lib/django_evolution/db/__init__.py                |    9 -
 lib/django_evolution/db/common.py                  |  166 ----
 lib/django_evolution/db/mysql.py                   |   89 --
 lib/django_evolution/db/mysql_old.py               |    2 -
 lib/django_evolution/db/postgresql.py              |   14 -
 lib/django_evolution/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py     |    2 -
 lib/django_evolution/db/sqlite3.py                 |  200 -----
 lib/django_evolution/diff.py                       |  205 -----
 lib/django_evolution/evolve.py                     |   60 --
 lib/django_evolution/management/__init__.py        |  100 ---
 lib/django_evolution/management/commands/evolve.py |  225 -----
 lib/django_evolution/models.py                     |   27 -
 lib/django_evolution/mutations.py                  |  475 ----------
 lib/django_evolution/signature.py                  |   94 --
 lib/django_evolution/tests/__init__.py             |   27 -
 lib/django_evolution/tests/add_field.py            |  551 ------------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/change_field.py         |  687 ---------------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/db/mysql.py             |  254 ------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/db/mysql_old.py         |    2 -
 lib/django_evolution/tests/db/postgresql.py        |  236 -----
 .../tests/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py                |    2 -
 lib/django_evolution/tests/db/sqlite3.py           |  540 ------------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/delete_app.py           |   76 --
 lib/django_evolution/tests/delete_field.py         |  268 ------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/delete_model.py         |  131 ---
 lib/django_evolution/tests/generics.py             |   71 --
 lib/django_evolution/tests/inheritance.py          |   82 --
 lib/django_evolution/tests/models.py               |    3 -
 lib/django_evolution/tests/ordering.py             |   49 -
 lib/django_evolution/tests/rename_field.py         |  399 ---------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/signature.py            |  248 ------
 lib/django_evolution/tests/sql_mutation.py         |   93 --
 lib/django_evolution/tests/utils.py                |  185 ----
 lib/django_evolution/utils.py                      |   22 -
 lib/south/__init__.py                              |    6 +
 lib/south/db/__init__.py                           |   12 +
 lib/south/db/generic.py                            |  705 +++++++++++++++
 lib/south/db/mysql.py                              |  137 +++
 lib/south/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py                |   64 ++
 .../commands => south/db/sql_server}/__init__.py   |    0
 lib/south/db/sql_server/pyodbc.py                  |   25 +
 lib/south/db/sqlite3.py                            |   50 ++
 .../tests/db => south/management}/__init__.py      |    0
 .../management/commands/__init__.py                |    0
 lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py           |  110 +++
 lib/south/management/commands/startmigration.py    |  928 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/south/management/commands/syncdb.py            |   70 ++
 lib/south/management/commands/test.py              |   14 +
 lib/south/migration.py                             |  553 ++++++++++++
 lib/south/models.py                                |   19 +
 lib/south/modelsparser.py                          |  398 +++++++++
 lib/south/orm.py                                   |  278 ++++++
 lib/south/tests/__init__.py                        |   77 ++
 lib/south/tests/db.py                              |  318 +++++++
 .../commands => south/tests/fakeapp}/__init__.py   |    0
 lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0001_spam.py    |   19 +
 lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0002_eggs.py    |   20 +
 .../tests/fakeapp/migrations/0003_alter_spam.py    |   12 +
 .../tests/fakeapp/migrations}/__init__.py          |    0
 lib/south/tests/fakeapp/models.py                  |   46 +
 lib/south/tests/logic.py                           |  243 +++++
 lib/south/tests/modelsparser.py                    |   61 ++
 settings.py                                        |    2 +-
 66 files changed, 4166 insertions(+), 5616 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index b50ba14..25f0fb9 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
  * General
-   - Replace django-evolution with South (http://south.aeracode.org)
    - Create a NoteManager to handle permissions in one place and unit test
    - More complicated permissions to allow for sharing
    - Configurable project name to allow Snowy and Tomboy Online to use roughly
diff --git a/lib/south/__init__.py b/lib/south/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918b0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+South - Useable migrations for Django apps
+__version__ = "0.5"
+__authors__ = ["Andrew Godwin <andrew aeracode org>", "Andy McCurdy <andy andymccurdy com>"]
diff --git a/lib/south/db/__init__.py b/lib/south/db/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4d773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Establish the common DatabaseOperations instance, which we call 'db'.
+# This code somewhat lifted from django evolution
+from django.conf import settings
+import sys
+module_name = ['south.db', settings.DATABASE_ENGINE]
+    module = __import__('.'.join(module_name),{},{},[''])
+except ImportError:
+    sys.stderr.write("There is no South database module for the engine '%s'. Please either choose a supported one, or remove South from INSTALLED_APPS.\n" % settings.DATABASE_ENGINE)
+    sys.exit(1)
+db = module.DatabaseOperations()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/db/generic.py b/lib/south/db/generic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c06b339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/generic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+import datetime
+import string
+import random
+import re
+from django.core.management.color import no_style
+from django.db import connection, transaction, models
+from django.db.backends.util import truncate_name
+from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
+from django.dispatch import dispatcher
+from django.conf import settings
+def alias(attrname):
+    """
+    Returns a function which calls 'attrname' - for function aliasing.
+    We can't just use foo = bar, as this breaks subclassing.
+    """
+    def func(self, *args, **kwds):
+        return getattr(self, attrname)(*args, **kwds)
+    return func
+class DatabaseOperations(object):
+    """
+    Generic SQL implementation of the DatabaseOperations.
+    Some of this code comes from Django Evolution.
+    """
+    # We assume the generic DB can handle DDL transactions. MySQL wil change this.
+    has_ddl_transactions = True
+    alter_string_set_type = 'ALTER COLUMN %(column)s TYPE %(type)s'
+    alter_string_set_null = 'ALTER COLUMN %(column)s DROP NOT NULL'
+    alter_string_drop_null = 'ALTER COLUMN %(column)s SET NOT NULL'
+    has_check_constraints = True
+    delete_check_sql = 'ALTER TABLE %(table)s DROP CONSTRAINT %(constraint)s'
+    allows_combined_alters = True
+    add_column_string = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s;'
+    delete_unique_sql = "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s"
+    delete_foreign_key_sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s'
+    supports_foreign_keys = True
+    max_index_name_length = 63
+    drop_index_string = 'DROP INDEX %(index_name)s'
+    delete_column_string = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s CASCADE;'
+    create_primary_key_string = "ALTER TABLE %(table)s ADD CONSTRAINT %(constraint)s PRIMARY KEY (%(columns)s)"
+    drop_primary_key_string = "ALTER TABLE %(table)s DROP CONSTRAINT %(constraint)s"
+    backend_name = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.debug = False
+        self.deferred_sql = []
+        self.dry_run = False
+        self.pending_create_signals = []
+    def execute(self, sql, params=[]):
+        """
+        Executes the given SQL statement, with optional parameters.
+        If the instance's debug attribute is True, prints out what it executes.
+        """
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        if self.debug:
+            print "   = %s" % sql, params
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return []
+        cursor.execute(sql, params)
+        try:
+            return cursor.fetchall()
+        except:
+            return []
+    def execute_many(self, sql, regex=r"(?mx) ([^';]* (?:'[^']*'[^';]*)*)", comment_regex=r"(?mx) (?:^\s*$)|(?:--.*$)"):
+        """
+        Takes a SQL file and executes it as many separate statements.
+        (Some backends, such as Postgres, don't work otherwise.)
+        """
+        # Be warned: This function is full of dark magic. Make sure you really
+        # know regexes before trying to edit it.
+        # First, strip comments
+        sql = "\n".join([x.strip().replace("%", "%%") for x in re.split(comment_regex, sql) if x.strip()])
+        # Now execute each statement
+        for st in re.split(regex, sql)[1:][::2]:
+            self.execute(st)
+    def add_deferred_sql(self, sql):
+        """
+        Add a SQL statement to the deferred list, that won't be executed until
+        this instance's execute_deferred_sql method is run.
+        """
+        self.deferred_sql.append(sql)
+    def execute_deferred_sql(self):
+        """
+        Executes all deferred SQL, resetting the deferred_sql list
+        """
+        for sql in self.deferred_sql:
+            self.execute(sql)
+        self.deferred_sql = []
+    def clear_deferred_sql(self):
+        """
+        Resets the deferred_sql list to empty.
+        """
+        self.deferred_sql = []
+    def clear_run_data(self, pending_creates = None):
+        """
+        Resets variables to how they should be before a run. Used for dry runs.
+        If you want, pass in an old panding_creates to reset to.
+        """
+        self.clear_deferred_sql()
+        self.pending_create_signals = pending_creates or []
+    def get_pending_creates(self):
+        return self.pending_create_signals
+    def create_table(self, table_name, fields):
+        """
+        Creates the table 'table_name'. 'fields' is a tuple of fields,
+        each repsented by a 2-part tuple of field name and a
+        django.db.models.fields.Field object
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        # allow fields to be a dictionary
+        # removed for now - philosophical reasons (this is almost certainly not what you want)
+        #try:
+        #    fields = fields.items()
+        #except AttributeError:
+        #    pass
+        columns = [
+            self.column_sql(table_name, field_name, field)
+            for field_name, field in fields
+        ]
+        self.execute('CREATE TABLE %s (%s);' % (qn(table_name), ', '.join([col for col in columns if col])))
+    add_table = alias('create_table') # Alias for consistency's sake
+    def rename_table(self, old_table_name, table_name):
+        """
+        Renames the table 'old_table_name' to 'table_name'.
+        """
+        if old_table_name == table_name:
+            # No Operation
+            return
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(old_table_name), qn(table_name))
+        self.execute('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s;' % params)
+    def delete_table(self, table_name, cascade=True):
+        """
+        Deletes the table 'table_name'.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(table_name), )
+        if cascade:
+            self.execute('DROP TABLE %s CASCADE;' % params)
+        else:
+            self.execute('DROP TABLE %s;' % params)
+    drop_table = alias('delete_table')
+    def clear_table(self, table_name):
+        """
+        Deletes all rows from 'table_name'.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(table_name), )
+        self.execute('DELETE FROM %s;' % params)
+    def add_column(self, table_name, name, field, keep_default=True):
+        """
+        Adds the column 'name' to the table 'table_name'.
+        Uses the 'field' paramater, a django.db.models.fields.Field instance,
+        to generate the necessary sql
+        @param table_name: The name of the table to add the column to
+        @param name: The name of the column to add
+        @param field: The field to use
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        sql = self.column_sql(table_name, name, field)
+        if sql:
+            params = (
+                qn(table_name),
+                sql,
+            )
+            sql = self.add_column_string % params
+            self.execute(sql)
+            # Now, drop the default if we need to
+            if not keep_default and field.default:
+                field.default = NOT_PROVIDED
+                self.alter_column(table_name, name, field, explicit_name=False)
+    def _db_type_for_alter_column(self, field):
+        """
+        Returns a field's type suitable for ALTER COLUMN.
+        By default it just returns field.db_type().
+        To be overriden by backend specific subclasses
+        @param field: The field to generate type for
+        """
+        return field.db_type()
+    def alter_column(self, table_name, name, field, explicit_name=True):
+        """
+        Alters the given column name so it will match the given field.
+        Note that conversion between the two by the database must be possible.
+        Will not automatically add _id by default; to have this behavour, pass
+        explicit_name=False.
+        @param table_name: The name of the table to add the column to
+        @param name: The name of the column to alter
+        @param field: The new field definition to use
+        """
+        # hook for the field to do any resolution prior to it's attributes being queried
+        if hasattr(field, 'south_init'):
+            field.south_init()
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        # Add _id or whatever if we need to
+        field.set_attributes_from_name(name)
+        if not explicit_name:
+            name = field.column
+        # Drop all check constraints. TODO: Add the right ones back.
+        if self.has_check_constraints:
+            check_constraints = self._constraints_affecting_columns(table_name, [name], "CHECK")
+            for constraint in check_constraints:
+                self.execute(self.delete_check_sql % {'table':table_name, 'constraint': constraint})
+        # First, change the type
+        params = {
+            "column": qn(name),
+            "type": self._db_type_for_alter_column(field)            
+        }
+        # SQLs is a list of (SQL, values) pairs.
+        sqls = [(self.alter_string_set_type % params, [])]
+        # Next, set any default
+        if not field.null and field.has_default():
+            default = field.get_default()
+            sqls.append(('ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT %%s ' % (qn(name),), [default]))
+        else:
+            sqls.append(('ALTER COLUMN %s DROP DEFAULT' % (qn(name),), []))
+        # Next, nullity
+        params = {
+            "column": qn(name),
+            "type": field.db_type(),
+        }
+        if field.null:
+            sqls.append((self.alter_string_set_null % params, []))
+        else:
+            sqls.append((self.alter_string_drop_null % params, []))
+        # TODO: Unique
+        if self.allows_combined_alters:
+            sqls, values = zip(*sqls)
+            self.execute(
+                "ALTER TABLE %s %s;" % (qn(table_name), ", ".join(sqls)),
+                flatten(values),
+            )
+        else:
+            # Databases like e.g. MySQL don't like more than one alter at once.
+            for sql, values in sqls:
+                self.execute("ALTER TABLE %s %s;" % (qn(table_name), sql), values)
+    def _constraints_affecting_columns(self, table_name, columns, type="UNIQUE"):
+        """
+        Gets the names of the constraints affecting the given columns.
+        """
+        if self.dry_run:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot get constraints for columns during a dry run.")
+        columns = set(columns)
+        if type == "CHECK":
+            ifsc_table = "constraint_column_usage"
+        else:
+            ifsc_table = "key_column_usage"
+        # First, load all constraint->col mappings for this table.
+        rows = self.execute("""
+            SELECT kc.constraint_name, kc.column_name
+            FROM information_schema.%s AS kc
+            JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS c ON
+                kc.table_schema = c.table_schema AND
+                kc.table_name = c.table_name AND
+                kc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
+            WHERE
+                kc.table_schema = %%s AND
+                kc.table_name = %%s AND
+                c.constraint_type = %%s
+        """ % ifsc_table, ['public', table_name, type])
+        # Load into a dict
+        mapping = {}
+        for constraint, column in rows:
+            mapping.setdefault(constraint, set())
+            mapping[constraint].add(column)
+        # Find ones affecting these columns
+        for constraint, itscols in mapping.items():
+            if itscols == columns:
+                yield constraint
+    def create_unique(self, table_name, columns):
+        """
+        Creates a UNIQUE constraint on the columns on the given table.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        if not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)):
+            columns = [columns]
+        name = self.create_index_name(table_name, columns)
+        cols = ", ".join(map(qn, columns))
+        self.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s UNIQUE (%s)" % (qn(table_name), qn(name), cols))
+        return name
+    def delete_unique(self, table_name, columns):
+        """
+        Deletes a UNIQUE constraint on precisely the columns on the given table.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        if not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)):
+            columns = [columns]
+        # Dry runs mean we can't do anything.
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return
+        constraints = list(self._constraints_affecting_columns(table_name, columns))
+        if not constraints:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot find a UNIQUE constraint on table %s, columns %r" % (table_name, columns))
+        for constraint in constraints:
+            self.execute(self.delete_unique_sql % (qn(table_name), qn(constraint)))
+    def column_sql(self, table_name, field_name, field, tablespace=''):
+        """
+        Creates the SQL snippet for a column. Used by add_column and add_table.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        field.set_attributes_from_name(field_name)
+        # hook for the field to do any resolution prior to it's attributes being queried
+        if hasattr(field, 'south_init'):
+            field.south_init()
+        sql = field.db_type()
+        if sql:        
+            field_output = [qn(field.column), sql]
+            field_output.append('%sNULL' % (not field.null and 'NOT ' or ''))
+            if field.primary_key:
+                field_output.append('PRIMARY KEY')
+            elif field.unique:
+                # Just use UNIQUE (no indexes any more, we have delete_unique)
+                field_output.append('UNIQUE')
+            tablespace = field.db_tablespace or tablespace
+            if tablespace and connection.features.supports_tablespaces and field.unique:
+                # We must specify the index tablespace inline, because we
+                # won't be generating a CREATE INDEX statement for this field.
+                field_output.append(connection.ops.tablespace_sql(tablespace, inline=True))
+            sql = ' '.join(field_output)
+            sqlparams = ()
+            # if the field is "NOT NULL" and a default value is provided, create the column with it
+            # this allows the addition of a NOT NULL field to a table with existing rows
+            if not field.null and field.has_default():
+                default = field.get_default()
+                # If the default is actually None, don't add a default term
+                if default is not None:
+                    # If the default is a callable, then call it!
+                    if callable(default):
+                        default = default()
+                    # Now do some very cheap quoting. TODO: Redesign return values to avoid this.
+                    if isinstance(default, basestring):
+                        default = "'%s'" % default.replace("'", "''")
+                    elif isinstance(default, datetime.date):
+                        default = "'%s'" % default
+                    sql += " DEFAULT %s"
+                    sqlparams = (default)
+            if field.rel and self.supports_foreign_keys:
+                self.add_deferred_sql(
+                    self.foreign_key_sql(
+                        table_name,
+                        field.column,
+                        field.rel.to._meta.db_table,
+                        field.rel.to._meta.get_field(field.rel.field_name).column
+                    )
+                )
+            if field.db_index and not field.unique:
+                self.add_deferred_sql(self.create_index_sql(table_name, [field.column]))
+        if hasattr(field, 'post_create_sql'):
+            style = no_style()
+            for stmt in field.post_create_sql(style, table_name):
+                self.add_deferred_sql(stmt)
+        if sql:
+            return sql % sqlparams
+        else:
+            return None
+    def foreign_key_sql(self, from_table_name, from_column_name, to_table_name, to_column_name):
+        """
+        Generates a full SQL statement to add a foreign key constraint
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        constraint_name = '%s_refs_%s_%x' % (from_column_name, to_column_name, abs(hash((from_table_name, to_table_name))))
+        return 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)%s;' % (
+            qn(from_table_name),
+            qn(truncate_name(constraint_name, connection.ops.max_name_length())),
+            qn(from_column_name),
+            qn(to_table_name),
+            qn(to_column_name),
+            connection.ops.deferrable_sql() # Django knows this
+        )
+    def delete_foreign_key(self, table_name, column):
+        "Drop a foreign key constraint"
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return # We can't look at the DB to get the constraints
+        constraints = list(self._constraints_affecting_columns(table_name, [column], "FOREIGN KEY"))
+        if not constraints:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot find a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table %s, column %s" % (table_name, column))
+        for constraint_name in constraints:
+            self.execute(self.delete_foreign_key_sql % (table_name, constraint_name))
+    drop_foreign_key = alias('delete_foreign_key')
+    def create_index_name(self, table_name, column_names):
+        """
+        Generate a unique name for the index
+        """
+        index_unique_name = ''
+        if len(column_names) > 1:
+            index_unique_name = '_%x' % abs(hash((table_name, ','.join(column_names))))
+        return ('%s_%s%s' % (table_name, column_names[0], index_unique_name))[:self.max_index_name_length]
+    def create_index_sql(self, table_name, column_names, unique=False, db_tablespace=''):
+        """
+        Generates a create index statement on 'table_name' for a list of 'column_names'
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        if not column_names:
+            print "No column names supplied on which to create an index"
+            return ''
+        if db_tablespace and connection.features.supports_tablespaces:
+            tablespace_sql = ' ' + connection.ops.tablespace_sql(db_tablespace)
+        else:
+            tablespace_sql = ''
+        index_name = self.create_index_name(table_name, column_names)
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        return 'CREATE %sINDEX %s ON %s (%s)%s;' % (
+            unique and 'UNIQUE ' or '',
+            qn(index_name),
+            qn(table_name),
+            ','.join([qn(field) for field in column_names]),
+            tablespace_sql
+        )
+    def create_index(self, table_name, column_names, unique=False, db_tablespace=''):
+        """ Executes a create index statement """
+        sql = self.create_index_sql(table_name, column_names, unique, db_tablespace)
+        self.execute(sql)
+    def delete_index(self, table_name, column_names, db_tablespace=''):
+        """
+        Deletes an index created with create_index.
+        This is possible using only columns due to the deterministic
+        index naming function which relies on column names.
+        """
+        if isinstance(column_names, (str, unicode)):
+            column_names = [column_names]
+        name = self.create_index_name(table_name, column_names)
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        sql = self.drop_index_string % {"index_name": qn(name), "table_name": qn(table_name)}
+        self.execute(sql)
+    drop_index = alias('delete_index')
+    def delete_column(self, table_name, name):
+        """
+        Deletes the column 'column_name' from the table 'table_name'.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(table_name), qn(name))
+        self.execute(self.delete_column_string % params, [])
+    drop_column = alias('delete_column')
+    def rename_column(self, table_name, old, new):
+        """
+        Renames the column 'old' from the table 'table_name' to 'new'.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("rename_column has no generic SQL syntax")
+    def drop_primary_key(self, table_name):
+        """
+        Drops the old primary key.
+        """
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        self.execute(self.drop_primary_key_string % {
+            "table": qn(table_name),
+            "constraint": qn(table_name+"_pkey"),
+        })
+    delete_primary_key = alias('drop_primary_key')
+    def create_primary_key(self, table_name, columns):
+        """
+        Creates a new primary key on the specified columns.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)):
+            columns = [columns]
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        self.execute(self.create_primary_key_string % {
+            "table": qn(table_name),
+            "constraint": qn(table_name+"_pkey"),
+            "columns": ", ".join(map(qn, columns)),
+        })
+    def start_transaction(self):
+        """
+        Makes sure the following commands are inside a transaction.
+        Must be followed by a (commit|rollback)_transaction call.
+        """
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return
+        transaction.commit_unless_managed()
+        transaction.enter_transaction_management()
+        transaction.managed(True)
+    def commit_transaction(self):
+        """
+        Commits the current transaction.
+        Must be preceded by a start_transaction call.
+        """
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return
+        transaction.commit()
+        transaction.leave_transaction_management()
+    def rollback_transaction(self):
+        """
+        Rolls back the current transaction.
+        Must be preceded by a start_transaction call.
+        """
+        if self.dry_run:
+            return
+        transaction.rollback()
+        transaction.leave_transaction_management()
+    def send_create_signal(self, app_label, model_names):
+        self.pending_create_signals.append((app_label, model_names))
+    def send_pending_create_signals(self):
+        for (app_label, model_names) in self.pending_create_signals:
+            self.really_send_create_signal(app_label, model_names)
+        self.pending_create_signals = []
+    def really_send_create_signal(self, app_label, model_names):
+        """
+        Sends a post_syncdb signal for the model specified.
+        If the model is not found (perhaps it's been deleted?),
+        no signal is sent.
+        TODO: The behavior of django.contrib.* apps seems flawed in that
+        they don't respect created_models.  Rather, they blindly execute
+        over all models within the app sending the signal.  This is a
+        patch we should push Django to make  For now, this should work.
+        """
+        if self.debug:
+            print " - Sending post_syncdb signal for %s: %s" % (app_label, model_names)
+        app = models.get_app(app_label)
+        if not app:
+            return
+        created_models = []
+        for model_name in model_names:
+            model = models.get_model(app_label, model_name)
+            if model:
+                created_models.append(model)
+        if created_models:
+            # syncdb defaults -- perhaps take these as options?
+            verbosity = 1
+            interactive = True
+            if hasattr(dispatcher, "send"):
+                dispatcher.send(signal=models.signals.post_syncdb, sender=app,
+                                app=app, created_models=created_models,
+                                verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive)
+            else:
+                models.signals.post_syncdb.send(sender=app,
+                                                app=app, created_models=created_models,
+                                                verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive)
+    def mock_model(self, model_name, db_table, db_tablespace='', 
+                   pk_field_name='id', pk_field_type=models.AutoField,
+                   pk_field_args=[], pk_field_kwargs={}):
+        """
+        Generates a MockModel class that provides enough information
+        to be used by a foreign key/many-to-many relationship.
+        Migrations should prefer to use these rather than actual models
+        as models could get deleted over time, but these can remain in
+        migration files forever.
+        Depreciated.
+        """
+        class MockOptions(object):
+            def __init__(self):
+                self.db_table = db_table
+                self.db_tablespace = db_tablespace or settings.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE
+                self.object_name = model_name
+                self.module_name = model_name.lower()
+                if pk_field_type == models.AutoField:
+                    pk_field_kwargs['primary_key'] = True
+                self.pk = pk_field_type(*pk_field_args, **pk_field_kwargs)
+                self.pk.set_attributes_from_name(pk_field_name)
+                self.abstract = False
+            def get_field_by_name(self, field_name):
+                # we only care about the pk field
+                return (self.pk, self.model, True, False)
+            def get_field(self, name):
+                # we only care about the pk field
+                return self.pk
+        class MockModel(object):
+            _meta = None
+        # We need to return an actual class object here, not an instance
+        MockModel._meta = MockOptions()
+        MockModel._meta.model = MockModel
+        return MockModel
+# Single-level flattening of lists
+def flatten(ls):
+    nl = []
+    for l in ls:
+        nl += l
+    return nl
diff --git a/lib/south/db/mysql.py b/lib/south/db/mysql.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44bfa1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/mysql.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+from django.db import connection
+from django.conf import settings
+from south.db import generic
+class DatabaseOperations(generic.DatabaseOperations):
+    """
+    MySQL implementation of database operations.
+    """
+    backend_name = "mysql"
+    alter_string_set_type = ''
+    alter_string_set_null = 'MODIFY %(column)s %(type)s NULL;'
+    alter_string_drop_null = 'MODIFY %(column)s %(type)s NOT NULL;'
+    drop_index_string = 'DROP INDEX %(index_name)s ON %(table_name)s'
+    drop_primary_key_string = "ALTER TABLE %(table)s DROP PRIMARY KEY"
+    allows_combined_alters = False
+    has_ddl_transactions = False
+    has_check_constraints = False
+    delete_unique_sql = "ALTER TABLE %s DROP INDEX %s"
+    def execute(self, sql, params=[]):
+        if hasattr(settings, "DATABASE_STORAGE_ENGINE") and \
+           settings.DATABASE_STORAGE_ENGINE:
+            generic.DatabaseOperations.execute(self, "SET storage_engine=%s;" %
+                settings.DATABASE_STORAGE_ENGINE)
+        return generic.DatabaseOperations.execute(self, sql, params)
+    execute.__doc__ = generic.DatabaseOperations.execute.__doc__
+    def rename_column(self, table_name, old, new):
+        if old == new or self.dry_run:
+            return []
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        rows = [x for x in self.execute('DESCRIBE %s' % (qn(table_name),)) if x[0] == old]
+        if not rows:
+            raise ValueError("No column '%s' in '%s'." % (old, table_name))
+        params = (
+            qn(table_name),
+            qn(old),
+            qn(new),
+            rows[0][1],
+            rows[0][2] == "YES" and "NULL" or "NOT NULL",
+            rows[0][3] == "PRI" and "PRIMARY KEY" or "",
+            rows[0][4] and "DEFAULT " or "",
+            rows[0][4] and "%s" or "",
+            rows[0][5] or "",
+        )
+        sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s CHANGE COLUMN %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s;' % params
+        if rows[0][4]:
+            self.execute(sql, (rows[0][4],))
+        else:
+            self.execute(sql)
+    def delete_column(self, table_name, name):
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        db_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME
+        # See if there is a foreign key on this column
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        get_fkeyname_query = "SELECT tc.constraint_name FROM \
+                              information_schema.table_constraints tc, \
+                              information_schema.key_column_usage kcu \
+                              WHERE tc.table_name=kcu.table_name \
+                              AND tc.table_schema=kcu.table_schema \
+                              AND tc.constraint_name=kcu.constraint_name \
+                              AND tc.constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY' \
+                              AND tc.table_schema='%s' \
+                              AND tc.table_name='%s' \
+                              AND kcu.column_name='%s'"
+        result = cursor.execute(get_fkeyname_query % (db_name, table_name, name))
+        # if a foreign key exists, we need to delete it first
+        if result > 0:
+            assert result == 1 #we should only have one result
+            fkey_name = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+            drop_query = "ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s"
+            cursor.execute(drop_query % (qn(table_name), qn(fkey_name)))
+        super(DatabaseOperations, self).delete_column(table_name, name)
+    def rename_table(self, old_table_name, table_name):
+        """
+        Renames the table 'old_table_name' to 'table_name'.
+        """
+        if old_table_name == table_name:
+            # No Operation
+            return
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(old_table_name), qn(table_name))
+        self.execute('RENAME TABLE %s TO %s;' % params)
+    def _constraints_affecting_columns(self, table_name, columns, type="UNIQUE"):
+        """
+        Gets the names of the constraints affecting the given columns.
+        """
+        if self.dry_run:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot get constraints for columns during a dry run.")
+        columns = set(columns)
+        db_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME
+        # First, load all constraint->col mappings for this table.
+        rows = self.execute("""
+            SELECT kc.constraint_name, kc.column_name
+            FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
+            JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS c ON
+                kc.table_schema = c.table_schema AND
+                kc.table_name = c.table_name AND
+                kc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
+            WHERE
+                kc.table_schema = %s AND
+                kc.table_catalog IS NULL AND
+                kc.table_name = %s AND
+                c.constraint_type = %s
+        """, [db_name, table_name, type])
+        # Load into a dict
+        mapping = {}
+        for constraint, column in rows:
+            mapping.setdefault(constraint, set())
+            mapping[constraint].add(column)
+        # Find ones affecting these columns
+        for constraint, itscols in mapping.items():
+            if itscols == columns:
+                yield constraint
diff --git a/lib/south/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py b/lib/south/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1d763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/postgresql_psycopg2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+from django.db import connection, models
+from south.db import generic
+class DatabaseOperations(generic.DatabaseOperations):
+    """
+    PsycoPG2 implementation of database operations.
+    """
+    backend_name = "postgres"
+    def rename_column(self, table_name, old, new):
+        if old == new:
+            return []
+        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
+        params = (qn(table_name), qn(old), qn(new))
+        self.execute('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s;' % params)
+    def rename_table(self, old_table_name, table_name):
+        "will rename the table and an associated ID sequence and primary key index"
+        # First, rename the table
+        generic.DatabaseOperations.rename_table(self, old_table_name, table_name)
+        # Then, try renaming the ID sequence
+        # (if you're using other AutoFields... your problem, unfortunately)
+        self.commit_transaction()
+        self.start_transaction()
+        try:
+            generic.DatabaseOperations.rename_table(self, old_table_name+"_id_seq", table_name+"_id_seq")
+        except:
+            if self.debug:
+                print "   ~ No such sequence (ignoring error)"
+            self.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.commit_transaction()
+        self.start_transaction()
+        # Rename primary key index, will not rename other indices on
+        # the table that are used by django (e.g. foreign keys). Until
+        # figure out how, you need to do this yourself.
+        try:
+            generic.DatabaseOperations.rename_table(self, old_table_name+"_pkey", table_name+ "_pkey")
+        except:
+            if self.debug:
+                print "   ~ No such primary key (ignoring error)"
+            self.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.commit_transaction()
+        self.start_transaction()
+    def rename_index(self, old_index_name, index_name):
+        "Rename an index individually"
+        generic.DatabaseOperations.rename_table(self, old_index_name, index_name)
+    def _db_type_for_alter_column(self, field):
+        """
+        Returns a field's type suitable for ALTER COLUMN.
+        Strips CHECKs from PositiveSmallIntegerField) and PositiveIntegerField
+        @param field: The field to generate type for
+        """
+        if isinstance(field, models.PositiveSmallIntegerField) or isinstance(field, models.PositiveIntegerField):
+            return field.db_type().split(" ")[0]
+        return super(DatabaseOperations, self)._db_type_for_alter_column(field)
diff --git a/lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py b/lib/south/db/sql_server/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py
copy to lib/south/db/sql_server/__init__.py
diff --git a/lib/south/db/sql_server/pyodbc.py b/lib/south/db/sql_server/pyodbc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c5166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/sql_server/pyodbc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from django.db import connection
+from django.db.models.fields import *
+from south.db import generic
+class DatabaseOperations(generic.DatabaseOperations):
+    """
+    django-pyodbc (sql_server.pyodbc) implementation of database operations.
+    """
+    add_column_string = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s;'
+    alter_string_set_type = 'ALTER COLUMN %(column)s %(type)s'
+    allows_combined_alters = False
+    delete_column_string = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s;'
+    def create_table(self, table_name, fields):
+        # Tweak stuff as needed
+        for name,f in fields:
+            if isinstance(f, BooleanField):
+                if f.default == True:
+                    f.default = 1
+                if f.default == False:
+                    f.default = 0
+        # Run
+        generic.DatabaseOperations.create_table(self, table_name, fields)
diff --git a/lib/south/db/sqlite3.py b/lib/south/db/sqlite3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e71c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/db/sqlite3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from django.db import connection
+from south.db import generic
+class DatabaseOperations(generic.DatabaseOperations):
+    """
+    SQLite3 implementation of database operations.
+    """
+    # SQLite ignores foreign key constraints. I wish I could.
+    supports_foreign_keys = False
+    # You can't add UNIQUE columns with an ALTER TABLE.
+    def add_column(self, table_name, name, field, *args, **kwds):
+        # Run ALTER TABLE with no unique column
+        unique, field._unique, field.db_index = field.unique, False, False
+        # If it's not nullable, and has no default, raise an error (SQLite is picky)
+        if not field.null and (not field.has_default() or field.get_default() is None):
+            raise ValueError("You cannot add a null=False column without a default value.")
+        generic.DatabaseOperations.add_column(self, table_name, name, field, *args, **kwds)
+        # If it _was_ unique, make an index on it.
+        if unique:
+            self.create_index(table_name, [name], unique=True)
+    # SQLite doesn't have ALTER COLUMN
+    def alter_column(self, table_name, name, field, explicit_name=True):
+        """
+        Not supported under SQLite.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("SQLite does not support altering columns.")
+    # Nor DROP COLUMN
+    def delete_column(self, table_name, name):
+        """
+        Not supported under SQLite.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("SQLite does not support deleting columns.")
+    def rename_column(self, table_name, old, new):
+        """
+        Not supported under SQLite.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("SQLite does not support renaming columns.")
+    # No cascades on deletes
+    def delete_table(self, table_name, cascade=True):
+        generic.DatabaseOperations.delete_table(self, table_name, False)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/django_evolution/tests/db/__init__.py b/lib/south/management/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/django_evolution/tests/db/__init__.py
rename to lib/south/management/__init__.py
diff --git a/lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py b/lib/south/management/commands/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py
copy to lib/south/management/commands/__init__.py
diff --git a/lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py b/lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f9773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.core.management.color import no_style
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import models
+from optparse import make_option
+from south import migration
+import sys
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
+        make_option('--all', action='store_true', dest='all_apps', default=False,
+            help='Run the specified migration for all apps.'),
+        make_option('--list', action='store_true', dest='list', default=False,
+            help='List migrations noting those that have been applied'),
+        make_option('--skip', action='store_true', dest='skip', default=False,
+            help='Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations'),
+        make_option('--merge', action='store_true', dest='merge', default=False,
+            help='Will run out-of-order missing migrations as they are - no rollbacks.'),
+        make_option('--no-initial-data', action='store_true', dest='no_initial_data', default=False,
+            help='Skips loading initial data if specified.'),
+        make_option('--fake', action='store_true', dest='fake', default=False,
+            help="Pretends to do the migrations, but doesn't actually execute them."),
+        make_option('--db-dry-run', action='store_true', dest='db_dry_run', default=False,
+            help="Doesn't execute the SQL generated by the db methods, and doesn't store a record that the migration(s) occurred. Useful to test migrations before applying them."),
+    )
+    if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in BaseCommand.option_list]:
+        option_list += (
+            make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
+            type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
+            help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
+        )
+    help = "Runs migrations for all apps."
+    def handle(self, app=None, target=None, skip=False, merge=False, backwards=False, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, list=False, **options):
+        # Work out what the resolve mode is
+        resolve_mode = merge and "merge" or (skip and "skip" or None)
+        # Turn on db debugging
+        from south.db import db
+        db.debug = True
+        # NOTE: THIS IS DUPLICATED FROM django.core.management.commands.syncdb
+        # This code imports any module named 'management' in INSTALLED_APPS.
+        # The 'management' module is the preferred way of listening to post_syncdb
+        # signals, and since we're sending those out with create_table migrations,
+        # we need apps to behave correctly.
+        for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
+            try:
+                __import__(app_name + '.management', {}, {}, [''])
+            except ImportError, exc:
+                msg = exc.args[0]
+                if not msg.startswith('No module named') or 'management' not in msg:
+                    raise
+        # if all_apps flag is set, shift app over to target
+        if options['all_apps']:
+            target = app
+            app = None
+        # Migrate each app
+        if app:
+            apps = [migration.get_app(app.split(".")[-1])]
+        else:
+            apps = migration.get_migrated_apps()
+        silent = options.get('verbosity', 0) == 0
+        if list and apps:
+            list_migrations(apps)
+        if not list:
+            for app in apps:
+                result = migration.migrate_app(
+                    app,
+                    resolve_mode = resolve_mode,
+                    target_name = target,
+                    fake = fake,
+                    db_dry_run = db_dry_run,
+                    silent = silent,
+                    load_inital_data = not options['no_initial_data'],
+                    skip = skip,
+                )
+                if result is False:
+                    return
+def list_migrations(apps):
+    from south.models import MigrationHistory
+    apps = list(apps)
+    names = [migration.get_app_name(app) for app in apps]
+    applied_migrations = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(app_name__in=names)
+    applied_migrations = ['%s.%s' % (mi.app_name,mi.migration) for mi in applied_migrations]
+    print
+    for app in apps:
+        print migration.get_app_name(app)
+        all_migrations = migration.get_migration_names(app)
+        for migration_name in all_migrations:
+            long_form = '%s.%s' % (migration.get_app_name(app),migration_name)
+            if long_form in applied_migrations:
+                print format_migration_list_item(migration_name)
+            else:
+                print format_migration_list_item(migration_name, applied=False)
+        print
+def format_migration_list_item(name, applied=True):
+    if applied:
+        return '   * %s' % name
+    return '     %s' % name
diff --git a/lib/south/management/commands/startmigration.py b/lib/south/management/commands/startmigration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1ffbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/management/commands/startmigration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+Startmigration command, version 2.
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import random
+import inspect
+import parser
+from optparse import make_option
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.core.management.color import no_style
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.fields.related import RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericRelation
+from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
+from django.conf import settings
+    set
+except NameError:
+    from sets import Set as set
+from south import migration, modelsparser
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
+        make_option('--model', action='append', dest='added_model_list', type='string',
+            help='Generate a Create Table migration for the specified model.  Add multiple models to this migration with subsequent --model parameters.'),
+        make_option('--add-field', action='append', dest='added_field_list', type='string',
+            help='Generate an Add Column migration for the specified modelname.fieldname - you can use this multiple times to add more than one column.'),
+        make_option('--initial', action='store_true', dest='initial', default=False,
+            help='Generate the initial schema for the app.'),
+        make_option('--auto', action='store_true', dest='auto', default=False,
+            help='Attempt to automatically detect differences from the last migration.'),
+        make_option('--freeze', action='append', dest='freeze_list', type='string',
+            help='Freeze the specified model(s). Pass in either an app name (to freeze the whole app) or a single model, as appname.modelname.'),
+    )
+    help = "Creates a new template migration for the given app"
+    def handle(self, app=None, name="", added_model_list=None, added_field_list=None, initial=False, freeze_list=None, auto=False, **options):
+        # Any supposed lists that are None become empty lists
+        added_model_list = added_model_list or []
+        added_field_list = added_field_list or []
+        # Make sure options are compatable
+        if initial and (added_model_list or added_field_list or auto):
+            print "You cannot use --initial and other options together"
+            return
+        if auto and (added_model_list or added_field_list or initial):
+            print "You cannot use --auto and other options together"
+            return
+        # specify the default name 'initial' if a name wasn't specified and we're
+        # doing a migration for an entire app
+        if not name and initial:
+            name = 'initial'
+        # if not name, there's an error
+        if not name:
+            print "You must name this migration"
+            return
+        if not app:
+            print "Please provide an app in which to create the migration."
+            return
+        # Make sure the app is short form
+        app = app.split(".")[-1]
+        # See if the app exists
+        app_models_module = models.get_app(app)
+        if not app_models_module:
+            print "App '%s' doesn't seem to exist, isn't in INSTALLED_APPS, or has no models." % app
+            return
+        # If they've set SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP = True (or not set it - defaults to True)
+        if not hasattr(settings, 'SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP') or settings.SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP:
+            if freeze_list and app not in freeze_list:
+                freeze_list += [app]
+            else:
+                freeze_list = [app]
+        # Make the migrations directory if it's not there
+        app_module_path = app_models_module.__name__.split('.')[0:-1]
+        try:
+            app_module = __import__('.'.join(app_module_path), {}, {}, [''])
+        except ImportError:
+            print "Couldn't find path to App '%s'." % app
+            return
+        migrations_dir = os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(app_module.__file__),
+            "migrations",
+        )
+        # Make sure there's a migrations directory and __init__.py
+        if not os.path.isdir(migrations_dir):
+            print "Creating migrations directory at '%s'..." % migrations_dir
+            os.mkdir(migrations_dir)
+        init_path = os.path.join(migrations_dir, "__init__.py")
+        if not os.path.isfile(init_path):
+            # Touch the init py file
+            print "Creating __init__.py in '%s'..." % migrations_dir
+            open(init_path, "w").close()
+        # See what filename is next in line. We assume they use numbers.
+        migrations = migration.get_migration_names(migration.get_app(app))
+        highest_number = 0
+        for migration_name in migrations:
+            try:
+                number = int(migration_name.split("_")[0])
+                highest_number = max(highest_number, number)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        # Make the new filename
+        new_filename = "%04i%s_%s.py" % (
+            highest_number + 1,
+            "".join([random.choice(string.letters.lower()) for i in range(0)]), # Possible random stuff insertion
+            name,
+        )
+        # Find the source file encoding, using PEP 0263's method
+        encoding = None
+        first_two_lines = inspect.getsourcelines(app_models_module)[0][:2]
+        for line in first_two_lines:
+            if re.search("coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)", line):
+                encoding = line
+        # Initialise forwards, backwards and models to blank things
+        forwards = ""
+        backwards = ""
+        frozen_models = {} # Frozen models, used by the Fake ORM
+        stub_models = {} # Frozen models, but only enough for relation ends (old mock models)
+        complete_apps = set() # Apps that are completely frozen - useable for diffing.
+        # Sets of actions
+        added_models = set()
+        deleted_models = [] # Special: contains instances _not_ string keys
+        added_fields = set()
+        deleted_fields = [] # Similar to deleted_models
+        changed_fields = [] # (mkey, fname, old_def, new_def)
+        added_uniques = set() # (mkey, field_names)
+        deleted_uniques = set() # (mkey, field_names)
+        # --initial means 'add all models in this app'.
+        if initial:
+            for model in models.get_models(app_models_module):
+                added_models.add("%s.%s" % (app, model._meta.object_name))
+        # Added models might be 'model' or 'app.model'.
+        for modelname in added_model_list:
+            if "." in modelname:
+                added_models.add(modelname)
+            else:
+                added_models.add("%s.%s" % (app, modelname))
+        # Fields need translating from "model.field" to (app.model, field)
+        for fielddef in added_field_list:
+            try:
+                modelname, fieldname = fielddef.split(".", 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                print "The field specification '%s' is not in modelname.fieldname format." % fielddef
+            else:
+                added_fields.add(("%s.%s" % (app, modelname), fieldname))
+        # Add anything frozen (I almost called the dict Iceland...)
+        if freeze_list:
+            for item in freeze_list:
+                if "." in item:
+                    # It's a specific model
+                    app_name, model_name = item.split(".", 1)
+                    model = models.get_model(app_name, model_name)
+                    if model is None:
+                        print "Cannot find the model '%s' to freeze it." % item
+                        return
+                    frozen_models[model] = None
+                else:
+                    # Get everything in an app!
+                    frozen_models.update(dict([(x, None) for x in models.get_models(models.get_app(item))]))
+                    complete_apps.add(item.split(".")[-1])
+            # For every model in the freeze list, add in dependency stubs
+            for model in frozen_models:
+                stub_models.update(model_dependencies(model))
+        ### Automatic Detection ###
+        if auto:
+            # Get the last migration for this app
+            last_models = None
+            app_module = migration.get_app(app)
+            if app_module is None:
+                print "You cannot use automatic detection on the first migration of an app. Try --initial instead."
+            else:
+                migrations = list(migration.get_migration_classes(app_module))
+                if not migrations:
+                    print "You cannot use automatic detection on the first migration of an app. Try --initial instead."
+                else:
+                    if hasattr(migrations[-1], "complete_apps") and \
+                       app in migrations[-1].complete_apps:
+                        last_models = migrations[-1].models
+                        last_orm = migrations[-1].orm
+                    else:
+                        print "You cannot use automatic detection, since the previous migration does not have this whole app frozen.\nEither make migrations using '--freeze %s' or set 'SOUTH_AUTO_FREEZE_APP = True' in your settings.py." % app
+            # Right, did we manage to get the last set of models?
+            if last_models is None:
+                return
+            # Good! Get new things.
+            new = dict([
+                (model_key(model), prep_for_freeze(model))
+                for model in models.get_models(app_models_module)
+            ])
+            # And filter other apps out of the old
+            old = dict([
+                (key, fields)
+                for key, fields in last_models.items()
+                if key.split(".", 1)[0] == app
+            ])
+            am, dm, cm, af, df, cf = models_diff(old, new)
+            # For models that were there before and after, do a meta diff
+            was_meta_change = False
+            for mkey in cm:
+                au, du = meta_diff(old[mkey].get("Meta", {}), new[mkey].get("Meta", {}))
+                for entry in au:
+                    added_uniques.add((mkey, entry))
+                    was_meta_change = True
+                for entry in du:
+                    deleted_uniques.add((mkey, entry))
+                    was_meta_change = True
+            if not (am or dm or af or df or cf or was_meta_change):
+                print "Nothing seems to have changed."
+                return
+            # Add items to the todo lists
+            added_models.update(am)
+            added_fields.update(af)
+            changed_fields.extend(cf)
+            # Deleted models are from the past, and so we use instances instead.
+            for mkey in dm:
+                model = last_orm[mkey]
+                fields = last_models[mkey]
+                if "Meta" in fields:
+                    del fields['Meta']
+                deleted_models.append((model, fields, last_models))
+            # For deleted fields, we tag the instance on the end too
+            for mkey, fname in df:
+                deleted_fields.append((
+                    mkey,
+                    fname,
+                    last_orm[mkey]._meta.get_field_by_name(fname)[0],
+                    last_models[mkey][fname],
+                    last_models,
+                ))
+        ### Added model ###
+        for mkey in added_models:
+            print " + Added model '%s'" % (mkey,)
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            # Add the model's dependencies to the stubs
+            stub_models.update(model_dependencies(model))
+            # Get the field definitions
+            fields = modelsparser.get_model_fields(model)
+            # Turn the (class, args, kwargs) format into a string
+            fields = triples_to_defs(app, model, fields)
+            # Make the code
+            forwards += CREATE_TABLE_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                "\n            ".join(["('%s', %s)," % (fname, fdef) for fname, fdef in fields.items()]),
+                model._meta.app_label,
+                model._meta.object_name,
+            )
+            # And the backwards code
+            backwards += DELETE_TABLE_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name, 
+                model._meta.db_table
+            )
+            # Now add M2M fields to be done
+            for field in model._meta.local_many_to_many:
+                added_fields.add((mkey, field.attname))
+            # And unique_togethers to be added
+            for ut in model._meta.unique_together:
+                added_uniques.add((mkey, tuple(ut)))
+        ### Added fields ###
+        for mkey, field_name in added_fields:
+            print " + Added field '%s.%s'" % (mkey, field_name)
+            # Get the model
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            # Get the field
+            try:
+                field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
+            except FieldDoesNotExist:
+                print "Model '%s' doesn't have a field '%s'" % (mkey, field_name)
+                return
+            # ManyToMany fields need special attention.
+            if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
+                if not field.rel.through: # Bug #120
+                    # Add a stub model for each side
+                    stub_models[model] = None
+                    stub_models[field.rel.to] = None
+                    # And a field defn, that's actually a table creation
+                    forwards += CREATE_M2MFIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                        model._meta.object_name,
+                        field.name,
+                        field.m2m_db_table(),
+                        field.m2m_column_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the end
+                        model._meta.object_name,
+                        field.m2m_reverse_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the ned
+                        field.rel.to._meta.object_name
+                        )
+                    backwards += DELETE_M2MFIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                        model._meta.object_name,
+                        field.name,
+                        field.m2m_db_table()
+                    )
+                continue
+            # GenericRelations need ignoring
+            if isinstance(field, GenericRelation):
+                continue
+            # Add any dependencies
+            stub_models.update(field_dependencies(field))
+            # Work out the definition
+            triple = remove_useless_attributes(
+                modelsparser.get_model_fields(model)[field_name])
+            field_definition = make_field_constructor(app, field, triple)
+            forwards += CREATE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field.name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.name,
+                field_definition,
+            )
+            backwards += DELETE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field.name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.column,
+            )
+        ### Deleted fields ###
+        for mkey, field_name, field, triple, last_models in deleted_fields:
+            print " - Deleted field '%s.%s'" % (mkey, field_name)
+            # Get the model
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            # ManyToMany fields need special attention.
+            if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
+                # Add a stub model for each side, if they're not already there
+                # (if we just added old versions, we might override new ones)
+                if model not in stub_models:
+                    stub_models[model] = last_models
+                if field.rel.to not in last_models:
+                    stub_models[field.rel.to] = last_models
+                # And a field defn, that's actually a table deletion
+                forwards += DELETE_M2MFIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                    model._meta.object_name,
+                    field.name,
+                    field.m2m_db_table()
+                )
+                backwards += CREATE_M2MFIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                    model._meta.object_name,
+                    field.name,
+                    field.m2m_db_table(),
+                    field.m2m_column_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the end
+                    model._meta.object_name,
+                    field.m2m_reverse_name()[:-3], # strip off the '_id' at the ned
+                    field.rel.to._meta.object_name
+                    )
+                continue
+            # Add any dependencies
+            deps = field_dependencies(field, last_models)
+            deps.update(stub_models)
+            stub_models = deps
+            # Work out the definition
+            triple = remove_useless_attributes(triple)
+            field_definition = make_field_constructor(app, field, triple)
+            forwards += DELETE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field.name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.column,
+            )
+            backwards += CREATE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field.name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.name,
+                field_definition,
+            )
+        ### Deleted model ###
+        for model, fields, last_models in deleted_models:
+            print " - Deleted model '%s.%s'" % (model._meta.app_label,model._meta.object_name)
+            # Add the model's dependencies to the stubs
+            deps = model_dependencies(model, last_models)
+            deps.update(stub_models)
+            stub_models = deps
+            # Turn the (class, args, kwargs) format into a string
+            fields = triples_to_defs(app, model, fields)
+            # Make the code
+            forwards += DELETE_TABLE_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name, 
+                model._meta.db_table
+            )
+            # And the backwards code
+            backwards += CREATE_TABLE_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                "\n            ".join(["('%s', %s)," % (fname, fdef) for fname, fdef in fields.items()]),
+                model._meta.app_label,
+                model._meta.object_name,
+            )
+        ### Changed fields ###
+        for mkey, field_name, old_triple, new_triple in changed_fields:
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            old_def = triples_to_defs(app, model, {
+                field_name: old_triple,
+            })[field_name]
+            new_def = triples_to_defs(app, model, {
+                field_name: new_triple,
+            })[field_name]
+            # We need to create the field, to see if it needs _id, or if it's an M2M
+            field = model._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0]
+            if hasattr(field, "m2m_db_table"):
+                # See if anything has ACTUALLY changed
+                if old_triple[1] != new_triple[1]:
+                    print " ! Detected change to the target model of M2M field '%s.%s'. South can't handle this; leaving this change out." % (mkey, field_name)
+                continue
+            print " ~ Changed field '%s.%s'." % (mkey, field_name)
+            forwards += CHANGE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.get_attname(),
+                new_def,
+            )
+            backwards += CHANGE_FIELD_SNIPPET % (
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                field_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                field.get_attname(),
+                old_def,
+            )
+        ### Added unique_togethers ###
+        for mkey, ut in added_uniques:
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            print " + Added unique_together for [%s] on %s." % (", ".join(ut), model._meta.object_name)
+            cols = [get_field_column(model, f) for f in ut]
+            forwards += CREATE_UNIQUE_SNIPPET % (
+                ", ".join(ut),
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                cols,
+            )
+            backwards += DELETE_UNIQUE_SNIPPET % (
+                ", ".join(ut),
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                cols,
+            )
+        ### Deleted unique_togethers ###
+        for mkey, ut in deleted_uniques:
+            model = model_unkey(mkey)
+            print " - Deleted unique_together for [%s] on %s." % (", ".join(ut), model._meta.object_name)
+            forwards += DELETE_UNIQUE_SNIPPET % (
+                ", ".join(ut),
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                ut,
+            )
+            backwards += CREATE_UNIQUE_SNIPPET % (
+                ", ".join(ut),
+                model._meta.object_name,
+                model._meta.db_table,
+                ut,
+            )
+        # Default values for forwards/backwards
+        if (not forwards) and (not backwards):
+            forwards = '"Write your forwards migration here"'
+            backwards = '"Write your backwards migration here"'
+        all_models = {}
+        # Fill out frozen model definitions
+        for model, last_models in frozen_models.items():
+            all_models[model_key(model)] = prep_for_freeze(model, last_models)
+        # Fill out stub model definitions
+        for model, last_models in stub_models.items():
+            key = model_key(model)
+            if key in all_models:
+                continue # We'd rather use full models than stubs.
+            all_models[key] = prep_for_stub(model, last_models)
+        # Do some model cleanup, and warnings
+        for modelname, model in all_models.items():
+            for fieldname, fielddef in model.items():
+                # Remove empty-after-cleaning Metas.
+                if fieldname == "Meta" and not fielddef:
+                    del model['Meta']
+                # Warn about undefined fields
+                elif fielddef is None:
+                    print "WARNING: Cannot get definition for '%s' on '%s'. Please edit the migration manually." % (
+                        fieldname,
+                        modelname,
+                    )
+                    model[fieldname] = FIELD_NEEDS_DEF_SNIPPET
+        # Write the migration file
+        fp = open(os.path.join(migrations_dir, new_filename), "w")
+        fp.write(MIGRATION_SNIPPET % (
+            encoding or "", '.'.join(app_module_path), 
+            forwards, 
+            backwards, 
+            pprint_frozen_models(all_models),
+            complete_apps and "complete_apps = [%s]" % (", ".join(map(repr, complete_apps))) or ""
+        ))
+        fp.close()
+        print "Created %s." % new_filename
+### Cleaning functions for freezing
+def prep_for_freeze(model, last_models=None):
+    if last_models:
+        fields = last_models[model_key(model)]
+    else:
+        fields = modelsparser.get_model_fields(model, m2m=True)
+    # Remove useless attributes (like 'choices')
+    for name, field in fields.items():
+        fields[name] = remove_useless_attributes(field)
+    # See if there's a Meta
+    if last_models:
+        meta = last_models[model_key(model)].get("Meta", {})
+    else:
+        meta = modelsparser.get_model_meta(model)
+    if meta:
+        fields['Meta'] = remove_useless_meta(meta)
+    return fields
+def prep_for_stub(model, last_models=None):
+    if last_models:
+        fields = last_models[model_key(model)]
+    else:
+        fields = modelsparser.get_model_fields(model)
+    # Now, take only the PK (and a 'we're a stub' field) and freeze 'em
+    pk = model._meta.pk.name
+    fields = {
+        pk: remove_useless_attributes(fields[pk]),
+        "_stub": True,
+    }
+    # Meta is important too.
+    if last_models:
+        meta = last_models[model_key(model)].get("Meta", {})
+    else:
+        meta = modelsparser.get_model_meta(model)
+    if meta:
+        fields['Meta'] = remove_useless_meta(meta)
+    return fields
+### Module handling functions
+def model_key(model):
+    "For a given model, return 'appname.modelname'."
+    return ("%s.%s" % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)).lower()
+def model_unkey(key):
+    "For 'appname.modelname', return the model."
+    app, modelname = key.split(".", 1)
+    model = models.get_model(app, modelname)
+    if not model:
+        print "Couldn't find model '%s' in app '%s'" % (modelname, app)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return model
+### Dependency resolvers
+def model_dependencies(model, last_models=None):
+    """
+    Returns a set of models this one depends on to be defined; things like
+    OneToOneFields as ID, ForeignKeys everywhere, etc.
+    """
+    depends = {}
+    for field in model._meta.fields + model._meta.many_to_many:
+        depends.update(field_dependencies(field, last_models))
+    return depends
+def stub_model_dependencies(model, last_models=None):
+    """
+    Returns a set of models this one depends on to be defined as a stub model
+    (i.e. deps of the PK).
+    """
+    return field_dependencies(model._meta.pk, last_models)
+def field_dependencies(field, last_models=None):
+    depends = {}
+    if isinstance(field, (models.OneToOneField, models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)):
+        depends[field.rel.to] = last_models
+        depends.update(stub_model_dependencies(field.rel.to, last_models))
+    return depends
+### Prettyprinters
+def pprint_frozen_models(models):
+    return "{\n        %s\n    }" % ",\n        ".join([
+        "%r: %s" % (name, pprint_fields(fields))
+        for name, fields in models.items()
+    ])
+def pprint_fields(fields):
+    return "{\n            %s\n        }" % ",\n            ".join([
+        "%r: %r" % (name, defn)
+        for name, defn in sorted(fields.items())
+    ])
+### Output sanitisers
+USELESS_KEYWORDS = ["choices", "help_text"]
+USELESS_DB_KEYWORDS = ["related_name", "upload_to"] # Important for ORM, not for DB.
+def remove_useless_attributes(field, db=False):
+    "Removes useless (for database) attributes from the field's defn."
+    if field:
+        for name in keywords:
+            if name in field[2]:
+                del field[2][name]
+    return field
+USELESS_META = ["verbose_name", "verbose_name_plural"]
+def remove_useless_meta(meta):
+    "Removes useless (for database) attributes from the table's meta."
+    if meta:
+        for name in USELESS_META:
+            if name in meta:
+                del meta[name]
+    return meta
+### Turns (class, args, kwargs) triples into function defs.
+def make_field_constructor(default_app, field, triple):
+    """
+    Given the defualt app, the field class,
+    and the defn triple (or string), make the defition string.
+    """
+    # It might be a defn string already...
+    if isinstance(triple, (str, unicode)):
+        return triple
+    # OK, do it the hard way
+    if hasattr(field, "rel") and hasattr(field.rel, "to") and field.rel.to:
+        rel_to = field.rel.to
+    else:
+        rel_to = None
+    args = [poss_ormise(default_app, rel_to, arg) for arg in triple[1]]
+    kwds = ["%s=%s" % (k, poss_ormise(default_app, rel_to, v)) for k,v in triple[2].items()]
+    return "%s(%s)" % (triple[0], ", ".join(args+kwds))
+QUOTES = ['"""', "'''", '"', "'"]
+def poss_ormise(default_app, rel_to, arg):
+    """
+    Given the name of something that needs orm. stuck on the front and
+    a python eval-able string, possibly add orm. to it.
+    """
+    orig_arg = arg
+    # If it's not a relative field, short-circuit out
+    if not rel_to:
+        return arg
+    # Get the name of the other model
+    rel_name = rel_to._meta.object_name
+    # Is it in a different app? If so, use proper addressing.
+    if rel_to._meta.app_label != default_app:
+        real_name = "orm['%s.%s']" % (rel_to._meta.app_label, rel_name)
+    else:
+        real_name = "orm.%s" % rel_name
+    # If it's surrounded by quotes, get rid of those
+    for quote_type in QUOTES:
+        l = len(quote_type)
+        if arg[:l] == quote_type and arg[-l:] == quote_type:
+            arg = arg[l:-l]
+            break
+    # Now see if we can replace it.
+    if arg.lower() == rel_name.lower():
+        return real_name
+    # Or perhaps it's app.model?
+    if arg.lower() == rel_to._meta.app_label.lower() + "." + rel_name.lower():
+        return real_name
+    # Or perhaps it's 'self'?
+        return real_name
+    return orig_arg
+### Diffing functions between sets of models
+def models_diff(old, new):
+    """
+    Returns the difference between the old and new sets of models as a 5-tuple:
+    added_models, deleted_models, added_fields, deleted_fields, changed_fields
+    """
+    added_models = set()
+    deleted_models = set()
+    ignored_models = set() # Stubs for backwards
+    continued_models = set() # Models that existed before and after
+    added_fields = set()
+    deleted_fields = set()
+    changed_fields = []
+    # See if anything's vanished
+    for key in old:
+        if key not in new:
+            if "_stub" not in old[key]:
+                deleted_models.add(key)
+            else:
+                ignored_models.add(key)
+    # Or appeared
+    for key in new:
+        if key not in old:
+            added_models.add(key)
+    # Now, for every model that's stayed the same, check its fields.
+    for key in old:
+        if key not in deleted_models and key not in ignored_models:
+            continued_models.add(key)
+            still_there = set()
+            # Find fields that have vanished.
+            for fieldname in old[key]:
+                if fieldname != "Meta" and fieldname not in new[key]:
+                    deleted_fields.add((key, fieldname))
+                else:
+                    still_there.add(fieldname)
+            # And ones that have appeared
+            for fieldname in new[key]:
+                if fieldname != "Meta" and fieldname not in old[key]:
+                    added_fields.add((key, fieldname))
+            # For the ones that exist in both models, see if they were changed
+            for fieldname in still_there:
+                if fieldname != "Meta" and \
+                   remove_useless_attributes(new[key][fieldname], True) != \
+                   remove_useless_attributes(old[key][fieldname], True):
+                    changed_fields.append((key, fieldname, old[key][fieldname], new[key][fieldname]))
+    return added_models, deleted_models, continued_models, added_fields, deleted_fields, changed_fields
+def meta_diff(old, new):
+    """
+    Diffs the two provided Meta definitions (dicts).
+    """
+    # First, diff unique_together
+    old_unique_together = eval(old.get('unique_together', "[]"))
+    new_unique_together = eval(new.get('unique_together', "[]"))
+    added_uniques = set()
+    removed_uniques = set()
+    for entry in old_unique_together:
+        if entry not in new_unique_together:
+            removed_uniques.add(tuple(entry))
+    for entry in new_unique_together:
+        if entry not in old_unique_together:
+            added_uniques.add(tuple(entry))
+    return added_uniques, removed_uniques
+### Used to work out what columns any fields affect ###
+def get_field_column(model, field_name):
+    return model._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0].column
+### Creates SQL snippets for various common operations
+def triples_to_defs(app, model, fields):
+    # Turn the (class, args, kwargs) format into a string
+    for field, triple in fields.items():
+        triple = remove_useless_attributes(triple)
+        if triple is None:
+            print "WARNING: Cannot get definition for '%s' on '%s'. Please edit the migration manually." % (
+                field,
+                model_key(model),
+            )
+            fields[field] = FIELD_NEEDS_DEF_SNIPPET
+        else:
+            fields[field] = make_field_constructor(
+                app,
+                model._meta.get_field_by_name(field)[0],
+                triple,
+            )
+    return fields
+### Various code snippets we need to use
+from south.db import db
+from django.db import models
+from %s.models import *
+class Migration:
+    def forwards(self, orm):
+        %s
+    def backwards(self, orm):
+        %s
+    models = %s
+    %s
+        # Adding model '%s'
+        db.create_table(%r, (
+            %s
+        ))
+        db.send_create_signal(%r, [%r])
+        '''
+        # Deleting model '%s'
+        db.delete_table(%r)
+        '''
+        # Adding field '%s.%s'
+        db.add_column(%r, %r, %s)
+        '''
+        # Deleting field '%s.%s'
+        db.delete_column(%r, %r)
+        '''
+        # Changing field '%s.%s'
+        db.alter_column(%r, %r, %s)
+        '''
+        # Adding ManyToManyField '%s.%s'
+        db.create_table('%s', (
+            ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
+            ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False)),
+            ('%s', models.ForeignKey(%s, null=False))
+        ))
+        '''
+        # Dropping ManyToManyField '%s.%s'
+        db.delete_table('%s')
+        '''
+        # Creating unique_together for [%s] on %s.
+        db.create_unique(%r, %r)
+        '''
+        # Deleting unique_together for [%s] on %s.
+        db.delete_unique(%r, %r)
+        '''
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/management/commands/syncdb.py b/lib/south/management/commands/syncdb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b160c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/management/commands/syncdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+from django.core.management.base import NoArgsCommand, BaseCommand 
+from django.core.management.color import no_style
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from optparse import make_option
+from south import migration
+from django.core.management.commands import syncdb
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.loading import cache
+from django.core import management
+import sys
+def get_app_name(app):
+    return '.'.join( app.__name__.split('.')[0:-1] )
+class Command(NoArgsCommand):
+    option_list = NoArgsCommand.option_list + (
+        make_option('--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True,
+            help='Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.'),
+        make_option('--migrate', action='store_true', dest='migrate', default=False,
+            help='Tells South to also perform migrations after the sync. Default for during testing, and other internal calls.'),
+    )
+    if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in BaseCommand.option_list]:
+        option_list += (
+            make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
+            type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
+            help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
+        )
+    help = "Create the database tables for all apps in INSTALLED_APPS whose tables haven't already been created, except those which use migrations."
+    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
+        # Work out what uses migrations and so doesn't need syncing
+        apps_needing_sync = []
+        apps_migrated = []
+        for app in models.get_apps():
+            app_name = get_app_name(app)
+            migrations = migration.get_app(app)
+            if migrations is None:
+                apps_needing_sync.append(app_name)
+            else:
+                # This is a migrated app, leave it
+                apps_migrated.append(app_name)
+        verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 0))
+        # Run syncdb on only the ones needed
+        if verbosity > 0:
+            print "Syncing..."
+        old_installed, settings.INSTALLED_APPS = settings.INSTALLED_APPS, apps_needing_sync
+        old_app_store, cache.app_store = cache.app_store, SortedDict([
+            (k, v) for (k, v) in cache.app_store.items()
+            if get_app_name(k) in apps_needing_sync
+        ])
+        syncdb.Command().execute(**options)
+        settings.INSTALLED_APPS = old_installed
+        cache.app_store = old_app_store
+        # Migrate if needed
+        if options.get('migrate', True):
+            if verbosity > 0:
+                print "Migrating..."
+            management.call_command('migrate', **options)
+        # Be obvious about what we did
+        if verbosity > 0:
+            print "\nSynced:\n > %s" % "\n > ".join(apps_needing_sync)
+        if options.get('migrate', True):
+            if verbosity > 0:
+                print "\nMigrated:\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(apps_migrated)
+        else:
+            if verbosity > 0:
+                print "\nNot synced (use migrations):\n - %s" % "\n - ".join(apps_migrated)
+                print "(use ./manage.py migrate to migrate these)"
diff --git a/lib/south/management/commands/test.py b/lib/south/management/commands/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808107d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/management/commands/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from django.core import management
+from django.core.management.commands import test
+from django.core.management.commands import syncdb
+from django.conf import settings
+class Command(test.Command):
+    def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not hasattr(settings, "SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE") or not settings.SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE:
+            # point at the core syncdb command when creating tests
+            # tests should always be up to date with the most recent model structure
+            management.get_commands()
+            management._commands['syncdb'] = 'django.core'
+        super(Command, self).handle(*args, **kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/migration.py b/lib/south/migration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b856a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/migration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+import datetime
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+import inspect
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import models
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.core.management import call_command
+from models import MigrationHistory
+from south.db import db
+from south.orm import FakeORM
+def get_app(app):
+    """
+    Returns the migrations module for the given app model name/module, or None
+    if it does not use migrations.
+    """
+    if isinstance(app, (str, unicode)):
+        # If it's a string, use the models module
+        app = models.get_app(app)
+    mod = __import__(app.__name__[:-7], {}, {}, ['migrations'])
+    if hasattr(mod, 'migrations'):
+        return getattr(mod, 'migrations')
+def get_migrated_apps():
+    """
+    Returns all apps with migrations.
+    """
+    for mapp in models.get_apps():
+        app = get_app(mapp)
+        if app:
+            yield app
+def get_app_name(app):
+    """
+    Returns the _internal_ app name for the given app module.
+    i.e. for <module django.contrib.auth.models> will return 'auth'
+    """
+    return app.__name__.split('.')[-2]
+def get_app_fullname(app):
+    """
+    Returns the full python name of an app - e.g. django.contrib.auth
+    """
+    return app.__name__[:-11]
+def short_from_long(app_name):
+    return app_name.split(".")[-1]
+def get_migration_names(app):
+    """
+    Returns a list of migration file names for the given app.
+    """
+    return sorted([
+        filename[:-3]
+        for filename in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(app.__file__))
+        if filename.endswith(".py") and filename != "__init__.py" and not filename.startswith(".")
+    ])
+def get_migration_classes(app):
+    """
+    Returns a list of migration classes (one for each migration) for the app.
+    """
+    for name in get_migration_names(app):
+        yield get_migration(app, name)
+def get_migration(app, name):
+    """
+    Returns the migration class implied by 'name'.
+    """
+    try:
+        module = __import__(app.__name__ + "." + name, '', '', ['Migration'])
+        migclass = module.Migration
+        migclass.orm = FakeORM(migclass, get_app_name(app))
+        module._ = lambda x: x  # Fake i18n
+        return migclass
+    except ImportError:
+        print " ! Migration %s:%s probably doesn't exist." % (get_app_name(app), name)
+        print " - Traceback:"
+        raise
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "While loading migration '%s.%s':" % (get_app_name(app), name)
+        raise
+def all_migrations():
+    return dict([
+        (app, dict([(name, get_migration(app, name)) for name in get_migration_names(app)]))
+        for app in get_migrated_apps()
+    ])
+def dependency_tree():
+    tree = all_migrations()
+    # Annotate tree with 'backwards edges'
+    for app, classes in tree.items():
+        for name, cls in classes.items():
+            cls.needs = []
+            if not hasattr(cls, "needed_by"):
+                cls.needed_by = []
+            if hasattr(cls, "depends_on"):
+                for dapp, dname in cls.depends_on:
+                    dapp = get_app(dapp)
+                    if dapp not in tree:
+                        print "Migration %s in app %s depends on unmigrated app %s." % (
+                            name,
+                            get_app_name(app),
+                            dapp,
+                        )
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    if dname not in tree[dapp]:
+                        print "Migration %s in app %s depends on nonexistent migration %s in app %s." % (
+                            name,
+                            get_app_name(app),
+                            dname,
+                            get_app_name(dapp),
+                        )
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    cls.needs.append((dapp, dname))
+                    if not hasattr(tree[dapp][dname], "needed_by"):
+                        tree[dapp][dname].needed_by = []
+                    tree[dapp][dname].needed_by.append((app, name))
+    # Sanity check whole tree
+    for app, classes in tree.items():
+        for name, cls in classes.items():
+            cls.dependencies = dependencies(tree, app, name)
+    return tree
+def nice_trace(trace):
+    return " -> ".join([str((get_app_name(a), n)) for a, n in trace])
+def dependencies(tree, app, name, trace=[]):
+    # Copy trace to stop pass-by-ref problems
+    trace = trace[:]
+    # Sanity check
+    for papp, pname in trace:
+        if app == papp:
+            if pname == name:
+                print "Found circular dependency: %s" % nice_trace(trace + [(app,name)])
+                sys.exit(1)
+            else:
+                # See if they depend in the same app the wrong way
+                migrations = get_migration_names(app)
+                if migrations.index(name) > migrations.index(pname):
+                    print "Found a lower migration (%s) depending on a higher migration (%s) in the same app (%s)." % (pname, name, get_app_name(app))
+                    print "Path: %s" % nice_trace(trace + [(app,name)])
+                    sys.exit(1)
+    # Get the dependencies of a migration
+    deps = []
+    migration = tree[app][name]
+    for dapp, dname in migration.needs:
+        deps.extend(
+            dependencies(tree, dapp, dname, trace+[(app,name)])
+        )
+    return deps
+def remove_duplicates(l):
+    m = []
+    for x in l:
+        if x not in m:
+            m.append(x)
+    return m
+def needed_before_forwards(tree, app, name, sameapp=True):
+    """
+    Returns a list of migrations that must be applied before (app, name),
+    in the order they should be applied.
+    Used to make sure a migration can be applied (and to help apply up to it).
+    """
+    app_migrations = get_migration_names(app)
+    needed = []
+    if sameapp:
+        for aname in app_migrations[:app_migrations.index(name)]:
+            needed += needed_before_forwards(tree, app, aname, False)
+            needed += [(app, aname)]
+    for dapp, dname in tree[app][name].needs:
+        needed += needed_before_forwards(tree, dapp, dname)
+        needed += [(dapp, dname)]
+    return remove_duplicates(needed)
+def needed_before_backwards(tree, app, name, sameapp=True):
+    """
+    Returns a list of migrations that must be unapplied before (app, name) is,
+    in the order they should be unapplied.
+    Used to make sure a migration can be unapplied (and to help unapply up to it).
+    """
+    app_migrations = get_migration_names(app)
+    needed = []
+    if sameapp:
+        for aname in reversed(app_migrations[app_migrations.index(name)+1:]):
+            needed += needed_before_backwards(tree, app, aname, False)
+            needed += [(app, aname)]
+    for dapp, dname in tree[app][name].needed_by:
+        needed += needed_before_backwards(tree, dapp, dname)
+        needed += [(dapp, dname)]
+    return remove_duplicates(needed)
+def run_migrations(toprint, torun, recorder, app, migrations, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, silent=False):
+    """
+    Runs the specified migrations forwards/backwards, in order.
+    """
+    for migration in migrations:
+        app_name = get_app_name(app)
+        if not silent:
+            print toprint % (app_name, migration)
+        klass = get_migration(app, migration)
+        if fake:
+            if not silent:
+                print "   (faked)"
+        else:
+            runfunc = getattr(klass(), torun)
+            args = inspect.getargspec(runfunc)
+            # If the database doesn't support running DDL inside a transaction
+            # *cough*MySQL*cough* then do a dry run first.
+            if not db.has_ddl_transactions or db_dry_run:
+                if not (hasattr(klass, "no_dry_run") and klass.no_dry_run):
+                    db.dry_run = True
+                    db.debug, old_debug = False, db.debug
+                    pending_creates = db.get_pending_creates()
+                    try:
+                        if len(args[0]) == 1:  # They don't want an ORM param
+                            runfunc()
+                        else:
+                            runfunc(klass.orm)
+                    except:
+                        traceback.print_exc()
+                        print " ! Error found during dry run of migration! Aborting."
+                        return False
+                    db.debug = old_debug
+                    db.clear_run_data(pending_creates)
+                    db.dry_run = False
+                elif db_dry_run:
+                    print " - Migration '%s' is marked for no-dry-run."
+                # If they really wanted to dry-run, then quit!
+                if db_dry_run:
+                    return
+            if db.has_ddl_transactions:
+                db.start_transaction()
+            try:
+                if len(args[0]) == 1:  # They don't want an ORM param
+                    runfunc()
+                else:
+                    runfunc(klass.orm)
+                db.execute_deferred_sql()
+            except:
+                if db.has_ddl_transactions:
+                    db.rollback_transaction()
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    traceback.print_exc()
+                    print " ! Error found during real run of migration! Aborting."
+                    print
+                    print " ! Since you have a database that does not support running"
+                    print " ! schema-altering statements in transactions, we have had to"
+                    print " ! leave it in an interim state between migrations."
+                    if torun == "forwards":
+                        print
+                        print " ! You *might* be able to recover with:"
+                        db.debug = db.dry_run = True
+                        if len(args[0]) == 1:
+                            klass().backwards()
+                        else:
+                            klass().backwards(klass.orm)
+                    print
+                    print " ! The South developers regret this has happened, and would"
+                    print " ! like to gently persuade you to consider a slightly"
+                    print " ! easier-to-deal-with DBMS."
+                    return False
+            else:
+                if db.has_ddl_transactions:
+                    db.commit_transaction()
+        if not db_dry_run:
+            # Record us as having done this
+            recorder(app_name, migration)
+def run_forwards(app, migrations, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, silent=False):
+    """
+    Runs the specified migrations forwards, in order.
+    """
+    def record(app_name, migration):
+        # Record us as having done this
+        record = MigrationHistory.for_migration(app_name, migration)
+        record.applied = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+        record.save()
+    return run_migrations(
+        toprint = " > %s: %s",
+        torun = "forwards",
+        recorder = record,
+        app = app,
+        migrations = migrations,
+        fake = fake,
+        db_dry_run = db_dry_run,
+        silent = silent,
+    )
+def run_backwards(app, migrations, ignore=[], fake=False, db_dry_run=False, silent=False):
+    """
+    Runs the specified migrations backwards, in order, skipping those
+    migrations in 'ignore'.
+    """
+    def record(app_name, migration):
+        # Record us as having not done this
+        record = MigrationHistory.for_migration(app_name, migration)
+        record.delete()
+    return run_migrations(
+        toprint = " < %s: %s",
+        torun = "backwards",
+        recorder = record,
+        app = app,
+        migrations = [x for x in migrations if x not in ignore],
+        fake = fake,
+        db_dry_run = db_dry_run,
+        silent = silent,
+    )
+def right_side_of(x, y):
+    return left_side_of(reversed(x), reversed(y))
+def left_side_of(x, y):
+    return list(y)[:len(x)] == list(x)
+def forwards_problems(tree, forwards, done, silent=False):
+    problems = []
+    for app, name in forwards:
+        if (app, name) not in done:
+            for dapp, dname in needed_before_backwards(tree, app, name):
+                if (dapp, dname) in done:
+                    if not silent:
+                        print " ! Migration (%s, %s) should not have been applied before (%s, %s) but was." % (get_app_name(dapp), dname, get_app_name(app), name)
+                    problems.append(((app, name), (dapp, dname)))
+    return problems
+def backwards_problems(tree, backwards, done, silent=False):
+    problems = []
+    for app, name in backwards:
+        if (app, name) in done:
+            for dapp, dname in needed_before_forwards(tree, app, name):
+                if (dapp, dname) not in done:
+                    if not silent:
+                        print " ! Migration (%s, %s) should have been applied before (%s, %s) but wasn't." % (get_app_name(dapp), dname, get_app_name(app), name)
+                    problems.append(((app, name), (dapp, dname)))
+    return problems
+def migrate_app(app, target_name=None, resolve_mode=None, fake=False, db_dry_run=False, yes=False, silent=False, load_inital_data=False, skip=False):
+    app_name = get_app_name(app)
+    db.debug = not silent
+    # If any of their app names in the DB contain a ., they're 0.2 or below, so migrate em
+    longuns = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(app_name__contains=".")
+    if longuns:
+        for mh in longuns:
+            mh.app_name = short_from_long(mh.app_name)
+            mh.save()
+        if not silent:
+            print "- Updated your South 0.2 database."
+    # Find out what delightful migrations we have
+    tree = dependency_tree()
+    migrations = get_migration_names(app)
+    # If there aren't any, quit quizically
+    if not migrations:
+        if not silent:
+            print "? You have no migrations for the '%s' app. You might want some." % app_name
+        return
+    if target_name not in migrations and target_name not in ["zero", None]:
+        matches = [x for x in migrations if x.startswith(target_name)]
+        if len(matches) == 1:
+            target = migrations.index(matches[0]) + 1
+            if not silent:
+                print " - Soft matched migration %s to %s." % (
+                    target_name,
+                    matches[0]
+                )
+            target_name = matches[0]
+        elif len(matches) > 1:
+            if not silent:
+                print " - Prefix %s matches more than one migration:" % target_name
+                print "     " + "\n     ".join(matches)
+            return
+        else:
+            if not silent:
+                print " ! '%s' is not a migration." % target_name
+            return
+    # Check there's no strange ones in the database
+    ghost_migrations = []
+    for m in MigrationHistory.objects.filter(applied__isnull = False):
+        try:
+            if get_app(m.app_name) not in tree or m.migration not in tree[get_app(m.app_name)]:
+                ghost_migrations.append(m)
+        except ImproperlyConfigured:
+            pass
+    if ghost_migrations:
+        if not silent:
+            print " ! These migrations are in the database but not on disk:"
+            print "   - " + "\n   - ".join(["%s: %s" % (x.app_name, x.migration) for x in ghost_migrations])
+            print " ! I'm not trusting myself; fix this yourself by fiddling"
+            print " ! with the south_migrationhistory table."
+        return
+    # Say what we're doing
+    if not silent:
+        print "Running migrations for %s:" % app_name
+    # Get the forwards and reverse dependencies for this target
+    if target_name == None:
+        target_name = migrations[-1]
+    if target_name == "zero":
+        forwards = []
+        backwards = needed_before_backwards(tree, app, migrations[0]) + [(app, migrations[0])]
+    else:
+        forwards = needed_before_forwards(tree, app, target_name) + [(app, target_name)]
+        # When migrating backwards we want to remove up to and including
+        # the next migration up in this app (not the next one, that includes other apps)
+        try:
+            migration_before_here = migrations[migrations.index(target_name)+1]
+            backwards = needed_before_backwards(tree, app, migration_before_here) + [(app, migration_before_here)]
+        except IndexError:
+            backwards = []
+    # Get the list of currently applied migrations from the db
+    current_migrations = []
+    for m in MigrationHistory.objects.filter(applied__isnull = False):
+        try:
+            current_migrations.append((get_app(m.app_name), m.migration))
+        except ImproperlyConfigured:
+            pass
+    direction = None
+    bad = False
+    # Work out the direction
+    applied_for_this_app = list(MigrationHistory.objects.filter(app_name=app_name, applied__isnull=False).order_by("migration"))
+    if target_name == "zero":
+        direction = -1
+    elif not applied_for_this_app:
+        direction = 1
+    elif migrations.index(target_name) > migrations.index(applied_for_this_app[-1].migration):
+        direction = 1
+    elif migrations.index(target_name) < migrations.index(applied_for_this_app[-1].migration):
+        direction = -1
+    else:
+        direction = None
+    # Is the whole forward branch applied?
+    missing = [step for step in forwards if step not in current_migrations]
+    # If they're all applied, we only know it's not backwards
+    if not missing:
+        direction = None
+    # If the remaining migrations are strictly a right segment of the forwards
+    # trace, we just need to go forwards to our target (and check for badness)
+    else:
+        problems = forwards_problems(tree, forwards, current_migrations, silent=silent)
+        if problems:
+            bad = True
+        direction = 1
+    # What about the whole backward trace then?
+    if not bad:
+        missing = [step for step in backwards if step not in current_migrations]
+        # If they're all missing, stick with the forwards decision
+        if missing == backwards:
+            pass
+        # If what's missing is a strict left segment of backwards (i.e.
+        # all the higher migrations) then we need to go backwards
+        else:
+            problems = backwards_problems(tree, backwards, current_migrations, silent=silent)
+            if problems:
+                bad = True
+            direction = -1
+    if bad and resolve_mode not in ['merge'] and not skip:
+        if not silent:
+            print " ! Inconsistent migration history"
+            print " ! The following options are available:"
+            print "    --merge: will just attempt the migration ignoring any potential dependency conflicts."
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if direction == 1:
+        if not silent:
+            print " - Migrating forwards to %s." % target_name
+        try:
+            for mapp, mname in forwards:
+                if (mapp, mname) not in current_migrations:
+                    result = run_forwards(mapp, [mname], fake=fake, db_dry_run=db_dry_run, silent=silent)
+                    if result is False: # The migrations errored, but nicely.
+                        return False
+        finally:
+            # Call any pending post_syncdb signals
+            db.send_pending_create_signals()
+        # Now load initial data, only if we're really doing things and ended up at current
+        if not fake and not db_dry_run and load_inital_data and target_name == migrations[-1]:
+            print " - Loading initial data for %s." % app_name
+            # Override Django's get_apps call temporarily to only load from the
+            # current app
+            old_get_apps, models.get_apps = (
+                models.get_apps,
+                lambda: [models.get_app(get_app_name(app))],
+            )
+            # Load the initial fixture
+            call_command('loaddata', 'initial_data', verbosity=1)
+            # Un-override
+            models.get_apps = old_get_apps
+    elif direction == -1:
+        if not silent:
+            print " - Migrating backwards to just after %s." % target_name
+        for mapp, mname in backwards:
+            if (mapp, mname) in current_migrations:
+                run_backwards(mapp, [mname], fake=fake, db_dry_run=db_dry_run, silent=silent)
+    else:
+        if not silent:
+            print "- Nothing to migrate."
diff --git a/lib/south/models.py b/lib/south/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95c79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from django.db import models
+class MigrationHistory(models.Model):
+    app_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+    migration = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+    applied = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
+    @classmethod
+    def for_migration(cls, app_name, migration):
+        try:
+            return cls.objects.get(
+                app_name = app_name,
+                migration = migration,
+            )
+        except cls.DoesNotExist:
+            return cls(
+                app_name = app_name,
+                migration = migration,
+            )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/modelsparser.py b/lib/south/modelsparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7f972a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/modelsparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+Parsing module for models.py files. Extracts information in a more reliable
+way than inspect + regexes.
+import re
+import inspect
+import parser
+import symbol
+import token
+import keyword
+from django.db import models
+def name_that_thing(thing):
+    "Turns a symbol/token int into its name."
+    for name in dir(symbol):
+        if getattr(symbol, name) == thing:
+            return "symbol.%s" % name
+    for name in dir(token):
+        if getattr(token, name) == thing:
+            return "token.%s" % name
+    return str(thing)
+def thing_that_name(name):
+    "Turns a name of a symbol/token into its integer value."
+    if name in dir(symbol):
+        return getattr(symbol, name)
+    if name in dir(token):
+        return getattr(token, name)
+    raise ValueError("Cannot convert '%s'" % name)
+def prettyprint(tree, indent=0, omit_singles=False):
+    "Prettyprints the tree, with symbol/token names. For debugging."
+    if omit_singles and isinstance(tree, tuple) and len(tree) == 2:
+        return prettyprint(tree[1], indent, omit_singles)
+    if isinstance(tree, tuple):
+        return " (\n%s\n" % "".join([prettyprint(x, indent+1) for x in tree]) + \
+            (" " * indent) + ")"
+    elif isinstance(tree, int):
+        return (" " * indent) + name_that_thing(tree)
+    else:
+        return " " + repr(tree)
+class STTree(object):
+    "A syntax tree wrapper class."
+    def __init__(self, tree):
+        self.tree = tree
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return other.tree == self.tree
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.tree)
+    @property
+    def root(self):
+        return self.tree[0]
+    @property
+    def value(self):
+        return self.tree
+    def walk(self, recursive=True):
+        """
+        Yields (symbol, subtree) for the entire subtree.
+        Comes out with node 1, node 1's children, node 2, etc.
+        """
+        stack = [self.tree]
+        done_outer = False
+        while stack:
+            atree = stack.pop()
+            if isinstance(atree, tuple):
+                if done_outer:
+                    yield atree[0], STTree(atree)
+                if recursive or not done_outer:
+                    for bit in reversed(atree[1:]):
+                        stack.append(bit)
+                    done_outer = True
+    def flatten(self):
+        "Yields the tokens/symbols in the tree only, in order."
+        bits = []
+        for sym, subtree in self.walk():
+            if sym in token_map:
+                bits.append(sym)
+            elif sym == token.NAME:
+                bits.append(subtree.value)
+            elif sym == token.STRING:
+                bits.append(subtree.value)
+            elif sym == token.NUMBER:
+                bits.append(subtree.value)
+        return bits
+    def reform(self):
+        "Prints how the tree's input probably looked."
+        return reform(self.flatten())
+    def findAllType(self, ntype, recursive=True):
+        "Returns all nodes with the given type in the tree."
+        for symbol, subtree in self.walk(recursive=recursive):
+            if symbol == ntype:
+                yield subtree
+    def find(self, selector):
+        """
+        Searches the syntax tree with a CSS-like selector syntax.
+        You can use things like 'suite simple_stmt', 'suite, simple_stmt'
+        or 'suite > simple_stmt'. Not guaranteed to return in order.
+        """
+        # Split up the overall parts
+        patterns = [x.strip() for x in selector.split(",")]
+        results = []
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            # Split up the parts
+            parts = re.split(r'(?:[\s]|(>))+', pattern)
+            # Take the first part, use it for results
+            if parts[0] == "^":
+                subresults = [self]
+            else:
+                subresults = list(self.findAllType(thing_that_name(parts[0])))
+            recursive = True
+            # For each remaining part, do something
+            for part in parts[1:]:
+                if not subresults:
+                    break
+                if part == ">":
+                    recursive = False
+                elif not part:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    thing = thing_that_name(part)
+                    newresults = [
+                        list(tree.findAllType(thing, recursive))
+                        for tree in subresults
+                    ]
+                    subresults = []
+                    for stuff in newresults:
+                        subresults.extend(stuff)
+                    recursive = True
+            results.extend(subresults)
+        return results
+    def __str__(self):
+        return prettyprint(self.tree)
+    __repr__ = __str__
+def get_model_tree(model):
+    # Get the source of the model's file
+    source = open(inspect.getsourcefile(model)).read().replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r","\n") + "\n"
+    tree = STTree(parser.suite(source).totuple())
+    # Now, we have to find it
+    for poss in tree.find("compound_stmt"):
+        if poss.value[1][0] == symbol.classdef and \
+           poss.value[1][2][1].lower() == model.__name__.lower():
+            # This is the tree
+            return poss
+token_map = {
+    token.DOT: ".",
+    token.LPAR: "(",
+    token.RPAR: ")",
+    token.EQUAL: "=",
+    token.EQEQUAL: "==",
+    token.COMMA: ",",
+    token.LSQB: "[",
+    token.RSQB: "]",
+    token.AMPER: "&",
+    token.BACKQUOTE: "`",
+    token.CIRCUMFLEX: "^",
+    token.CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL: "^=",
+    token.COLON: ":",
+    token.DOUBLESLASH: "//",
+    token.DOUBLESLASHEQUAL: "//=",
+    token.DOUBLESTAR: "**",
+    token.DOUBLESLASHEQUAL: "**=",
+    token.GREATER: ">",
+    token.LESS: "<",
+    token.GREATEREQUAL: ">=",
+    token.LESSEQUAL: "<=",
+    token.LBRACE: "{",
+    token.RBRACE: "}",
+    token.SEMI: ";",
+    token.PLUS: "+",
+    token.MINUS: "-",
+    token.STAR: "*",
+    token.SLASH: "/",
+    token.VBAR: "|",
+    token.PERCENT: "%",
+    token.TILDE: "~",
+    token.AT: "@",
+    token.NOTEQUAL: "!=",
+    token.LEFTSHIFT: "<<",
+    token.RIGHTSHIFT: ">>",
+    token.LEFTSHIFTEQUAL: "<<=",
+    token.RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL: ">>=",
+    token.PLUSEQUAL: "+=",
+    token.MINEQUAL: "-=",
+    token.STAREQUAL: "*=",
+    token.SLASHEQUAL: "/=",
+    token.VBAREQUAL: "|=",
+    token.PERCENTEQUAL: "%=",
+    token.AMPEREQUAL: "&=",
+def reform(bits):
+    "Returns the string that the list of tokens/symbols 'bits' represents"
+    output = ""
+    for bit in bits:
+        if bit in token_map:
+            output += token_map[bit]
+        elif bit[0] in [token.NAME, token.STRING, token.NUMBER]:
+            if keyword.iskeyword(bit[1]):
+                output += " %s " % bit[1]
+            else:
+                if bit[1] not in symbol.sym_name:
+                    output += bit[1]
+    return output
+def parse_arguments(argstr):
+    """
+    Takes a string representing arguments and returns the positional and 
+    keyword argument list and dict respectively.
+    All the entries in these are python source, except the dict keys.
+    """
+    # Get the tree
+    tree = STTree(parser.suite(argstr).totuple())
+    # Initialise the lists
+    curr_kwd = None
+    args = []
+    kwds = {}
+    # Walk through, assigning things
+    testlists = tree.find("testlist")
+    for i, testlist in enumerate(testlists):
+        # BTW: A testlist is to the left or right of an =.
+        items = list(testlist.walk(recursive=False))
+        for j, item in enumerate(items):
+            if item[0] == symbol.test:
+                if curr_kwd:
+                    kwds[curr_kwd] = item[1].reform()
+                    curr_kwd = None
+                elif j == len(items)-1 and i != len(testlists)-1:
+                    # Last item in a group must be a keyword, unless it's last overall
+                    curr_kwd = item[1].reform()
+                else:
+                    args.append(item[1].reform())
+    return args, kwds
+def extract_field(tree):
+    # Collapses the tree and tries to parse it as a field def
+    bits = tree.flatten()
+    ## Check it looks right:
+    # Second token should be equals
+    if len(bits) < 2 or bits[1] != token.EQUAL:
+        return
+    ## Split into meaningful sections
+    name = bits[0][1]
+    declaration = bits[2:]
+    # Find the first LPAR; stuff before that is the class.
+    try:
+        lpar_at = declaration.index(token.LPAR)
+    except ValueError:
+        return
+    clsname = reform(declaration[:lpar_at])
+    # Now, inside that, find the last RPAR, and we'll take the stuff between
+    # them as the arguments
+    declaration.reverse()
+    rpar_at = (len(declaration) - 1) - declaration.index(token.RPAR)
+    declaration.reverse()
+    args = declaration[lpar_at+1:rpar_at]
+    # Now, extract the arguments as a list and dict
+    try:
+        args, kwargs = parse_arguments(reform(args))
+    except SyntaxError:
+        return
+    # OK, extract and reform it
+    return name, clsname, args, kwargs
+def get_model_fields(model, m2m=False):
+    """
+    Given a model class, will return the dict of name: field_constructor
+    mappings.
+    """
+    tree = get_model_tree(model)
+    if tree is None:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot find source for model '%s'." % model)
+    possible_field_defs = tree.find("^ > classdef > suite > stmt > simple_stmt > small_stmt > expr_stmt")
+    field_defs = {}
+    # Go through all the found defns, and try to parse them
+    for pfd in possible_field_defs:
+        field = extract_field(pfd)
+        if field:
+            field_defs[field[0]] = field[1:]
+    inherited_fields = {}
+    # Go through all bases (that are themselves models, but not Model)
+    for base in model.__bases__:
+        if base != models.Model and issubclass(base, models.Model):
+            inherited_fields.update(get_model_fields(base))
+    # Now, go through all the fields and try to get their definition
+    source = model._meta.local_fields[:]
+    if m2m:
+        source += model._meta.local_many_to_many
+    fields = {}
+    for field in source:
+        # Get its name
+        fieldname = field.name
+        if isinstance(field, models.related.RelatedObject):
+            continue
+        # Now, try to get the defn
+        if fieldname in field_defs:
+            fields[fieldname] = field_defs[fieldname]
+        # Try the South definition workaround?
+        elif hasattr(field, 'south_field_triple'):
+            fields[fieldname] = field.south_field_triple()
+        elif hasattr(field, 'south_field_definition'):
+            print "Your custom field %s provides the outdated south_field_definition method.\nPlease consider implementing south_field_triple too; it's more reliably evaluated." % field
+            fields[fieldname] = field.south_field_definition()
+        # Try a parent?
+        elif fieldname in inherited_fields:
+            fields[fieldname] = inherited_fields[fieldname]
+        # Is it a _ptr?
+        elif fieldname.endswith("_ptr"):
+            fields[fieldname] = ("models.OneToOneField", ["orm['%s.%s']" % (field.rel.to._meta.app_label, field.rel.to._meta.object_name)], {})
+        # Try a default for 'id'.
+        elif fieldname == "id":
+            fields[fieldname] = ("models.AutoField", [], {"primary_key": "True"})
+        else:
+            fields[fieldname] = None
+    return fields
+def get_model_meta(model):
+    """
+    Given a model class, will return the dict representing the Meta class.
+    """
+    tree = get_model_tree(model)
+    result = {}
+    # First, try to get any unusual inherited classes
+    for base in model.__bases__:
+        if base is not models.Model:
+            if hasattr(base, '_meta') and not base._meta.abstract:
+                # Abstract models' fields are included anyway, and we don't
+                # want extra dependencies
+                if "_bases" not in result:
+                    result['_bases'] = []
+                result['_bases'].append(base.__module__ + "." + base.__name__)
+    # Find all classes exactly two levels deep
+    possible_meta_classes = set(tree.find("classdef classdef"))
+    possible_meta_classes.difference(set(tree.find("classdef classdef classdef")))
+    # Select only those called 'Meta', and expand all their assignments
+    possible_meta_classes = [
+        tree.find("^ > suite > stmt > simple_stmt > small_stmt > expr_stmt")
+        for tree in possible_meta_classes
+        if tree.value[2][1] == "Meta"
+    ]
+    if possible_meta_classes:
+        # Now, for each possible definition, try it. (Only for last Meta,
+        # since that's how python interprets it)
+        for defn in possible_meta_classes[-1]:
+            bits = defn.flatten()
+            if len(bits) > 1 and bits[1] == token.EQUAL:
+                result[bits[0][1]] = reform(bits[2:])
+    return result or None
diff --git a/lib/south/orm.py b/lib/south/orm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a02f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/orm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+South's fake ORM; lets you not have to write SQL inside migrations.
+Roughly emulates the real Django ORM, to a point.
+import inspect
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.loading import cache
+from south.db import db
+class ModelsLocals(object):
+    """
+    Custom dictionary-like class to be locals();
+    falls back to lowercase search for items that don't exist
+    (because we store model names as lowercase).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self.data = data
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        try:
+            return self.data[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            return self.data[key.lower()]
+class FakeORM(object):
+    """
+    Simulates the Django ORM at some point in time,
+    using a frozen definition on the Migration class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cls, app):
+        self.default_app = app
+        self.cls = cls
+        # Try loading the models off the migration class; default to no models.
+        self.models = {}
+        try:
+            self.models_source = cls.models
+        except AttributeError:
+            return
+        # Now, make each model's data into a FakeModel
+        for name, data in self.models_source.items():
+            # Make sure there's some kind of Meta
+            if "Meta" not in data:
+                data['Meta'] = {}
+            try:
+                app_name, model_name = name.split(".", 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                app_name = self.default_app
+                model_name = name
+                name = "%s.%s" % (app_name, model_name)
+            self.models[name.lower()] = self.make_model(app_name, model_name, data)
+        # And perform the second run to iron out any circular/backwards depends.
+        self.retry_failed_fields()
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        fullname = (self.default_app+"."+key).lower()
+        try:
+            return self.models[fullname]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise AttributeError("The model '%s' from the app '%s' is not available in this migration." % (key, self.default_app))
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        key = key.lower()
+        try:
+            return self.models[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                app, model = key.split(".", 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise KeyError("The model '%s' is not in appname.modelname format." % key)
+            else:
+                raise KeyError("The model '%s' from the app '%s' is not available in this migration." % (model, app))
+    def eval_in_context(self, code, app):
+        "Evaluates the given code in the context of the migration file."
+        # Drag in the migration module's locals (hopefully including models.py)
+        fake_locals = dict(inspect.getmodule(self.cls).__dict__)
+        # Remove all models from that (i.e. from modern models.py), to stop pollution
+        for key, value in fake_locals.items():
+            if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, models.Model) and hasattr(value, "_meta"):
+                del fake_locals[key]
+        # We add our models into the locals for the eval
+        fake_locals.update(dict([
+            (name.split(".")[-1], model)
+            for name, model in self.models.items()
+        ]))
+        # Make sure the ones for this app override.
+        fake_locals.update(dict([
+            (name.split(".")[-1], model)
+            for name, model in self.models.items()
+            if name.split(".")[0] == app
+        ]))
+        # Ourselves as orm, to allow non-fail cross-app referencing
+        fake_locals['orm'] = self
+        # And a fake _ function
+        fake_locals['_'] = lambda x: x
+        # Use ModelsLocals to make lookups work right for CapitalisedModels
+        fake_locals = ModelsLocals(fake_locals)
+        return eval(code, globals(), fake_locals)
+    def make_meta(self, app, model, data, stub=False):
+        "Makes a Meta class out of a dict of eval-able arguments."
+        results = {}
+        for key, code in data.items():
+            # Some things we never want to use.
+            if key in ["_bases"]:
+                continue
+            # Some things we don't want with stubs.
+            if stub and key in ["order_with_respect_to"]:
+                continue
+            # OK, add it.
+            try:
+                results[key] = self.eval_in_context(code, app)
+            except (NameError, AttributeError), e:
+                raise ValueError("Cannot successfully create meta field '%s' for model '%s.%s': %s." % (
+                    key, app, model, e
+                ))
+        return type("Meta", tuple(), results) 
+    def make_model(self, app, name, data):
+        "Makes a Model class out of the given app name, model name and pickled data."
+        # Extract any bases out of Meta
+        if "_bases" in data['Meta']:
+            bases = data['Meta']['_bases']
+        else:
+            bases = ['django.db.models.Model']
+        # Turn the Meta dict into a basic class
+        meta = self.make_meta(app, name, data['Meta'], data.get("_stub", False))
+        failed_fields = {}
+        fields = {}
+        stub = False
+        # Now, make some fields!
+        for fname, params in data.items():
+            if fname == "_stub":
+                stub = bool(params)
+                continue
+            elif fname == "Meta":
+                continue
+            elif not params:
+                raise ValueError("Field '%s' on model '%s.%s' has no definition." % (fname, app, name))
+            elif isinstance(params, (str, unicode)):
+                # It's a premade definition string! Let's hope it works...
+                code = params
+            elif len(params) == 1:
+                code = "%s()" % params[0]
+            elif len(params) == 3:
+                code = "%s(%s)" % (
+                    params[0],
+                    ", ".join(
+                        params[1] +
+                        ["%s=%s" % (n, v) for n, v in params[2].items()]
+                    ),
+                )
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Field '%s' on model '%s.%s' has a weird definition length (should be 1 or 3 items)." % (fname, app, name))
+            try:
+                field = self.eval_in_context(code, app)
+            except (NameError, AttributeError, AssertionError):
+                # It might rely on other models being around. Add it to the
+                # model for the second pass.
+                failed_fields[fname] = code
+            else:
+                fields[fname] = field
+        # Find the app in the Django core, and get its module
+        more_kwds = {}
+        app_module = models.get_app(app)
+        more_kwds['__module__'] = app_module.__name__
+        more_kwds['Meta'] = meta
+        # Stop AppCache from changing!
+        cache.app_models[app], old_app_models = {}, cache.app_models[app]
+        # Make our model
+        fields.update(more_kwds)
+        model = type(
+            name,
+            tuple(map(ask_for_it_by_name, bases)),
+            fields,
+        )
+        # Send AppCache back in time
+        cache.app_models[app] = old_app_models
+        # If this is a stub model, change Objects to a whiny class
+        if stub:
+            model.objects = WhinyManager()
+            # Also, make sure they can't instantiate it
+            model.__init__ = whiny_method
+        else:
+            model.objects = NoDryRunManager(model.objects)
+        if failed_fields:
+            model._failed_fields = failed_fields
+        return model
+    def retry_failed_fields(self):
+        "Tries to re-evaluate the _failed_fields for each model."
+        for modelkey, model in self.models.items():
+            app, modelname = modelkey.split(".", 1)
+            if hasattr(model, "_failed_fields"):
+                for fname, code in model._failed_fields.items():
+                    try:
+                        field = self.eval_in_context(code, app)
+                    except (NameError, AttributeError, AssertionError), e:
+                        # It's failed again. Complain.
+                        raise ValueError("Cannot successfully create field '%s' for model '%s': %s." % (
+                            fname, modelname, e
+                        ))
+                    else:
+                        # Startup that field.
+                        model.add_to_class(fname, field)
+class WhinyManager(object):
+    "A fake manager that whines whenever you try to touch it. For stub models."
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        raise AttributeError("You cannot use items from a stub model.")
+class NoDryRunManager(object):
+    """
+    A manager that always proxies through to the real manager,
+    unless a dry run is in progress.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, real):
+        self.real = real
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if db.dry_run:
+            raise AttributeError("You are in a dry run, and cannot access the ORM.\nWrap ORM sections in 'if not db.dry_run:', or if the whole migration is only a data migration, set no_dry_run = True on the Migration class.")
+        return getattr(self.real, name)
+def ask_for_it_by_name(name):
+    "Returns an object referenced by absolute path."
+    bits = name.split(".")
+    modulename = ".".join(bits[:-1])
+    module = __import__(modulename, {}, {}, bits[-1])
+    return getattr(module, bits[-1])
+def whiny_method(*a, **kw):
+    raise ValueError("You cannot instantiate a stub model.")
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/__init__.py b/lib/south/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85eabb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import unittest
+from django.conf import settings
+# Note: the individual test files are imported below this.
+class Monkeypatcher(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Base test class for tests that play with the INSTALLED_APPS setting at runtime.
+    """
+    def create_fake_app(self, name):
+        class Fake:
+            pass
+        fake = Fake()
+        fake.__name__ = name
+        return fake
+    def create_test_app(self):
+        class Fake:
+            pass
+        fake = Fake()
+        fake.__name__ = "fakeapp.migrations"
+        fake.__file__ = os.path.join(test_root, "fakeapp", "migrations", "__init__.py")
+        return fake
+    def monkeypatch(self):
+        """Swaps out various Django calls for fake ones for our own nefarious purposes."""
+        def new_get_apps():
+            return ['fakeapp']
+        from django.db import models
+        from django.conf import settings
+        models.get_apps_old, models.get_apps = models.get_apps, new_get_apps
+        settings.INSTALLED_APPS, settings.OLD_INSTALLED_APPS = (
+            ["fakeapp"],
+            settings.INSTALLED_APPS,
+        )
+        self.redo_app_cache()
+    setUp = monkeypatch
+    def unmonkeypatch(self):
+        """Undoes what monkeypatch did."""
+        from django.db import models
+        from django.conf import settings
+        models.get_apps = models.get_apps_old
+        settings.INSTALLED_APPS = settings.OLD_INSTALLED_APPS
+        self.redo_app_cache()
+    tearDown = unmonkeypatch
+    def redo_app_cache(self):
+        from django.db.models.loading import AppCache
+        a = AppCache()
+        a.loaded = False
+        a._populate()
+# Try importing all tests if asked for (then we can run 'em)
+    skiptest = settings.SKIP_SOUTH_TESTS
+    skiptest = False
+if not skiptest:
+    from south.tests.db import *
+    from south.tests.logic import *
+    from south.tests.modelsparser import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/db.py b/lib/south/tests/db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03971a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+import unittest
+from south.db import db
+from django.db import connection, models
+# Create a list of error classes from the various database libraries
+errors = []
+    from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError
+    errors.append(ProgrammingError)
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+errors = tuple(errors)
+class TestOperations(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Tests if the various DB abstraction calls work.
+    Can only test a limited amount due to DB differences.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        db.debug = False
+        db.clear_deferred_sql()
+    def test_create(self):
+        """
+        Test creation and deletion of tables.
+        """
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        # It needs to take at least 2 args
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, db.create_table)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, db.create_table, "test1")
+        # Empty tables (i.e. no columns) are not fine, so make at least 1
+        db.create_table("test1", [('email_confirmed', models.BooleanField(default=False))])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # And should exist
+        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM test1")
+        # Make sure we can't do the same query on an empty table
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM nottheretest1")
+            self.fail("Non-existent table could be selected!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        # Clear the dirty transaction
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Remove the table
+        db.drop_table("test1")
+        # Make sure it went
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM test1")
+            self.fail("Just-deleted table could be selected!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        # Clear the dirty transaction
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Try deleting a nonexistent one
+        try:
+            db.delete_table("nottheretest1")
+            self.fail("Non-existent table could be deleted!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+    def test_foreign_keys(self):
+        """
+        Tests foreign key creation, especially uppercase (see #61)
+        """
+        Test = db.mock_model(model_name='Test', db_table='test5a',
+                             db_tablespace='', pk_field_name='ID',
+                             pk_field_type=models.AutoField, pk_field_args=[])
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        db.start_transaction()
+        db.create_table("test5a", [('ID', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True))])
+        db.create_table("test5b", [
+            ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
+            ('UNIQUE', models.ForeignKey(Test)),
+        ])
+        db.execute_deferred_sql()
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+    def test_rename(self):
+        """
+        Test column renaming
+        """
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        db.create_table("test_rn", [('spam', models.BooleanField(default=False))])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Make sure we can select the column
+        cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM test_rn")
+        # Rename it
+        db.rename_column("test_rn", "spam", "eggs")
+        cursor.execute("SELECT eggs FROM test_rn")
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM test_rn")
+            self.fail("Just-renamed column could be selected!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test_rn")
+    def test_dry_rename(self):
+        """
+        Test column renaming while --dry-run is turned on (should do nothing)
+        See ticket #65
+        """
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        db.create_table("test_drn", [('spam', models.BooleanField(default=False))])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Make sure we can select the column
+        cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM test_drn")
+        # Rename it
+        db.dry_run = True
+        db.rename_column("test_drn", "spam", "eggs")
+        db.dry_run = False
+        cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM test_drn")
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT eggs FROM test_drn")
+            self.fail("Dry-renamed new column could be selected!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test_drn")
+    def test_table_rename(self):
+        """
+        Test column renaming
+        """
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        db.create_table("testtr", [('spam', models.BooleanField(default=False))])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Make sure we can select the column
+        cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM testtr")
+        # Rename it
+        db.rename_table("testtr", "testtr2")
+        cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM testtr2")
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT spam FROM testtr")
+            self.fail("Just-renamed column could be selected!")
+        except:
+            pass
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("testtr2")
+    def test_index(self):
+        """
+        Test the index operations
+        """
+        db.create_table("test3", [
+            ('SELECT', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+            ('eggs', models.IntegerField(unique=True)),
+        ])
+        db.execute_deferred_sql()
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Add an index on that column
+        db.create_index("test3", ["SELECT"])
+        # Add another index on two columns
+        db.create_index("test3", ["SELECT", "eggs"])
+        # Delete them both
+        db.delete_index("test3", ["SELECT"])
+        db.delete_index("test3", ["SELECT", "eggs"])
+        # Delete the unique index/constraint
+        db.delete_unique("test3", ["eggs"])
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test3")
+    def test_primary_key(self):
+        """
+        Test the primary key operations
+        """
+        db.create_table("test_pk", [
+            ('id', models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)),
+            ('new_pkey', models.IntegerField()),
+            ('eggs', models.IntegerField(unique=True)),
+        ])
+        db.execute_deferred_sql()
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Remove the default primary key, and make eggs it
+        db.drop_primary_key("test_pk")
+        db.create_primary_key("test_pk", "new_pkey")
+        # Try inserting a now-valid row pair
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_pk (id, new_pkey, eggs) VALUES (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 4)")
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test_pk")
+    def test_alter(self):
+        """
+        Test altering columns/tables
+        """
+        db.create_table("test4", [
+            ('spam', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+            ('eggs', models.IntegerField()),
+        ])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Add a column
+        db.add_column("test4", "add1", models.IntegerField(default=3), keep_default=False)
+        # Add a FK with keep_default=False (#69)
+        User = db.mock_model(model_name='User', db_table='auth_user', db_tablespace='', pk_field_name='id', pk_field_type=models.AutoField, pk_field_args=[], pk_field_kwargs={})
+        db.add_column("test4", "user", models.ForeignKey(User), keep_default=False)
+        db.delete_column("test4", "add1")
+        db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test4")
+    def test_alter_column_postgres_multiword(self):
+        """
+        Tests altering columns with multiple words in Postgres types (issue #125)
+        e.g. 'datetime with time zone', look at django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py
+        """
+        db.create_table("test_multiword", [
+            ('col_datetime', models.DateTimeField(null=True)),
+            ('col_integer', models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)),
+            ('col_smallint', models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=True)),
+            ('col_float', models.FloatField(null=True)),
+        ])
+        # test if 'double precision' is preserved
+        db.alter_column('test_multiword', 'col_float', models.FloatField('float', null=True))
+        # test if 'CHECK ("%(column)s" >= 0)' is stripped
+        db.alter_column('test_multiword', 'col_integer', models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True))
+        db.alter_column('test_multiword', 'col_smallint', models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=True))
+        # test if 'with timezone' is preserved
+        if db.backend_name == "postgres":
+            db.start_transaction()
+            db.execute("INSERT INTO test_multiword (col_datetime) VALUES ('2009-04-24 14:20:55+02')")
+            db.alter_column('test_multiword', 'col_datetime', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True))
+            assert db.execute("SELECT col_datetime = '2009-04-24 14:20:55+02' FROM test_multiword")[0][0]
+            db.rollback_transaction()
+        db.delete_table("test_multiword")
+    def test_alter_constraints(self):
+        """
+        Tests that going from a PostiveIntegerField to an IntegerField drops
+        the constraint on the database.
+        """
+        db.create_table("test_alterc", [
+            ('num', models.PositiveIntegerField()),
+        ])
+        # Add in some test values
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_alterc (num) VALUES (1), (2)")
+        # Ensure that adding a negative number is bad
+        db.start_transaction()
+        try:
+            db.execute("INSERT INTO test_alterc (num) VALUES (-3)")
+        except:
+            db.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Could insert a negative integer into a PositiveIntegerField.")
+        # Alter it to a normal IntegerField
+        db.alter_column("test_alterc", "num", models.IntegerField())
+        # It should now work
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_alterc (num) VALUES (-3)")
+        db.delete_table("test_alterc")
+    def test_unique(self):
+        """
+        Tests creating/deleting unique constraints.
+        """
+        db.create_table("test_unique2", [
+            ('id', models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
+        ])
+        db.create_table("test_unique", [
+            ('spam', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+            ('eggs', models.IntegerField()),
+            ('ham', models.ForeignKey(db.mock_model('Unique2', 'test_unique2'))),
+        ])
+        # Add a constraint
+        db.create_unique("test_unique", ["spam"])
+        # Shouldn't do anything during dry-run
+        db.dry_run = True
+        db.delete_unique("test_unique", ["spam"])
+        db.dry_run = False
+        db.delete_unique("test_unique", ["spam"])
+        db.create_unique("test_unique", ["spam"])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Test it works
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique2 (id) VALUES (1), (2)")
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 0, 1), (false, 1, 2)")
+        try:
+            db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 2, 1)")
+        except:
+            db.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Could insert non-unique item.")
+        # Drop that, add one only on eggs
+        db.delete_unique("test_unique", ["spam"])
+        db.execute("DELETE FROM test_unique")
+        db.create_unique("test_unique", ["eggs"])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Test similarly
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 0, 1), (false, 1, 2)")
+        try:
+            db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 1, 1)")
+        except:
+            db.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Could insert non-unique item.")
+        # Drop those, test combined constraints
+        db.delete_unique("test_unique", ["eggs"])
+        db.execute("DELETE FROM test_unique")
+        db.create_unique("test_unique", ["spam", "eggs", "ham_id"])
+        db.start_transaction()
+        # Test similarly
+        db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 0, 1), (false, 1, 1)")
+        try:
+            db.execute("INSERT INTO test_unique (spam, eggs, ham_id) VALUES (true, 0, 1)")
+        except:
+            db.rollback_transaction()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Could insert non-unique pair.")
+        db.delete_unique("test_unique", ["spam", "eggs", "ham_id"])
diff --git a/lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py
copy to lib/south/tests/fakeapp/__init__.py
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0001_spam.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0001_spam.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d814548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0001_spam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from south.db import db
+from django.db import models
+class Migration:
+    def forwards(self):
+        # Model 'Spam'
+        db.create_table("southtest_spam", (
+            ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
+            ('weight', models.FloatField()),
+            ('expires', models.DateTimeField()),
+            ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255))
+        ))
+    def backwards(self):
+        db.delete_table("southtest_spam")
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0002_eggs.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0002_eggs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec8399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0002_eggs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from south.db import db
+from django.db import models
+class Migration:
+    def forwards(self):
+        Spam = db.mock_model(model_name='Spam', db_table='southtest_spam', db_tablespace='', pk_field_name='id', pk_field_type=models.AutoField)
+        db.create_table("southtest_eggs", (
+            ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
+            ('size', models.FloatField()),
+            ('quantity', models.IntegerField()),
+            ('spam', models.ForeignKey(Spam)),
+        ))
+    def backwards(self):
+        db.delete_table("southtest_eggs")
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0003_alter_spam.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0003_alter_spam.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9aea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/0003_alter_spam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from south.db import db
+from django.db import models
+class Migration:
+    def forwards(self):
+        db.alter_column("southtest_spam", 'name', models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True))
+    def backwards(self):
+        db.alter_column("southtest_spam", 'name', models.CharField(max_length=255))
diff --git a/lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/django_evolution/management/commands/__init__.py
rename to lib/south/tests/fakeapp/migrations/__init__.py
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/models.py b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652c436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/fakeapp/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+from django.db import models
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+# An empty case.
+class Other1(models.Model): pass
+# Nastiness.
+class HorribleModel(models.Model):
+    "A model to test the edge cases of model parsing"
+    # First, some nice fields
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+    short_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+    slug = models.SlugField(unique=True)
+    # A ForeignKey, to a model above, and then below
+    o1 = models.ForeignKey(Other1)
+    o2 = models.ForeignKey('Other2')
+    # Now to something outside
+    user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="horribles")
+    # Unicode!
+    code = models.CharField(max_length=25, default="â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??BA")
+    # Time to get nasty. Define a non-field choices, and use it
+    choices = [('hello', '1'), ('world', '2')]
+    choiced = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=choices)
+    class Meta:
+        db_table = "my_fave"
+        verbose_name = "Dr. Strangelove," + \
+                     """or how I learned to stop worrying
+and love the bomb"""
+    # Now spread over multiple lines
+    multiline = \
+              models.TextField(
+        )
+# Special case.
+class Other2(models.Model):
+    # Try loading a field without a newline after it (inspect hates this)
+    close_but_no_cigar = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/logic.py b/lib/south/tests/logic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2312bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/logic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+import unittest
+import datetime
+import sys
+import os
+import StringIO
+from south import migration
+from south.tests import Monkeypatcher
+# Add the tests directory so fakeapp is on sys.path
+test_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+class TestMigrationLogic(Monkeypatcher):
+    """
+    Tests if the various logic functions in migration actually work.
+    """
+    def test_get_app_name(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "southtest",
+            migration.get_app_name(self.create_fake_app("southtest.migrations")),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "baz",
+            migration.get_app_name(self.create_fake_app("foo.bar.baz.migrations")),
+        )
+    def test_get_migrated_apps(self):
+        P1 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations", {}, {}, [''])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [P1],
+            list(migration.get_migrated_apps()),
+        )
+    def test_get_app(self):
+        P1 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations", {}, {}, [''])
+        self.assertEqual(P1, migration.get_app("fakeapp"))
+        self.assertEqual(P1, migration.get_app(self.create_fake_app("fakeapp.models")))
+    def test_get_app_fullname(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "southtest",
+            migration.get_app_fullname(self.create_fake_app("southtest.migrations")),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "foo.bar.baz",
+            migration.get_app_fullname(self.create_fake_app("foo.bar.baz.migrations")),
+        )
+    def test_get_migration_names(self):
+        app = self.create_test_app()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ["0001_spam", "0002_eggs", "0003_alter_spam"],
+            migration.get_migration_names(app),
+        )
+    def test_get_migration_classes(self):
+        app = self.create_test_app()
+        # Can't use vanilla import, modules beginning with numbers aren't in grammar
+        M1 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations.0001_spam", {}, {}, ['Migration']).Migration
+        M2 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations.0002_eggs", {}, {}, ['Migration']).Migration
+        M3 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations.0003_alter_spam", {}, {}, ['Migration']).Migration
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [M1, M2, M3],
+            list(migration.get_migration_classes(app)),
+        )
+    def test_get_migration(self):
+        app = self.create_test_app()
+        # Can't use vanilla import, modules beginning with numbers aren't in grammar
+        M1 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations.0001_spam", {}, {}, ['Migration']).Migration
+        M2 = __import__("fakeapp.migrations.0002_eggs", {}, {}, ['Migration']).Migration
+        self.assertEqual(M1, migration.get_migration(app, "0001_spam"))
+        self.assertEqual(M2, migration.get_migration(app, "0002_eggs"))
+        # Temporarily redirect sys.stdout during this, it whinges.
+        stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO.StringIO()
+        try:
+            self.assertRaises((ImportError, ValueError), migration.get_migration, app, "0001_jam")
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = stdout
+    def test_all_migrations(self):
+        app = migration.get_app("fakeapp")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            {app: {
+                "0001_spam": migration.get_migration(app, "0001_spam"),
+                "0002_eggs": migration.get_migration(app, "0002_eggs"),
+                "0003_alter_spam": migration.get_migration(app, "0003_alter_spam"),
+            }},
+            migration.all_migrations(),
+        )
+    def assertListEqual(self, list1, list2):
+        list1 = list(list1)
+        list2 = list(list2)
+        list1.sort()
+        list2.sort()
+        return self.assertEqual(list1, list2)
+    def test_apply_migrations(self):
+        app = migration.get_app("fakeapp")
+        # We should start with no migrations
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
+        # Apply them normally
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name=None, resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        # We should finish with all migrations
+        self.assertListEqual(
+            (
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0001_spam"),
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0002_eggs"),
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0003_alter_spam"),
+            ),
+            migration.MigrationHistory.objects.values_list("app_name", "migration"),
+        )
+        # Now roll them backwards
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="zero", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        # Finish with none
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
+    def test_migration_merge_forwards(self):
+        app = migration.get_app("fakeapp")
+        # We should start with no migrations
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
+        # Insert one in the wrong order
+        migration.MigrationHistory.objects.create(
+            app_name = "fakeapp",
+            migration = "0002_eggs",
+            applied = datetime.datetime.now(),
+        )
+        # Did it go in?
+        self.assertListEqual(
+            (
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0002_eggs"),
+            ),
+            migration.MigrationHistory.objects.values_list("app_name", "migration"),
+        )
+        # Apply them normally
+        try:
+            migration.migrate_app(app, target_name=None, resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        except SystemExit:
+            pass
+        # Nothing should have changed (no merge mode!)
+        self.assertListEqual(
+            (
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0002_eggs"),
+            ),
+            migration.MigrationHistory.objects.values_list("app_name", "migration"),
+        )
+        # Apply with merge
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name=None, resolve_mode="merge", fake=False, silent=True)
+        # We should finish with all migrations
+        self.assertListEqual(
+            (
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0001_spam"),
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0002_eggs"),
+                (u"fakeapp", u"0003_alter_spam"),
+            ),
+            migration.MigrationHistory.objects.values_list("app_name", "migration"),
+        )
+        # Now roll them backwards
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="0002", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="0001", resolve_mode=None, fake=True, silent=True)
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="zero", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        # Finish with none
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
+    def test_alter_column_null(self):
+        def null_ok():
+            from django.db import connection, transaction
+            # the DBAPI introspection module fails on postgres NULLs.
+            cursor = connection.cursor()
+            try:
+                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO southtest_spam (id, weight, expires, name) VALUES (100, 10.1, now(), NULL);")
+            except:
+                transaction.rollback()
+                return False
+            else:
+                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM southtest_spam")
+                transaction.commit()
+                return True
+        app = migration.get_app("fakeapp")
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
+        # by default name is NOT NULL
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="0002", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        self.failIf(null_ok())
+        # after 0003, it should be NULL
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="0003", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        self.assert_(null_ok())
+        # make sure it is NOT NULL again
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="0002", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        self.failIf(null_ok(), 'name not null after migration')
+        # finish with no migrations, otherwise other tests fail...
+        migration.migrate_app(app, target_name="zero", resolve_mode=None, fake=False, silent=True)
+        self.assertEqual(list(migration.MigrationHistory.objects.all()), [])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/south/tests/modelsparser.py b/lib/south/tests/modelsparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a72e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/south/tests/modelsparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import unittest
+from south.db import db
+from south.tests import Monkeypatcher
+from south.tests.fakeapp.models import HorribleModel, Other1, Other2
+from south.modelsparser import get_model_fields, get_model_meta
+class TestModelParsing(Monkeypatcher):
+    """
+    Tests parsing of models.py files against the test one.
+    """
+    def test_fields(self):
+        fields = get_model_fields(HorribleModel)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            fields,
+            {
+                'id': ('models.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
+                'name': ('models.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 
+                'short_name': ('models.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}),
+                'slug': ('models.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True'}), 
+                'o1': ('models.ForeignKey', ['Other1'], {}),
+                'o2': ('models.ForeignKey', ["'Other2'"], {}),
+                'user': ('models.ForeignKey', ['User'], {'related_name': '"horribles"'}),
+                'code': ('models.CharField', [], {'max_length': '25', 'default': '"â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??BA"'}),
+                'choiced': ('models.CharField', [], {'max_length': '20', 'choices': 'choices'}),
+                'multiline': ('models.TextField', [], {}),
+            },
+        )
+        fields2 = get_model_fields(Other2)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            fields2,
+            {'close_but_no_cigar': ('models.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'})},
+        )
+        fields3 = get_model_fields(Other1)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            fields3,
+            {'id': ('models.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'})},
+        )
+    def test_meta(self):
+        meta = get_model_meta(HorribleModel)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            meta,
+            {'db_table': '"my_fave"', 'verbose_name': '"Dr. Strangelove,"+"""or how I learned to stop worrying\nand love the bomb"""'},
+        )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/settings.py b/settings.py
index 0b31b89..2c240f0 100644
--- a/settings.py
+++ b/settings.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
     # External apps
-    'django_evolution',
+    'south',

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