[releng] Generate SHA256 as hash if possible instead of MD5

commit 9f8cd15bda66638b935b6f5be989c0f45f5bd4c8
Author: Olav Vitters <olav bkor dhs org>
Date:   Wed Jul 15 19:31:47 2009 +0200

    Generate SHA256 as hash if possible instead of MD5
    Note: Python versions before 2.5 will still generate MD5.

 tools/release_set_scripts/release         |    6 +-
 tools/release_set_scripts/release-suites  |    6 +-
 tools/smoketesting/convert-to-tarballs.py |   59 +++++++++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/release_set_scripts/release b/tools/release_set_scripts/release
index 3f306e3..ec6b883 100755
--- a/tools/release_set_scripts/release
+++ b/tools/release_set_scripts/release
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ cat $RDATA | while read MDATA; do
 cd $RDIR
-md5sum *.gz > MD5SUMS-for-gz
-md5sum *.bz2 > MD5SUMS-for-bz2
-chmod g+w $RDIR/MD5SUMS-for-*
+sha256sum *.gz  > SHA256SUMS-for-gz
+sha256sum *.bz2 > SHA256SUMS-for-bz2
+chmod g+w $RDIR/SHA256SUMS-for-*
 # Print download sizss
diff --git a/tools/release_set_scripts/release-suites b/tools/release_set_scripts/release-suites
index eada539..86503e7 100755
--- a/tools/release_set_scripts/release-suites
+++ b/tools/release_set_scripts/release-suites
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #   3) If not found in step -1- or -2-, complain.
 # This script will modify the files on the ftp server and create
-# MD5SUMS-for-gz and MD5SUMS-for-bz2 files in the current directory.
+# SHA256SUMS-for-gz and SHA256SUMS-for-bz2 files in the current directory.
 # Input is of the form
 #   release-suites <version> <datafile>
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ done
 for suite in $RSUITES; do
 	cd $FTPROOT/$suite/$RMAJMIN/$RVERSION/sources
-	md5sum *.gz */*.gz > MD5SUMS-for-gz 2> /dev/null
-	md5sum *.bz2 */*.bz2 > MD5SUMS-for-bz2 2> /dev/null
+	sha256sum *.gz  */*.gz  > SHA256SUMS-for-gz  2> /dev/null
+	sha256sum *.bz2 */*.bz2 > SHA256SUMS-for-bz2 2> /dev/null
 	echo "$suite $RVERSION statistics:"
 	echo "  tar.gz:   $(du -Lch *.tar.gz */*.tar.gz 2> /dev/null | grep total$)"
diff --git a/tools/smoketesting/convert-to-tarballs.py b/tools/smoketesting/convert-to-tarballs.py
index 4f0e66d..71698f6 100755
--- a/tools/smoketesting/convert-to-tarballs.py
+++ b/tools/smoketesting/convert-to-tarballs.py
@@ -54,14 +54,18 @@ import os.path
 from posixpath import join as posixjoin # Handy for URLs
 import subprocess
 from ftplib import FTP
-import md5
 from xml.dom import minidom, Node
 from sgmllib import SGMLParser
 import urllib2
 import urlparse
-import sets
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, 'set'):
+    from sets import Set as set
 import time
 import socket
+    import hashlib
+except ImportError:
+    import md5 as hashlib
 try: import psyco
 except: pass
@@ -289,6 +293,10 @@ class TarballLocator:
         self.have_sftp = self._test_sftp()
         self.get_stats = determine_stats
         self.local_only = local_only
+        if hasattr(hashlib, 'sha256'):
+            self.hash_algo = 'sha256'
+        else:
+            self.hash_algo = 'md5'
         self.cache = {}
         for key in mirrors.keys():
             mirror = mirrors[key]
@@ -382,6 +390,7 @@ class TarballLocator:
     def _get_tarball_stats(self, location, filename):
         MAX_TRIES = 10
         newfile = os.path.join(self.tarballdir, filename)
+        hashfile = newfile + '.' + self.hash_algo + 'sum'
         if newfile.endswith('gz'):
             flags = 'xfzO'
         elif newfile.endswith('lzma'):
@@ -410,13 +419,15 @@ class TarballLocator:
                     tries -= 1
-                if os.path.exists(newfile + '.md5sum'):
-                    os.unlink(newfile + '.md5sum')
+                if os.path.exists(hashfile):
+                    os.unlink(hashfile)
-            if not os.path.exists(newfile + '.md5sum'):
-                print 'Untarring archive to check integrity'
+            if not os.path.exists(hashfile):
+                time.sleep(1)
                 cmd = ['tar', flags, newfile]
-                retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=file('/dev/null', 'w'))
+                devnull = file('/dev/null', 'wb')
+                retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=devnull)
+                devnull.close()
                 if retcode:
                     sys.stderr.write('Integrity check for ' + filename + ' failed!\n')
                     tries -= 1
@@ -428,19 +439,19 @@ class TarballLocator:
             return '', ''
         size = os.stat(newfile)[6]
-        if not os.path.exists(newfile + '.md5sum'):
-            sum = md5.new()
+        if not os.path.exists(hashfile):
+            sum = getattr(hashlib, self.hash_algo)()
             fp = open(newfile, 'rb')
             data = fp.read(32768)
             while data:
                 data = fp.read(32768)
-            md5sum = sum.hexdigest()
-            file(newfile + '.md5sum', 'w').write(md5sum)
+            hash = sum.hexdigest()
+            file(hashfile, 'w').write(hash)
-            md5sum = file(newfile + '.md5sum').read()
-        return md5sum, str(size)
+            hash = file(hashfile).read()
+        return '%s:%s' % (self.hash_algo, hash), str(size)
     def _get_files_from_ftp(self, parsed_url, max_version):
         ftp = FTP(parsed_url.hostname)
@@ -616,11 +627,11 @@ class TarballLocator:
         # Only get tarball stats if we're not in a hurry
         if self.get_stats:
-            md5sum, size = self._get_tarball_stats(location, tarballs[index])
+            hash, size = self._get_tarball_stats(location, tarballs[index])
-            md5sum = 'blablablaihavenorealclue'
+            hash = 'md5:blablablaihavenorealclue'
             size = 'HUGE'
-        return location, version, md5sum, size
+        return location, version, hash, size
 class ConvertToTarballs:
     def __init__(self, tarballdir, version, sourcedir, options, force, versions_only, local_only):
@@ -675,13 +686,13 @@ class ConvertToTarballs:
             baselocation = self.options.get_download_site(cvsroot, name)
             max_version = self.options.get_version_limit(name)
             real_name = self.options.get_real_name(name)
-            location, version, md5sum, size = \
+            location, version, hash, size = \
                       self.locator.find_tarball(baselocation, real_name, max_version)
-            print '  ', location, version, md5sum, size
+            print '  ', location, version, hash, size
             tarball.setAttribute('version', version)
             source_node.setAttribute('href', location)
             source_node.setAttribute('size', size)
-            source_node.setAttribute('md5sum', md5sum)
+            source_node.setAttribute('hash', hash)
         except IOError:
@@ -693,7 +704,7 @@ class ConvertToTarballs:
             tarball.setAttribute('version', 'EAT-YOUR-BRAAAAAANE')
             source_node.setAttribute('href', 'http://somewhere.over.the.rainbow/where/bluebirds/die')
             source_node.setAttribute('size', 'HUGE')
-            source_node.setAttribute('md5sum', 'blablablaihavenorealclue')
+            source_node.setAttribute('hash', 'md5:blablablaihavenorealclue')
         if revision and not max_version:
         return tarball
@@ -825,7 +836,7 @@ class ConvertToTarballs:
         full_whitelist = []
         for set in self.options.release_set:
-        unique = sets.Set(full_whitelist) - sets.Set(self.all_tarballs)
+        unique = set(full_whitelist) - set(self.all_tarballs)
         for module in unique:
           subdir = self.options.get_subdir(module)
           if subdir is None:
@@ -835,9 +846,9 @@ class ConvertToTarballs:
               baselocation = self.options.get_download_site('gnome.org', name)
               max_version = self.options.get_version_limit(name)
               real_name = self.options.get_real_name(name)
-              location, version, md5sum, size = \
+              location, version, hash, size = \
                         self.locator.find_tarball(baselocation, real_name, max_version)
-              print '  ', location, version, md5sum, size
+              print '  ', location, version, hash, size
           except IOError:
@@ -858,7 +869,7 @@ class ConvertToTarballs:
         full_whitelist = []
         for set in self.options.release_set:
-        unique = sets.Set(full_whitelist) - sets.Set(self.all_tarballs)
+        unique = set(full_whitelist) - set(self.all_tarballs)
         if not len(unique): return

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