[tracker] Fixes #125067. nmm:Photo's prop do not have cardinality

commit 5c0f83cac0419f894e8bbd3becc1ae2c890ce06e
Author: Ivan Frade <ivan frade nokia com>
Date:   Mon Jul 13 16:45:26 2009 +0300

    Fixes #125067. nmm:Photo's prop do not have cardinality
    Added maxCardinality to photo properties

 data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology |   11 ++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology b/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
index c81b81c..e207910 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
@@ -275,12 +275,14 @@ nmm:Photo a rdfs:Class ;
 nmm:camera a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Camera" ;
 	rdfs:comment "The maker and model of the camera used to take the photograph" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
 nmm:exposureTime a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Exposure time" ;
 	rdfs:comment "Exposure time of the photo" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:integer .
@@ -294,24 +296,28 @@ nmm:flash-off a nmm:Flash .
 nmm:flash a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Flash" ;
 	rdfs:comment "Specifies whether flash was used" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range nmm:Flash .
 nmm:fnumber a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "F number" ;
 	rdfs:comment "The diameter of the entrance pupil in terms of the focal length of the lens" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:double .
 nmm:focalLength a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Focal length" ;
 	rdfs:comment "A measure of how strongly the lens converges light" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:double .
 nmm:isoSpeed a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "ISO speed" ;
 	rdfs:comment "Measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light as ISO value" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:double .
@@ -329,17 +335,20 @@ nmm:meteringMode-other a nmm:MeteringMode .
 nmm:meteringMode a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:comment "Metering mode refers to the way in which a camera determines the exposure." ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range nmm:MeteringMode .
 nmm:WhiteBalance a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "White balance" ;
-	rdfs:comment "Camera's white balance setting" .
+	rdfs:comment "Camera's white balance setting" ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 .
 nmm:whiteBalance-auto a nmm:WhiteBalance .
 nmm:whiteBalance-manual a nmm:WhiteBalance .
 nmm:whiteBalance a rdf:Property ;
+	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:Photo ;
 	rdfs:range nmm:WhiteBalance .

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