[gnome-games/gsoc-seed-games] [same-gnome-clutter] Initial GConf schema.

commit d45d52fb5faea07a3dc85c91ef8dc26e847936f8
Author: Tim Horton <hortont424 gmail com>
Date:   Sun Jul 12 20:42:36 2009 -0400

    [same-gnome-clutter] Initial GConf schema.

 same-gnome-clutter/Makefile.am                   |   18 +++++
 same-gnome-clutter/same-gnome-clutter.schemas.in |   78 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/same-gnome-clutter/Makefile.am b/same-gnome-clutter/Makefile.am
index aed5e65..47b23c3 100644
--- a/same-gnome-clutter/Makefile.am
+++ b/same-gnome-clutter/Makefile.am
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ same_gnome_clutter_c_LDFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs clutter-0.9 glib-2.0`
 bin_SCRIPTS = same-gnome-clutter
 bin_PROGRAMS = same-gnome-clutter-c
+schema_in_files = same-gnome-clutter.schemas.in
+schemadir = $(GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR)
+schema_DATA = $(schema_in_files:.schemas.in=.schemas)
 desktop_in_files = same-gnome-clutter.desktop.in.in same-gnome-clutter-c.desktop.in.in
 desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
 desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in.in=.desktop)
@@ -40,3 +44,17 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
     src/Path.js.in \
+install-schemas-local: $(schema_DATA)
+	if test -z "$(DESTDIR)" ; then \
+		for p in $^ ; do \
+			GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(GCONF_SCHEMA_CONFIG_SOURCE) $(GCONFTOOL) --makefile-install-rule $$p 2>&1 > /dev/null; \
+		done \
+	fi
+install-data-local: install-schemas-local
diff --git a/same-gnome-clutter/same-gnome-clutter.schemas.in b/same-gnome-clutter/same-gnome-clutter.schemas.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9a8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/same-gnome-clutter/same-gnome-clutter.schemas.in
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    <schemalist>    
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/theme</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/theme</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>string</type>
+        <default>Tango</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>The theme to use</short>
+          <long>The title of the tile theme to use.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/columns</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/columns</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>int</type>
+        <default>15</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>Board column count</short>
+          <long>The number of columns of tiles in the game board.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/rows</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/rows</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>int</type>
+        <default>10</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>Board row count</short>
+          <long>The number of rows of tiles in the game board.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/colors</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/colors</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>int</type>
+        <default>3</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>Board color count</short>
+          <long>The number of colors of tiles to use in the game.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/zealous</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/columns</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>bool</type>
+        <default>true</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>Zealous animation</short>
+          <long>Use more flashy, but slower, animations.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+      <schema>
+        <key>/schemas/apps/same-gnome-clutter/fly_score</key>
+        <applyto>/apps/same-gnome-clutter/fly_score</applyto>
+        <owner>same-gnome-clutter</owner>
+        <type>bool</type>
+        <default>true</default>
+        <locale name="C">
+          <short>Fly score</short>
+          <long>Animate the number of points at the end of each move.</long>
+        </locale>
+      </schema>
+  </schemalist>

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