[pitivi] timeline.py, test_timeline.py: major refactor of EditingContext code

commit fa77b700d34576cb57782839e6ad86d67797cc13
Author: Brandon Lewis <brandon_lewis berkeley edu>
Date:   Wed Jul 1 21:58:02 2009 -0700

    timeline.py, test_timeline.py: major refactor of EditingContext code
    The previous monolithic context was proving to be too unwieldy and difficult
    to implement. Moreover, there were some performance problems related to all
    the intialization. Finally, mode switching was akward with the old design.
    This commit refactors InteractiveEditingContext into EditingContext and
    several subclasses which implement the different operations of moving, triming
    the start point, and trimming the end point. Also adding new test case to test

 pitivi/timeline/timeline.py |  221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_timeline.py      |   62 ++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py b/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py
index cc3d60e..babb775 100644
--- a/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py
+++ b/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py
@@ -777,6 +777,217 @@ class TimelineEdges(object):
             return self.by_start[end]
         return []
+class EditingContext(object):
+    DEFAULT = 0
+    ROLL = 1
+    RIPPLE = 2
+    SLIP_SLIDE = 3
+    """Encapsulates interactive editing.
+    This is the base class for interactive editing contexts.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timeline, focus, other):
+        """
+        @param timeline: the timeline to edit
+        @type timeline: instance of L{pitivi.timeline.timeline.Timeline}
+        @param focus: the TimelineObject or TrackObject which is to be the the
+        main target of interactive editing, such as the object directly under the
+        mouse pointer
+        @type focus: L{pitivi.timeline.timeline.TimelineObject} or
+        L{pitivi.timeline.trackTrackObject}
+        @param other: a set of objects which are the secondary targets of
+        interactive editing, such as objects in the current selection.
+        @type other: a set() of L{TimelineObject}s or L{TrackObject}s
+        @returns: An instance of L{pitivi.timeline.timeline.TimelineEditContex}
+        """
+        # make sure focus is not in secondary object list
+        other.difference_update(set((focus,)))
+        self.other = other 
+        self.focus = focus
+        self.timeline = timeline
+        self._snap = True
+        self._mode = self.DEFAULT
+        self._last_position = 0
+        self.timeline.disableUpdates()
+    def _getOffsets(self, start_offset, priority_offset, objs):
+        return dict(((obj, (obj.start - start_offset, obj.priority -
+            priority_offset)) for obj in objs))
+    def _saveValues(self, objs):
+        return dict(((obj, (obj.start, obj.duration, obj.in_point,
+            obj.media_duration, obj.priority)) for obj in objs))
+    def _restoreValues(self, values):
+        for obj, start, duration, in_point, media_dur, pri in \
+            values.iteritems():
+            obj.start = start
+            obj.duration = duration
+            obj.duration = duration
+            obj.in_point = in_point
+            obj.media_duration = media_dur
+            obj.priority = pri
+    def finish(self):
+        """Clean up timeline for normal editing"""
+        # TODO: post undo / redo action here
+        self.timeline.rebuildEdges()
+        self.timeline.enableUpdates()
+    def setMode(self, mode):
+        """Set the current editing mode.
+        @param mode: the editing mode. Must be one of DEFAULT, ROLL, or
+        RIPPLE.
+        """
+        if mode != self.mode:
+            self._finishMode(self.mode)
+            self._startMode(mode)
+            self.mode = mode
+    def _finishMode(self, mode):
+        if mode == self.DEFAULT:
+            self._finishDefault()
+        elif mode == self.ROLL:
+            self._finishRoll()
+        elif mode == self.RIPPLE:
+            self._finishRipple()
+    def _beginMode(self, mode):
+        if mode == self.DEFAULT:
+            self._defaultTo(self._last_position)
+        elif mode == self.ROLL:
+            self._rollTo(self._last_position)
+        elif mode == self.RIPPLE:
+            self._rippleTo(self._last_position)
+    def _finishDefault(self):
+        pass
+    def _finishRipple(self):
+        pass
+    def _finishRoll(self):
+        pass
+    def _rollTo(self, position):
+        pass
+    def snap(self, snap):
+        """Set whether edge snapping is currently enabled"""
+        self._snap = snap
+    def editTo(self, position, priority):
+        self._last_position = position
+        self._editFocus(position, priority)
+        if self._mode == self.DEFAULT:
+            self._defaultTo(position, priority)
+        if self._mode == self.ROLL:
+            self._rollTo(position)
+        elif self._mode == self.RIPPLE:
+            self._rippleTo(position)
+class MoveContext(EditingContext):
+    """An editing context which sets the start point of the editing targets.
+    It has support for ripple, slip-and-slide editing modes."""
+    def __init__(self, timeline, focus, other):
+        EditingContext.__init__(self, timeline, focus, other)
+        # calculate minimum start time and priority
+        self.earliest = focus.start
+        self.min_priority = focus.priority
+        if other:
+            self.earliest = min(self.earliest, min((obj.start for obj in other)))
+            self.min_priority = min(self.min_priority, min((obj.priority for obj in
+                other)))
+        # calculate offsets of clips relative to earliest time, min priority
+        self.offsets = self._getOffsets(self.earliest, self.min_priority,
+            other)
+        self.focal_offset = (focus.start - self.earliest, 
+            focus.priority - self.min_priority)
+        # save default values
+        self.default_originals = self._saveValues(other)
+    def setMode(self, mode):
+        if mode == self.ROLL:
+            raise Exception("invalid mode ROLL")
+        EditingContext.setMode(self, mode)
+    def _finishRoll(self):
+        pass
+    def _rollTo(self):
+        pass
+    def _finishRipple(self):
+        pass
+    def _rippleTo(self):
+        pass
+    def _finishDefault(self):
+        self._restoreValues(self.default_originals)
+    def _defaultTo(self, position, priority):
+        for obj, (s_offset, p_offset) in self.offsets.iteritems():
+            obj.setStart(position + s_offset, snap=self._snap)
+            obj.priority = priority + p_offset
+    def _editFocus(self, position, priority):
+        """Set the strart, priority of context objects relative to the focus
+        object. 
+        @param position: the start time relative to the focal object
+        @type postion: C{long}
+        @param priority: the priority relative to thefocal object
+        @type priority: C{long}
+        """
+        position = max(0, position - self.focal_offset[0])
+        priority = max(0, priority - self.focal_offset[1])
+        self.focus.setStart(position, snap = self._snap)
+        self.focus.priority = priority
+class TrimStartContext(EditingContext):
+    def _editFocus(self, position, priority):
+        self.focus.trimmedStart(position, snap=self.snap)
+    def _rollTo(self, position):
+        pass
+    def _rippleTo(self, position):
+        pass
+    def _finishRipple(self):
+        pass
+class TrimEndContext(EditingContext):
+    def _editFocus(self, position, priority):
+        self.focus.trimEnd(position, snap=self.snap)
+    def _rollto(self, position):
+        pass
+    def _rippleTo(self, position):
+        pass
+    def _finishRipple(self):
+        pass
 class Timeline(Signallable, Loggable):
@@ -1141,3 +1352,13 @@ class Timeline(Signallable, Loggable):
         self.emit("disable-updates", False)
+    def getObjsAfterObj(self, obj):
+        target = obj.start + obj.duration
+        return [to for to in self.timeline_objects 
+            if to.start >= target]
+    def getObjsBeforeObj(self, obj):
+        target = obj.start
+        return [to for to in self.timeline_objects 
+            if to.start + to.duration <=target]
diff --git a/tests/test_timeline.py b/tests/test_timeline.py
index 44b6712..5062bd4 100644
--- a/tests/test_timeline.py
+++ b/tests/test_timeline.py
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 import gst
 from pitivi.timeline.timeline import Timeline, TimelineObject, TimelineError, \
-        Selection, Link, TimelineEdges
+        Selection, Link, TimelineEdges, MoveContext, TrimStartContext, \
+        TrimEndContext
 from pitivi.timeline.track import Track, SourceTrackObject
 from pitivi.stream import AudioStream, VideoStream
 from pitivi.utils import UNKNOWN_DURATION
@@ -646,3 +647,62 @@ class TestTimelineAddFactory(TestCase):
         self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.audio_track2.track_objects), 1)
         self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.video_track1.track_objects), 1)
         self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.video_track2.track_objects), 1)
+class TestContexts(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.timeline = Timeline()
+        self.factory = StubFactory()
+        self.stream = AudioStream(gst.Caps('audio/x-raw-int'))
+        self.factory.addOutputStream(self.stream)
+        self.track1 = Track(self.stream)
+        self.track2 = Track(self.stream)
+        self.track_object1 = SourceTrackObject(self.factory, self.stream)
+        self.track_object2 = SourceTrackObject(self.factory, self.stream)
+        self.track_object3 = SourceTrackObject(self.factory, self.stream)
+        self.track1.addTrackObject(self.track_object1)
+        self.track1.addTrackObject(self.track_object2)
+        self.track2.addTrackObject(self.track_object3)
+        self.timeline_object1 = TimelineObject(self.factory)
+        self.timeline_object1.addTrackObject(self.track_object1)
+        self.timeline_object2 = TimelineObject(self.factory)
+        self.timeline_object2.addTrackObject(self.track_object2)
+        self.timeline_object3 = TimelineObject(self.factory)
+        self.timeline_object3.addTrackObject(self.track_object3)
+        self.timeline.addTimelineObject(self.timeline_object1)
+        self.timeline.addTimelineObject(self.timeline_object2)
+        self.timeline.addTimelineObject(self.timeline_object3)
+        self.focus = self.track_object1
+        self.other = set([self.track_object2, self.track_object3])
+    def testMoveContext(self):
+        context = MoveContext(self.timeline, self.focus, self.other)
+        context.finish()
+    def testTrimStartContext(self):
+        context = TrimStartContext(self.timeline, self.focus, self.other)
+        context.finish()
+    def testTrimEndContext(self):
+        context = TrimEndContext(self.timeline, self.focus, self.other)
+        context.finish()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del self.timeline_object1
+        del self.timeline_object2
+        del self.timeline_object3
+        del self.track_object1
+        del self.track_object2
+        del self.track_object3
+        del self.track1
+        del self.track2
+        del self.factory
+        del self.stream
+        del self.timeline
+        del self.focus
+        del self.other
+        TestCase.tearDown(self)

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