[gtk+] (20 commits) Created branch filesystemmodel

The branch 'filesystemmodel' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  278d106... clean up code in gtk_list_store_set_n_columns()
  27ab4f7... move GtkFileSystemModel private stuff out of the private he
  69ff1d8... Implement new GtkFileSystemModel
  05c629f... Creating the model no longer fails
  585772c... Simplify gtk_file_chooser_default_unselect_file()
  56f5382... Consolidate tree models for different browse modes
  6c20020... Replace the cell data computations
  0725e54... Clean up code to use the model directly
  e6dcb53... Use the GtkTreeSortable of the filesystem model
  04b7b41... Load icons on-demand
  08f5202... Only query the absolutely necessary attributes
  6e715f7... Make the filesystem model filter API use a GtkFileFilter
  0b6393d... Add a constructor to filesystem model that does not monitor
  f73596a... Don't count the "enter directory name" line as a selected f
  0703eea... Convert search to use a GtkFileSystemModel
  fdeaab7... Convert recent files to a GtkFileSystemModel
  34c0a31... Use the faster accessor function in the sort functions
  5f16b8c... Enable the size column in recent files/search
  bfe2935... Remove unused error argument from show_and_select_files()
  6bd907a... Improve show_and_select_files() function

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