chronojump r446 - in trunk: . build/data src/gui

Author: xaviblas
Date: Thu Jan 29 19:12:59 2009
New Revision: 446

as same commmit today, but cleaning server code in src/gui/chronojump.cs


Modified: trunk/build/data/chronojump.prg
Binary files. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/build/data/chronojump_mini.prg
Binary files. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/changelog.txt
--- trunk/changelog.txt	(original)
+++ trunk/changelog.txt	Thu Jan 29 19:12:59 2009
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 all this will be release as 0.8.2 or 0.9
+29 jan 2009 (2)
+	as below but cleaning server code in src/gui/chronojump.cs
 29 jan 2009
 	db 0.61 

Modified: trunk/src/gui/chronojump.cs
--- trunk/src/gui/chronojump.cs	(original)
+++ trunk/src/gui/chronojump.cs	Thu Jan 29 19:12:59 2009
@@ -887,12 +887,6 @@
 	 *  --------------------------------------------------------
-	bool serverSessionError;
-	bool needUpdateServerSession;
-	bool updatingServerSession;
-	SessionUploadPersonData sessionUploadPersonData;
@@ -943,43 +937,6 @@
-	 */
-	private bool PulseGTKServer ()
-	{
-		if(! thread.IsAlive) {
-			sessionUploadWin.UploadFinished();
-			Log.Write("dying");
-			return false;
-		}
-		if (serverSessionError) {
-			new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Catalog.GetString("Error uploading session to server"));
-			return false;
-		}
-		//need to do this, if not it crashes because chronopicWin gets died by thread ending
-		sessionUploadWin = SessionUploadWindow.Show(app1);
-		if(needUpdateServerSession && !updatingServerSession) {
-			//prevent that FillData is called again with same data
-			updatingServerSession = true;
-			//fill data
-			sessionUploadWin.FillData(sessionUploadPersonData);
-			//not need to update until there'm more data coming from the other thread
-			updatingServerSession = false;
-			needUpdateServerSession = false;
-		}
-		Thread.Sleep (50);
-		Log.Write(thread.ThreadState.ToString());
-		return true;
-	}
-	/* 
@@ -1046,395 +1003,17 @@
 		if(Server.Ping(false, "", "") != Constants.ServerOffline) { //false: don't do insertion
-			/*
-			serverSessionError = false;
-			needUpdateServerSession = false;
-			updatingServerSession = false;
-			sessionUploadPersonData = new SessionUploadPersonData();
-			*/
 			Server.app1 = app1;
 			Server.currentSession = currentSession; //check that changes come to main currentSession again!!! TODO
 			Server.progName = progName;
 			Server.progVersion = progVersion;
-			/*
-			//thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(on_server_upload_session_started));
-			thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Server.On_server_upload_session_started));
-			//GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTKServer));
-			GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (Server.PulseGTKServer));
-			thread.Start(); 
-			*/
 		} else {
 			new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
-	private void on_server_upload_session_started () 
-	{
-		int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
-		try {	
-			ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
-			//create ServerSession based on Session currentSession
-			ServerSession serverSession = new ServerSession(currentSession, evalSID, progName + " " + progVersion, 
-					Util.GetOS(), Util.DateParse(DateTime.Now.ToString()), Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGSESSION); 
-			//if uploading session for first time
-			if(currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID) 
-			{
-				//upload ServerSession
-				int idAtServer = myServer.UploadSession(serverSession);
-				//update session currentSession (serverUniqueID) on client database
-				currentSession.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
-				SqliteSession.UpdateServerUniqueID(currentSession.UniqueID, currentSession.ServerUniqueID);
-			}
-			myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGDATA); 
-			//upload persons (updating also person.serverUniqueID locally)
-			string [] myPersons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSession(serverSession.UniqueID, true, false); //onlyIDAndName, not reversed
-			Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
-			foreach(string personStr in myPersons) {
-				Person person = SqlitePersonSession.PersonSelect(Util.FetchID(personStr), serverSession.UniqueID); 
-				//check person if exists
-				if(person.ServerUniqueID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID) 
-					uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
-				else {
-					uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
-					//if sport is user defined, upload it
-					//and when upload the person, do it with new sportID
-					Sport sport = SqliteSport.Select(person.SportID);
-					if(sport.UserDefined) 
-						person.SportID = myServer.UploadSport(sport);
-					person = serverUploadPerson(myServer, person, serverSession.UniqueID);
-				}
-				//a person can be in the database for one session, 
-				//but maybe now we add jumps from another session and we should add an entry at personsessionweight
-				serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(myServer, person.ServerUniqueID, currentSession.ServerUniqueID, person.Weight);
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.person = person;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.personCode = uCode;
-				//upload jumps
-				int countU = 0;					
-				int countE = 0;					
-				int countS = 0;					
-				string [] jumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "");
-				foreach(string myJump in jumps) {
-					string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select jump
-					Jump test = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//if test is not simulated and has not been uploaded,
-					//see if it's type is not predefined and is not in the database
-					//then upload it first
-					if(test.Simulated == 0) {
-						//upload jumpType if is user defined and doesn't exists in server database
-						//JumpType type = new JumpType(test.Type);
-						JumpType type = SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpType(test.Type);
-						if( ! type.IsPredefined) {
-							//Console.WriteLine("USER DEFINED TEST: " + test.Type);
-							//
-							//this uploads the new type, as it's user created, it will be like this
-							//eg: for user defined jumpType: "supra" of evaluatorServerID: 9
-							//at server will be "supra-9"
-							//then two problems get solved:
-							//1.- every evaluator that uploads a type will have a different name 
-							//than other evaluator uploading a type that is named the same but could be different 
-							//(one can think that "supra" is another thing
-							//2- when the same evaluator upload some supra's, only a new type is created
-							test.Type = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID);
-							//test.Type in the server will have the correct name "supra-9" 
-						}
-					}
-					//upload... (if not because of simulated or uploaded before, report also the user)
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, Constants.JumpTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsS = countS;
-				//upload jumpsRj
-				countU = 0;					
-				countE = 0;					
-				countS = 0;					
-				string [] jumpsRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "");
-				foreach(string myJump in jumpsRj) {
-					string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select jump
-					JumpRj test = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData(Constants.JumpRjTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//upload...
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, Constants.JumpRjTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjS = countS;
-				//upload runs
-				countU = 0;					
-				countE = 0;					
-				countS = 0;					
-				string [] runs = SqliteRun.SelectAllRuns(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
-				foreach(string myRun in runs) {
-					string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select run
-					Run test = SqliteRun.SelectRunData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//upload...
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN, Constants.RunTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsS = countS;
-				//upload runs intervallic
-				countU = 0;					
-				countE = 0;					
-				countS = 0;					
-				string [] runsI = SqliteRunInterval.SelectAllRuns(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
-				foreach(string myRun in runsI) {
-					string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select run
-					RunInterval test = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(Constants.RunIntervalTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//upload...
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, Constants.RunIntervalTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsIU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsIE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.runsIS = countS;
-				//upload reaction times
-				countU = 0;					
-				countE = 0;					
-				countS = 0;					
-				string [] rts = SqliteReactionTime.SelectAllReactionTimes(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
-				foreach(string myRt in rts) {
-					string [] js = myRt.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select rt
-					ReactionTime test = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//upload...
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RT, Constants.ReactionTimeTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.rtsU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.rtsE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.rtsS = countS;
-				//upload pulses
-				countU = 0;					
-				countE = 0;					
-				countS = 0;					
-				string [] pulses = SqlitePulse.SelectAllPulses(currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
-				foreach(string myPulse in pulses) {
-					string [] js = myPulse.Split(new char[] {':'});
-					//select pulse
-					Pulse test = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1])); //uniqueID
-					//fix it to server person, session keys
-					test.PersonID = person.ServerUniqueID;
-					test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
-					//upload...
-					uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, Constants.PulseTable, test);
-					if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
-						countU ++;
-					else if(uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
-						countE ++;
-					else //SIMULATED
-						countS ++;
-				}
-				//other thread updates the gui:
-				sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesU = countU;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesE = countE;
-				sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesS = countS;
-				needUpdateServerSession = true;
-				while(needUpdateServerSession) {
-					//wait until data is printed on the other thread
-				}
-			}
-			myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE); 
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
-		} catch {
-			//other thread updates the gui:
-			serverSessionError = true;
-		}
-	}
-	//upload a person
-	private Person serverUploadPerson(ChronojumpServer myServer, Person person, int serverSessionID) 
-	{
-		int idAtServer = myServer.UploadPerson(person, serverSessionID);
-		//update person (serverUniqueID) on client database
-		person.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
-		SqlitePerson.Update(person);
-		return person;
-	}
-	private void serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(ChronojumpServer myServer, int personServerID, int sessionServerID, int weight)
-	{
-		myServer.UploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(personServerID, sessionServerID, weight);
-	}
-	//upload a test
-	private Constants.UploadCodes serverUploadTest(ChronojumpServer myServer, Constants.TestTypes type, string tableName, Event myTest) 
-	{
-		Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
-		if(myTest.Simulated == Constants.Simulated) {
-			//Test is simulated, don't upload
-			uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.SIMULATED;
-		} else if(myTest.Simulated > 0) {
-			//Test is already uploaded, don't upload
-			uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
-		} else {
-			int idAtServer = -1;
-			idAtServer = myServer.UploadTest((Event) myTest, type, tableName);
-			//update test (simulated) on client database
-			myTest.Simulated = idAtServer;
-			SqliteEvent.UpdateSimulated(false, tableName, myTest.UniqueID, idAtServer);
-			uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;
-		}
-		return uCode;
-	}
-	private void serverUploadEvaluator () {
-		try {
-			ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
-			//get Data, TODO: do it in a gui/window
-			ServerEvaluator myEval = new ServerEvaluator("myName", "myEmail", "myDateBorn", Constants.CountryUndefinedID, false);
-			//upload
-			myEval.UniqueID = myServer.UploadEvaluator(myEval);
-			//update evaluatorServerID locally
-			SqlitePreferences.Update("evaluatorServerID", myEval.UniqueID.ToString(), false);
-			new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Uploaded with ID: " + myEval.UniqueID);
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
-		} catch {
-			new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	private void on_menuitem_server_upload_evaluator (object o, EventArgs args) {
-		try {
-			ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.ConnectDatabase());
-			int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));
-			if(evalSID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID) {
-				//exists, nothing done
-				//new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, "(" + currentPerson.UniqueID + ") " + 
-				//		currentPerson.Name + " already exists in the BD as ID: " + currentPerson.ServerUniqueID + ".\n Nothing done!.");
-				new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, 
-						"Already exists in the BD as ID: " + evalSID + ".\n Nothing done!.");
-			} else {
-				//get Data, TODO: do it in a gui/window
-				ServerEvaluator myEval = new ServerEvaluator("myName", "myEmail", "myDateBorn", Constants.CountryUndefinedID, false);
-				//upload
-				myEval.UniqueID = myServer.UploadEvaluator(myEval);
-				//update evaluatorServerID locally
-				SqlitePreferences.Update("evaluatorServerID", myEval.UniqueID.ToString(), false);
-				new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, "Uploaded with ID: " + myEval.UniqueID);
-			}
-			Log.WriteLine(myServer.DisConnectDatabase());
-		} catch {
-			new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.ServerOffline);
-		}
-	}
-	*/
 	/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 	 * ----------------  TREEVIEW JUMPS ------------------------

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