dia r4218 - trunk/plug-ins/python

Author: hans
Date: Sat Jan 24 14:19:20 2009
New Revision: 4218
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/dia?rev=4218&view=rev

wdeps.py : 2006-02-23, some command line help


Modified: trunk/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py
--- trunk/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py	(original)
+++ trunk/plug-ins/python/wdeps.py	Sat Jan 24 14:19:20 2009
@@ -20,102 +20,169 @@
 g_maxWeight = 1
 class Node :
-		 def __init__ (self, name) :
-		 		 self.name = name
-		 		 self.deps = {}
-		 def AddEdge (self, name, symbols) :
-		 		 self.deps[name] = Edge(name, symbols)
+	def __init__ (self, name) :
+		self.name = name
+		self.deps = {}
+	def AddEdge (self, name, symbols) :
+		self.deps[name] = Edge(name, symbols)
 class Edge :
-		 def __init__ (self, name, symbols) :
-		 		 global g_maxWeight
-		 		 self.name = name # the target
-		 		 self.weight = len(symbols)
-		 		 if self.weight > g_maxWeight :
-		 		 		 g_maxWeight = self.weight
-		 		 self.symbols = symbols
-def GetDeps (sFrom, dAll) :
-		 "calculates the dependents of the passed in dll"
-		 sFrom = string.lower(sFrom)
-		 if not dAll.has_key (sFrom) :
-		 		 node = Node (sFrom)
-		 		 f = os.popen ("dumpbin /imports " + sFrom)
-		 		 name = None
-		 		 arr = []
-		 		 s = f.readline ()
-		 		 while s :
-		 		 		 r = re.match ("^    (.*\.dll)", s)
-		 		 		 if r :
-		 		 		 		 name = string.lower(r.group(1))
-		 		 		 		 #print name
-		 		 		 else :
-		 		 		 		 # import by name
-		 		 		 		 r2 = re.match ("^[ ]+[0123456789ABCDEF]+[ ]+(\w+)$", s)
-		 		 		 		 if not r2 :
-		 		 		 		 		 r2 = re.match ("^[ ]+Ordinal[ ]+([1234567890]+)$", s)
-		 		 		 		 if r2 :
-		 		 		 		 		 arr.append (r2.group(1))
-		 		 		 		 elif s[:-1] == "" and name != None and len(arr) > 0 :
-		 		 		 		 		 #print name, len(arr)
-		 		 		 		 		 node.AddEdge (name, arr)
-		 		 		 		 		 arr = []
-		 		 		 		 		 GetDeps (name, dAll)
-		 		 		 s = f.readline()
-		 		 # add to all nodes
-		 		 dAll[sFrom] = node
+	def __init__ (self, name, symbols) :
+		global g_maxWeight
+		self.name = name # the target
+		self.weight = len(symbols)
+		if self.weight > g_maxWeight :
+			g_maxWeight = self.weight
+		self.symbols = symbols
+def GetDeps (sFrom, dAll, nMaxDepth, nDepth=0) :
+	"calculates the dependents of the passed in dll"
+	if nMaxDepth <= nDepth :
+		return
+	sFrom = string.lower(sFrom)
+	if not dAll.has_key (sFrom) :
+		node = Node (sFrom)
+		f = os.popen ("dumpbin /imports " + sFrom)
+		name = None
+		arr = []
+		sDump = f.readlines ()
+		# avoids multiple instances of dumpbin running simultaneously
+		f = None
+		# avoids infinite recursion on circular dependencies
+		dAll[sFrom] = None
+		for s in sDump :
+			r = re.match ("^    (.*\.dll)", s, re.IGNORECASE)
+			if r :
+				name = string.lower(r.group(1))
+				# print name
+			else :
+				# import by name
+				r2 = re.match ("^[ ]+[0123456789ABCDEF]{1,5}[ ]+([\w ?$]+)$", s)
+				if not r2 :
+					r2 = re.match ("^[ ]+Ordinal[ ]+([1234567890]+)$", s)
+				if r2 :
+					arr.append (r2.group(1))
+				elif s[:-1] == "" and name != None and len(arr) > 0 :
+					#print name, len(arr)
+					node.AddEdge (name, arr)
+					arr = []
+					nDepth = nDepth + 1
+					GetDeps (name, dAll, nMaxDepth, nDepth)
+					nDepth = nDepth - 1
+		# add to all nodes
+		dAll[sFrom] = node
 def Remove (deps, list) :
-		 "From the deps tree remove the nodes matching list"
-		 for s in list :
-		 		 if deps.has_key (s) :
-		 		 		 del deps[s]
-		 		 for sn in deps.keys() :
-		 		 		 node = deps[sn]
-		 		 		 if node.deps.has_key (s) :
-		 		 		 		 del node.deps[s]
+	"From the deps tree remove the nodes matching list"
+	for s in list :
+		if deps.has_key (s) :
+			del deps[s]
+		for sn in deps.keys() :
+			node = deps[sn]
+			if node.deps.has_key (s) :
+				del node.deps[s]
 # some predefined sets of DLLs, either for hiding from the dependencies or maybe to tin them
 dllsSysWin32 = [
-		 "version.dll", "winmm.dll", 
-		 "kernel32.dll", "user32.dll", "gdi32.dll", "comdlg32.dll", "advapi32.dll", "shell32.dll",
-		 "comctl32.dll", "ole32.dll", "oleaut32.dll", "winspool.drv", "imm32.dll",
-		 "wsock32.dll", "mpr.dll",
-		 "uxtheme.dll"]
+	"version.dll", "winmm.dll", 
+	"kernel32.dll", "user32.dll", "gdi32.dll", "comdlg32.dll", "advapi32.dll", "shell32.dll",
+	"comctl32.dll", "ole32.dll", "oleaut32.dll", "winspool.drv", "imm32.dll",
+	"wsock32.dll", "mpr.dll", 
+	"rpcrt4.dll", "shlwapi.dll", "netapi32.dll", "msimg32.dll",
+	"uxtheme.dll"]
 dllsCrts = [
-		 "msvcrt.dll", "msvcrtd.dll", "msvcp60.dll",
-		 "msvcr71.dll", "msvcr71d.dll", "msvcp71.dll"
-		 ]
+	"msvcrt.dll", "msvcrtd.dll", "msvcp60.dll",
+	"msvcr71.dll", "msvcr71d.dll", "msvcp71.dll"
+	]
+dllsMfc = [
+	"mfc71u.dll", "mfc71.dll"
+	]
 dllsGtk = [
-		 "libglib-2.0-0.dll", "libgmodule-2.0-0.dll", "libgobject-2.0-0.dll", "libgthread-2.0-0.dll",
-		 "libpango-1.0-0.dll", "libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll", "libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll", "libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll",
-		 "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll", "libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll", "libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll", "libatk-1.0-0.dll", 
-		 "libcairo.dll", "libintl-1.dll", "iconv.dll"
-		 ]
+	"libglib-2.0-0.dll", "libgmodule-2.0-0.dll", "libgobject-2.0-0.dll", "libgthread-2.0-0.dll",
+	"libpango-1.0-0.dll", "libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll", "libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll", "libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll",
+	"libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll", "libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll", "libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll", "libatk-1.0-0.dll", 
+	"libcairo.dll", "libintl-1.dll", "iconv.dll"
+	]
 def main () :
-		 deps = {}
-		 GetDeps (sys.argv[1], deps)
+	deps = {}
+	dllsToRemove = []
+	nMaxDepth = 10000 # almost unlimited
+	bHaveComponents = 0
+	sOutFilename = None
-		 #print deps
-		 Remove (deps, dllsSysWin32)
-		 Remove (deps, dllsCrts)
-		 #Remove (deps, dllsGtk)
-		 # output ...
-		 if len(sys.argv) > 2 :
-		 		 # ... dot
-		 		 f = open(sys.argv[2], "w")
-		 		 f.write ('digraph "' + sys.argv[1] + '" {\nratio=0.7\n')
-		 		 for sn in deps.keys() :
-		 		 		 # write weighted edges, could also classify the nodes ...
-		 		 		 node = deps[sn]
-		 		 		 for se in node.deps.keys() :
-		 		 		 		 edge = node.deps[se]
-		 		 		 		 if edge.weight == 1 :
-		 		 		 		 		 #f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [weight=%f,label=%s]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, math.log(1)-0.5, edge.symbols[0]))
-		 		 		 		 		 f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [fontsize=8,label=%s]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, edge.symbols[0]))
-		 		 		 		 else :
-		 		 		 		 		 #f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [weight=%f]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, math.log(edge.weight)-0.5))
-		 		 		 		 		 f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [label="(%d)",weight=%d]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, edge.weight, edge.weight))
-		 		 f.write("}\n")
+	bFullName = 0
+	for arg in sys.argv[1:] :
+		if string.find (arg, "--remove") == 0 :
+			if arg == "--remove-sys" : dllsToRemove.extend (dllsSysWin32)
+			elif arg == "--remove-crt" : dllsToRemove.extend (dllsCrts)
+			elif arg == "--remove-mfc" : dllsToRemove.extend (dllsMfc)
+			elif arg == "--remove-gtk" : dllsToRemove.extend (dllsGtk)
+			else :
+				noDeps = string.split(arg[len("--remove="):], ",")
+				for s in noDeps :
+					dllsToRemove.append(s)
+		elif string.find (arg, "--depth=") == 0 :
+			nMaxDepth = int(arg[len("--depth="):])
+			if nMaxDepth < 1 : print  "Wrong depth"; sys.exit(1)
+		else :
+			if not bHaveComponents :
+				components = string.split(arg, ",")
+				for s in components:
+					GetDeps (s, deps, nMaxDepth)
+				bHaveComponents = 1
+			else :
+				sOutFilename = arg
+		print "arg is:", arg 
+	if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
+		print sys.argv[0], "[parameters] <component,s> [dot-output]"
+		print """
+Given one or mores starting components like
+	a.dll,another.dll
+this tool anayzes the dependencies of the DLLs and generates a depency graph
+in the dot format (see: www.graphviz.org). This tool requires DUMPBIN from
+the MSVC toolchain. With the version included in VC7.1 it is capable to also 
+'see' 'delay load imports'. The tool follows the depencies to DLLs in the 
+current directory only.
+If a second parameter is given the depency graph is written to that file. 
+Otherwise output is written to stdout.
+There is also a number of extra parameters to fine-tune the graph.
+First you can use --remove{-crt,-sys,-mfc} to remove the respective
+set of dependencies. There is also a special form of remove 
+--remove=another.dll removes excatly that dll from the graph.
+Another way to get more manageable graphs is to limit the recursion 
+depth while searching, like --depth=2 which cuts everything below 
+the second dependency level.
+For more information read the source.
+		sys.exit(0)
+	Remove (deps, dllsToRemove)
+	# output ...
+	if not sOutFilename :
+		f = sys.stdout
+	else :
+		# ... dot
+		f = open(sOutFilename, "w")
+	f.write ('digraph "' + components[0] + '" {\nratio=0.7\nnode [fontsize=32.0]\n')
+	for sn in deps.keys() :
+		# write weighted edges, could also classify the nodes ...
+		node = deps[sn]
+		for se in node.deps.keys() :
+			edge = node.deps[se]
+			if edge.weight == 1 and bFullName :
+				#f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [weight=%f,label=%s]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, math.log(1)-0.5, edge.symbols[0]))
+				f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [fontsize=8,label="%s"]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, edge.symbols[0]))
+			else :
+				#f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [weight=%f]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, math.log(edge.weight)-0.5))
+				f.write ('"%s" -> "%s" [label="(%d)",weight=%d]\n' % (node.name, edge.name, edge.weight, edge.weight))
+	f.write("}\n")
 if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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