damned-lies r1354 - in trunk: . languages stats templates templates/languages

Author: claudep
Date: Fri Jan 16 16:41:51 2009
New Revision: 1354
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/damned-lies?rev=1354&view=rev

2009-01-16  Claude Paroz  <claude 2xlibre net>

	* stats/models.py: Add documentation for get_lang_stats_by_type output
	* languages/view.py: Adapted XML output to revised get_lang_stats
	* templates/languages/language_release_stats.html:
	* templates/stats_show.html: Use preferably vertimus-by-names URLs.
	Fixes bug #567398.


Modified: trunk/languages/views.py
--- trunk/languages/views.py	(original)
+++ trunk/languages/views.py	Fri Jan 16 16:41:51 2009
@@ -96,29 +96,29 @@
         content += "<untranslated>%s</untranslated>" % categ['catuntrans']
         # Modules
         for modname, mod in categ['modules']:
-            content += "<module id=\"%s\" branch=\"%s\">" % (modname, mod[1][1].branch.name)
+            content += "<module id=\"%s\" branch=\"%s\">" % (modname, mod['branch'])
             # DOC domains
             if catname in stats['doc']['categs'] and stats['doc']['categs'][catname]['modules']:
                 for docmod in stats['doc']['categs'][catname]['modules']:
                     if docmod[0] == modname:
-                        content += get_domain_stats(docmod[1], "document")
+                        content += get_domain_stats(docmod[1]['domains'], "document")
             # UI stats
-            content += get_domain_stats(mod, "domain")
+            content += get_domain_stats(mod['domains'], "domain")
             content += "</module>"
         # Add modules who have no ui counterparts
         if catname == 'dev-tools':
                 mod = [m for m in stats['doc']['categs']['dev-tools']['modules'] if m[0] == 'gnome-devel-docs'][0][1]
-                content += "<module id=\"gnome-devel-docs\" branch=\"%s\">" % mod[1][1].branch.name
-                content += get_domain_stats(mod, "document")
+                content += "<module id=\"gnome-devel-docs\" branch=\"%s\">" % mod['branch']
+                content += get_domain_stats(mod['domains'], "document")
                 content += "</module>"
         if catname == 'desktop':
                 mod = [m for m in stats['doc']['categs']['desktop']['modules'] if m[0] == 'gnome-user-docs'][0][1]
-                content += "<module id=\"gnome-user-docs\" branch=\"%s\">" % mod[1][1].branch.name
-                content += get_domain_stats(mod, "document")
+                content += "<module id=\"gnome-user-docs\" branch=\"%s\">" % mod['branch']
+                content += get_domain_stats(mod['domains'], "document")
                 content += "</module>"

Modified: trunk/stats/models.py
--- trunk/stats/models.py	(original)
+++ trunk/stats/models.py	Fri Jan 16 16:41:51 2009
@@ -790,9 +790,44 @@
         return stats
     def get_lang_stats_by_type(self, lang, dtype):
+        """ Cook statistics for an entire release, a domain type dtype and the language lang.
+            Structure of the resulting stats dictionary is as follows:
+            stats = {
+                'dtype':dtype, # 'ui' or 'doc'
+                'total': 0,
+                'totaltrans': 0,
+                'totalfuzzy': 0,
+                'totaluntrans': 0,
+                'totaltransperc': 0,
+                'totalfuzzyperc': 0,
+                'totaluntransperc': 0,
+                'categs': {
+                    <categname>: {
+                        'catname': <catname>, # translated category name (see CATEGORY_CHOICES)
+                        'cattotal': 0,
+                        'cattrans': 0,
+                        'catfuzzy': 0, 
+                        'catuntrans': 0,
+                        'cattransperc': 0,
+                        'modules': { # This dict is converted to a sorted list at the end of stats computation
+                            <modname>: {
+                                'domains': [(<domname>, <stat>), ...], # List of tuples (domain name, Statistics object)
+                                           # First element is a placeholder for a FakeStatistics object
+                                           # only used for summary if module has more than 1 domain
+                                'branch': <branch>
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                'all_errors':[]
+            }
+        """
         from vertimus.models import StateDb # import here to prevent a circular dependency
-        stats = {'dtype':dtype, 'totaltrans':0, 'totalfuzzy':0, 'totaluntrans':0, 'categs':{}, 'all_errors':[]}
+        stats = {'dtype':dtype, 'totaltrans':0, 'totalfuzzy':0, 'totaluntrans':0,
+                 'totaltransperc': 0, 'totalfuzzyperc': 0, 'totaluntransperc': 0,
+                 'categs':{}, 'all_errors':[]}
         # Sorted by module to allow grouping ('fake' stats)
         pot_stats = Statistics.objects.select_related(depth=1).filter(language=None, branch__releases=self, domain__dtype=dtype).order_by('branch__module__id')
         tr_stats = Statistics.objects.select_related(depth=1).filter(language=lang, branch__releases=self, domain__dtype=dtype).order_by('branch__module__id')
@@ -802,8 +837,8 @@
             domname = _(stat.domain.description)
             modname = stat.branch.module.name
             if categdescr not in stats['categs']:
-                stats['categs'][categdescr] = {'cattrans':0, 'catfuzzy':0, 
-                                               'catuntrans':0, 'modules':{}}
+                stats['categs'][categdescr] = {'cattrans':0, 'catfuzzy':0, 'catuntrans':0,
+                                               'cattransperc':0, 'modules':{}}
             # Try to get translated stat, else stick with POT stat
                 stat = tr_stats.get(branch=stat.branch, domain=stat.domain)
@@ -825,15 +860,15 @@
             stats['categs'][categdescr]['catuntrans'] += stat.untranslated
             if modname not in stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules']:
                 # first element is a placeholder for a fake stat
-                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname] = {' fake':None, domname:stat}
-                previous_domname = domname
+                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname] = {'domains':[[' fake', None], (domname, stat)],
+                                                                   'branch': stat.branch.name }
-                if len(stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]) < 3:
+                if len(stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains']) == 2:
                     # Create a fake statistics object for module summary
-                    stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname][' fake'] = FakeStatistics(stat.domain.module, dtype)
-                    stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname][' fake'].trans(stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname][previous_domname])
-                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname][domname] = stat
-                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname][' fake'].trans(stat)
+                    stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains'][0][1] = FakeStatistics(stat.domain.module, dtype)
+                    stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains'][0][1].trans(stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains'][1][1])
+                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains'].append((domname, stat))
+                stats['categs'][categdescr]['modules'][modname]['domains'][0][1].trans(stat)
         # Compute percentages and sorting
         stats['total'] = stats['totaltrans'] + stats['totalfuzzy'] + stats['totaluntrans']
@@ -841,26 +876,18 @@
             stats['totaltransperc'] = int(100*stats['totaltrans']/stats['total'])
             stats['totalfuzzyperc'] = int(100*stats['totalfuzzy']/stats['total'])
             stats['totaluntransperc'] = int(100*stats['totaluntrans']/stats['total'])
-        else:
-            stats['totaltransperc'] = 0
-            stats['totalfuzzyperc'] = 0
-            stats['totaluntransperc'] = 0
         for key, categ in stats['categs'].items():
             categ['catname'] = Category.get_cat_name(key)
             categ['cattotal'] = categ['cattrans'] + categ['catfuzzy'] + categ['catuntrans']
             if categ['cattotal'] > 0:
                 categ['cattransperc'] = int(100*categ['cattrans']/categ['cattotal'])
-            else:
-                categ['cattransperc'] = 0
             # Sort modules
             mods = [[name,mod] for name, mod in categ['modules'].items()]
             categ['modules'] = mods
             # Sort domains
             for mod in categ['modules']:
-                doms = [(name,dom) for name, dom in mod[1].items()]
-                doms.sort()
-                mod[1] = doms
+                mod[1]['domains'].sort()
         # Sort errors
         return stats

Modified: trunk/templates/languages/language_release_stats.html
--- trunk/templates/languages/language_release_stats.html	(original)
+++ trunk/templates/languages/language_release_stats.html	Fri Jan 16 16:41:51 2009
@@ -28,49 +28,51 @@
   {% for module in categ.modules %}
     {% with module.0 as modname %}
-    {% for dom in module.1 %}
+    {% for dom in module.1.domains %}
       {% with dom.0 as domname %}
-      {% if dom.1 %}
-        {% ifequal dom.1.tr_percentage 100 %}
-          <tr id="{{ modname }}-{{ domname }}-complete">
+      {% with dom.1 as stat %}
+      {% if stat %}
+        {% ifequal stat.tr_percentage 100 %}
+          <tr id="{{ modname }}-{{ stat.domain.id }}-complete">
         {% else %}
         {% endifequal %}
-          {% if dom.1.partial_po %}
+          {% if stat.partial_po %}
             {# This is a partial po, indented, with the domain description #}
             <td class="leftcell" style="padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em;">
-            <a href="{% url vertimus-stats-id-view dom.1.id language.id %}">{{ dom.1.domain.description }}</a>
+            <a href="{% url vertimus-names-view modname module.1.branch stat.domain.name language.locale %}">{{ domname }}</a>
           {% else %}
             <td class="leftcell">
-            {% if not dom.1.is_fake %}
-              <a href="{% url vertimus-stats-id-view dom.1.id language.id %}">{{ dom.1.module_description }}</a>
+            {% if not stat.is_fake %}
+              <a href="{% url vertimus-names-view modname module.1.branch stat.domain.name language.locale %}">{{ stat.module_description }}</a>
             {% else %}
-              <em>{{ dom.1.module_description }}</em>
+              <em>{{ stat.module_description }}</em>
             {% endif %}
           {% endif %}
-          {% for err in dom.1.information_set.all %}
+          {% for err in stat.information_set.all %}
             <img src="{{ err.get_icon }}" title="{{ err.get_description }}" alt="{{ err.type }}" />
           {% endfor %}
-          <td>{{ dom.1.tr_percentage }}%&nbsp;({{ dom.1.translated }}/{{ dom.1.fuzzy }}/{{ dom.1.untranslated }})</td>
+          <td>{{ stat.tr_percentage }}%&nbsp;({{ stat.translated }}/{{ stat.fuzzy }}/{{ stat.untranslated }})</td>
           <td style="width: 108px; text-align: center;"><div class="graph">
-              <div class="translated" style="width: {{ dom.1.tr_percentage }}px;"></div>
-              <div class="fuzzy" style="left:{{ dom.1.tr_percentage }}px; width:{{ dom.1.fu_percentage }}px;"></div>
-              {% with dom.1.tr_percentage|add:dom.1.fu_percentage as upos %}
-              <div class="untranslated" style="left:{{ upos }}px; width:{{ dom.1.un_percentage }}px;"></div>
+              <div class="translated" style="width: {{ stat.tr_percentage }}px;"></div>
+              <div class="fuzzy" style="left:{{ stat.tr_percentage }}px; width:{{ stat.fu_percentage }}px;"></div>
+              {% with stat.tr_percentage|add:stat.fu_percentage as upos %}
+              <div class="untranslated" style="left:{{ upos }}px; width:{{ stat.un_percentage }}px;"></div>
               {% endwith %}
-           {% if dom.1.state.name %}
-             {% ifnotequal dom.1.state.name "None" %}
-             <em><small>{{ dom.1.state.get_state }} - {{ dom.1.state.updated|date:dateformat }}</small></em>
+           {% if stat.state.name %}
+             {% ifnotequal stat.state.name "None" %}
+             <em><small>{{ stat.state.get_state }} - {{ stat.state.updated|date:dateformat }}</small></em>
              {% endifnotequal %}
            {% endif %}
       {% endif %}
       {% endwith %}
+      {% endwith %}
     {% endfor %}
     {% endwith %}
   {% endfor %}

Modified: trunk/templates/stats_show.html
--- trunk/templates/stats_show.html	(original)
+++ trunk/templates/stats_show.html	Fri Jan 16 16:41:51 2009
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     {% for line in stat %}
     {% if not forloop.first %}
-      <td class="leftcell"><a href="{% url vertimus-stats-id-view line.id line.language.id %}">{{ line.get_lang }}</a>
+      <td class="leftcell"><a href="{% url vertimus-names-view module.name branch.name stat1.domain.name line.language.locale %}">{{ line.get_lang }}</a>
         {% with line.most_important_message as msg %} 
         {% if msg %}
         <img src="{{ msg.get_icon }}" title="{{ msg.get_description }}" alt="{{ msg.type }}" />

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