seed r675 - trunk/examples/clutter-transitions

Author: hortont
Date: Wed Jan  7 23:49:09 2009
New Revision: 675

Add clutter transitions library to SVN; going to make a demo script in an hour or two.

   trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/clutter.js   (contents, props changed)
   trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/one.jpg   (contents, props changed)
   trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/two.jpg   (contents, props changed)

Added: trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/clutter.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/clutter.js	Wed Jan  7 23:49:09 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env seed
+Clutter.init(null, null);
+global_fps = 60;
+var d_left = 0;
+var d_up = 1;
+var d_down = 2;
+var d_right = 3;
+var d_in = -1;
+var d_out = 1;
+function bounce_alpha(alpha)
+    try
+    {
+	    timeline = alpha.get_timeline();
+	    frame = timeline.get_current_frame();
+	    n_frames = timeline.num_frames;
+	    fps = timeline.fps;
+	    duration = n_frames/fps;
+	    time = frame/fps;
+	    if ((time/=duration) < (1/2.75))
+		return Clutter.ALPHA_MAX_ALPHA*(7.5625*time*time);
+	    else if (time < (2/2.75))
+		return Clutter.ALPHA_MAX_ALPHA*(7.5625 * 
+						(time-=(1.5/2.75))*time+.75);
+	    else if (time < (2.5/2.75))
+		return Clutter.ALPHA_MAX_ALPHA*(7.5625 *
+						(time-=(2.25/2.75))*time+.9375);
+	    else
+		return Clutter.ALPHA_MAX_ALPHA*(7.5625 * (time-=
+							  (2.625/2.75))*time+.984375);
+    }
+    catch (e)
+    {
+	    Seed.print(e.message);
+    }
+function fade(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate(timeline, Clutter.ramp_inc_func);
+		b.opacity = 0;
+		Clutter.effect_fade(effect, b, 255);
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_fade(effect, a, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function fly(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.sine_inc_func);
+		b.depth = (-direction) * 250;
+		b.opacity = 0;
+		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, b, 0);
+		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, a, direction*250);
+		Clutter.effect_fade(effect, b, 255);
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_fade(effect, a, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function push(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		var sign = (direction % 2) ? -1 : 1;
+		if(direction == d_up || direction == d_down)
+		{
+			b.y = stage.height * (-sign);
+			Clutter.effect_move(effect, a, 0, stage.height * sign);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			b.x = stage.width * sign;
+			Clutter.effect_move(effect, a, stage.width * (-sign), 0);
+		}
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_move(effect, b, 0, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function reveal(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		var sign = (direction % 2) ? -1 : 1;
+		var cline;
+		if(direction == d_up || direction == d_down)
+			cline = Clutter.effect_move(effect, a, 0, stage.height * sign);
+		else
+			cline = Clutter.effect_move(effect, a, stage.width * (-sign), 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function move_in(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		var sign = (direction % 2) ? -1 : 1;
+		b.raise_top();
+		if(direction == d_up || direction == d_down)
+			b.y = stage.height * (-sign);
+		else
+			b.x = stage.width * sign;
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_move(effect, b, 0, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function drop(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, bounce_alpha);
+	    b.y = - stage.height;
+		b.raise_top();
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_move(effect, b, 0, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function pivot(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.sine_inc_func);
+		b.raise_top();
+		b.rotation_angle_z = 270;
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, b, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function fall_out(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.sine_inc_func);
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, a, 0, 270, 0, a.height, 0, 1);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function scale(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		a.anchor_x = a.width/2;
+		a.anchor_y = a.height/2;
+		a.x = stage.width/2;
+		a.y = stage.height/2;
+		var s = (direction == d_in) ? 0 : 10;
+		Clutter.effect_scale(effect, a, s, s);
+		var cline = Clutter.effect_fade(effect, a, 0);
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(done);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function tiles_fly(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps, fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		var tiles = new Array();
+		var tile_w = stage.width / 8;
+		var tile_h = stage.height / 6;
+		for(var j = 0; j < stage.height; j += tile_h)
+		{
+			for(var i = 0; i < stage.width; i += tile_w)
+			{
+				var g = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+				g.set_clip(i,j,tile_w,tile_h);
+				g.width = a.width;
+				g.height = a.height;
+				stage.add_actor(g);
+				tiles.push(g);
+			}
+		}
+		stage.show_all();
+		a.opacity = 0;
+		for(var til in tiles)
+		{
+			Clutter.effect_depth(effect, tiles[til], Math.random() * 5000);
+			var cline = Clutter.effect_fade(effect, tiles[til], 0);
+		}
+		cline.signal.completed.connect(function (timeline, tiles)
+									   {
+										   for(var til in tiles)
+										   {
+											   tiles[til].destroy();
+										   }
+										   done();
+									   }, tiles);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function tiles(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var tiles = new Array();
+		var tile_w = stage.width / 8;
+		var tile_h = stage.height / 6;
+		for(var j = 0; j < stage.height; j += tile_h)
+		{
+			for(var i = 0; i < stage.width; i += tile_w)
+			{
+				var g = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+				g.set_clip(i,j,tile_w,tile_h);
+				g.width = a.width;
+				g.height = a.height;
+				g.anchor_x = i + tile_w/2;
+				g.anchor_y = j + tile_h/2;
+				g.x = i + tile_w/2;
+				g.y = j + tile_h/2;
+				stage.add_actor(g);
+				tiles.push(g);
+			}
+		}
+		stage.show_all();
+		a.opacity = 0;
+		for(var til in tiles)
+		{
+			var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:(Math.random()+0.01)*duration*global_fps,
+												 fps:global_fps});
+			var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.ramp_inc_func);
+			Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, tiles[til], 1, 180, 0, 0, 0, Math.random()>0.5 ? 1 : 0);
+			Clutter.effect_fade(effect, tiles[til], 0);
+		}
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		timeline.signal.completed.connect(function (timeline, tiles)
+									   {
+										   for(var til in tiles)
+										   {
+											   tiles[til].destroy();
+										   }
+										   done();
+									   }, tiles);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function tiles_across(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var tiles = new Array();
+		var tile_w = stage.width / 8;
+		var tile_h = stage.height / 6;
+		for(var j = 0; j < stage.height; j += tile_h)
+		{
+			for(var i = 0; i < stage.width; i += tile_w)
+			{
+				var g = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+				g.set_clip(i,j,tile_w,tile_h);
+				g.width = a.width;
+				g.height = a.height;
+				g.anchor_x = i + tile_w/2;
+				g.anchor_y = j + tile_h/2;
+				g.x = i + tile_w/2;
+				g.y = j + tile_h/2;
+				stage.add_actor(g);
+				tiles.push(g);
+			}
+		}
+		stage.show_all();
+		a.opacity = 0;
+		for(var til in tiles)
+		{
+			var multiplier = (((tiles[til].anchor_x*tiles[til].anchor_y)/
+								 (stage.width*stage.height)) + 0.01);
+			var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:multiplier*duration*global_fps,
+												 fps:global_fps});
+			var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.ramp_inc_func);
+			Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, tiles[til], 1, 180, 0, 0, 0);
+			Clutter.effect_fade(effect, tiles[til], 0);
+		}
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		timeline.signal.completed.connect(function (timeline, tiles)
+									   {
+										   for(var til in tiles)
+										   {
+											   tiles[til].destroy();
+										   }
+										   done();
+									   }, tiles);
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function doorway(t)
+	with(t)
+	{
+		var reflection = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:b});
+		var left_tile = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+		var right_tile = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+		reflection.width = b.width;
+		reflection.height = b.height;
+		reflection.anchor_x = b.anchor_x = b.width/2;
+		reflection.anchor_y = b.anchor_y = b.height/2;
+		reflection.x = b.x = stage.width/2;
+		b.y = stage.height/2;
+		reflection.y = b.y + b.height;
+		reflection.rotation_angle_z = 180;
+		reflection.rotation_angle_y = 180;
+		reflection.opacity = 80;
+		stage.remove_actor(b);
+		var group = new Clutter.Group();
+		group.add_actor(reflection);
+		group.add_actor(b);
+		group.anchor_x = b.width/2;
+		group.anchor_y = b.height/2;
+		group.x = stage.width/2;
+		group.y = stage.height/2;
+		stage.add_actor(group);
+		left_tile.width = right_tile.width = a.width;
+		left_tile.height = right_tile.height = a.height;
+		left_tile.set_clip(0,0,left_tile.width/2,left_tile.height);
+		right_tile.set_clip(right_tile.width/2,0,right_tile.width/2,right_tile.height);
+		a.opacity = 0;
+		group.scale_x = group.scale_y = .5;
+		stage.add_actor(left_tile);
+		stage.add_actor(right_tile);
+		stage.show_all();
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+		Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, left_tile, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+		Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, right_tile, 1, 360-10, right_tile.width, 0, 0, 1);
+		Clutter.effect_move(effect, left_tile, 0-(left_tile.width/2), 0);
+		Clutter.effect_move(effect, right_tile, stage.width - (right_tile.width/2), 0);
+		Clutter.effect_fade(effect, left_tile, 0);
+		Clutter.effect_fade(effect, right_tile, 0);
+		Clutter.effect_scale(effect, group, 1, 1);
+		timeline.signal.completed.connect(function ()
+									   {
+										   group.remove_actor(b);
+										   stage.add_actor(b);
+										   stage.show_all();
+										   left_tile.destroy();
+										   right_tile.destroy();
+										   group.destroy();
+										   reflection.destroy();
+										   done();
+									   });
+		timeline.start();
+	}
+function color_planes(t)
+	with(t)
+	{		
+		a.opacity = b.opacity = 0;
+		var r_part = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+		var g_part = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+		var b_part = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+		r_part.width = g_part.width = b_part.width = a.width;
+		r_part.height = g_part.height = b_part.height = a.height;
+	   r_part.depth = g_part.depth = b_part.depth = a.depth;
+		var r_shader = new Clutter.Shader();
+		r_shader.fragment_source = "						   \
+uniform sampler2D tex;										   \
+void main ()												   \
+{															   \
+    vec4 color = texture2D (tex, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]));		   \
+    color.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * color.rgb;			   \
+    color.a = color.r;										   \
+    gl_FragColor = color;									   \
+		var g_shader = new Clutter.Shader();
+		g_shader.fragment_source = "						   \
+uniform sampler2D tex;										   \
+void main ()												   \
+{															   \
+    vec4 color = texture2D (tex, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]));		   \
+    color.rgb = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * color.rgb;			   \
+	color.a = color.g;										   \
+    gl_FragColor = color;									   \
+        var b_shader = new Clutter.Shader();
+		b_shader.fragment_source = "						   \
+uniform sampler2D tex;										   \
+void main ()												   \
+{															   \
+    vec4 color = texture2D (tex, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]));		   \
+    color.rgb = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * color.rgb;			   \
+	color.a = color.b;										   \
+    gl_FragColor = color;									   \
+		r_shader.compile();
+        g_shader.compile();
+        b_shader.compile();
+		r_part.set_shader(r_shader);
+        g_part.set_shader(g_shader);
+        b_part.set_shader(b_shader);
+        stage.add_actor(r_part);
+        stage.add_actor(g_part);
+        stage.add_actor(b_part);
+        stage.show_all();
+        r_part.opacity = 254;
+        g_part.opacity = 254;
+        b_part.opacity = 254;
+		r_part.anchor_x = g_part.anchor_x = b_part.anchor_x = r_part.width/2;
+        r_part.anchor_y = g_part.anchor_y = b_part.anchor_y = r_part.height/2;
+        r_part.x = g_part.x = b_part.x = stage.width/2;
+        r_part.y = g_part.y = b_part.y = stage.height/2;
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:0.2*duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.sine_inc_func);
+		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, r_part, 200);
+		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, g_part, 0);
+        Clutter.effect_depth(effect, b_part, -200);
+        timeline.start();
+        timeline.signal.completed.connect(function(){
+        var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:0.6*duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+        Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, r_part, 1, 180, 0, 0, -200, 0);
+        Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, g_part, 1, 180, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        Clutter.effect_rotate(effect, b_part, 1, 180, 0, 0, 200, 0);
+        timeline.start();
+        timeline.signal.completed.connect(function(){
+        var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:0.2*duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.sine_inc_func);
+        Clutter.effect_depth(effect, r_part, 400);
+        Clutter.effect_depth(effect, g_part, 0);
+        Clutter.effect_depth(effect, b_part, -400);
+        timeline.start();
+	}
+function blur(t)
+	with(t)
+	{		
+		a.opacity = b.opacity = 0;
+		var blur = new Clutter.CloneTexture({parent_texture:a});
+        blur.width = a.width;
+        blur.height = a.height;
+		var blur_shader = new Clutter.Shader();
+		blur_shader.fragment_source = "						   \
+uniform sampler2D tex;										   \
+uniform float radius = 1;									   \
+uniform float x_step = .00097, y_step = 0.0013;				   \
+void main ()												   \
+{															   \
+     vec4 color = texture2D (tex, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]));       \
+     float u, v;											   \
+     int count = 1;											   \
+     for (u=-radius;u<radius;u++)							   \
+       for (v=-radius;v<radius;v++)							   \
+         {													   \
+           color += texture2D(tex,							   \
+                vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].s + u * 1.0 * x_step,	   \
+                     gl_TexCoord[0].t + v * 1.0 * y_step));	   \
+           count ++;										   \
+         }													   \
+     color = color / float(count);							   \
+	 gl_FragColor = color;									   \
+     gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * gl_Color;				   \
+        blur_shader.compile();
+		blur.set_shader(blur_shader);
+        stage.add_actor(blur);
+        stage.show_all();
+        blur.opacity = 254;
+		var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps,
+											 fps:global_fps});
+		var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.ramp_inc_func);
+//		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, r_part, 200);
+//		Clutter.effect_depth(effect, g_part, 0);
+//        Clutter.effect_depth(effect, b_part, -200);
+		timeline.signal.new_frame.connect(function (tl, frame)
+			   {
+					   var num = frame / (duration * global_fps);
+					   blur.set_shader_param("radius", num * 10);
+			   });
+        timeline.signal.completed.connect(function ()
+        {
+            var timeline = new Clutter.Timeline({num_frames:duration*global_fps,
+											     fps:global_fps});
+		    var effect = new Clutter.EffectTemplate.c_new(timeline, Clutter.smoothstep_inc_func);
+            b.opacity = 0;
+            b.raise_top();
+		    Clutter.effect_fade(effect, b, 255);
+		    //var cline = Clutter.effect_fade(effect, blur, 0);
+            timeline.start();
+        });
+        timeline.start();
+	}
+function completed()
+	Seed.quit(0);
+var stage = new Clutter.Stage();
+//stage.fullscreen = true;
+var black = new Clutter.Color();
+Clutter.color_parse("Black", black);
+stage.color = black;
+var begin = new Clutter.Texture.from_file("one.jpg");
+var end = new Clutter.Texture.from_file("two.jpg");
+	filter_quality = Clutter.TextureQuality.High;
+	width = stage.width;
+	height = stage.height;
+	filter_quality = Clutter.TextureQuality.High;
+	width = stage.width;
+	height = stage.height;
+				 function ()
+				 {
+					 doorway({a:begin, b:end, duration:3, done:completed, direction:d_out});
+					 return false;
+				 });

Added: trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/one.jpg
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: trunk/examples/clutter-transitions/two.jpg
Binary file. No diff available.

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