fantasdic r382 - in trunk: . lib/fantasdic/sources

Author: mblondel
Date: Wed Jan  7 02:14:01 2009
New Revision: 382

    * lib/fantasdic/sources/epwing_dictionary.rb: Early support for EPWING
    dictionaries. This is a very popular format in Japan. The source requires
    rubyeb. The source will be visible to everyone but it will eventually 
    complain if someone tries to use it without having ruby installed.

    EPWING uses EUC-JP encoding and relies on so-called "gaiji" (foreign
    character) for characters not supported by EUC-JP. gaiji are displayed as 
    images so we need a way to allow a source to display images... 
    I guess Unicode didn't exist at that time...
    To be implemented...


Added: trunk/lib/fantasdic/sources/epwing_dictionary.rb
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/fantasdic/sources/epwing_dictionary.rb	Wed Jan  7 02:14:01 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Fantasdic
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Mathieu Blondel
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+#Âwith this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#Â51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+    require "eb"
+rescue LoadError
+module Fantasdic
+module Source
+class EpwingDictionary < Base
+    authors ["Mathieu Blondel"]
+    title  _("EPWING dictionary")
+    description _("Look up words in EPWING dictionaries.")
+    license Fantasdic::GPL
+    copyright "Copyright (C) 2009 Mathieu Blondel"
+    class ConfigWidget < FileSource::ConfigWidget
+        def initialize(*args)
+            super(*args)
+            @choose_file_message = _("Select a CATALOGS file")
+            @file_extensions = [["CATALOGS", "CATALOGS"]]
+            @encodings = []
+            initialize_ui
+            initialize_data
+            initialize_signals
+        end
+    end
+    def initialize(*args)
+        super(*args)
+        if not Object.const_defined? "EB"
+            raise Source::SourceError,
+                 _("You're missing rubyeb (libeb for Ruby)!")
+        end
+    end
+    def check_validity
+        book_open { |book| nil } # just try to open the book
+    end
+    def available_databases
+        ret = {}
+        book_open do |book|
+            subbook_list(book).each do |title|
+                ret[title] = title
+            end
+        end
+        ret
+    end
+    def available_strategies
+        { "define" => "Results match with the word exactly.",
+          "prefix" => "Results match with the beginning of the word." }
+    end
+    def define(db, word)
+        word = convert_utf8_to("euc-jp", word)
+        book_open do |book|
+            subbooks = if db == Source::Base::ALL_DATABASES
+                book.subbook_list
+            else
+                [subbook_name_to_id(book, db)]
+            end
+   do |i|
+                name = subbook_id_to_name(book, i)
+                book.subbook = i
+                if self.class.position_cache.has_key? [name, word]
+                    # use the position cache if available
+                    items = get_definitions(book, word,
+                                self.class.position_cache[[name,word]])
+                else
+                    # or search if not...
+                    items = book.exactsearch(word)
+                end
+       do |head, contents|
+                    defi =
+                    defi.word = convert_to_utf8("euc-jp", head)
+                    defi.body = convert_to_utf8("euc-jp", contents)
+                    defi.database = name
+                    defi.description = name.capitalize
+                    defi
+                end
+            end.sum
+        end
+    end
+    def match(db, strat, word)
+        case strat
+            when "prefix"
+                match_with_func(db, strat, word, :search2)
+            else
+                []
+        end
+    end
+    # This is a dirty hack to retain the position of the previous search!
+    def self.position_cache
+        @position_cache ||= {}
+    end
+    private
+    def get_definitions(book, head, positions)
+ { |pos| [head, book.content(pos)] }
+    end
+    def match_with_func(db, strat, word, func)
+        word = convert_utf8_to("euc-jp", word)
+        hsh = {}
+        self.class.position_cache.clear
+        book_open do |book|
+            subbooks = if db == Source::Base::ALL_DATABASES
+                book.subbook_list
+            else
+                [subbook_name_to_id(book, db)]
+            end
+            subbooks.each do |i| 
+                book.subbook = i
+                items = book.method(func).call(word)
+                name = subbook_id_to_name(book, i)
+                hsh[name] = do |pos, head|
+                    self.class.position_cache[[name, head]] ||= []
+                    self.class.position_cache[[name, head]] << pos
+                    convert_to_utf8("euc-jp", head)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        hsh
+    end
+    def book_open
+        book =
+        begin
+            book.bind(File.dirname(@config[:filename]))
+        rescue RuntimeError
+            raise Source::SourceError, _("Not an EPWING dictionary!")
+        end
+        book.hookset = create_hookset
+        yield book
+    end
+    def subbook_name_to_id(book, name)
+        0.upto(book.subbook_count-1) do |i|
+            title = convert_to_utf8("euc-jp", book.title(i))
+            return i if title == name
+        end
+        nil
+    end
+    def subbook_id_to_name(book, id)
+        convert_to_utf8("euc-jp", book.title(id))
+    end
+    def subbook_list(book)
+        ( do |i|
+            subbook_id_to_name(book, i)
+        end
+    end
+    def create_hookset
+        h =
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_NEWLINE) do |eb, argv|
+            "\n"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_WIDE_FONT) do |eb, argv|
+            "(?)"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_NARROW_FONT) do |eb, argv|
+            "(?)"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_EMPHASIS) do |eb, argv|
+            "<b>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_EMPHASIS) do |eb, argv|
+            "</b>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_SUBSCRIPT) do |eb, argv|
+            "<sub>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_SUBSCRIPT) do |eb, argv|
+            "</sub>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_SUPERSCRIPT) do |eb, argv|
+            "<sup>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_SUPERSCRIPT) do |eb, argv|
+            "</sup>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_REFERENCE) do |eb, argv|
+            "{"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_REFERENCE) do |eb, argv|
+            "}"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_CANDIDATE) do |eb, argv|
+            "<i>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_CANDIDATE_GROUP) do |eb, argv|
+            "</i>"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_MONO_GRAPHIC) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_MONO_GRAPHIC) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_COLOR_BMP) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_COLOR_JPEG) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_COLOR_GRAPHIC) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_IN_COLOR_BMP) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end if EB.const_defined?(:HOOK_BEGIN_IN_COLOR_BMP)
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_IN_COLOR_JPEG) do |eb2,argv|
+            ""
+        end if EB.const_defined?(:HOOK_BEGIN_IN_COLOR_JPEG)
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_WAVE) do |eb, argv|
+            "(wave file ignored)"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_WAVE) do |eb, argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_BEGIN_MPEG) do |eb, argv|
+            "(mpeg file ignored)"
+        end
+        h.register(EB::HOOK_END_MPEG) do |eb2,argv|
+            ""
+        end
+        h
+    end

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