damned-lies r1457 - in trunk: . templates/vertimus vertimus
- From: stephaner svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: damned-lies r1457 - in trunk: . templates/vertimus vertimus
- Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:08:54 +0000 (UTC)
Author: stephaner
Date: Fri Feb 27 18:08:54 2009
New Revision: 1457
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/damned-lies?rev=1457&view=rev
2009-02-27 StÃphane Raimbault <stephane raimbault gmail com>
* templates/vertimus/vertimus_detail.html: Rename action to action_id.
* vertimus/models.py: Useless import of default_storage. Add
get_previous_action_with_po() and state in ActionAbstract. Rename
action to action_db when it's an ActionDb instance.
* vertimus/urls.py: action_id_1 and action_id_2.
* vertimus/views.py: Remove useless imports. Use real action and
state objects. Use get_object_or_404 for the action_id_2 (URL arg).
Coding conventions details.
Modified: trunk/templates/vertimus/vertimus_detail.html
--- trunk/templates/vertimus/vertimus_detail.html (original)
+++ trunk/templates/vertimus/vertimus_detail.html Fri Feb 27 18:08:54 2009
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="right_actions">{% trans "diff with:" %}
{% for f in files %}
- <a href="{% url vertimus-diff-view action.id,f.action %}" title="{{ f.title }}">[{{ forloop.revcounter }}]</a>
+ <a href="{% url vertimus-diff-view action.id,f.action_id %}" title="{{ f.title }}">[{{ forloop.revcounter }}]</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Modified: trunk/vertimus/models.py
--- trunk/vertimus/models.py (original)
+++ trunk/vertimus/models.py Fri Feb 27 18:08:54 2009
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
from django.core import mail, urlresolvers
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_delete
from stats.models import Branch, Domain, Statistics
@@ -267,16 +266,19 @@
'IC', 'TR',
'BA', 'UNDO')
-def generate_upload_file_name(instance, original_filename):
- base, ext = os.path.splitext(original_filename)
- if os.path.splitext(base)[1] == ".tar":
+def generate_upload_file_name(instance, pathname):
+ # Extract the first extension (with the point)
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(pathname)
+ # Check if a second extension is present
+ if os.path.splitext(root)[1] == ".tar":
ext = ".tar" + ext
- filename = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s" % (instance.state_db.branch.module.name,
- instance.state_db.branch.name,
- instance.state_db.domain.name,
- instance.state_db.language.locale,
- instance.state_db.id,
- ext)
+ filename = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s" % (
+ instance.state_db.branch.module.name,
+ instance.state_db.branch.name,
+ instance.state_db.domain.name,
+ instance.state_db.language.locale,
+ instance.state_db.id,
+ ext)
return "%s/%s" % (settings.UPLOAD_DIR, filename)
class ActionDb(models.Model):
@@ -298,45 +300,53 @@
action._action_db = self
return action
- def get_previous_action_with_po(self):
- """ Returns the previous action with an uploaded file related to the same state """
+ def get_previous_action_db_with_po(self):
+ """
+ Return the previous ActionDb with an uploaded file related to the
+ same state.
+ """
action_db = ActionDb.objects.filter(file__endswith=".po", state_db=self.state_db,
- return action_db.get_action()
+ return action_db
except ActionDb.DoesNotExist:
return None
- def merge_file_with_pot(self, potfile):
- """ Merge the uploaded translated file with current pot """
+ def merge_file_with_pot(self, pot_file):
+ """Merge the uploaded translated file with current pot."""
if self.file:
- command = "msgmerge --previous -o %(outpo)s %(pofile)s %(potfile)s" % {
- 'outpo': self.file.path[:-3] + ".merged.po",
- 'pofile': self.file.path,
- 'potfile': potfile
- }
+ command = "msgmerge --previous -o %(out_po)s %(po_file)s %(pot_file)s" % {
+ 'out_po': self.file.path[:-3] + ".merged.po",
+ 'po_file': self.file.path,
+ 'pot_file': pot_file
+ }
def get_action_history(cls, state_db):
- """ Return action history as a list of tuples (action, file_history)
- File_history is a list of previous po files, used in vertimus view to generate diff links """
+ """
+ Return action history as a list of tuples (action, file_history),
+ file_history is a list of previous po files, used in vertimus view to
+ generate diff links
+ """
history = []
if state_db:
- file_history = [{'action':0, 'title': ugettext("File in repository")}]
- for va_db in ActionDb.objects.filter(state_db__id=state_db.id).order_by('id'):
- history.append((va_db.get_action(), list(file_history)))
- if va_db.file and va_db.file.path.endswith('.po'):
- file_history.insert(0, {'action':va_db.id,
- 'title': ugettext("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % {
- 'name': va_db.person.name,
- 'date': va_db.created },
- })
+ file_history = [{'action_id':0, 'title': ugettext("File in repository")}]
+ for action_db in ActionDb.objects.filter(state_db__id=state_db.id).order_by('id'):
+ history.append((action_db.get_action(), list(file_history)))
+ if action_db.file and action_db.file.path.endswith('.po'):
+ # Action.id and ActionDb.id are identical (inheritance)
+ file_history.insert(0, {
+ 'action_id': action_db.id,
+ 'title': ugettext("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % {
+ 'name': action_db.person.name,
+ 'date': action_db.created },
+ })
return history
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.id)
class ActionAbstract(object):
"""Abstract class"""
@@ -375,6 +385,21 @@
def file(self):
return self._action_db.file
+ @property
+ def state(self):
+ return self._action_db.state_db.get_state()
+ def get_previous_action_with_po(self):
+ """
+ Return the previous Action with an uploaded file related to the same
+ state.
+ """
+ action_db = self._action_db.get_previous_action_db_with_po()
+ if action_db:
+ return action_db.get_action()
+ else:
+ return None
def save_action_db(self, state, person, comment=None, file=None):
"""Used by apply"""
self._action_db = ActionDb(state_db=state._state_db,
@@ -393,7 +418,7 @@
return None
def merged_file(self):
- """ If available, returns the merged file as a dict: {'url':'path':'filename':} """
+ """If available, returns the merged file as a dict: {'url':'path':'filename'}"""
mfile_url = mfile_path = mfile_name = None
if self._action_db.file:
mfile_url = self._action_db.file.url[:-3] + ".merged.po"
@@ -674,8 +699,7 @@
self.save_action_db(state, person, comment, file)
# Exclude WC because this action is a noop on State
- actions_db = ActionDb.objects.filter(state_db__id=state._state_db.id).exclude(
- name='WC').order_by('-id')
+ actions_db = ActionDb.objects.filter(state_db__id=state._state_db.id).exclude(name='WC').order_by('-id')
i = 0
while (i < len(actions_db)):
if actions_db[i].name == 'UNDO':
@@ -688,7 +712,7 @@
return StateNone()
def update_uploaded_files(sender, **kwargs):
- """ Callback to handle pot_file_changed signal """
+ """Callback to handle pot_file_changed signal"""
actions = ActionDb.objects.filter(state_db__branch=kwargs['branch'],
@@ -697,7 +721,10 @@
def merge_uploaded_file(sender, instance, **kwargs):
- """ post_save callback for ActionDb that automatically merge uploaded file with latest pot file """
+ """
+ post_save callback for ActionDb that automatically merge uploaded file
+ with latest pot file.
+ """
if instance.file and instance.file.path.endswith('.po'):
stat = Statistics.objects.get(branch=instance.state_db.branch, domain=instance.state_db.domain, language=None)
@@ -708,10 +735,12 @@
post_save.connect(merge_uploaded_file, sender=ActionDb)
def delete_merged_file(sender, instance, **kwargs):
- """ pre_delete callback for ActionDb that deletes the merged file from upload dir """
+ """
+ pre_delete callback for ActionDb that deletes the merged file from upload
+ directory.
+ """
if instance.file and instance.file.path.endswith('.po'):
merged_file = instance.file.path[:-3] + ".merged.po"
if os.access(merged_file, os.W_OK):
pre_delete.connect(delete_merged_file, sender=ActionDb)
Modified: trunk/vertimus/urls.py
--- trunk/vertimus/urls.py (original)
+++ trunk/vertimus/urls.py Fri Feb 27 18:08:54 2009
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
url(r'^(?P<stats_id>\d+)/(?P<lang_id>\d+)$', 'vertimus_by_stats_id', name='vertimus-stats-id-view'),
url(r'^(?P<branch_id>\d+)/(?P<domain_id>\d+)/(?P<language_id>\d+)', 'vertimus_by_ids', name='vertimus-ids-view'),
url(r'^(?P<module_name>[\w\+\-\.]+)/(?P<branch_name>[\w\-\.]+)/(?P<domain_name>[\w\-]+)/(?P<locale_name>[\w\- ]+)', 'vertimus_by_names', name='vertimus-names-view'),
- url(r'^diff/(?P<action_id>\d+)/(?P<action_id2>\d+)?$', 'vertimus_diff', name='vertimus-diff-view')
+ url(r'^diff/(?P<action_id_1>\d+)/(?P<action_id_2>\d+)?$', 'vertimus_diff', name='vertimus-diff-view')
Modified: trunk/vertimus/views.py
--- trunk/vertimus/views.py (original)
+++ trunk/vertimus/views.py Fri Feb 27 18:08:54 2009
@@ -18,15 +18,12 @@
# along with Damned Lies; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-from datetime import datetime
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
-from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
+from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.core import urlresolvers
-from django.conf import settings
-from people.models import Person
from stats.models import Statistics, Module, Branch, Domain, Language
from vertimus.models import StateDb, ActionDb, ActionAbstract
from vertimus.forms import ActionForm
@@ -110,46 +107,50 @@
return render_to_response('vertimus/vertimus_detail.html', context,
-def vertimus_diff(request, action_id, action_id2=None):
- """ Show a diff between current action po file and previous file """
+def vertimus_diff(request, action_id_1, action_id_2=None):
+ """Show a diff between current action po file and previous file"""
import difflib
- action_db1 = get_object_or_404(ActionDb, pk=action_id)
- state = action_db1.state_db
- file_path1 = action_db1.get_action().merged_file()['path']
- if not file_path1:
- file_path1 = action_db1.file.path
- content1 = [l.decode('utf-8') for l in open(file_path1, 'U').readlines()]
- descr1 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action_db1.person.name,
- 'date': action_db1.created }
- if action_id2 not in (None, "0"):
- # 1) id2 specified in url
- action2 = ActionDb.objects.get(id=action_id2)
- file_path2 = action2.get_action().merged_file()['path']
- descr2 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action2.person.name,
- 'date': action2.created }
+ action_1 = get_object_or_404(ActionDb, pk=action_id_1).get_action()
+ state = action_1.state
+ file_path_1 = action_1.merged_file()['path']
+ if not file_path_1:
+ # The merged file isn't availabe yet
+ file_path_1 = action_1.file.path
+ content_1 = [l.decode('utf-8') for l in open(file_path_1, 'U').readlines()]
+ descr_1 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action_1.person.name,
+ 'date': action_1.created }
+ if action_id_2 not in (None, "0"):
+ # 1) id_2 specified in URL
+ action_2 = get_object_or_404(ActionDb, pk=action_id_2).get_action()
+ file_path_2 = action_2.merged_file()['path']
+ descr_2 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action_2.person.name,
+ 'date': action_2.created }
- action2 = None
- if action_id2 is None:
+ action_2 = None
+ if action_id_2 is None:
# 2) Search previous in action history
- action2 = action_db1.get_previous_action_with_po()
- if action2:
- file_path2 = action2.merged_file()['path']
- descr2 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action2.person.name,
- 'date': action2.created }
+ action_2 = action_1.get_previous_action_with_po()
+ if action_2:
+ file_path_2 = action_2.merged_file()['path']
+ descr_2 = _("Uploaded file by %(name)s on %(date)s") % { 'name': action_2.person.name,
+ 'date': action_2.created }
# 3) Lastly, the file should be the more recently committed file (merged)
stats = Statistics.objects.get(branch=state.branch, domain=state.domain, language=state.language)
- descr2 = _("Latest committed file for %(lang)s" % {'lang': state.language.get_name()})
+ descr_2 = _("Latest committed file for %(lang)s" % {'lang': state.language.get_name()})
except Statistics.DoesNotExist:
stats = get_object_or_404(Statistics, branch=state.branch, domain=state.domain, language=None)
- descr2 = _("Latest POT file")
- file_path2 = stats.po_path()
+ descr_2 = _("Latest POT file")
+ file_path_2 = stats.po_path()
- content2 = [l.decode('utf-8') for l in open(file_path2, 'U').readlines()]
+ content_2 = [l.decode('utf-8') for l in open(file_path_2, 'U').readlines()]
d = difflib.HtmlDiff()
- diff_content = d.make_table(content2, content1,
- descr2, descr1, context=True)
+ diff_content = d.make_table(content_2, content_1,
+ descr_2, descr_1, context=True)
context = {
'diff_content': diff_content,
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