perl-Gtk2 r2146 - in trunk: . t xs
- From: tsch svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: perl-Gtk2 r2146 - in trunk: . t xs
- Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 22:29:43 +0000 (UTC)
Author: tsch
Date: Sat Feb 21 22:29:42 2009
New Revision: 2146
Wrap the gtk_style_get() family of methods as Gtk2::Style::get(), and make
Gtk2::Style::get_property() an alias for get(). Patch by Emmanuel Rodriguez.
Modified: trunk/t/GtkStyle.t
--- trunk/t/GtkStyle.t (original)
+++ trunk/t/GtkStyle.t Sat Feb 21 22:29:42 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set ft=perl expandtab shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 :
use strict;
-use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 113;
+use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 125;
+use Carp;
# $Id$
@@ -133,6 +134,129 @@
ok (1);
+SKIP: {
+ skip("get_property is new in 2.16", 12)
+ unless (Gtk2->CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0)); # FIXME 2.16
+ # Test different properties (gint, gboolean, gchar* and GObject)
+ my $treeview = Gtk2::TreeView -> new();
+ # get gboolean
+ is (
+ $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'allow-rules'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('allow-rules'),
+ "get_property gboolean"
+ );
+ # get gint
+ is (
+ $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'expander-size'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('expander-size'),
+ "get_property gint"
+ );
+ # get gchar*
+ is (
+ $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'grid_line-pattern'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('grid_line-pattern'),
+ "get_property gchar*"
+ );
+ # get GObject (a color)
+ is (
+ $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'even-row-color'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('even-row-color'),
+ "get_property GObject*"
+ );
+ # Get multiple properties simultaneously
+ my @properties = $style -> get('Gtk2::TreeView', 'expander-size', 'even-row-color', 'grid_line-pattern');
+ is_deeply (
+ \ properties,
+ [
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('expander-size'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('even-row-color'),
+ $treeview -> style_get_property('grid_line-pattern'),
+ ],
+ 'get multiple properties',
+ );
+ # Make sure that Glib::GObject::get() and Gtk2::Style::get() can coexist.
+ my $custom_style = Custom::Style -> new();
+ is ($custom_style -> Glib::Object::get('perl-string'), 'empty');
+ is ($custom_style -> Glib::Object::get_property('perl-string'), 'empty');
+ is ($style -> get('Gtk2::Button', 'image-spacing'), 2);
+ is ($style -> get_property('Gtk2::Button', 'image-spacing'), 2);
+ # Test for bad usage
+ # Bad class
+ test_die(
+ sub { $style -> get('wrong::class', 'border'); },
+ qr/^package wrong::class is not registered with GPerl/
+ );
+ # Non existing property
+ test_die(
+ sub { $style -> get('Gtk2::Button', 'image-spacing', 'perl-var', 'default-border'); },
+ qr/^type Gtk2::Button does not support style property 'perl-var'/
+ );
+ # Not a Gtk2::Widget
+ test_die(
+ sub { $style -> get('Glib::Object', 'prop'); },
+ qr/^Glib::Object is not a subclass of Gtk2::Widget/
+ );
+# Test that an error is thrown
+sub test_die {
+ my ($code, $regexp) = @_;
+ croak "usage(code, regexp)" unless ref $code eq 'CODE';
+ my $passed = FALSE;
+ eval {
+ $code->();
+ };
+ if (my $error = $@) {
+ if ($error =~ /$regexp/) {
+ $passed = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ diag("Expected $regexp but got $error");
+ }
+ }
+ return Test::More->builder->ok($passed);
+# Used to test if Gtk2::Style::get() conflicts with Glib::GObject::get(). A new
+# package is needed because as of gtk+ 2.16, Gtk2::Style defines no properties.
+package Custom::Style;
+use Glib::Object::Subclass 'Gtk2::Style' =>
+ properties => [
+ Glib::ParamSpec->string(
+ 'perl-string',
+ 'Test string',
+ 'A test string.',
+ 'empty',
+ ['readable', 'writable'],
+ ),
+ ],
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
Modified: trunk/xs/GtkStyle.xs
--- trunk/xs/GtkStyle.xs (original)
+++ trunk/xs/GtkStyle.xs Sat Feb 21 22:29:42 2009
@@ -572,3 +572,84 @@
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 15, 0) /* FIXME 2.16 */
+=for apidoc Gtk2::Style::get
+=for signature $style->get (widget_package, ...)
+=for signature $style->get_property (widget_package, ...)
+=for arg widget_package (string) widget package name (ex: 'Gtk2::TreeView')
+=for arg ... (list) list of property names
+Fetch and return the values for the style properties named in I<...> for a
+widget of type I<widget_package>.
+I<get_property> is an alias for I<get>.
+B<Note>: These methods shadow I<Glib::Object::get> and
+I<Glib::Object::get_property>. This shouldn't be a problem since I<Gtk2::Style>
+defines no properties (as of gtk+ 2.16). If you have a class that's derived
+from Gtk2::Style and adds a property or if a new version of gtk+ adds a
+property to I<Gtk2::Style>, the property can be accessed by fully qualifying
+the method name:
+ my $value = $style->Glib::Object::get('property');
+=for apidoc Gtk2::Style::get_property __hide__
+gtk_style_get (style, widget_package, ...)
+ GtkStyle *style
+ const char *widget_package
+ Gtk2::Style::get = 0
+ Gtk2::Style::get_property = 1
+ int i;
+ GType widget_type;
+ gpointer class;
+ /* Use CODE: instead of PPCODE: so we can handle the stack ourselves in
+ * order to avoid that xsubs called by gtk_style_get_property overwrite
+ * what we put on the stack. */
+ widget_type = gperl_type_from_package (widget_package);
+ if (widget_type == 0)
+ croak ("package %s is not registered with GPerl", widget_package);
+ if (! g_type_is_a (widget_type, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET))
+ croak ("%s is not a subclass of Gtk2::Widget", widget_package);
+ class = g_type_class_ref (widget_type);
+ if (class == NULL)
+ croak ("can't find type class for type %s", widget_package);
+ for (i = 2 ; i < items ; i++) {
+ GValue value = {0, };
+ gchar *name = SvGChar (ST (i));
+ GParamSpec *pspec =
+ gtk_widget_class_find_style_property (class, name);
+ if (pspec) {
+ g_value_init (&value, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec));
+ gtk_style_get_property (style, widget_type, name, &value);
+ ST (i - 2) = sv_2mortal (gperl_sv_from_value (&value));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ else {
+ g_type_class_unref (class);
+ croak ("type %s does not support style property '%s'",
+ widget_package, name);
+ }
+ }
+ g_type_class_unref (class);
+ XSRETURN (items - 2);
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