glom r1915 - in trunk: . glom glom/libglom glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends glom/navigation

Author: murrayc
Date: Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
New Revision: 1915

2009-02-20  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>

* glom/
* glom/base_db.[h|cc]:
* glom/
* glom/
* glom/libglom/connectionpool.[h|cc]:
* glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/
* glom/navigation/box_tables.[h|cc]:
Added ifdefs to fix the build with --enable-client-only.


Modified: trunk/glom/
--- trunk/glom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -1224,10 +1224,8 @@
         open_browsed_document(dialog->get_service_info(), dialog->get_service_name());
       //Check that a document was opened:

Modified: trunk/glom/
--- trunk/glom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -734,186 +734,6 @@
     return result;
-bool Base_DB::add_standard_tables() const
-  try
-  {
-    Document_Glom::type_vecFields pref_fields;
-    sharedptr<TableInfo> prefs_table_info = Document_Glom::create_table_system_preferences(pref_fields);
-    //Name, address, etc:
-    if(!get_table_exists_in_database(GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME))
-    {
-      const bool test = create_table(prefs_table_info, pref_fields);
-      if(test)
-      {
-        //Add the single record:
-        const bool test = query_execute("INSERT INTO \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME "\" (\"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_ID "\") VALUES (1)");
-        if(!test)
-          std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): INSERT failed." << std::endl;
-        //Use the database title from the document, if there is one:
-        const Glib::ustring system_name = get_document()->get_database_title();
-        if(!system_name.empty())
-        {
-          const bool test = query_execute("UPDATE \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME "\" SET  " "\"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_NAME "\" = '" + system_name + "' WHERE \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_ID "\" = 1");
-          if(!test)
-            std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): UPDATE failed." << std::endl;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): create_table(prefs) failed.");
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      //Make sure that it has all the fields it should have,
-      //because we sometimes add some in new Glom versions:
-      create_table_add_missing_fields(prefs_table_info, pref_fields);
-    }
-    //Auto-increment next values:
-    if(!get_table_exists_in_database(GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_AUTOINCREMENTS_TABLE_NAME))
-    {
-      sharedptr<TableInfo> table_info(new TableInfo());
-      table_info->set_title("System: Auto Increments"); //TODO: Provide standard translations.
-      table_info->m_hidden = true;
-      Document_Glom::type_vecFields fields;
-      sharedptr<Field> primary_key(new Field()); //It's not used, because there's only one record, but we must have one.
-      primary_key->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_NUMERIC);
-      fields.push_back(primary_key);
-      sharedptr<Field> field_table_name(new Field());
-      field_table_name->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
-      fields.push_back(field_table_name);
-      sharedptr<Field> field_field_name(new Field());
-      field_field_name->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
-      fields.push_back(field_field_name);
-      sharedptr<Field> field_next_value(new Field());
-      field_next_value->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
-      fields.push_back(field_next_value);
-      const bool test = create_table(table_info, fields);
-      if(!test)
-      {
-        g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): create_table(autoincrements) failed.");
-        return false;
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  catch(const Glib::Exception& ex)
-  {
-    std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  catch(const std::exception& ex)
-  {
-    std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-bool Base_DB::add_standard_groups()
-  //Add the glom_developer group if it does not exist:
-  const Glib::ustring devgroup = GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER;
-  sharedptr<SharedConnection> sharedconnection = connect_to_server();
-  std::auto_ptr<ExceptionConnection> error;
-  sharedptr<SharedConnection> sharedconnection = connect_to_server(0, error);
-  if(error.get())
-  {
-    g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_groups: Failed to connect: %s", error->what());
-    // TODO: Rethrow? 
-  }
-  // If the connection doesn't support users we can skip this step
-  if(sharedconnection->get_gda_connection()->supports_feature(Gnome::Gda::CONNECTION_FEATURE_USERS))
-  {
-    const type_vecStrings vecGroups = Privs::get_database_groups();
-    type_vecStrings::const_iterator iterFind = std::find(vecGroups.begin(), vecGroups.end(), devgroup);
-    if(iterFind == vecGroups.end())
-    {
-      bool test = query_execute("CREATE GROUP \"" GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER "\"");
-      if(!test)
-      {
-        std::cerr << "Glom Base_DB::add_standard_groups(): CREATE GROUP failed when adding the developer group." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-      }
-      //Make sure the current user is in the developer group.
-      //(If he is capable of creating these groups then he is obviously a developer, and has developer rights on the postgres server.)
-      const Glib::ustring current_user = ConnectionPool::get_instance()->get_user();
-      Glib::ustring strQuery = "ALTER GROUP \"" GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER "\" ADD USER \"" + current_user + "\"";
-      test = query_execute(strQuery);
-      if(!test)
-      {
-        std::cerr << "Glom Base_DB::add_standard_groups(): ALTER GROUP failed when adding the user to the developer group." << std::endl;
-        return false;
-      }
-      std::cout << "DEBUG: Added user " << current_user << " to glom developer group on postgres server." << std::endl;
-      Privileges priv_devs;
-      priv_devs.m_view = true;
-      priv_devs.m_edit = true;
-      priv_devs.m_create = true;
-      priv_devs.m_delete = true;
-      Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo table_list = get_document()->get_tables(true /* including system prefs */);
-      for(Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo::const_iterator iter = table_list.begin(); iter != table_list.end(); ++iter)
-      {
-        sharedptr<const TableInfo> table_info = *iter;
-        if(table_info)
-        {
-          const Glib::ustring table_name = table_info->get_name();
-          if(get_table_exists_in_database(table_name)) //Maybe the table has not been created yet.
-            Privs::set_table_privileges(devgroup, table_name, priv_devs, true /* developer privileges */);
-        }
-      }
-      //Make sure that it is in the database too:
-      GroupInfo group_info;
-      group_info.set_name(GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER);
-      group_info.m_developer = true;
-      get_document()->set_group(group_info);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    std::cout << "DEBUG: Connection does not support users" << std::endl;
-  }
-  return true;
 Gnome::Gda::Value Base_DB::auto_increment_insert_first_if_necessary(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const Glib::ustring& field_name) const
@@ -1093,16 +913,199 @@
     //Return the result, or try again:
       return result;
       ++attempts; //Try again now that we have tried to create the table.
   return result;
+bool Base_DB::add_standard_tables() const
+  try
+  {
+    Document_Glom::type_vecFields pref_fields;
+    sharedptr<TableInfo> prefs_table_info = Document_Glom::create_table_system_preferences(pref_fields);
+    //Name, address, etc:
+    if(!get_table_exists_in_database(GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME))
+    {
+      const bool test = create_table(prefs_table_info, pref_fields);
+      if(test)
+      {
+        //Add the single record:
+        const bool test = query_execute("INSERT INTO \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME "\" (\"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_ID "\") VALUES (1)");
+        if(!test)
+          std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): INSERT failed." << std::endl;
+        //Use the database title from the document, if there is one:
+        const Glib::ustring system_name = get_document()->get_database_title();
+        if(!system_name.empty())
+        {
+          const bool test = query_execute("UPDATE \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_TABLE_NAME "\" SET  " "\"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_NAME "\" = '" + system_name + "' WHERE \"" GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_PREFS_FIELD_ID "\" = 1");
+          if(!test)
+            std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): UPDATE failed." << std::endl;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): create_table(prefs) failed.");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //Make sure that it has all the fields it should have,
+      //because we sometimes add some in new Glom versions:
+      create_table_add_missing_fields(prefs_table_info, pref_fields);
+    }
+    //Auto-increment next values:
+    if(!get_table_exists_in_database(GLOM_STANDARD_TABLE_AUTOINCREMENTS_TABLE_NAME))
+    {
+      sharedptr<TableInfo> table_info(new TableInfo());
+      table_info->set_title("System: Auto Increments"); //TODO: Provide standard translations.
+      table_info->m_hidden = true;
+      Document_Glom::type_vecFields fields;
+      sharedptr<Field> primary_key(new Field()); //It's not used, because there's only one record, but we must have one.
+      primary_key->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_NUMERIC);
+      fields.push_back(primary_key);
+      sharedptr<Field> field_table_name(new Field());
+      field_table_name->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
+      fields.push_back(field_table_name);
+      sharedptr<Field> field_field_name(new Field());
+      field_field_name->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
+      fields.push_back(field_field_name);
+      sharedptr<Field> field_next_value(new Field());
+      field_next_value->set_glom_type(Field::TYPE_TEXT);
+      fields.push_back(field_next_value);
+      const bool test = create_table(table_info, fields);
+      if(!test)
+      {
+        g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): create_table(autoincrements) failed.");
+        return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  catch(const Glib::Exception& ex)
+  {
+    std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& ex)
+  {
+    std::cerr << "Base_DB::add_standard_tables(): caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+bool Base_DB::add_standard_groups()
+  //Add the glom_developer group if it does not exist:
+  const Glib::ustring devgroup = GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER;
+  sharedptr<SharedConnection> sharedconnection = connect_to_server();
+  std::auto_ptr<ExceptionConnection> error;
+  sharedptr<SharedConnection> sharedconnection = connect_to_server(0, error);
+  if(error.get())
+  {
+    g_warning("Base_DB::add_standard_groups: Failed to connect: %s", error->what());
+    // TODO: Rethrow? 
+  }
+  // If the connection doesn't support users we can skip this step
+  if(sharedconnection->get_gda_connection()->supports_feature(Gnome::Gda::CONNECTION_FEATURE_USERS))
+  {
+    const type_vecStrings vecGroups = Privs::get_database_groups();
+    type_vecStrings::const_iterator iterFind = std::find(vecGroups.begin(), vecGroups.end(), devgroup);
+    if(iterFind == vecGroups.end())
+    {
+      bool test = query_execute("CREATE GROUP \"" GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER "\"");
+      if(!test)
+      {
+        std::cerr << "Glom Base_DB::add_standard_groups(): CREATE GROUP failed when adding the developer group." << std::endl;
+        return false;
+      }
+      //Make sure the current user is in the developer group.
+      //(If he is capable of creating these groups then he is obviously a developer, and has developer rights on the postgres server.)
+      const Glib::ustring current_user = ConnectionPool::get_instance()->get_user();
+      Glib::ustring strQuery = "ALTER GROUP \"" GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER "\" ADD USER \"" + current_user + "\"";
+      test = query_execute(strQuery);
+      if(!test)
+      {
+        std::cerr << "Glom Base_DB::add_standard_groups(): ALTER GROUP failed when adding the user to the developer group." << std::endl;
+        return false;
+      }
+      std::cout << "DEBUG: Added user " << current_user << " to glom developer group on postgres server." << std::endl;
+      Privileges priv_devs;
+      priv_devs.m_view = true;
+      priv_devs.m_edit = true;
+      priv_devs.m_create = true;
+      priv_devs.m_delete = true;
+      Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo table_list = get_document()->get_tables(true /* including system prefs */);
+      for(Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo::const_iterator iter = table_list.begin(); iter != table_list.end(); ++iter)
+      {
+        sharedptr<const TableInfo> table_info = *iter;
+        if(table_info)
+        {
+          const Glib::ustring table_name = table_info->get_name();
+          if(get_table_exists_in_database(table_name)) //Maybe the table has not been created yet.
+            Privs::set_table_privileges(devgroup, table_name, priv_devs, true /* developer privileges */);
+        }
+      }
+      //Make sure that it is in the database too:
+      GroupInfo group_info;
+      group_info.set_name(GLOM_STANDARD_GROUP_NAME_DEVELOPER);
+      group_info.m_developer = true;
+      get_document()->set_group(group_info);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    std::cout << "DEBUG: Connection does not support users" << std::endl;
+  }
+  return true;
 void Base_DB::set_database_preferences(const SystemPrefs& prefs)
   if(get_userlevel() == AppState::USERLEVEL_DEVELOPER)
@@ -1326,7 +1329,6 @@
   return true;
 bool Base_DB::add_column(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const sharedptr<const Field>& field, Gtk::Window* parent_window) const
   ConnectionPool* connection_pool = ConnectionPool::get_instance();

Modified: trunk/glom/base_db.h
--- trunk/glom/base_db.h	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/base_db.h	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   static int count_rows_returned_by(const Glib::ustring& sql_query);
   bool add_standard_groups();
   bool add_standard_tables() const;
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@
   /// Also saves the table information in the document:
   bool create_table_with_default_fields(const Glib::ustring& table_name);
   // TODO: Should these functions update the document, so callers don't need
   // to do it?
   bool add_column(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const sharedptr<const Field>& field, Gtk::Window* parent_window) const;
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@
   sharedptr<Field> change_column(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const sharedptr<const Field>& field_old, const sharedptr<const Field>& field, Gtk::Window* parent_window) const;
   bool change_columns(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const type_vecConstFields& old_fields, type_vecFields& fields, Gtk::Window* parent_window) const;
   bool insert_example_data(const Glib::ustring& table_name) const;

Modified: trunk/glom/
--- trunk/glom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
         unconst->set_connection_port(central->get_port() );
       else if(document->get_hosting_mode() == Document_Glom::POSTGRES_SELF_HOSTED)
         ConnectionPoolBackend* backend = connection_pool->get_backend();
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@
         unconst->set_connection_port(self->get_port() );

Modified: trunk/glom/
--- trunk/glom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -1613,6 +1613,7 @@
     ConnectionPool* connection_pool = ConnectionPool::get_instance();
     case Document_Glom::POSTGRES_SELF_HOSTED:
         ConnectionPoolBackends::PostgresSelfHosted* backend = new ConnectionPoolBackends::PostgresSelfHosted;
@@ -1620,6 +1621,7 @@
     case Document_Glom::POSTGRES_CENTRAL_HOSTED:
         ConnectionPoolBackends::PostgresCentralHosted* backend = new ConnectionPoolBackends::PostgresCentralHosted;
@@ -1630,6 +1632,7 @@
     case Document_Glom::SQLITE_HOSTED:
         ConnectionPoolBackends::Sqlite* backend = new ConnectionPoolBackends::Sqlite;
@@ -1637,6 +1640,7 @@

Modified: trunk/glom/libglom/
--- trunk/glom/libglom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/libglom/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 #include <signal.h> //To catch segfaults
-/* TODO: Should this be used in client-only mode? */
 #ifndef G_OS_WIN32
 static EpcProtocol publish_protocol = EPC_PROTOCOL_HTTPS;
 // Uncomment to see debug messages
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@
   previous_sig_handler = SIG_DFL; /* Arbitrary default */
 bool ConnectionPool::add_column(const Glib::ustring& table_name, const sharedptr<const Field>& field)

Modified: trunk/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/
--- trunk/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -156,10 +156,12 @@
   return connection;
 bool PostgresCentralHosted::create_database(const Glib::ustring& database_name, const Glib::ustring& username, const Glib::ustring& password, std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& error)
   return attempt_create_database(database_name, get_host(), port_as_string(m_port), username, password, error);

Modified: trunk/glom/navigation/
--- trunk/glom/navigation/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/navigation/	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@
   refGlade->get_widget("checkbutton_show_hidden", m_pCheckButtonShowHidden);
   m_pCheckButtonShowHidden->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_show_hidden_toggled));
   m_AddDel.signal_user_added().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_adddel_Add));
   m_AddDel.signal_user_requested_delete().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_adddel_Delete));
-  m_AddDel.signal_user_requested_edit().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_adddel_Edit));
   m_AddDel.signal_user_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_adddel_changed));
+  m_AddDel.signal_user_requested_edit().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Tables::on_adddel_Edit));
@@ -208,6 +210,7 @@
   return result;
 void Box_Tables::on_adddel_Add(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row)
   //TODO: Handle cell renderer changes to prevent illegal table names (e.g. starting with numbers.).
@@ -322,72 +325,6 @@
-void Box_Tables::on_adddel_Edit(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row)
-  Glib::ustring table_name = m_AddDel.get_value_key(row);
-  Document_Glom* document = get_document();
-  if(document)
-  {
-    //Don't open a table that the document does not know about, because we need information from the document:
-    //This should never happen, because we never show them in the list:
-    if(false) //Let's see if we can adapt.  (!document->get_table_is_known(table_name))
-    {
-       Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Unknown Table")), true);
-       dialog.set_secondary_text(_("You cannot open this table, because there is no information about this table in the document."));
-       dialog.set_transient_for(*App_Glom::get_application());
-    }
-    else
-    {
-       //Go ahead:
-       save_to_document();
-       //Emit the signal:
-       signal_selected.emit(table_name);
-    }
-  }
-void Box_Tables::save_to_document()
-  if(get_userlevel() == AppState::USERLEVEL_DEVELOPER)
-  {
-    //Save the hidden tables. TODO_usermode: Only if we are in developer mode.
-    Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo listTables;
-    Document_Glom* document = get_document();
-    for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_AddDel.get_model()->children().begin(); iter != m_AddDel.get_model()->children().end(); ++iter)
-    {
-      const Glib::ustring table_name = m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTableName); //The name has already been changed in the document.
-      sharedptr<TableInfo> table_info = document->get_table(table_name); //Start with the existing table_info, to preserve extra information, such as translations.
-      if(table_info)
-      {
-        table_info->set_name( m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTableName) );
-        if(!table_info->get_name().empty())
-        {
-          table_info->m_hidden = m_AddDel.get_value_as_bool(iter, m_colHidden);
-          table_info->set_title( m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTitle) ); //TODO_Translations: Store the TableInfo in the TreeView.
-          //std::cout << "save_to_document(): title=" << table_info->get_title() << std::endl;
-          table_info->m_default = m_AddDel.get_value_as_bool(iter, m_colDefault);
-          listTables.push_back(table_info);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(document)
-      document->set_tables(listTables); //TODO: Don't save all new tables - just the ones already in the document.
-  }
-void Box_Tables::on_show_hidden_toggled()
-  fill_from_database();
 void Box_Tables::on_adddel_changed(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row, guint column)
@@ -455,6 +392,74 @@
+void Box_Tables::on_adddel_Edit(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row)
+  Glib::ustring table_name = m_AddDel.get_value_key(row);
+  Document_Glom* document = get_document();
+  if(document)
+  {
+    //Don't open a table that the document does not know about, because we need information from the document:
+    //This should never happen, because we never show them in the list:
+    if(false) //Let's see if we can adapt.  (!document->get_table_is_known(table_name))
+    {
+       Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Unknown Table")), true);
+       dialog.set_secondary_text(_("You cannot open this table, because there is no information about this table in the document."));
+       dialog.set_transient_for(*App_Glom::get_application());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       //Go ahead:
+       save_to_document();
+       //Emit the signal:
+       signal_selected.emit(table_name);
+    }
+  }
+void Box_Tables::save_to_document()
+  if(get_userlevel() == AppState::USERLEVEL_DEVELOPER)
+  {
+    //Save the hidden tables. TODO_usermode: Only if we are in developer mode.
+    Document_Glom::type_listTableInfo listTables;
+    Document_Glom* document = get_document();
+    for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_AddDel.get_model()->children().begin(); iter != m_AddDel.get_model()->children().end(); ++iter)
+    {
+      const Glib::ustring table_name = m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTableName); //The name has already been changed in the document.
+      sharedptr<TableInfo> table_info = document->get_table(table_name); //Start with the existing table_info, to preserve extra information, such as translations.
+      if(table_info)
+      {
+        table_info->set_name( m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTableName) );
+        if(!table_info->get_name().empty())
+        {
+          table_info->m_hidden = m_AddDel.get_value_as_bool(iter, m_colHidden);
+          table_info->set_title( m_AddDel.get_value(iter, m_colTitle) ); //TODO_Translations: Store the TableInfo in the TreeView.
+          //std::cout << "save_to_document(): title=" << table_info->get_title() << std::endl;
+          table_info->m_default = m_AddDel.get_value_as_bool(iter, m_colDefault);
+          listTables.push_back(table_info);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(document)
+      document->set_tables(listTables); //TODO: Don't save all new tables - just the ones already in the document.
+  }
+void Box_Tables::on_show_hidden_toggled()
+  fill_from_database();
 void Box_Tables::on_userlevel_changed(AppState::userlevels /* userlevel */)

Modified: trunk/glom/navigation/box_tables.h
--- trunk/glom/navigation/box_tables.h	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/navigation/box_tables.h	Fri Feb 20 13:42:29 2009
@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@
   virtual void save_to_document();
   //Signal handlers:
   void on_adddel_Add(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row);
   void on_adddel_Delete(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& rowStart, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& rowEnd);
-  void on_adddel_Edit(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row);
   void on_adddel_changed(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row, guint column);
+  void on_adddel_Edit(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row);
   void on_show_hidden_toggled();

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