gjs branch master, updated. GJS_0_2-63-g2cf2181

The branch, master has been updated
       via  2cf2181ed25133d7376678a97765235d70b870f0 (commit)
      from  144b7be1c4561f1e8b2b5a7f9b165dd58e090e8a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 2cf2181ed25133d7376678a97765235d70b870f0
Author: Tommi Komulainen <tko litl com>
Date:   Tue Feb 17 10:06:20 2009 +0000

    add profiler
    Sending signal USR1 writes current profile statistics to file
    $ GJS_DEBUG_PROFILER_OUTPUT=/tmp/gjs-profiler gjs-console ...
    $ kill -USR1 `pidof gjs-console`
    <do something>
    $ kill -USR1 `pidof gjs-consle`
    $ gnumeric /tmp/gjs-profiler.`pidof gjs-console`.1
    The log file contains number of calls made to a function, time spent in
    the function and its descendants. Example output (with common filename
    prefix removed) :
    file:line	function	calls	self	total
    modules/jsUnit.js:105	_validateArguments	2	0.01	0.01
    testGI.js:1	(unknown)	1	0.00	1.08
    modules/jsUnit.js:452	gjstestRun	1	0.01	1.07
    (native):0	GIRepositoryNamespace	1	0.00	0.00
    modules/jsUnit.js:67	_displayStringForValue	2	0.01	0.01
    modules/jsUnit.js:219	setUp	2	0.01	0.01
    (native):0	Object	3	0.01	0.01
    modules/jsUnit.js:88	argumentsIncludeComments	5	0.01	0.01
    modules/jsUnit.js:197	assertRaises	1	0.00	0.18
    testGI.js:10	anonymous	1	0.00	0.13
    (native):0	(unknown)	2	0.03	0.11
    modules/jsUnit.js:222	tearDown	2	0.00	0.00
    modules/jsUnit.js:50	jsUnitFixTop	1	0.01	0.01
    (native):0	Error	2	0.01	0.01
    (native):0	log	2	0.03	0.03
    testGI.js:1	testUTF8	1	0.01	0.59
    gjs_throw:0	anonymous	2	0.01	0.03
    modules/jsUnit.js:111	_assert	2	0.01	0.01
    (native):0	GIRepositoryFunction	2	0.01	0.01
    modules/jsUnit.js:146	assertEquals	1	0.00	0.11
    modules/jsUnit.js:99	nonCommentArg	3	0.02	0.03
    modules/jsUnit.js:92	commentArg	2	0.01	0.02
    modules/jsUnit.js:1	(unknown)	1	0.01	0.07
    (native):0	GIRepository	1	0.00	0.00
    testGI.js:7	testThrows	1	0.01	0.20


Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                    |    2 +
 gjs/context.c                  |   13 +
 gjs/profiler.c                 |  486 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/gi.h => gjs/profiler.h |   19 +-
 4 files changed, 511 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gjs/profiler.c
 copy modules/gi.h => gjs/profiler.h (79%)

GNOME Spidermonkey Javascript binding

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