perl-Gtk2 r2135 - in trunk: . t xs
- From: tsch svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: perl-Gtk2 r2135 - in trunk: . t xs
- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 21:53:14 +0000 (UTC)
Author: tsch
Date: Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
New Revision: 2135
Wrap the GtkBindings stuff. Patch by Kevin Ryde.
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -342,6 +342,14 @@
=item Tag: constants
Modified: trunk/MANIFEST
--- trunk/MANIFEST (original)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
@@ -373,6 +374,7 @@
Modified: trunk/constants-2.0
--- trunk/constants-2.0 (original)
+++ trunk/constants-2.0 Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -3,3 +3,10 @@
Modified: trunk/gtk2perl.h
--- trunk/gtk2perl.h (original)
+++ trunk/gtk2perl.h Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
* full list)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
#include "gtk2perl-versions.h"
+/* custom GType for GtkBindingSet */
+# define GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET (gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type ())
+ GType gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
/* custom GType for GdkRegion */
# define GDK_TYPE_REGION (gtk2perl_gdk_region_get_type ())
Modified: trunk/maps-2.0
--- trunk/maps-2.0 (original)
+++ trunk/maps-2.0 Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
# full list)
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
@@ -340,3 +340,7 @@
# not really defined by GTK+, but we'll use it for ourselves.
GDK_TYPE_REGION GdkRegion GBoxed Gtk2::Gdk::Region
+# GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET not defined as of Gtk 2.16, instead jigged up
+# ourselves in gtk2perl.h
+GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET GtkBindingSet GBoxed Gtk2::BindingSet
Added: trunk/t/GtkBindings.t
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/t/GtkBindings.t Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# Copyright 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS)
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, see <>.
+package My::Object;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Gtk2;
+use Glib::Object::Subclass
+ 'Gtk2::Object',
+ signals => { mysig => { param_types => [],
+ return_type => undef,
+ flags => ['run-last','action'],
+ class_closure => \&do_mysig },
+ mysig_with_long => { param_types => [ 'Glib::Long' ],
+ return_type => undef,
+ flags => ['run-last','action'],
+ class_closure => \&do_mysig_with_long },
+ mysig_with_float => { param_types => [ 'Glib::Double' ],
+ return_type => undef,
+ flags => ['run-last','action'],
+ class_closure => \&do_mysig_with_float },
+ };
+my $mysig_seen;
+sub do_mysig {
+ #Test::More::diag ("mysig runs");
+ $mysig_seen = 1;
+my $mysig_with_long_value;
+sub do_mysig_with_long {
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ #Test::More::diag ("mysig_with_long runs, value=$value");
+ $mysig_with_long_value = $value;
+my $mysig_with_float_value;
+sub do_mysig_with_float {
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ #Test::More::diag ("mysig_with_float runs, value=$value");
+ $mysig_with_float_value = $value;
+package My::Widget;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Gtk2;
+use Glib::Object::Subclass
+ 'Gtk2::EventBox',
+ signals => { mywidgetsig => { parameter_types => [],
+ return_type => undef,
+ flags => ['run-last','action'],
+ class_closure => \&do_mywidgetsig },
+ };
+my $mywidgetsig_seen;
+sub do_mywidgetsig {
+ #Test::More::diag ("mywidgetsig runs");
+ $mywidgetsig_seen = 1;
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Note: need '-init' to make Gtk2::Rc do its thing ...
+use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 43;
+# new()
+my $mybindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->new('mybindings');
+ok ($mybindings, 'new()');
+# priority constants
+is (Gtk2::GTK_PATH_PRIO_LOWEST, 0);
+ok (Gtk2::GTK_PATH_PRIO_GTK);
+ok (Gtk2::GTK_PATH_PRIO_RC);
+# set_name() field accessor
+is ($mybindings->set_name, 'mybindings',
+ 'set_name() of mybindings');
+# find()
+ok (Gtk2::BindingSet->find('mybindings'),
+ 'find() mybindings');
+is (Gtk2::BindingSet->find('nosuchbindingset'), undef,
+ 'find() not found');
+# by_class()
+ok (Gtk2::BindingSet->by_class('Gtk2::Entry'),
+ 'by_class() Gtk2::Entry');
+# activate()
+# The rc mechanism doesn't actually parse anything or create any
+# GtkBindingSet's until one or more GtkSettings objects exist and are
+# interested in the rc values. Create a dummy label widget to force that to
+# happen and thus ensure creation of the "some_bindings" set.
+my $dummy_label = Gtk2::Label->new;
+Gtk2::Rc->parse_string (<<'HERE');
+binding "some_bindings" {
+ bind "Return" { "mysig" () }
+ my $some_bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->find('some_bindings');
+ ok ($some_bindings, 'find() of RC parsed bindings');
+ my $myobj = My::Object->new;
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($some_bindings->activate (Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return'),
+ [],$myobj),
+ 'activate() return true on myobj');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 1, 'activate() runs mysig on myobj');
+# add_path() and $object->bindings_activate() and bindings_activate_event()
+Gtk2::Rc->parse_string (<<'HERE');
+binding "my_widget_bindings" {
+ bind "Return" { "mywidgetsig" () }
+# As of Gtk 2.12 $gtkobj->bindings_activate() only actually works on a
+# Gtk2::Widget, not a Gtk2::Object, hence using My::Widget to exercise
+# add_path() instead of My::Object.
+ my $my_widget_bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->find('my_widget_bindings');
+ ok ($my_widget_bindings, 'find() of RC parsed bindings');
+ $my_widget_bindings->add_path ('class', 'My__Widget',
+ my $mywidget = My::Widget->new;
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name ('Return');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ $mywidgetsig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($mywidget->bindings_activate ($keyval,$modifiers),
+ 'bindings_activate() return true on mywidget');
+ is ($mywidgetsig_seen, 1,
+ 'bindings_activate() runs mywidgetsig on mywidget');
+ # This diabolical bit of code is what it takes to synthesize a
+ # Gtk2::Gdk::Event::Key which gtk_bindings_activate_event() will dispatch.
+ # That func looks at the hardware_keycode and group, rather than the
+ # keyval in the event, so must generate those. hardware_keycode values
+ # are basically arbitrary aren't they? At any rate the strategy is to
+ # lookup what hardware code is Return in the display keymap and use that.
+ # gtk_bindings_activate_event() then ends up then going the other way,
+ # turning the hardware code into a keyval to lookup in the bindingset!
+ #
+ # The gtk_widget_get_display() docs say $mywidget won't have a display
+ # until it's the child of a toplevel. Gtk 2.12 will give you back the
+ # default display before then, but probably better not to rely on that.
+ #
+ my $toplevel = Gtk2::Window->new;
+ $toplevel->add ($mywidget);
+ my $display = $mywidget->get_display;
+ my $keymap = Gtk2::Gdk::Keymap->get_for_display ($display);
+ my @keys = $keymap->get_entries_for_keyval ($keyval);
+ # diag "keys ", explain \ keys;
+ my $event = Gtk2::Gdk::Event->new ('key-press');
+ $event->window ($mywidget->window);
+ $event->keyval ($keyval);
+ $event->set_state ($modifiers);
+ $event->group($keys[0]->{'group'});
+ $event->hardware_keycode($keys[0]->{'keycode'});
+ $mywidget->bindings_activate_event ($event);
+ $mywidgetsig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($mywidget->bindings_activate_event ($event),
+ 'bindings_activate() return true on mywidget');
+ is ($mywidgetsig_seen, 1,
+ 'bindings_activate() runs mywidgetsig on mywidget');
+ $toplevel->destroy;
+# entry_add_signal()
+ my $bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->new ('entry_add_signal_test');
+ my $obj = My::Object->new;
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig');
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 1,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- ran mysig');
+ }
+ # object taking Glib::Long, pass as Glib::Long
+ #
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Escape');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ my $arg = 12456;
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig-with-long',
+ 'Glib::Long', $arg);
+ $mysig_with_long_value = 0;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig_with_long');
+ is ($mysig_with_long_value, $arg,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- mysig_with_long value');
+ }
+ # object taking Glib::Float, pass as Glib::Double
+ #
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('space');
+ my $modifiers = [ 'control-mask' ];
+ my $arg = 1.25;
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig-with-float',
+ 'Glib::Double', $arg);
+ $mysig_with_float_value = 0;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig_with_float');
+ delta_ok ($mysig_with_float_value, $arg,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- mysig_with_float value');
+ }
+ Glib::Type->register_flags ('My::Flags',
+ ['value-one' => 8 ],
+ ['value-two' => 16 ],
+ ['value-three' => 32 ]);
+ # object taking Glib::Long, give flags as arrayref
+ #
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Escape');
+ my $modifiers = [ 'control-mask' ];
+ my $flags = ['value-one', 'value-three'];
+ my $flags_num = 40;
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig-with-long',
+ 'My::Flags', $flags);
+ $mysig_with_long_value = -1;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig_with_long');
+ is ($mysig_with_long_value, $flags_num,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- mysig_with_long value');
+ }
+ # object taking Glib::Long, give flags as flags object
+ #
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Escape');
+ my $modifiers = [ 'control-mask' ];
+ my $flags = My::Flags->new (['value-one', 'value-two']);
+ my $flags_num = 24;
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig-with-long',
+ 'Glib::Flags', $flags);
+ $mysig_with_long_value = -1;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig_with_long');
+ is ($mysig_with_long_value, $flags_num,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- mysig_with_long value');
+ }
+ Glib::Type->register_flags ('My::Enum',
+ [eeeek => 123 ]);
+ # object taking Glib::Long, give enum as string
+ #
+ {
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('space');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig-with-long',
+ 'My::Enum', 'eeeek');
+ $mysig_with_long_value = -1;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig_with_long');
+ is ($mysig_with_long_value, 123,
+ 'entry_add_signal() activate on MyObject -- mysig_with_long value');
+ }
+# entry_remove()
+ my $bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->new ('entry_remove_test');
+ my $obj = My::Object->new;
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ $bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig');
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'before entry_remove() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 1,
+ 'before entry_remove() activate on MyObject -- ran mysig');
+ $bindings->entry_remove ($keyval, $modifiers);
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok (! $bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'after entry_remove() activate on MyObject -- no dispatch mysig');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 0,
+ 'after entry_remove() activate on MyObject -- no run mysig');
+# entry_skip()
+# basic invocation on object doesn't dispatch
+ my $skip_bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->new ('entry_skip_test');
+ my $keyval = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return');
+ my $modifiers = [];
+ $skip_bindings->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, 'mysig');
+ my $obj = My::Object->new;
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($skip_bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'before entry_skip() activate on MyObject -- dispatch mysig');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 1,
+ 'before entry_skip() activate on MyObject -- ran mysig');
+ $skip_bindings->entry_skip ($keyval, $modifiers);
+ $mysig_seen = 0;
+ ok (! $skip_bindings->activate ($keyval, $modifiers, $obj),
+ 'after entry_skip() activate on MyObject -- no dispatch mysig');
+ is ($mysig_seen, 0,
+ 'after entry_skip() activate on MyObject -- no run mysig');
+ # When an entry_skip() binding shadows another binding the latter doesn't
+ # run.
+ #
+ # This more exercises gtk than it does the bindings, but it does make sure
+ # the shared code of ->entry_skip() and ->entry_remove() have the right
+ # func under the right name.
+ #
+ my $mywidget = My::Widget->new;
+ $mywidgetsig_seen = 0;
+ ok ($mywidget->bindings_activate (Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return'),[]),
+ 'before entry_skip(), bindings_activate return true on mywidget');
+ is ($mywidgetsig_seen, 1,
+ 'before entry_skip(), bindings_activate runs mywidgetsig on mywidget');
+ $skip_bindings->add_path ('widget-class', 'My__Widget',
+ $mywidgetsig_seen = 0;
+ ok (! $mywidget->bindings_activate(Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return'),[]),
+ 'before entry_skip(), bindings_activate return true on mywidget');
+ is ($mywidgetsig_seen, 0,
+ 'before entry_skip(), bindings_activate runs mywidgetsig on mywidget');
+exit 0;
Added: trunk/xs/GtkBindings.xs
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/xs/GtkBindings.xs Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "gtk2perl.h"
+/* GtkBindingSet is a struct treated here as a boxed type. As of Gtk 2.12
+ there's no GType for it, so that's created here, with a #ifndef in
+ gtk2perl.h in case gtk gains it later.
+ Once created a GtkBindingSet is never destroyed, so no ref counting and
+ no distinction between "own" and "copy".
+ ENHANCE-ME: Currently there's nothing to retrieve the contents of a
+ bindingset at the perl level. The widget_path_pspecs and other pspecs
+ use a private PatternMatch struct so are inaccessible. The linked list
+ of GtkBindingEntry and their contained GtkBindingSignal might be
+ extracted though, maybe in some form tolerably close to the kind of
+ entry_add_signal() calls that would build the set. */
+static GtkBindingSet *
+gtk2perl_binding_set_copy (GtkBindingSet *binding_set)
+ /* no copying */
+ return binding_set;
+static void
+gtk2perl_binding_set_free (GtkBindingSet *binding_set)
+ /* no freeing */
+gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type (void)
+ static GType binding_set_type = 0;
+ if (binding_set_type == 0)
+ binding_set_type = g_boxed_type_register_static
+ ("Gtk2perlBindingSet",
+ (GBoxedCopyFunc) gtk2perl_binding_set_copy,
+ (GBoxedFreeFunc) gtk2perl_binding_set_free);
+ return binding_set_type;
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet PACKAGE = Gtk2::BindingSet
+=for position DESCRIPTION
+A C<Gtk2::BindingSet> is basically a mapping from keyval+modifiers to
+a named action signal to invoke and with argument values for the
+signal. Bindings are normally run by the C<Gtk2::Widget> default
+C<key-press-event> handler, but can also be activated explicitly.
+Binding sets can be populated from program code with
+C<entry_add_signal>, or created from an RC file or string (see
+L<Gtk2::Rc>). If you use the RC note it doesn't parse and create
+anything until there's someone interested in the result, such as
+C<Gtk2::Settings> for widgets. This means binding sets in RC files or
+strings don't exist for C<< Gtk2::BindingSet->find >> to retrieve
+until at least one widget has been created (or similar).
+Currently there's no Perl-level access to the contents of a
+BindingSet, except for C<set_name>.
+## Method name "set_name()" corresponds to the struct field name. The name
+## might make you think it's a setter, like other set_foo() funcs, so the
+## couple of words of apidoc here try to make that clear it's a getter,
+## without labouring the point.
+=for apidoc
+Return the name of $binding_set.
+gchar *
+set_name (binding_set)
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+ RETVAL = binding_set->set_name;
+## Note no field accessor for "priority", because as noted in the docs
+## it is unused nowadays, and in fact contains garbage. (The priority
+## from add_path() is buried in the private PatternSpec struct,
+## establishing an order among the matches, and different places using
+## the same GtkBindingSet can have different priorities ...)
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet PACKAGE = Gtk2::BindingSet PREFIX = gtk_binding_set_
+## Is/was gtk_binding_entry_clear() something subtly different from
+## gtk_binding_entry_remove()? The code for the two is different as
+## of Gtk circa 2.16.
+## void
+## gtk_binding_entry_clear (binding_set, keyval, modifiers)
+## GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+## guint keyval
+## GdkModifierType modifiers
+## GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_new (const gchar *set_name)
+## GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_find (const gchar *set_name)
+## GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_by_class (gpointer object_class)
+## gtk_binding_set_new() copies the given set_name, so the string need
+## not live beyond the call
+## Only gtk_binding_set_find() needs the "ornull" return, new() and
+## by_class() are never NULL.
+## In other wrappers normally new() would be an "_own", find() not,
+## and by_class() probably not, but as noted at the start of the file
+## there's no copying or freeing of GtkBindingSet so no such
+## distinction needed here.
+=for apidoc Gtk2::BindingSet::new
+=for signature GtkBindingSet = Gtk2::BindingSet->new ($set_name)
+=for arg set_name (string)
+=for arg name (__hide__)
+=for apidoc Gtk2::BindingSet::find
+=for signature GtkBindingSet_ornull Gtk2::BindingSet->find ($set_name)
+=for arg set_name (string)
+=for arg name (__hide__)
+=for apidoc Gtk2::BindingSet::by_class
+=for signature GtkBindingSet = Gtk2::BindingSet->by_class ($package_name)
+=for arg package_name (string)
+=for arg name (__hide__)
+=for apidoc new __hide__
+=for apidoc find __hide__
+=for apidoc by_class __hide__
+GtkBindingSet_ornull* gtk_binding_set_new (class, name)
+ const gchar *name
+ find = 1
+ by_class = 2
+ switch (ix) {
+ case 0:
+ RETVAL = gtk_binding_set_new (name);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ RETVAL = gtk_binding_set_find (name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ GType type;
+ GtkObjectClass *oclass;
+ type = gperl_object_type_from_package (name);
+ if (! type)
+ croak ("package %s is not registered to a GType",
+ name);
+ if (! g_type_is_a (type, GTK_TYPE_OBJECT))
+ croak ("'%s' is not an object subclass", name);
+ oclass = (GtkObjectClass*) g_type_class_ref (type);
+ RETVAL = gtk_binding_set_by_class (oclass);
+ g_type_class_unref (oclass);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+gtk_binding_set_activate (binding_set, keyval, modifiers, object)
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+ guint keyval
+ GdkModifierType modifiers
+ GtkObject *object
+=for apidoc
+The following constants are defined for standard priority levels,
+LOWEST, which is 0, and HIGHEST, which is 15, are the limits of the
+allowed priorities. The standard values are from the
+C<Gtk2::PathPriorityType> enum, but the parameter here is an integer,
+not an enum string, so you can give a value for instance a little
+above or below the pre-defined levels.
+gtk_binding_set_add_path (binding_set, path_type, path_pattern, priority)
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+ GtkPathType path_type
+ const gchar *path_pattern
+ int priority
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet PACKAGE = Gtk2::BindingSet PREFIX = gtk_binding_
+=for apidoc
+=for signature $binding_set->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, $signal_name)
+=for signature $binding_set->entry_add_signal ($keyval, $modifiers, $signal_name, $type,$value, ...)
+=for arg type (string)
+=for arg value (scalar)
+=for arg ... (__hide__)
+Add an entry to $binding_set. $keyval and $modifier are setup as a
+binding for $signal_name and with signal parameters given by $value
+arguments. Each value is preceded by a type (a string), which must be
+one of
+ Glib::Long
+ Glib::Double
+ Glib::String
+ an enum type, ie. subtype of Glib::Enum
+ Glib::Flags, or a flags subtype
+For example,
+ $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+ (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('Return'),
+ [ 'control-mask' ], # modifiers
+ 'some-signal-name',
+ 'Glib::Double', 1.5,
+ 'Glib::String, 'hello');
+A parameter holds one of the three types Long, Double or String. When
+invoked they're coerced to the parameter types expected by the target
+object or widget. Use Glib::Long for any integer argument, including
+chars and unichars by ordinal value. Use Glib::Double for both single
+and double precision floats.
+Flags and enums are held as Longs in the BindingSet. You can pass an
+enum type and string and C<entry_with_signal> will lookup and store
+accordingly. For example
+ $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+ (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('Escape), [],
+ 'set-direction',
+ 'Gtk2::Orientation', 'vertical');
+Likewise flags from an arrayref,
+ $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+ (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('d'), [],
+ 'initiate-drag',
+ 'Gtk2::Gdk::DragAction', ['move,'ask']);
+If you've got a Glib::Flags object, rather than just an arrayref, then
+you can just give Glib::Flags as the type and the value is taken from
+the object. For example,
+ my $flags = Gtk2::DebugFlag->new (['tree', 'updates']);
+ $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+ (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('x'), ['control-mask'],
+ 'change-debug',
+ 'Glib::Flags', $flags);
+## The list style "_signall" version is best here, rather than the
+## varargs "_signal". "_signall" is marked as "deprecated" circa Gtk
+## 2.12. Of course deprecated is not a word but in this case it means
+## "useful feature taken away". As of Gtk 2.16 _signal is in fact
+## implemented as a front end to _signall, though with some extra
+## coercions on the args, allowing for instance GValue containing
+## G_TYPE_INT to promote to G_TYPE_LONG.
+## void gtk_binding_entry_add_signall (GtkBindingSet *binding_set,
+## guint keyval,
+## GdkModifierType modifiers,
+## const gchar *signal_name,
+## GSList *binding_args);
+## void gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (GtkBindingSet *binding_set,
+## guint keyval,
+## GdkModifierType modifiers,
+## const gchar *signal_name,
+## guint n_args,
+## ...);
+## There may be some scope for expanding the helper "type"s accepted.
+## For example 'Glib::Boolean' could take the usual perl true/false
+## and turn it into 0 or 1. Or 'Glib::Unichar' could take a single
+## char string and store its ordinal. Both can be done with
+## 'Glib::Long' and a "!!" boolizing or ord() lookup, so it's just
+## about what would be helpful and what would be useless bloat. The
+## Flags and Enum provided are quite helpful because it's not
+## particularly easy to extract the number. A Unichar would probably
+## be bloat since there's no signals which take a char ordinal as a
+## parameter, is there?
+gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, keyval, modifiers, signal_name, ...)
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+ guint keyval
+ GdkModifierType modifiers
+ const gchar *signal_name
+ const int first_argnum = 4;
+ int count, i;
+ GSList *binding_args = NULL;
+ GtkBindingArg *ap;
+ count = (items - first_argnum);
+ if ((count % 2) != 0) {
+ croak ("entry_add_signal expects type,value pairs "
+ "(odd number of arguments detected)");
+ }
+ count /= 2;
+ ap = g_new (GtkBindingArg, count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
+ SV *sv_type = ST(i + first_argnum);
+ SV *sv_value = ST(i + first_argnum + 1);
+ GType gtype = gperl_type_from_package(SvPV_nolen(sv_type));
+ /* gtype==G_TYPE_NONE if sv_type is not registered; it falls
+ * through to the "default:" error
+ */
+ switch (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (gtype)) {
+ case G_TYPE_LONG:
+ ap[i].d.long_data = SvIV(sv_value);
+ break;
+ ap[i].d.double_data = SvNV(sv_value);
+ break;
+ /* GTK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER comes through here, but
+ * believe that's only a hangover from gtk 1.2 and
+ * needs no special attention.
+ */
+ /* gtk copies the string */
+ ap[i].d.string_data = SvPV_nolen(sv_value);
+ break;
+ /* helpers converting to the three basic types ... */
+ case G_TYPE_ENUM:
+ /* coerce enum to long */
+ ap[i].d.long_data = gperl_convert_enum(gtype,sv_value);
+ gtype = G_TYPE_LONG;
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_FLAGS:
+ /* coerce flags to long */
+ ap[i].d.long_data = gperl_convert_flags(gtype,sv_value);
+ gtype = G_TYPE_LONG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_slist_free (binding_args);
+ g_free (ap);
+ croak ("Unrecognised argument type '%s'",
+ SvPV_nolen(sv_type));
+ }
+ ap[i].arg_type = gtype;
+ binding_args = g_slist_append (binding_args, &(ap[i]));
+ }
+ gtk_binding_entry_add_signall (binding_set, keyval, modifiers,
+ signal_name, binding_args);
+ g_slist_free (binding_args);
+ g_free (ap);
+## void gtk_binding_entry_remove (GtkBindingSet *binding_set,
+## guint keyval,
+## GdkModifierType modifiers);
+gtk_binding_entry_skip (binding_set, keyval, modifiers)
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+ guint keyval
+ GdkModifierType modifiers
+ entry_remove = 1
+ if (ix == 0)
+ gtk_binding_entry_skip (binding_set, keyval, modifiers);
+ else
+ gtk_binding_entry_remove (binding_set, keyval, modifiers);
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet PACKAGE = Gtk2::Object PREFIX = gtk_
+=for apidoc
+Although C<activate> and C<activate_event> are C<Gtk2::Object>
+methods, as of Gtk 2.12 they will only actually invoke signals on a
+C<Gtk2::Widget>. On a C<Gtk2::Object> the return is always false (no
+binding activated).
+gtk_bindings_activate (object, keyval, modifiers)
+ GtkObject *object
+ guint keyval
+ GdkModifierType modifiers
+gtk_bindings_activate_event (object, event)
+ GtkObject *object
+ GdkEvent *event
+ GdkEventType type;
+ type = event->type;
+ if (type != GDK_KEY_PRESS && type != GDK_KEY_RELEASE)
+ croak ("Event must be key-press or key-release");
+ RETVAL = gtk_bindings_activate_event (object, (GdkEventKey*) event);
Modified: trunk/xs_files-2.0
--- trunk/xs_files-2.0 (original)
+++ trunk/xs_files-2.0 Wed Feb 11 21:53:14 2009
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
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