perl-Glib r1067 - in trunk: . t
- From: tsch svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: perl-Glib r1067 - in trunk: . t
- Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 19:24:42 +0000 (UTC)
Author: tsch
Date: Tue Feb 3 19:24:42 2009
New Revision: 1067
Make sure that messages with % chars in them make it through Glib::log() and
friends safely.
Modified: trunk/GLog.xs
--- trunk/GLog.xs (original)
+++ trunk/GLog.xs Tue Feb 3 19:24:42 2009
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
void g_log (class, gchar_ornull * log_domain, SV * log_level, const gchar *message)
- g_log (log_domain, SvGLogLevelFlags (log_level), message);
+ g_log (log_domain, SvGLogLevelFlags (log_level), "%s", message);
MODULE = Glib::Log PACKAGE = Glib::Log PREFIX = g_log_
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
case 2: flags = G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; break;
case 3: flags = G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING; break;
- g_log (domain, flags, message);
+ g_log (domain, flags, "%s", message);
## these are not needed -- perl's print() and warn() do the job.
Modified: trunk/t/a.t
--- trunk/t/a.t (original)
+++ trunk/t/a.t Tue Feb 3 19:24:42 2009
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# have to bail out.
plan skip_all => "g_log doubles messages by accident on 64-bit platforms";
} else {
- plan tests => 11;
+ plan tests => 12;
package Foo;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
package main;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ok(1, "in __WARN__: $_[0]"); };
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { chomp (my $msg = $_[0]); ok(1, "in __WARN__: $msg"); };
#$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ok(1, 'in __DIE__'); };
Glib->message (undef, 'whee message');
@@ -90,6 +90,19 @@
#print "$ \n";
+# Check that messages with % chars make it through unaltered and don't cause
+# crashes
+ my $id = Glib::Log->set_handler (
+ __PACKAGE__,
+ qw/debug/,
+ sub { is($_[2], '%s %d %s', 'a message with % chars'); });
+ Glib->log (__PACKAGE__, qw/debug/, '%s %d %s');
+ Glib::Log->remove_handler (__PACKAGE__, $id);
Glib::Log->set_fatal_mask (__PACKAGE__, [qw/ warning message /]);
Glib::Log->set_always_fatal ([qw/ info debug /]);
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