[gtkhtml] Remove duplicate policy supplied by EWebView.

commit b505c8faa1a6ccc32d14713cd1d47d3d9731c739
Author: Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com>
Date:   Fri Dec 25 20:44:55 2009 -0500

    Remove duplicate policy supplied by EWebView.
    Nothing but Evolution uses GtkhtmlEditor, otherwise this would be a
    GtkhtmlEditor now allows Evoluiton to supply an EWebView instance to use
    in the editor window, so remove the asynchronous URI fetching which was
    copied from EWebView.

 components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.c |  206 ----------------------------
 components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.h |    9 --
 components/editor/gtkhtml-editor.c         |   66 +---------
 3 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
diff --git a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.c b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.c
index 49aa011..beac781 100644
--- a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.c
+++ b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.c
@@ -153,166 +153,6 @@ editor_replace_all_cb (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
 /************************* End Spell Dialog Callbacks ************************/
-/************************ Begin URI Request Callbacks ************************/
-static GtkhtmlEditorRequest *
-editor_request_new (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-                    const gchar *uri,
-                    GtkHTMLStream *stream,
-                    GCancellable *cancellable,
-                    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
-                    gpointer user_data)
-	GSimpleAsyncResult *simple;
-	GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request;
-	GList *list;
-	request = g_slice_new (GtkhtmlEditorRequest);
-	simple = g_simple_async_result_new (
-		G_OBJECT (editor), callback,
-		user_data, gtkhtml_editor_request_async);
-	if (cancellable != NULL)
-		g_object_ref (cancellable);
-	/* Try to detect file paths posing as URIs. */
-	if (*uri == '/')
-		request->file = g_file_new_for_path (uri);
-	else
-		request->file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
-	request->editor = g_object_ref (editor);
-	request->cancellable = cancellable;
-	request->simple = simple;
-	request->input_stream = NULL;
-	request->output_stream = stream;
-	list = request->editor->priv->requests;
-	list = g_list_prepend (list, request);
-	request->editor->priv->requests = list;
-	return request;
-static void
-editor_request_free (GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request)
-	GList *list;
-	/* Do not free the GSimpleAsyncResult. */
-	list = request->editor->priv->requests;
-	list = g_list_remove (list, request);
-	request->editor->priv->requests = list;
-	g_object_unref (request->file);
-	g_object_unref (request->editor);
-	if (request->cancellable != NULL)
-		g_object_unref (request->cancellable);
-	if (request->input_stream != NULL)
-		g_object_unref (request->input_stream);
-	g_slice_free (GtkhtmlEditorRequest, request);
-static gboolean
-editor_request_check_for_error (GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request,
-                                GError *error)
-	GtkHTML *html;
-	GtkHTMLStream *stream;
-	GSimpleAsyncResult *simple;
-	if (error == NULL)
-		return FALSE;
-	stream = request->output_stream;
-	html = gtkhtml_editor_get_html (request->editor);
-	gtk_html_end (html, stream, GTK_HTML_STREAM_ERROR);
-	/* Steal the result. */
-	simple = request->simple;
-	request->simple = NULL;
-	g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (simple, error);
-	g_simple_async_result_complete (simple);
-	g_error_free (error);
-	editor_request_free (request);
-	return TRUE;
-static void
-editor_request_stream_read_cb (GInputStream *input_stream,
-                               GAsyncResult *result,
-                               GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request)
-	GtkHTML *html;
-	GtkHTMLStream *stream;
-	gssize bytes_read;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	stream = request->output_stream;
-	html = gtkhtml_editor_get_html (request->editor);
-	bytes_read = g_input_stream_read_finish (input_stream, result, &error);
-	if (editor_request_check_for_error (request, error))
-		return;
-	if (bytes_read == 0) {
-		GSimpleAsyncResult *simple;
-		/* Steal the result. */
-		simple = request->simple;
-		request->simple = NULL;
-		gtk_html_end (html, stream, GTK_HTML_STREAM_OK);
-		g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (simple, TRUE);
-		g_simple_async_result_complete (simple);
-		editor_request_free (request);
-		return;
-	}
-	gtk_html_write (html, stream, request->buffer, bytes_read);
-	g_input_stream_read_async (
-		request->input_stream, request->buffer,
-		sizeof (request->buffer), G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
-		request->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
-		editor_request_stream_read_cb, request);
-static void
-editor_request_read_cb (GFile *file,
-                        GAsyncResult *result,
-                        GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request)
-	GFileInputStream *input_stream;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	/* Input stream might be NULL, so don't use cast macro. */
-	input_stream = g_file_read_finish (file, result, &error);
-	request->input_stream = (GInputStream *) input_stream;
-	if (editor_request_check_for_error (request, error))
-		return;
-	g_input_stream_read_async (
-		request->input_stream, request->buffer,
-		sizeof (request->buffer), G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
-		request->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
-		editor_request_stream_read_cb, request);
-/************************* End URI Request Callbacks *************************/
 gtkhtml_editor_private_init (GtkhtmlEditor *editor)
@@ -670,52 +510,6 @@ gtkhtml_editor_insert_file (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
 	return response;
-gtkhtml_editor_request_async (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-                              const gchar *uri,
-                              GtkHTMLStream *stream,
-                              GCancellable *cancellable,
-                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
-                              gpointer user_data)
-	GtkhtmlEditorRequest *request;
-	g_return_if_fail (GTKHTML_IS_EDITOR (editor));
-	g_return_if_fail (uri != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (stream != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);
-	if (cancellable != NULL)
-		g_return_if_fail (G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable));
-	request = editor_request_new (
-		editor, uri, stream, cancellable, callback, user_data);
-	g_file_read_async (
-		request->file, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
-		request->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
-		editor_request_read_cb, request);
-gtkhtml_editor_request_finish (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-                               GAsyncResult *result,
-                               GError **error)
-	GSimpleAsyncResult *simple;
-	gboolean success;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (GTKHTML_IS_EDITOR (editor), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result), FALSE);
-	simple = G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (result);
-	success = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gboolean (simple);
-	g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error);
-	g_object_unref (simple);
-	return success;
 GFile *
 gtkhtml_editor_run_open_dialog (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
                                 const gchar *title,
diff --git a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.h b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.h
index 60d34b0..0a9667f 100644
--- a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.h
+++ b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor-private.h
@@ -205,15 +205,6 @@ gchar *		gtkhtml_editor_find_data_file	(const gchar *basename);
 gint		gtkhtml_editor_insert_file	(GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
 						 const gchar *title,
 						 GCallback response_cb);
-void		gtkhtml_editor_request_async	(GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-						 const gchar *uri,
-						 GtkHTMLStream *stream,
-						 GCancellable *cancellable,
-						 GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
-						 gpointer user_data);
-gboolean	gtkhtml_editor_request_finish	(GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-						 GAsyncResult *result,
-						 GError **error);
 GFile *		gtkhtml_editor_run_open_dialog	(GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
 						 const gchar *title,
 						 GtkCallback customize_func,
diff --git a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor.c b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor.c
index cbfc4f0..47918de 100644
--- a/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor.c
+++ b/components/editor/gtkhtml-editor.c
@@ -213,51 +213,7 @@ editor_url_requested_cb (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
                          const gchar *url,
                          GtkHTMLStream *stream)
-	GtkHTML *html;
-	GMappedFile *mapped_file;
-	GtkHTMLStreamStatus status;
-	gchar *filename = NULL;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	html = gtkhtml_editor_get_html (editor);
-	/* We can only handle local URLs here. */
-	if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (url, "file:/", 6) != 0) {
-		g_signal_emit (editor, signals[URI_REQUESTED], 0, url, stream);
-		return;
-	}
-	filename = g_filename_from_uri (url, NULL, &error);
-	if (filename == NULL)
-		goto exit;
-	mapped_file = g_mapped_file_new (filename, FALSE, &error);
-	if (mapped_file == NULL)
-		goto exit;
-	gtk_html_write (
-		html, stream,
-		g_mapped_file_get_contents (mapped_file),
-		g_mapped_file_get_length (mapped_file));
-	g_mapped_file_unref (mapped_file);
-	g_mapped_file_free (mapped_file);
-	if (error == NULL)
-		status = GTK_HTML_STREAM_OK;
-	else {
-		g_warning ("%s", error->message);
-		g_error_free (error);
-	}
-	gtk_html_end (html, stream, status);
-	g_free (filename);
+	g_signal_emit (editor, signals[URI_REQUESTED], 0, url, stream);
 static void
@@ -795,25 +751,6 @@ editor_select_all (GtkhtmlEditor *editor)
 static void
-editor_uri_requested_ready_cb (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-                               GAsyncResult *result)
-	/* XXX Do something in the event of an error? */
-	gtkhtml_editor_request_finish (editor, result, NULL);
-static void
-editor_uri_requested (GtkhtmlEditor *editor,
-                      const gchar *uri,
-                      GtkHTMLStream *stream)
-	/* XXX Currently no way to cancel this. */
-	gtkhtml_editor_request_async (
-		editor, uri, stream, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
-		editor_uri_requested_ready_cb, NULL);
-static void
 editor_class_init (GtkhtmlEditorClass *class)
 	GObjectClass *object_class;
@@ -832,7 +769,6 @@ editor_class_init (GtkhtmlEditorClass *class)
 	class->copy_clipboard = editor_copy_clipboard;
 	class->paste_clipboard = editor_paste_clipboard;
 	class->select_all = editor_select_all;
-	class->uri_requested = editor_uri_requested;
 	g_object_class_install_property (

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