[hamster-applet] temporary "newtimeline" to not have to juggle between the old and the new code

commit ad17cdafa2ecbe411a1f4d3441b9ed37473af8ad
Author: Toms Bauģis <toms baugis gmail com>
Date:   Sat Dec 19 21:07:41 2009 +0000

    temporary "newtimeline" to not have to juggle between the old and the new code

 data/stats.ui                  |   12 ++--
 hamster/stats.py               |   35 ++--------
 hamster/widgets/__init__.py    |    2 +
 hamster/widgets/newtimeline.py |  148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/stats.ui b/data/stats.ui
index 10168b8..13b26c3 100644
--- a/data/stats.ui
+++ b/data/stats.ui
@@ -269,14 +269,12 @@
             <property name="left_padding">12</property>
             <property name="right_padding">12</property>
-              <object class="GtkLabel" id="overview_label">
+              <object class="GtkAlignment" id="by_day_box">
+                <property name="height_request">50</property>
                 <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="xalign">0</property>
-                <property name="label" translatable="yes">21.12.2009 - 28.12.2009</property>
-                <attributes>
-                  <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
-                  <attribute name="size" value="15000"/>
-                </attributes>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder/>
+                </child>
diff --git a/hamster/stats.py b/hamster/stats.py
index 703dc33..1d03446 100644
--- a/hamster/stats.py
+++ b/hamster/stats.py
@@ -89,49 +89,28 @@ class StatsViewer(object):
         self.end_date_input.connect("date-entered", self.on_end_date_entered)
+        self.timeline = widgets.NewTimeLine()
+        self.get_widget("by_day_box").add(self.timeline)
-    def set_title(self):
-        dates_dict = stuff.dateDict(self.start_date, "start_")
-        dates_dict.update(stuff.dateDict(self.end_date, "end_"))
-        if self.start_date.year != self.end_date.year:
-            # overview label if start and end years don't match
-            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
-            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
-            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
-            overview_label = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s, %(start_Y)s â?? %(end_B)s %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
-        elif self.start_date.month != self.end_date.month:
-            # overview label if start and end month do not match
-            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
-            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
-            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
-            overview_label = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s â?? %(end_B)s %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
-        else:
-            # overview label for interval in same month
-            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
-            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
-            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
-            overview_label = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s â?? %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
-        self.get_widget("overview_label").set_markup("<b>%s</b>" % overview_label)
     def search(self):
-        self.set_title()
         facts = runtime.storage.get_facts(self.start_date, self.end_date)
         self.get_widget("report_button").set_sensitive(len(facts) > 0)
+        self.timeline.draw(facts, self.start_date, self.end_date)
         self.overview.search(self.start_date, self.end_date, facts)
         self.reports.search(self.start_date, self.end_date, facts)
     def on_report_button_clicked(self, widget):
diff --git a/hamster/widgets/__init__.py b/hamster/widgets/__init__.py
index 6293586..a843695 100644
--- a/hamster/widgets/__init__.py
+++ b/hamster/widgets/__init__.py
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ from dateinput import DateInput
 from timeinput import TimeInput
 from timeline import TimeLine
+from newtimeline import NewTimeLine
 from dayline import DayLine
 from tags import Tag
diff --git a/hamster/widgets/newtimeline.py b/hamster/widgets/newtimeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49898c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hamster/widgets/newtimeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# - coding: utf-8 -
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Toms Bauģis <toms.baugis at gmail.com>
+# This file is part of Project Hamster.
+# Project Hamster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Project Hamster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Project Hamster.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import gtk, pango
+from .hamster import graphics, stuff
+import datetime as dt
+from bisect import bisect
+class NewTimeLine(graphics.Area):
+    """this widget is kind of half finished"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        graphics.Area.__init__(self)
+        self.start_date, self.end_date = None, None
+        self.facts = []
+        self.title = ""
+    def draw(self, facts, start_date = None, end_date = None):
+        self.facts = facts    
+        self.start_date = start_date or facts[0]["date"]
+        self.end_date = end_date or facts[-1]["date"]
+        if self.start_date > self.end_date:
+            self.start_date, self.end_date = self.end_date, self.start_date
+        self.set_title()
+        self.redraw_canvas()
+    def set_title(self):
+        dates_dict = stuff.dateDict(self.start_date, "start_")
+        dates_dict.update(stuff.dateDict(self.end_date, "end_"))
+        if self.start_date.year != self.end_date.year:
+            # overview label if start and end years don't match
+            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
+            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
+            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
+            self.title = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s, %(start_Y)s â?? %(end_B)s %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
+        elif self.start_date.month != self.end_date.month:
+            # overview label if start and end month do not match
+            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
+            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
+            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
+            self.title = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s â?? %(end_B)s %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
+        else:
+            # overview label for interval in same month
+            # letter after prefixes (start_, end_) is the one of
+            # standard python date formatting ones- you can use all of them
+            # see http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
+            self.title = _(u"%(start_B)s %(start_d)s â?? %(end_d)s, %(end_Y)s") % dates_dict
+    def on_expose(self):
+        self.fill_area(0, 0, self.width, self.height, "#fafafa")
+        bar_width, time_step = self.figure_time_fraction()
+        self.context.translate(0.5, 0.5)        
+        x = 1
+        current_time = dt.datetime.combine(self.start_date, dt.time())
+        while current_time <= dt.datetime.combine(self.end_date, dt.time(23, 59)):
+            self.fill_area(x, 3, round(bar_width * 0.8), self.height-6, "#eeeeee")
+            current_time += time_step
+            x += bar_width
+        print time_step
+        step_format = "%H:%M"
+        if time_step <= dt.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 60):
+            step_format = "%M"
+        elif time_step <= dt.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 60 * 24):
+            step_format = "%H:%M"
+        elif time_step <= dt.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7):
+            step_format = "%d"
+        x = 1
+        i = 1
+        current_time = dt.datetime.combine(self.start_date, dt.time())
+        while current_time <= dt.datetime.combine(self.end_date, dt.time(23, 59)):
+            if i % 3 == 0:
+                self.set_color("#aaaaaa")
+                self.context.move_to(x, 10)
+                self.layout.set_text(current_time.strftime(step_format))
+                self.context.show_layout(self.layout)
+            current_time += time_step
+            x += bar_width
+            i +=1
+        self.set_color("#aaaaaa")
+        self.context.move_to(1, 1)
+        font = pango.FontDescription(gtk.Style().font_desc.to_string())
+        font.set_size(14 * pango.SCALE)
+        font.set_weight(pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
+        self.layout.set_font_description(font)
+        self.layout.set_text(self.title)
+        self.context.show_layout(self.layout)
+    def figure_time_fraction(self):
+        bar_width = 10 # 10px wide bar looks about right
+        bar_count = self.width / float(bar_width)
+        minutes = stuff.duration_minutes((self.end_date - self.start_date) + dt.timedelta(days=1))
+        minutes_in_unit = int(minutes / bar_count)
+        # now let's find closest human understandable fraction of time that we will be actually using
+        fractions = [1, 5, 15, 30, # minutes
+                     60, 60 * 2, 60 * 3, 60 * 4, 60 * 8, 60 * 12, # hours (1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12)
+                     60 * 24, # days
+                     60 * 24 * 7, 60 * 24 * 14, # weeks (1,2)
+                     60 * 24 * 30, 60 * 24 * 30 * 3, 60 * 24 * 30 * 4, # months (1, 3, 4)
+                     60 * 24 * 356] # years
+        human_step = bisect(fractions, minutes_in_unit)
+        # go to the closest side
+        if human_step > 0 and abs(fractions[human_step] - minutes_in_unit) > abs(fractions[human_step - 1] - minutes_in_unit):
+            human_step -=1
+        step_minutes = fractions[human_step]
+        bar_count = minutes / step_minutes
+        bar_width = round(self.width / float(bar_count))
+        time_step = dt.timedelta(days = step_minutes / (60 * 24),
+                                 seconds = (step_minutes % (60 * 24)) * 60)
+        return bar_width, time_step
\ No newline at end of file

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