[sabayon: 1/19] Initial group dialog work

commit c9bb05ef53f924624cc3b30a8c99e704655bad1d
Author: Scott Balneaves <sbalneav ltsp org>
Date:   Tue Sep 1 22:41:42 2009 -0500

    Initial group dialog work

 admin-tool/groupsdialog.py |  121 +++++++++++
 lib/groupdb.py             |  486 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/admin-tool/groupsdialog.py b/admin-tool/groupsdialog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3f524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin-tool/groupsdialog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import os.path
+import pwd
+import gtk
+import gtk.glade
+import groupdb
+import errors
+import debuglog
+from config import *
+class GroupsModel (gtk.ListStore):
+    (
+        COLUMN_GROUP,
+    ) = range (2)
+    def __init__ (self, db, profile):
+        gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self, str, str, bool)
+        for group in db.get_groups ():
+            row = self.append ()
+            self.set (row,
+                      self.COLUMN_GROUP, group,
+                      self.COLUMN_APPLY, profile == db.get_profile (group, False, True))
+class GroupsDialog:
+    def __init__ (self, profile, parent):
+        self.profile = profile
+        self.groupdb = groupdb.get_database ()
+        apply_to_all = self.groupdb.get_default_profile (False) == profile
+        glade_file = os.path.join (GLADEDIR, "sabayon.glade")
+        self.xml = gtk.glade.XML (glade_file, "groups_dialog", PACKAGE)
+        self.dialog = self.xml.get_widget ("groups_dialog")
+        self.dialog.set_transient_for (parent)
+        self.dialog.set_default_response (gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE)
+        self.dialog.set_icon_name ("sabayon")
+        self.dialog.set_title (_("groups for profile %s")%profile)
+        self.close_button = self.xml.get_widget ("groups_close_button")
+        self.help_button = self.xml.get_widget ("groups_help_button")
+        self.help_button.hide ()
+        self.groups_model = GroupsModel (self.groupdb, self.profile)
+        self.groups_list_scroll = self.xml.get_widget ("groups_list_scroll")
+        self.groups_list = self.xml.get_widget ("groups_list")
+        self.groups_list.set_model (self.groups_model)
+        self.groups_list.set_sensitive (not apply_to_all)
+        c = gtk.TreeViewColumn (_("Group"),
+                                gtk.CellRendererText (),
+                                text = GroupsModel.COLUMN_GROUP)
+        c.set_sort_column_id(GroupsModel.COLUMN_GROUP)
+        self.groups_list.append_column (c)
+        self.groups_model.set_sort_column_id(GroupsModel.COLUMN_GROUP, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
+        toggle = gtk.CellRendererToggle ()
+        toggle.connect ("toggled", self.__on_use_toggled)
+        c = gtk.TreeViewColumn (_("Use This Profile"))
+        c.pack_start (toggle, False)
+        c.set_attributes (toggle, active = GroupsModel.COLUMN_APPLY)
+        self.groups_list.append_column (c)
+        response = self.dialog.run ()
+        self.dialog.hide ()
+    @errors.checked_callback (debuglog.DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_USER)
+    def __on_use_toggled (self, toggle, path):
+        iter = self.groups_model.get_iter_from_string (path)
+        apply = self.groups_model.get_value (iter, GroupsModel.COLUMN_APPLY)
+        apply = not apply
+        self.groups_model.set (iter, GroupsModel.COLUMN_APPLY, apply)
+        groupname = self.groups_model.get_value (iter, GroupsModel.COLUMN_GROUP)
+        if apply:
+            self.groupdb.set_profile (groupname, self.profile)
+        else:
+            self.groupdb.set_profile (groupname, None)
+    @errors.checked_callback (debuglog.DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_USER)
+    def __all_check_toggled (self, toggle):
+        apply_to_all = self.all_check.get_active ()
+        self.groups_list.set_sensitive (not apply_to_all)
+        if apply_to_all:
+            self.groupdb.set_default_profile (self.profile)
+        else:
+            self.groupdb.set_default_profile (None)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import util
+    util.init_gettext ()
+    d = GroupsDialog ("foo", None)
diff --git a/lib/groupdb.py b/lib/groupdb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8782e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/groupdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sys
+import string
+import grp
+import os
+import libxml2
+import config
+import util
+import cache
+import random
+import ldap
+import socket
+import debuglog
+  <default profile=""/>
+# make sure to initialize the cache first
+# this will make sure we can handle disconnection
+# and initialize libxml2 environment
+def dprint (fmt, *args):
+    debuglog.debug_log (False, debuglog.DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_USER_DB, fmt % args)
+def get_setting (node, setting, default = None, convert_to = str):
+    a = node.hasProp(setting)
+    if a:
+        try:
+            return convert_to (a.content)
+        except:
+            np = node.nodePath()
+            # Translators: You may move the "%(setting)s" and "%(np)s" items as you wish, but
+            # do not change the way they are written.  The intended string is
+            # something like "invalid type for setting blah in /ldap/path/to/blah"
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("invalid type for setting %(setting)s in %(np)s") % { "setting": setting,
+                                                                                                "np": np })
+    return default
+def expand_string (string, attrs):
+    res = ""
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(string):
+        c = string[i]
+        i = i + 1
+        if c == "%":
+            if i < len(string):
+                c = string[i]
+                if c != "%":
+                    if c in attrs:
+                        c = attrs[c]
+                i = i + 1
+        res = res + c
+    return res
+class GroupDatabaseException (Exception):
+    pass
+class GroupDatabase:
+    """An encapsulation of the database which maintains an
+    association between groups and profiles.
+    This database is stored by default in
+    $(sysconfdir)/desktop-profiles/groups.xml and contains a
+    list of groups and the profile associated with each of
+    those groups.
+    A profile can be reference by either its name (in which case
+    the profile is stored at /etc/desktop-profiles/$(name).zip),
+    an absolute path or a http/file URL.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, db_file = None):
+        """Create a GroupDatabase object.
+        @db_file: an (optional) path which specifes the location
+        of the database file. If not specified, the default
+        location of /etc/desktop-profiles/groups.xml is used.
+        """
+        if db_file is None:
+            file = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, "groups.xml")
+        elif db_file[0] != '/':
+            file = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, db_file)
+        else:
+            file = db_file
+        self.file = file;
+        self.modified = 0
+        dprint("New GroupDatabase(%s) object\n" % self.file)
+        try:
+            self.doc = libxml2.readFile(file, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
+            # Process XInclude statements
+            self.doc.xincludeProcess()
+        except:
+            # TODO add fallback to last good database
+            dprint("failed to parse %s falling back to default conf\n" %
+                   self.file)
+            self.doc = None
+        if self.doc == None:
+            self.doc = libxml2.readMemory(defaultConf, len(defaultConf),
+                                          None, None,
+                                          libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS);
+    def __del__ (self):
+        if self.doc != None:
+            self.doc.freeDoc()
+    def __profile_name_to_location (self, profile, node):
+        if not profile:
+            return None
+        uri = self.__ldap_query ("locationmap", {"p":profile, "h":socket.getfqdn()})
+        if uri:
+            return uri
+        # do the necessary URI escaping of the profile name if needed
+        orig_profile = profile
+        try:
+            tmp = parseURI(profile)
+        except:
+            profile = libxml2.URIEscapeStr(profile, "/:")
+        # if there is a base on the node, then use 
+        if node != None:
+            try:
+                base = node.getBase(None)
+                if base != None and base != "" and \
+                   base != os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, "groups.xml"):
+                    # URI composition from the base
+                    ret = libxml2.buildURI(profile, base)
+                    if ret[0] == '/':
+                        ret = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(ret, len(ret), None)
+                    dprint("Converted profile name '%s' to location '%s'\n",
+                           orig_profile, ret)
+                    return ret
+            except:
+                pass
+        try:
+            uri = libxml2.parseURI(profile);
+            if uri.scheme() is None:
+                # it is a file path
+                if profile[0] != '/':
+                    profile = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, profile)
+                if profile[-4:] != ".zip":
+                    profile = profile + ".zip"
+            else:
+                # TODO need to make a local copy or use the local copy
+                profile = profile
+        except:
+            # we really expect an URI there
+            profile = None
+        if profile[0] == '/':
+            profile = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(profile, len(profile), None)
+        dprint("Converted profile name '%s' to location '%s'\n",
+               orig_profile, profile)
+        return profile
+    def __open_ldap (self):
+        nodes = self.doc.xpathEval ("/profiles/ldap")
+        if len (nodes) == 0:
+            return None
+        ldap_node = nodes[0]
+        server = get_setting (ldap_node, "server", "localhost")
+        port = get_setting (ldap_node, "port", ldap.PORT, int)
+        l = ldap.open (server, port)
+        l.protocol_version = get_setting (ldap_node, "version", ldap.VERSION3, int)
+        l.timeout =  get_setting (ldap_node, "timeout", 10, int)
+        bind_dn = get_setting (ldap_node, "bind_dn", "")
+        bind_pw = get_setting (ldap_node, "bind_pw", "")
+        if bind_dn != "":
+            l.simple_bind (bind_dn, bind_pw)
+        return l
+    def __ldap_query (self, map, replace):
+        nodes = self.doc.xpathEval ("/profiles/ldap/" + map)
+        if len (nodes) == 0:
+            return None
+        map_node = nodes[0]
+        l = self.__open_ldap ()
+        if not l:
+            return None
+        search_base = get_setting (map_node, "search_base")
+        query_filter = get_setting (map_node, "query_filter")
+        result_attribute = get_setting (map_node, "result_attribute")
+        scope = get_setting (map_node, "scope", "sub")
+        multiple_result = get_setting (map_node, "multiple_result", "first")
+        if search_base == None:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("No search base specified for %s"%map))
+        if query_filter == None:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("No query filter specified for %s"%map))
+        if result_attribute == None:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("No result attribute specified for %s"%map))
+        if scope == "sub":
+            scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+        elif scope == "base":
+            scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
+        elif scope == "one":
+            scope = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
+        else:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("Scope must be one of sub, base and one"))
+        query_filter = expand_string (query_filter, replace)
+        search_base = expand_string (search_base, replace)
+        results = l.search_s (search_base, scope, query_filter, [result_attribute])
+        if len (results) == 0:
+            return None
+        (dn, attrs) = results[0]
+        if not result_attribute in attrs:
+            return None
+        vals = attrs[result_attribute]
+        if multiple_result == "first":
+            val = vals[0]
+        elif multiple_result == "random":
+            val = vals[random.randint(0, len(vals)-1)]
+        else:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("multiple_result must be one of first and random"))
+        l.unbind ()
+        return val
+    def get_default_profile (self, profile_location = True):
+        """Look up the default profile.
+        @profile_location: whether the profile location should
+        be returned
+        Return value: the location of the default profile, which
+        should be in a suitable form for constructing a ProfileStorage
+        object, or the default profile name if @profile_location is
+        False.
+        """
+        default = None
+        try:
+            default = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles/default")[0]
+            profile = default.prop("profile")
+        except:
+            profile = None
+        if not profile_location:
+            return profile
+        return self.__profile_name_to_location (profile, default)
+    def get_profile (self, groupname, profile_location = True, ignore_default = False):
+        """Look up the profile for a given groupname.
+        @groupname: the group whose profile location should be
+        returned.
+        @profile_location: whether the profile location should
+        be returned
+        @ignore_default: don't use the default profile if
+        no profile is explicitly set.
+        Return value: the location of the profile, which
+        should be in a suitable form for constructing a
+        ProfileStorage object, or the profile name if
+        @profile_location is False.
+        """
+        group = None
+        profile = self.__ldap_query ("profilemap", {"g":groupname, "h":socket.getfqdn()})
+        if not profile:
+            try:
+                query = "/profiles/group[ name='%s']" % groupname
+                group = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+                profile = group.prop("profile")
+            except:
+                profile = None
+        if not profile and not ignore_default:
+            try:
+                query = "/profiles/default[1][ profile]"
+                group = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+                profile = group.prop("profile")
+            except:
+                profile = None
+        if not profile_location:
+            return profile
+        # TODO Check the resulting file path exists
+        return self.__profile_name_to_location (profile, group)
+    def __save_as(self, filename = None):
+        """Save the current version to the given filename"""
+        if filename == None:
+            filename = self.file
+        dprint("Saving GroupDatabase to %s\n", filename)
+        try:
+            os.rename(filename, filename + ".bak")
+            backup = 1
+        except:
+            backup = 0
+            pass
+        try:
+            f = open(filename, 'w')
+        except:
+            if backup == 1:
+                try:
+                    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
+                    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                except:
+                    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                raise GroupDatabaseException(
+                    _("Could not open %s for writing") % filename)
+        try:
+            f.write(self.doc.serialize("UTF-8", format=1))
+            f.close()
+        except:
+            if backup == 1:
+                try:
+                    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
+                    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                except:
+                    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(
+                _("Failed to save GroupDatabase to %s") % filename)
+        self.modified = 0
+    def set_profile (self, groupname, profile):
+        """Set the profile for a given groupname.
+        @groupname: the group whose profile location should be
+        set.
+        @profile: the location of the profile.
+        """
+        if profile is None:
+            profile = ""
+        self.modified = 0
+        try:
+            query = "/profiles/group[ name='%s']" % groupname
+            group = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+            oldprofile = group.prop("profile")
+            if oldprofile != profile:
+                group.setProp("profile", profile)
+                self.modified = 1
+        except:
+            try:
+                profiles = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles")[0]
+            except:
+                raise GroupDatabaseException(
+                    _("File %s is not a profile configuration") %
+                                           (self.file))
+            try:
+                group = profiles.newChild(None, "group", None)
+                group.setProp("name", groupname)
+                group.setProp("profile", profile)
+            except:
+                raise GroupDatabaseException(
+                    _("Failed to add group %s to profile configuration") %
+                                           (groupname))
+            self.modified = 1
+        if self.modified == 1:
+            self.__save_as()
+    def get_profiles (self):
+        """Return the list of currently available profiles.
+        This is basically just list of zip files in
+        /etc/desktop-profiles, each without the .zip extension.
+        """
+        list = []
+        try:
+            for file in os.listdir(config.PROFILESDIR):
+                if file[-4:] != ".zip":
+                    continue
+                list.append(file[0:-4])
+        except:
+            dprint("Failed to read directory(%s)\n" % (config.PROFILESDIR))
+        # TODO: also list remote profiles as found in self.doc
+        return list
+    def is_sabayon_controlled (self, groupname):
+        """Return True if groups's configuration was ever under Sabayon's
+        control.
+        """
+        profile = self.__ldap_query ("profilemap", {"g":groupname, "h":socket.getfqdn()})
+        if profile:
+            return True
+        try:
+            query = "/profiles/group[ name='%s']" % groupname
+            group = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+        except:
+            return False
+        if group:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def get_groups (self):
+        """Return the list of groups on the system. These should
+        be real groups - i.e. should not include system groups
+        like nobody, gdm, nfsnobody etc.
+        """
+        list = []
+        try:
+            groups = grp.getgrall()
+        except:
+            raise GroupDatabaseException(_("Failed to get the group list"))
+        for group in groups():
+            try:
+                # remove non-groups
+                if group[2] < 500:
+                    continue
+                if group[0] in list:
+                    continue
+                list.append(group[0])
+            except:
+                pass
+        return list
+group_database = None
+def get_database ():
+    """Return a GroupDatabase singleton"""
+    global group_database
+    if group_database is None:
+        group_database = GroupDatabase ()
+    return group_database
+# Unit tests
+def run_unit_tests ():
+    testfile = "/tmp/test_groups.xml"
+    try:
+        os.unlink(testfile)
+    except:
+        pass
+    db = GroupDatabase(testfile)
+    res = db.get_profile("localgroup", False)
+    db.set_profile("localgroup", "groupA")
+    res = db.get_profile("localgroup")
+    assert not res is None
+    assert res[-28:] == "/desktop-profiles/groupA.zip"
+    db.set_profile("localgroup", "groupB")
+    res = db.get_profile("localgroup")
+    assert not res is None
+    assert res[-28:] == "/desktop-profiles/groupB.zip"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    util.init_gettext ()
+    run_unit_tests()

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