[glib] (327 commits) Created branch gsettings

The branch 'gsettings' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  5e0ac67... Bug 548967 â?? single bit mutex locks
  a11df12... Add test case for 1-bit mutex locks
  0c12dd9... Import GVariant
  ce7a790... Switch from visibility #pragma to glib.symbols
  bb7fe2a... GVariant C++ header fixups
  654b485... Generate gtk-doc for GVariant
  00ddd21... Add GVariant test cases
  d0cf7b3... Only mark regular files as backup files (*)
  d64beb4... Add G_TYPE_VARIANT boxed type to libgobject
  efc2cdb... Fix parsing of timezones (*)
  950de29... Updated Danish translation\n\nUpdated Danish translation by (*)
  856632c... Fix a typo in GFile docs (*)
  e68a356... Fix G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED docs (*)
  009689e... Update for 2.20.1 (*)
  6e11246... Release GLib 2.20.1 (*)
  2c1dc52... Add a note about handling non-hal backends (*)
  b85834c... Bump version (*)
  c17d4dd... Pashto Translation committed as per the request made by Zab (*)
  0001014... Add helpers for connecting/disconnecting to cancelled signa (*)
  0f48f80... Use g_cancellable_connect/disconnect (*)
  2026c23... goption: move docs from tmpl folder to inline comments (*)
  57bd24d... goption: document that some option args need to be freed by (*)
  dda20bc... goption: format section docs according to gtk-doc rules and (*)
  6a3b4fa... Add hostname-related utilities in glib/ghostutils.h (*)
  68fc055... Add network address and socket types (*)
  c94d3f9... Add GResolver, a glib-ish interface to DNS (*)
  9a3d18d... GResolver wrappers: GNetworkAddress, GNetworkService, GSock (*)
  a9c33db... Use P_ for translatable param spec strings (*)
  491a036... Fix translation from GIO's file attr to xattr attributes (*)
  3df69bf... Merge branch 'master' into gvariant
  9a15da5... Fix ginetaddress.c compile on Solaris (*)
  7c9caec... Fix the networking stuff on (current) OS X (*)
  61f1300... Fix socket-related configure tests on old platforms (*)
  5a368d4... Minor fixes to Catalan translation (*)
  49dfb50... Bug 580453 â?? Hash and equal functions for gint64 and gdou (*)
  d80e121... Ensure we're actually initializing the winsock library (*)
  402847c... Bug 580450 â?? Reference counting and boxed types for array (*)
  97fe421... Fix ginetaddress.c compile on Linux (*)
  d8029ca... Ensure g_inet_address_get_type() call is not optimized away (*)
  8369977... Patch originally committed only to the ChangeLog & tests .. (*)
  36cb01f... Add README and INSTALL to .gitignore since they are autogen (*)
  92ac8d1... Misc warning fixes (*)
  dc02797... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  ff10433... Bump version to 2.21.0 (*)
  fab0506... Update NEWS (*)
  a4ac1b0... Fix reference to g_strtoull (*)
  2dfce32... Accept NULL as empty string list (*)
  79ef3d3... Correct g_utf8_to_utf16 docs (*)
  2e4b51a... Plug a memory leak in g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpoi (*)
  2e4855e... Add bug references (*)
  3f06ddd... Match up parameter names to help gtk-doc (*)
  de8edf1... Add functions to deal with string arrays
  b3fc55c... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  d1e6e19... Updated Czech translation (*)
  008ae16... Add new functions (*)
  f33a484... Fix up tests forgotten in Michaels commit (*)
  4e694fa... Fix g_input_stream_skip_async() documentation (*)
  a28215f... Release 2.21.0 (*)
  757f928... Bump version to 2.21.1 (*)
  4ecec3b... Updated Oriya Translation. (*)
  d89cc0d... Add a GMount::pre-unmount signal (*)
  2fff302... Don't try to ref NULL pointer in g_desktop_app_info_dup() (*)
  e10edef... Simplify GCancellable support on win32 (*)
  b3e4b76... Fix gcancellable.c build on non-win32 (*)
  0030935... Make glibconfig.h.win32.in match the generated one. (*)
  2bbb856... Remove not actually used member "cancelled" (*)
  1ecfae6... Remove close in finalize, we do it in dispose (*)
  05f544c... Import GIOStream from gnio (*)
  6d0bebb... Add comment about lifecycle issues for GIOStreams (*)
  bd0b8c6... Add GFileIOStream class (*)
  7a2d488... Add GIOStream operations to GFile (*)
  14d58d5... Local file implementation of GFileIOStream and ops (*)
  ed08218... Add tests for local GIOStream GFile ops (*)
  80a484a... Add the new GFile ops to gio.symbols (*)
  33c00e5... Add g_network_address_parse (*)
  145cec3... Import GInitable, GSocket and dependencies from gnio (*)
  7ffdc91... Set optlen before calling getsockopt (*)
  bd87df9... Make GSocketSourceFunc return the GSocket (*)
  f662e7e... Store protocol by id, add lookup function for name (*)
  a258ec3... Fix deadlock in threaded resolver (*)
  8f67f47... Add test apps for GSocket API (*)
  23424e7... Add padding to new classes (*)
  a48fc53... Make cancellable pipe fds close-on-exec (*)
  d3a2c45... Forgot to return the allocated data in async_op_wrapper_new (*)
  4ade78f... Include stdlib.h to avoid warning (*)
  2597e3a... Remove unused variable (*)
  ce83612... Import all the highlevel socket classes from gnio (*)
  67df7d4... Add references to highlevel classes in GSocket docs (*)
  34e7437... Add test apps for highlevel socket classes (*)
  5b683af... Fix error message in set_mtime_atime() (*)
  13cb011... Add max_threads argument to g_threaded_socket_service_new (*)
  66d49b8... Remove g_socket_set/get_reuse_address from header (*)
  c3f4e01... Make all non-static functions start with underscore (*)
  822abda... Add more internal headers for gtk-doc to ignore (*)
  e1afc6e... Remove gtk-doc warnings (*)
  6ea86cc... Update the docs for the new network APIs (*)
  eefd7cd... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  d8bdc3e... Add GError to g_socket_address_to_native (*)
  f24c7fa... Add support for abstract unix socket addresses (*)
  3756ddb... Ignore error when setting SO_REUSEADDR (*)
  f8cd1c5... Clean up refereces to @protocol_id in g_socket_new docs (*)
  69130db... Read socket state in g_socket_get_local/remote_address (*)
  bcba61c... Update docs on listen backlog (*)
  e1a4389... Rename g_socket_check_pending_error to g_socket_check_conne (*)
  03441e7... Document GOutputVector and GInputVector (*)
  0ffe722... Add g_socket_shutdown (*)
  64383fa... Fix g_unix_socket_address_abstract_names_supported docs (*)
  18373cf... Set the listen backlog before calling listen. (*)
  fdfdec3... Add send-data, a g_socket_client test case (*)
  f061765... Call sync close function directly in async implementation (*)
  053f9e7... Add support for graceful disconnect to GTcpConnection (*)
  8088182... Actually implement max_threads for GThreadedSocketService (*)
  6d01593... Clarify "current condition" in g_socket_create_source docs (*)
  5cd86fb... Remove protocol names, instead use an enum with common prot (*)
  9346f46... Add missing types to gio.types (*)
  9d36c86... Add missing symbols to gio.symbols (*)
  2ea22d8... Remove non-existing parameter from docs (*)
  25800ed... Ignore SIGPIPE when using GSocket (*)
  9033b37... Add helper functions for connecting to service (#583061) (*)
  0a280da... docs: fix typo (*)
  c20b8d4... Check that close_fn is not %NULL before calling (#578499) (*)
  80cfd09... Use g_set_error_literal (*)
  1cbdd24... Preserve errno when using g_set_error with _() and g_strerr (*)
  cb7a300... Don't return something from void function (#583229) (*)
  2be66c0... Typedef GResolverClass in the standard way (*)
  7498049... Propagate errors from g_network_service_address_enumerator_ (*)
  6a9df82... Use G_GSSIZE_FORMAT where needed (#577884) (*)
  d0d10e8... Take a reference on the gio file monitors while signaling p (*)
  ab29e09... Don't dereference identifier_type if it is NULL (#579558) (*)
  5a46e4d... Clarify g_cancellable_push_current docs wrt cancellable bei (*)
  c897cca... Don't add unix specific APIs on win32 (*)
  bb66fdc... Fix build on win32 (*)
  14d53dc... Fix connect on win32 (*)
  01b79d6... Make g_error_new_valist public (*)
  54b4322... Use g_error_new_valist instead of a private copy of it (*)
  d046bfe... Document g[u]intptr (*)
  76ebe6c... Plug a mem leak (*)
  37bd225... Fix grammar in error message (*)
  bde3e9c... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  fb70c64... Added Valencian-Catalan translation (*)
  ce17119... Add g_inet_address_get_native_size (#583205) (*)
  c93c987... Don't return something from a void function (#583408) (*)
  3c0feca... Don't end enum with comma (#583663) (*)
  f99be75... Remove mention of non-existing calls from docs (*)
  623f99d... Add required defines on solaris for GSocket to build (#5828 (*)
  209a662... Correct reference and implement close_fn (#578769) (*)
  00151ec... Fix a locking problem in g_main_context_iterate() (*)
  eecbbb0... Fix the an index title (*)
  0614490... Documentation and coding style fixups (*)
  576839a... Fix references to nonexisting functions (*)
  a39670d... Update for 2.21.1 (*)
  a859f88... Fix make check (*)
  dbe7408... Fix string length bugs in GWinHttpFile (#580347) (*)
  390549f... Document g_socket_control_message_deserialize (*)
  d32226d... Ref the right type in g_socket_control_message_deserialize (*)
  62abf79... Another pedantic docs fix (*)
  479c455... Update NEWS once more (*)
  33a2f5a... Release 2.21.1 (*)
  661bb52... Bump version (*)
  f4e89ab... Replace FIXME with proper SDK version define (*)
  136793c... Simplified for pre-built package use (*)
  cbca0ac... Include io.h for write() on win32 (*)
  73dbe59... Handle EAI_NODATA==EAI_NONAME in win32 SDK (*)
  7801854... Version resource template for gio (*)
  75ef018... Updated msvc build files (*)
  4a50bab... Define fstat() for msvc build (*)
  8581611... Bump _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0501 (*)
  5b3d62a... Misc networking build fixes (*)
  1ca91a2... Clarify some GSocket docs (*)
  ce6fbd6... Fix multiple bugs in g_srv_target_list_sort() (*)
  0bb5739... Reformat g_themed_icon_get_names return type to make gtk-do (*)
  29a4a0a... only query file info in g_file_copy() when we need it (*)
  74fd3e7... typo in documentation (*)
  139af6f... update the overview image of the gio docs (*)
  7d4b706... Updated Bengali India Translations (*)
  ced88fd... Bug 585189 â?? g_cancellable_reset() must be called in same (*)
  059ec81... move start_element emission out into a new (inlined) functi (*)
  74a3c71... Revert part of fix for old OS X that broke the compile on c (*)
  ff2532a... Updated Norwegian bokmål translation. (*)
  83ae249... Support automake 1.11 (*)
  d3d81f7... Make setting DISPLAY work (*)
  9e43937... Include sys/types.h in gunixfdmessage.c (*)
  6224d3d... Fix g_string_chunk_insert_len to accept nuls (*)
  a402875... Fix an oversight in the previous commit (*)
  3e3e3c2... don't make strings const when they are not (*)
  fd22781... make all APIs that take inet port arguments take a guint16 (*)
  f7d756f... add g_socket_speaks_ipv4() (*)
  cb1a609... Bug 585575 â?? g_socket_listener_add_inet_port() (*)
  b162355... Add missing _strv symbols to glib.symbols
  febc0a7... Change string handling for GVariant varargs
  b2ad0e8... Increase consistency of GVariant function names
  4dbc207... Add GNIO test cases to .gitignore (*)
  ff99e84... Merge branch 'master' into gvariant
  114cf18... Add some higher level GVariant convenience API
  8a3a3d7... Use inotify_init1 when available (*)
  ce4aa62... Include sys/uio.h for struct iovec (*)
  b533a94... Trivial formatting fixes (*)
  642e9c7... Fix the icon property implementation (*)
  b0bba85... Extract strings from g_dngettext too (*)
  2c5ac90... Fix some typos in list documentation (*)
  2553df6... Refer to the correct gcc deprecation options (*)
  50a7f53... Don't use deprecated GLib api (*)
  129eb07... Support special icons for xdg user dirs (*)
  740ae3a... Avoid unnecessary work if mount watching not specified (#58 (*)
  91bdccf... Add g_reload_user_special_dirs_cache (#541276) (*)
  67de6cb... Add bound address out-argument to g_socket_listener_add_add (*)
  a640695... Ref the passed in socket in g_socket_listener_add_socket (# (*)
  31cb0bd... Emit changed in g_socket_listener_add_socket, not in add_ad (*)
  bb4f7c4... Fix incorrect freeing of thread pool in GThreadedSocketServ (*)
  fae755e... Bug 585591 â?? Starting/stopping drives (*)
  9022990... Update for 2.21.2 (*)
  0fbeab4... Add g_setenv (*)
  785787f... 2.21.2 (*)
  f4a64cb... Bump version to 2.21.3 (*)
  62c5147... gvariant: two minor error reporting improvements
  d218cf0... clarify documentation (*)
  cf95d07... fix typo in documentation (*)
  835c03a... syntax fix in documentation (*)
  9fba812... Revert "clarify documentation" (*)
  8cb481f... Use io_prio as mainloop prio for async-emulation (#579449) (*)
  4c791f4... GMappedFile: add refcounting, switch to GSlice (*)
  c44f200... Merge branch 'master' into gvariant
  854a43a... Fix build on mingw (*)
  440bf5b... Use pipe2 when available (*)
  e9b4f7a... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  c1ab645... Copy namespaces correctly in g_file_copy_attributes (*)
  0ed9201... Add string vector attribute type to GFileInfo (*)
  becf418... Add g_file_info_has_namespace (*)
  9a6146f... Add g_file_info_set_attribute_status (*)
  7662c86... Add extension point for adding metadata for local files (*)
  0ccd18b... Bug 586675 â?? Runtime library location (*)
  b0dc7af... Allow GCancellable to be subclassed by adding a private str (*)
  019e8c8... Add a note about g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_pointer c (*)
  d884e50... Allow setting G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID attributes in G (*)
  657d0ad... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  e7a2586... Add NULL to end of g_filename_complete_get_completions() re (*)
  35911ae... Fix  a typo (*)
  160c39a... Move some uri functions to a better place (*)
  09c3f6d... Fix C++ warnings in g_error() code (*)
  49172a7... Display '-h' in --help output and accept '-h' and -?' (*)
  66cebd7... split attribute hash initialization into its own function (*)
  2620c23... split lookup_attribute() into two functions (*)
  ceba40c... add private header with attribute ids (*)
  bd198e5... export and use _g_file_attribute_matcher_matches_id() (*)
  4b8ad50... add g_file_attribute_set_*_by_id() and use them (*)
  afd63c3... fix warnings from gcc compilation with my mad CFLAGS (*)
  fc2b3ee... remove unused label (*)
  e813908... Add g_variant_from_file
  53beca9... Add GCancellables to GSocket ops (*)
  80561f9... Bug 587434 â?? regression tests fail (*)
  d589da7... Bug 587434 â?? regression tests fail (*)
  70e8eed... Fix GResolver for g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (*)
  28a39fa... Remove some unused code (*)
  90381ec... Use low-level GSource methods in a few more places (*)
  4363f19... Add g_main_context_push_thread_default() etc (*)
  65cc5d8... Support g_main_context_push_thread_default() in gio (*)
  2262d76... Move gio tests from gio/tests/ to tests/gio/ (*)
  29e6525... Two "make check" fixes for late changes to the thread-conte (*)
  dfd83f4... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  6d1474e... Add @basename@ substitution to glib-mkenums (*)
  18e0bcf... Add @basename@ substitution to glib-mkenums (*)
  8792d86... GTree: switch to GSlice, add refcounts (#587773) (*)
  8a2e617... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  c85ff0c... [gio] minor improvements to g_cancellable_cancel() (*)
  99a1c47... Allow interaction when unmounting mounts (*)
  f043439... Ignore gfileinfo-priv.h (*)
  aa06534... Register ids for new file attributes (*)
  8de4be6... Move comment to the right place (*)
  5694ab7... Revert "Move gio tests from gio/tests/ to tests/gio/" (*)
  66e9b50... Updates (*)
  563c55b... Fix a segfault in g_cancellable_cancel (*)
  d5a5130... Minor doc fix (*)
  3d1e812... Document support_thread_contexts (*)
  400959d... 2.21.3 (*)
  eff73c9... Bump version (*)
  10ba0c2... Merge branch 'tree-refcount' (*)
  ad08a78... Merge branch 'master' into gvariant
  474ba7d... Make it compile on Windows. (*)
  7d2bb5f... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  593ea5f... Ensure GTree is consistent after _destroy() (*)
  4cecb33... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  c6884a7... Updated Ukrainian translation (*)
  6f48065... Fix a typo in GRegex documentation (*)
  c23536c... Improve g_str_equal docs (*)
  91925d2... Another possible error code clash, yay (*)
  7ba9674... Avoid some compiler warnings. (*)
  f7f16dc... Remove outdated paragraph (*)
  e2844da... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  d439c22... Updated Norwegian bokmål translation. (*)
  9bc2088... Add missing files in POTFILES.in (*)
  ad0c04c... Updated French translation (*)
  c0c5295... Add parser for text-format GVariants
  e4bf2ac... Support silent build rules with automake 1.11 (*)
  e845e09... Updated Hebrew translation (*)
  4e273d4... Updates (*)
  9c278de... 2.21.4 (*)
  f8d1201... Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwa (*)
  555aa2d... Updated Thai translation. (*)
  2cf3e2e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  dfda26d... Propagate the right error (*)
  ba6be20... [gbsearcharray] Use malloc() instead of realloc(NULL,...) (*)
  4654a7d... Fixed a missing head which will cause crashes for 64bit app (*)
  aac978e... Added clarification to GArray->len documentation (*)
  66ff254... Updated Norwegian bokmål translation. (*)
  45067ab... Fix leaks in GSocketClient and GThreadedResolver (*)
  81de534... Updated Swedish translation (*)
  f34b1f0... Conditionalize portability #includes in g-asyncns.h (*)
  882e361... Fix a bad void return. #588901 (*)
  405823a... Updated Norwegian bokmål translation. (*)
  faccd7f... Updating Estonian translation (*)
  93d4091... Added clarification to mutex free functions (*)
  5827f66... Updated Irish translation (*)
  f04a35e... Bump version (*)
  f2d779a... Updated Galician Translation (*)
  32c8472... Updated Basque language (*)
  a465508... Migrate gbase64 docs from SGML template to inline comments (*)
  c18bcd6... Updated Galician translation (*)
  79a70dc... Updated Italian translation (*)
  d20a188... Only fsync if the existing file is > 0 bytes (*)
  acc7ac8... Merge branch 'master' into gvariant
  e2b57ab... Add gvariant-printer.
  7768204... add new format string operator: ^
  528b743... move GSettingsBackend into gio/
  76a2aed... Parser improvements
  8c75025... cleanup GSettingsBackend vtable
  f7721d2... improved API for format/type string scanning

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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