[seed] Update style in n-oscillator example

commit 368bb59cc540a07d827da9678990e77486c4c219
Author: Robert Carr <racarr svn gnome org>
Date:   Tue Apr 28 16:04:08 2009 -0400

    Update style in n-oscillator example
 examples/n-oscillator.js |  131 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/n-oscillator.js b/examples/n-oscillator.js
index c0a73dd..eca5713 100755
--- a/examples/n-oscillator.js
+++ b/examples/n-oscillator.js
@@ -7,75 +7,69 @@ Gtk.init(null, null);
 // This is a really ugly program. Please fix it.
-function oscillator(freq)
-	this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox();
-	var hbox = new Gtk.HBox();
-	var vscale = new Gtk.VScale();
-	var volscale = new Gtk.VScale();
-	var button = new Gtk.Button({label: "Toggle"});
-	var pipeline = new Gst.Pipeline({name: "test"});
-	// No actual introspection data for audiotestsrc, so can not
-	// instantiate one with a constructor, have to use element_factory,
-	// likewise for the others.
-	var audiosrc = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiotestsrc", "audio");
-	var audiosink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("alsasink", "sink");
-	var volume = Gst.ElementFactory.make("volume", "vcontrol");
-	audiosrc.freq = freq;
-	pipeline.add(audiosrc);
-	pipeline.add(audiosink);
-	pipeline.add(volume);
-	audiosrc.link(volume);
-	volume.link(audiosink);
-	var playing = false;
-	vscale.adjustment.upper = 3000;
-	vscale.adjustment.value = freq;
-	volscale.adjustment.upper = 10;
-	volscale.adjustment.value = volume.volume;
-	hbox.pack_start(vscale, true, true, 10);
-	hbox.pack_start(volscale, true, true, 10);
-	this.vbox.pack_start(hbox, true, true, 10);
-	this.vbox.pack_start(button, false, false, 10);
-	var toggle = function(button, that)
-	{
-		if (playing === false)
-		{
-			pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
-			playing = true;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED);
-			playing = false;
-		}
-	};
-	var update_freq = function(range)
-	{
-		audiosrc.freq = range.get_value();
-	};
-	var update_vol = function(range)
-	{
-		volume.volume = range.get_value();
-	};
-	button.signal.clicked.connect(toggle);
-	vscale.signal.value_changed.connect(update_freq);
-	volscale.signal.value_changed.connect(update_vol);
+function oscillator(freq){
+    this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox();
+    var hbox = new Gtk.HBox();
+    var vscale = new Gtk.VScale();
+    var volscale = new Gtk.VScale();
+    var button = new Gtk.Button({label: "Toggle"});
+    var pipeline = new Gst.Pipeline({name: "test"});
+    // No actual introspection data for audiotestsrc, so can not
+    // instantiate one with a constructor, have to use element_factory,
+    // likewise for the others.
+    var audiosrc = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiotestsrc", "audio");
+    var audiosink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("alsasink", "sink");
+    var volume = Gst.ElementFactory.make("volume", "vcontrol");
+    audiosrc.freq = freq;
+    pipeline.add(audiosrc);
+    pipeline.add(audiosink);
+    pipeline.add(volume);
+    audiosrc.link(volume);
+    volume.link(audiosink);
+    var playing = false;
+    vscale.adjustment.upper = 3000;
+    vscale.adjustment.value = freq;
+    volscale.adjustment.upper = 10;
+    volscale.adjustment.value = volume.volume;
+    hbox.pack_start(vscale, true, true, 10);
+    hbox.pack_start(volscale, true, true, 10);
+    this.vbox.pack_start(hbox, true, true, 10);
+    this.vbox.pack_start(button, false, false, 10);
+    var toggle = function(button, that){
+	if (playing === false){
+	    pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
+	    playing = true;
+	}
+	else{
+	    pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED);
+	    playing = false;
+	}
+    };
+    var update_freq = function(range){
+	audiosrc.freq = range.get_value();
+    };
+    var update_vol = function(range){
+	volume.volume = range.get_value();
+    };
+    button.signal.clicked.connect(toggle);
+    vscale.signal.value_changed.connect(update_freq);
+    volscale.signal.value_changed.connect(update_vol);
 var window = new Gtk.Window();
 var button = new Gtk.Button({label: "Add Oscillator"});
-window.signal.hide.connect(function () { Gtk.main_quit(); });
 var hbox = new Gtk.HBox();
@@ -83,11 +77,10 @@ var os1 = new oscillator(523.25);
 var os2 = new oscillator(659.26);
 var os3 = new oscillator(783.99);
-function add_oscillator(button)
-	var os = new oscillator(300);
-	hbox.pack_start(os.vbox, true, true, 10);
-	os.vbox.show_all();
+function add_oscillator(button){
+    var os = new oscillator(300);
+    hbox.pack_start(os.vbox, true, true, 10);
+    os.vbox.show_all();

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