[passepartout] install the users guide so yelp can find it

commit d80121af2c04048659b029dc14f6ef347237cc61
Author: Sven Herzberg <herzi lanedo com>
Date:   Fri Apr 10 18:54:18 2009 +0200

    install the users guide so yelp can find it
    * configure.ac: make sure scrollkeeper-update is available
    * doc/Makefile.am: make sure distcheck passes; properly install the user guide
      into the location where gnome-doc-utils will install it to
    * doc/pasepartout-C.omf.in: added a scrollkeeper OMF file for the documentation
      (so yelp will be able to find it)
 configure.ac              |   10 ++++++++++
 doc/Makefile.am           |   34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 doc/passepartout-C.omf.in |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index e26731d..fd3d27c 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -115,6 +115,16 @@ if test "${DESKTOP_FILE_VALIDATE}" = "no"; then
+dnl  ---------------
+dnl | documentation |
+dnl  ---------------
+if test "$SCROLLKEEPER_UPDATE" = "no"; then
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([please install scrollkeeper])
 dnl  ------
 dnl | i18n |
 dnl  ------
diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
index cb8d8ca..f75934f 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/Makefile.am
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
 SUBDIRS = examples
 #install docs in $(docdir)
-dist_doc_DATA = users_guide.pp users_guide.xml faq.xml nsfaq.xml \
+dist_doc_DATA = users_guide.pp faq.xml nsfaq.xml \
 	../logotype/pptout-sv.eps README
+	faq.html \
+	faq.txt \
+	nsfaq.html \
+	nsfaq.txt \
+	users_guide.html \
+	users_guide.txt \
+	$(NULL)
-doc_DATA = users_guide.html faq.html nsfaq.html \
-	users_guide.txt faq.txt nsfaq.txt 
+passepartout-C.omf: passepartout-C.omf.in Makefile
+	sed 's&@DATADIR@&$(datadir)&' $< > $@
 # Make symbolic links to the stylesheets:
 # (Remove existing stylesheets first; the -f flag for ln is not portable.)
@@ -15,9 +30,18 @@ install-data-hook:
 	for i in $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/xml/$(PACKAGE)/*.xslt; do \
 		ln -s $(datadir)/xml/$(PACKAGE)/`basename $$i` $(DESTDIR)/$(docdir); \
+	@if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
+	else \
+		echo "******" >&2; \
+		echo "*** Don't forget to run \"$(SCROLLKEEPER_UPDATE)\"" >&2 ; \
+		echo "******" >&2; \
+	fi
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(docdir)/*.xslt
 # man pages
 man_MANS = passepartout.1x xml2ps.1
@@ -34,5 +58,5 @@ SUFFIXES=.txt .xml .html
 	xsltproc -o $@ $(srcdir)/$(DOCBOOK2HTML) $<
+EXTRA_DIST=$(man_MANS) $(DOCBOOK2TXT) $(DOCBOOK2HTML) $(omf_in_files)
+CLEANFILES=$(omf_DATA) $(nodist_doc_DATA)
diff --git a/doc/passepartout-C.omf.in b/doc/passepartout-C.omf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b699e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/passepartout-C.omf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1.0//EN" "http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/dtds/scrollkeeper-omf-1.0/scrollkeeper-omf.dtd";>
+  <resource>
+    <creator>
+      farnerup src gnome org (Fredrik Arnerup)
+    </creator>
+    <title>
+      Passepartout Manual
+    </title>
+    <date>
+      2009-04-10
+    </date>
+    <subject category="Applications|Office|Publishing"/>
+    <format mime="text/xml"/>
+    <identifier url="file://@DATADIR@/gnome/help/passepartout/C/users_guide.xml"/>
+    <language code="C"/>
+    <relation seriesid="77c90ca6-25e3-11de-98e2-c5239981ef22"/>
+  </resource>

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