[library-web] acknowledge the move to Git

commit c144654f05207497b7ecc94791fb7b414e91cdc8
Author: Frederic Peters <fpeters 0d be>
Date:   Wed Apr 22 21:48:01 2009 +0200

    acknowledge the move to Git
    Replace a reference to Subversion with a reference to Git, and removed the
    pointer to the Bzr Playground.
 data/overlay.xml.in |   19 +++----------------
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/overlay.xml.in b/data/overlay.xml.in
index 0429dc9..3d802b9 100644
--- a/data/overlay.xml.in
+++ b/data/overlay.xml.in
@@ -811,25 +811,12 @@
     <document doc_module="devel-resource-subversion" channel="devel"
     	      category="devel-resource" weight="0.8">
-      <_title>GNOME Subversion Repository</_title>
+      <_title>GNOME Git Repository</_title>
-        The GNOME SVN Tree holds the latest development versions of the main
+        The GNOME Git Tree holds the latest development versions of the main
 	GNOME packages, and allows coordination of GNOME development.
-      <href>http://live.gnome.org/SVN</href>
-    </document>
-    <document doc_module="devel-resource-bzr-playground" channel="devel"
-    	      category="devel-resource" weight="0">
-      <new/>
-      <_title>Bzr Playground</_title>
-      <_abstract>
-        Want to enter the wonderful world of distributed version control? Try
-	the Bzr playground, making it easy to hack on GNOME if you do not have
-	an SVN account. People with a SSH key known to GNOME can easily push
-	changes back to SVN and are able to host private branches.
-      </_abstract>
-      <href>http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/</href>
+      <href>http://live.gnome.org/Git</href>

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