gnome-games r9065 - trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib

Author: thomashpa
Date: Tue Apr 14 22:27:00 2009
New Revision: 9065

Delete dead code + style fixes. Patch by Zhang Sen. Part of clean up bug #578903


Modified: trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/
--- trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/	(original)
+++ trunk/gnome-sudoku/src/lib/	Tue Apr 14 22:27:00 2009
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import gtk, gobject
-import os, os.path
 import time
 from gettext import gettext as _
 from gettext import ngettext
-from defaults import *
-def format_time (time, round_at=None, friendly=False):
+def format_time (tim, round_at = None, friendly = False):
     """Format a time for display to the user.
     If round_at, we round all times to some number of seconds.
@@ -15,107 +13,78 @@
     units. i.e. 3 days 2 hours, or 2 minutes 30 seconds, but not 3
     days, 4 hours, 2 minutes and 3 seconds...
-    time = int(time)
+    tim = int(tim)
     time_strings = []
-    units = [(int(365.25*24*60*60),
-              lambda years: ngettext("%(n)s year","%(n)s years",years)%{'n':years}),
-             (31*24*60*60,
-              lambda months: ngettext("%(n)s month","%(n)s months",months)%{'n':months}),
-             (7*24*60*60,
-              lambda weeks: ngettext("%(n)s week","%(n)s weeks",weeks)%{'n':weeks}),
-             (24*60*60,
-              lambda days: ngettext("%(n)s day","%(n)s days",days)%{'n':days}),
-             (60*60,
-              lambda hours: ngettext("%(n)s hour","%(n)s hours",hours)%{'n':hours}),
+    units = [(int(365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60),
+              lambda years: ngettext("%(n)s year", "%(n)s years", years) % {'n': years}),
+             (31 * 24 * 60 * 60,
+              lambda months: ngettext("%(n)s month", "%(n)s months", months) % {'n': months}),
+             (7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
+              lambda weeks: ngettext("%(n)s week", "%(n)s weeks", weeks) % {'n': weeks}),
+             (24 * 60 * 60,
+              lambda days: ngettext("%(n)s day", "%(n)s days", days) % {'n': days}),
+             (60 * 60,
+              lambda hours: ngettext("%(n)s hour", "%(n)s hours", hours) % {'n': hours}),
-              lambda minutes: ngettext("%(n)s minute","%(n)s minutes",minutes)%{'n':minutes}),
+              lambda minutes: ngettext("%(n)s minute", "%(n)s minutes", minutes) % {'n': minutes}),
-              lambda seconds: ngettext("%(n)s second","%(n)s seconds",seconds)%{'n':seconds})]
-    for divisor,unit_formatter in units:
-        time_covered = time / divisor
+              lambda seconds: ngettext("%(n)s second", "%(n)s seconds", seconds) % {'n': seconds})]
+    for divisor, unit_formatter in units:
+        time_covered = tim / divisor
         if time_covered:
-            if round_at and len(time_strings)+1>=round_at:
-                time_covered = int(round(float(time)/divisor))
+            if round_at and len(time_strings) + 1 >= round_at:
+                time_covered = int(round(float(tim) / divisor))
-                time = time - time_covered * divisor
-    if friendly and len(time_strings)>2:
+                tim = tim - time_covered * divisor
+    if friendly and len(time_strings) > 2:
         time_strings = time_strings[:2]
-    if len(time_strings)>2:
+    if len(time_strings) > 2:
         # Translators... this is a messay way of concatenating
         # lists. In English we do lists this way: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
         # and 6. This set-up allows for the English system only.
         # You can of course make your language only use commas or
         # ands or spaces or whatever you like by translating both
         # ", " and " and " with the same string.
-        return _(" and ").join([_(", ").join(time_strings[0:-1]),time_strings[-1]])
+        return _(" and ").join([_(", ").join(time_strings[0:-1]), time_strings[-1]])
         return _(" ").join(time_strings)
-def format_time_compact (tim):
-    tim = int(tim)
-    hours = tim / (60*60)
-    minutes = (tim % (60*60)) / 60
-    seconds = ((tim % (60*60)) % 60)
-    return "%d:%02d:%02d"%(hours,minutes,seconds)
-def format_date (tim):
-    lt = time.localtime(tim)
-    hours = int(time.strftime("%H",lt))
-    minutes = int(time.strftime("%M",lt))
-    diff = time.time() - tim
-    to_yesterday = hours*60*60+minutes*60
-    if diff < to_yesterday:
-        # then we're today
-        # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_('Today %R %p'),lt)
-    elif diff < (to_yesterday + 60*60*24):
-        # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_('Yesterday %R %p'),lt)
-    elif diff < (60*60*24*7): # less than a week
-        # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_("%A %H:%M"),lt) # Day, Hour:Minutes
-    else:
-        # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_("%A %B %d %R %p"),lt)
 def format_friendly_date (tim):
-    lt = time.localtime(tim)
-    diff = time.time() - tim
-    ct = time.localtime(); chour=ct[3]; cmin=ct[4]
-    to_yesterday = chour*60*60+cmin*60
-    if diff < to_yesterday:
+    local_tim = time.localtime(tim)
+    diff = int(time.time() - tim)
+    curr_hour, curr_min = time.localtime()[3:5]
+    now_to_yesterday = curr_hour * 60 * 60 + curr_min * 60
+    if diff < now_to_yesterday:
         # Then we're today
-        if diff < (60*60): # within the hour...
-            if (int(diff) / 60):
-                m = (diff / 60)
-                return ngettext("%(n)s minute ago",
-                                "%(n)s minutes ago",m)%{'n':int(m)}
-            else: # within the minute
-                return ngettext("%(n)s second ago",
-                                "%(n)s seconds ago",
-                                int(diff))%{'n':int(diff)}
+        if diff < 60: # within the minute
+            return ngettext("%(n)s second ago",
+                            "%(n)s seconds ago", diff) % {'n': diff}
+        elif diff < (60 * 60): # within the hour...
+            minute = int(diff / 60)
+            return ngettext("%(n)s minute ago",
+                            "%(n)s minutes ago", minute) % {'n': minute}
             # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-            return time.strftime(_("at %I:%M %p"),lt)
-    elif diff < to_yesterday + (60*60*24):
+            return time.strftime(_("at %I:%M %p"), local_tim)
+    elif diff < now_to_yesterday + (60 * 60 * 24):
         # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_("yesterday at %I:%M %p"),lt)
-    elif diff < to_yesterday + (60*60*24)*6:
+        return time.strftime(_("yesterday at %I:%M %p"), local_tim)
+    elif diff < now_to_yesterday + (60 * 60 * 24) * 6:
         # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_("%A %I:%M %p"),lt)
+        return time.strftime(_("%A %I:%M %p"), local_tim)
         # Translators, see strftime manual in order to translate %? format strings
-        return time.strftime(_("%B%e"),lt)
+        return time.strftime(_("%B %e"), local_tim)
 class ActiveTimer (gobject.GObject):
     """A timer to keep track of how much time a window is active."""
     __gsignals__ = {
-        'timing-started':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,()),
-        'timing-stopped':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,())
+        'timing-started': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
+        'timing-stopped': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ())
     def __init__ (self, window):
@@ -125,23 +94,34 @@
         self.timer_running = False
         # whether the timer is running/paused; affects active_time
         self.is_timing = False
+        self.active_time = 0
+        self.total_time = 0
+        self.__absolute_start_time__ = 0
+        self.interval_start = 0
                 lambda *args: self.resume_timing())
                 lambda *args: self.pause_timing())
     def resume_timing (self):
+        '''start the interval of active time
+        '''
         if self.timer_running and not self.is_timing:
             self.is_timing = True
             self.interval_start = time.time()
     def pause_timing (self):
+        '''end the interval of active time
+        '''
         if self.timer_running and self.is_timing:
             self.is_timing = False
             interval_end = time.time()
             # active_time is composed of intervals between pausing and resuming
             self.active_time += (interval_end - self.interval_start)
+            self.total_time = time.time() - self.__absolute_start_time__
     def start_timing (self):
@@ -154,20 +134,33 @@
     def finish_timing (self):
         self.timer_running = False
-        self.total_time = time.time() - self.__absolute_start_time__
         if self.active_time < 1:
-            self.active_time = 1;
+            self.active_time = 1
         # dirty hack: never let total time be less than active time
         if self.active_time > self.total_time:
-            self.total_time = self.active_time;
+            self.total_time = self.active_time
-    # make sure to call finish_timing before using this function
     def active_time_string (self):
         return format_time(self.active_time)
-    # make sure to call finish_timing before using this function
     def total_time_string (self):
         return format_time(self.total_time)
-if gtk.pygtk_version[1]<8: gobject.type_register(ActiveTimer)
+if gtk.pygtk_version[1] < 8:
+    gobject.type_register(ActiveTimer)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    def report (timer):
+        print 'active:', timer.active_time_string()
+        print 'total:', timer.total_time_string()
+    def test_active_timer ():
+        win = gtk.Window()
+        timer = ActiveTimer(win)
+        timer.start_timing()
+        win.connect('focus-out-event', lambda *args: report(timer))
+        win.connect('delete-event', gtk.main_quit)
+        gtk.main()
+    test_active_timer()

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