[nemiver/varobjs-support] New LocalVarsInspector2 type using variable objects

commit 3d482b51a06c70f3b4e6431d009f25f649084dd0
Author: Dodji Seketeli <dodji redhat com>
Date:   Sun Apr 12 22:27:47 2009 +0200

    New LocalVarsInspector2 type using variable objects
    	* src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.[cc|h] New
    	file. Okay does the same as (as been ported from)
    	nmv-local-vars-inspector.cc, but it uses the new variable objects
    	supported features of IDebugger. It's a bit smaller than it's
    	predecessor. As a bonus point, it handles pointer dereferencing
    	seemlessly. No need to do fancy stuff like "dereference pointer"
    	now. Variable updating when stepping in the same function also
    	seems to work better. For aggregate variables, querying is done
    	lazily. It's when the user expands a variable node row that the
    	children members of the row are queried from the backend. In
    	theory, this should make the whole UI snappier when inspecting
    	variables. However, each time we don't need variables, we now need
    	to ask the backend to delete the "remote" variable object. This
    	adds some more communication between the front end and backend, as
    	far as variables lifetime is concerned.
 .../dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.cc    |  874 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.h     |   73 ++
 2 files changed, 947 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.cc b/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8cfcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+//Author: Dodji Seketeli
+ *This file is part of the Nemiver project
+ *
+ *Nemiver is free software; you can redistribute
+ *it and/or modify it under the terms of
+ *the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ *Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
+ *or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *Nemiver is distributed in the hope that it will
+ *be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ *without even the implied warranty of
+ *See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *You should have received a copy of the
+ *GNU General Public License along with Nemiver;
+ *see the file COPYING.
+ *If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ *Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ *See COPYRIGHT file copyright information.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
+#include <gtkmm/treerowreference.h>
+#include "common/nmv-exception.h"
+#include "nmv-local-vars-inspector2.h"
+#include "nmv-variables-utils.h"
+#include "nmv-ui-utils.h"
+#include "nmv-i-workbench.h"
+#include "nmv-vars-treeview.h"
+using namespace nemiver::common;
+namespace vutil=nemiver::variables_utils2;
+using Glib::RefPtr;
+struct LocalVarsInspector2::Priv : public sigc::trackable {
+    Priv ();
+    IDebuggerSafePtr debugger;
+    IWorkbench &workbench;
+    IPerspective& perspective;
+    VarsTreeViewSafePtr tree_view;
+    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> tree_store;
+    Gtk::TreeModel::iterator cur_selected_row;
+    SafePtr<Gtk::TreeRowReference> local_variables_row_ref;
+    SafePtr<Gtk::TreeRowReference> function_arguments_row_ref;
+    IDebugger::VariableList local_vars;
+    IDebugger::VariableList function_arguments;
+    SafePtr<Gtk::Menu> contextual_menu;
+    Gtk::MenuItem *dereference_mi;
+    Gtk::Widget *context_menu;
+    UString previous_function_name;
+    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ActionGroup> var_inspector_action_group;
+    bool is_new_frame;
+    bool is_up2date;
+    IDebugger::StopReason saved_reason;
+    bool saved_has_frame;
+    IDebugger::Frame saved_frame;
+    Priv (IDebuggerSafePtr &a_debugger,
+          IWorkbench &a_workbench,
+          IPerspective& a_perspective) :
+        workbench (a_workbench),
+        perspective (a_perspective),
+        tree_view (VarsTreeView::create ()),
+        dereference_mi (0),
+        context_menu (0),
+        is_new_frame (false),
+        is_up2date (true),
+        saved_reason (IDebugger::UNDEFINED_REASON),
+        saved_has_frame (false)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (a_debugger);
+        debugger = a_debugger;
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        tree_store = tree_view->get_tree_store ();
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+        re_init_tree_view ();
+        connect_to_debugger_signals ();
+        init_graphical_signals ();
+        init_actions ();
+    }
+    void
+    init_actions ()
+    {
+        Gtk::StockID nil_stock_id ("");
+        static ui_utils::ActionEntry var_inspector_action_entries [] = {
+            {
+                "DereferencePointerMenuItemAction",
+                nil_stock_id,
+                _("Dereference the pointer"),
+                _("Dereference the selected pointer variable"),
+                sigc::mem_fun
+                    (*this,
+                     &Priv::dereference_pointer_action),
+                ui_utils::ActionEntry::DEFAULT,
+                ""
+            }
+        };
+        var_inspector_action_group =
+            Gtk::ActionGroup::create ("var-inspector-action-group");
+        var_inspector_action_group->set_sensitive (true);
+        int num_actions =
+            sizeof (var_inspector_action_entries)
+                /
+            sizeof (ui_utils::ActionEntry);
+        ui_utils::add_action_entries_to_action_group
+            (var_inspector_action_entries,
+             num_actions,
+             var_inspector_action_group);
+        workbench.get_ui_manager ()->insert_action_group
+                                                (var_inspector_action_group);
+    }
+    void
+    re_init_tree_view ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+        clear_local_variables ();
+        clear_function_arguments ();
+        tree_store->clear ();
+        previous_function_name = "";
+        is_new_frame = true;
+        //****************************************************
+        //add four rows: local variables, function arguments,
+        //dereferenced variables and global variables.
+        //Store row refs off both rows
+        //****************************************************
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = tree_store->append ();
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (it);
+        (*it)[vutil::get_variable_columns ().name] = _("Local Variables");
+        local_variables_row_ref.reset
+                    (new Gtk::TreeRowReference (tree_store,
+                                                tree_store->get_path (it)));
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (local_variables_row_ref);
+        it = tree_store->append ();
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (it);
+        (*it)[vutil::get_variable_columns ().name] = _("Function Arguments");
+        function_arguments_row_ref.reset
+            (new Gtk::TreeRowReference (tree_store,
+                                        tree_store->get_path (it)));
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (function_arguments_row_ref);
+    }
+    bool
+    get_function_arguments_row_iterator
+                                    (Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &a_it) const
+    {
+        if (!function_arguments_row_ref) {
+            LOG_DD ("There is no function arg row iter yet");
+            return false;
+        }
+        a_it = tree_store->get_iter
+                            (function_arguments_row_ref->get_path ());
+        LOG_DD ("Returned function arg row iter OK");
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool
+    should_process_now ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        bool is_visible = tree_view->is_drawable ();
+        LOG_DD ("is visible: " << is_visible);
+        return is_visible;
+    }
+    bool
+    is_function_arguments_subtree_empty () const
+    {
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it;
+        if (!get_function_arguments_row_iterator (it)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return it->children ().empty ();
+    }
+    bool
+    get_local_variables_row_iterator (Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &a_it)
+    {
+        if (!local_variables_row_ref) {
+            LOG_DD ("there is no variables row iter yet");
+            return false;
+        }
+        a_it = tree_store->get_iter (local_variables_row_ref->get_path ());
+        LOG_DD ("returned local variables row iter, OK.");
+        return true;
+    }
+    void
+    connect_to_debugger_signals ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (debugger);
+        debugger->stopped_signal ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_stopped_signal));
+        debugger->local_variables_listed_signal ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_local_variables_listed_signal));
+        debugger->frames_arguments_listed_signal ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_function_args_listed_signal));
+    }
+    void
+    init_graphical_signals ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection =
+                                    tree_view->get_selection ();
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (selection);
+        selection->signal_changed ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this,
+                            &Priv::on_tree_view_selection_changed_signal));
+        tree_view->signal_row_expanded ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_tree_view_row_expanded_signal));
+        tree_view->signal_row_activated ().connect
+            (sigc::mem_fun (*this,
+                            &Priv::on_tree_view_row_activated_signal));
+        tree_view->signal_button_press_event ().connect_notify
+            (sigc::mem_fun (this, &Priv::on_button_press_signal));
+        tree_view->signal_expose_event ().connect_notify
+            (sigc::mem_fun (this, &Priv::on_expose_event_signal));
+    }
+    void
+    set_local_variables
+                    (const std::list<IDebugger::VariableSafePtr> &a_vars)
+    {
+        clear_local_variables ();
+        std::list<IDebugger::VariableSafePtr>::const_iterator it;
+        for (it = a_vars.begin (); it != a_vars.end (); ++it) {
+            THROW_IF_FAIL ((*it)->name () != "");
+            append_a_local_variable (*it);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    set_function_arguments
+                    (const std::list<IDebugger::VariableSafePtr> &a_vars)
+    {
+        clear_function_arguments ();
+        std::list<IDebugger::VariableSafePtr>::const_iterator it;
+        for (it = a_vars.begin (); it != a_vars.end (); ++it) {
+            THROW_IF_FAIL ((*it)->name () != "");
+            append_a_function_argument (*it);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    clear_local_variables ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row_it;
+        if (get_local_variables_row_iterator (row_it)) {
+            Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows = row_it->children ();
+            for (row_it = rows.begin (); row_it != rows.end ();) {
+                row_it = tree_store->erase (row_it);
+            }
+        }
+        delete_vars_backend_peers (local_vars);
+        local_vars.clear ();
+    }
+    void
+    clear_function_arguments ()
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row_it;
+        if (get_function_arguments_row_iterator (row_it)) {
+            Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows = row_it->children ();
+            for (row_it = rows.begin (); row_it != rows.end ();) {
+                row_it = tree_store->erase (*row_it);
+            }
+        }
+        delete_vars_backend_peers (function_arguments);
+        function_arguments.clear ();
+    }
+    void
+    append_a_local_variable (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view && tree_store);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator parent_row_it;
+        if (get_local_variables_row_iterator (parent_row_it)) {
+            vutil::append_a_variable (a_var,
+                                      *tree_view,
+                                      tree_store,
+                                      parent_row_it);
+            tree_view->expand_row (tree_store->get_path (parent_row_it), false);
+            local_vars.push_back (a_var);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    append_a_function_argument (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view && tree_store);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator parent_row_it;
+        if (get_function_arguments_row_iterator (parent_row_it)) {
+            vutil::append_a_variable (a_var,
+                                      *tree_view,
+                                      tree_store,
+                                      parent_row_it);
+            tree_view->expand_row (tree_store->get_path (parent_row_it), false);
+            function_arguments.push_back (a_var);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    update_a_local_variable (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator parent_row_it;
+        if (get_local_variables_row_iterator (parent_row_it)) {
+            vutil::update_a_variable (a_var, *tree_view,
+                                      parent_row_it,
+                                      true, false);
+        }
+    }
+    /// \return true if the variable was found in the TreeModel, false
+    ///  otherwise. If the variable was found, the function updates it.
+    bool
+    update_a_function_argument (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator parent_row_it;
+        if (get_function_arguments_row_iterator (parent_row_it)) {
+            return vutil::update_a_variable (a_var,
+                                             *tree_view,
+                                             parent_row_it,
+                                             true,
+                                             false);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    void
+    popup_context_menu (GdkEventButton *a_event)
+    {
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (a_event);
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        Gtk::Menu *menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu*> (get_context_menu ());
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (menu);
+        //only pop up a menu if a row exists at that position
+        Gtk::TreeModel::Path path;
+        Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column=NULL;
+        int cell_x=0, cell_y=0;
+        if (tree_view->get_path_at_pos (static_cast<int> (a_event->x),
+                                        static_cast<int> (a_event->y),
+                                        path,
+                                        column,
+                                        cell_x,
+                                        cell_y)) {
+            menu->popup (a_event->button, a_event->time);
+        }
+    }
+    Gtk::Widget*
+    get_context_menu ()
+    {
+        if (!context_menu) {
+            context_menu = load_menu ("varinspectorpopup.xml",
+                                      "/VarInspectorPopup");
+            THROW_IF_FAIL (context_menu);
+        }
+            return context_menu;
+    }
+    Gtk::Widget*
+    load_menu (UString a_filename, UString a_widget_name)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        string relative_path = Glib::build_filename ("menus", a_filename);
+        string absolute_path;
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (perspective.build_absolute_resource_path
+                (Glib::locale_to_utf8 (relative_path),
+                 absolute_path));
+        workbench.get_ui_manager ()->add_ui_from_file
+            (Glib::locale_to_utf8 (absolute_path));
+        return workbench.get_ui_manager ()->get_widget (a_widget_name);
+    }
+    void
+    dereference_pointer_action ()
+    {
+        if (!cur_selected_row) {
+            LOG_ERROR ("no row was selected");
+            return;
+        }
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (debugger);
+        IDebugger::VariableSafePtr variable =
+            (IDebugger::VariableSafePtr) cur_selected_row->get_value
+                                (vutil::get_variable_columns ().variable);
+        if (!variable) {
+            LOG_ERROR ("got null variable from selected row!");
+            return;
+        }
+        debugger->dereference_variable (variable);
+    }
+    void
+    finish_handling_debugger_stopped_event
+                                    (IDebugger::StopReason /*a_reason*/,
+                                     bool /*a_has_frame*/,
+                                     const IDebugger::Frame &a_frame)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+            THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+            if (is_new_frame) {
+                LOG_DD ("init tree view");
+                re_init_tree_view ();
+                LOG_DD ("list local variables");
+                debugger->list_local_variables ();
+                LOG_DD ("list frames arguments");
+                debugger->list_frames_arguments ();
+            } else {
+                LOG_DD ("update local variables and function arguments");
+                update_local_variables ();
+                update_function_arguments ();
+            }
+            previous_function_name = a_frame.function_name ();
+    }
+    void
+    show_variable_type_in_dialog ()
+    {
+        if (!cur_selected_row) {return;}
+        UString type =
+            (Glib::ustring)
+                    (*cur_selected_row)[vutil::get_variable_columns ().type];
+        UString message;
+        message.printf (_("Variable type is: \n %s"), type.c_str ());
+        IDebugger::VariableSafePtr variable =
+            (IDebugger::VariableSafePtr)
+                cur_selected_row->get_value
+                        (vutil::get_variable_columns ().variable);
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (variable);
+        ui_utils::display_info (message);
+    }
+    void
+    update_local_variables ()
+    {
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it = local_vars.begin ();
+             it != local_vars.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            debugger->list_changed_variables
+            (*it,
+            sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_local_variable_updated_signal));
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    update_function_arguments ()
+    {
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it =
+                                            function_arguments.begin ();
+             it != function_arguments.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            debugger->list_changed_variables
+            (*it,
+            sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Priv::on_function_args_updated_signal));
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    delete_vars_backend_peers (IDebugger::VariableList &a_vars)
+    {
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it = a_vars.begin ();
+             it != a_vars.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            if (!(*it) || (*it)->internal_name ().empty ()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            debugger->delete_variable (*it);
+        }
+    }
+    //****************************
+    //<debugger signal handlers>
+    //****************************
+    void
+    on_stopped_signal (IDebugger::StopReason a_reason,
+                       bool a_has_frame,
+                       const IDebugger::Frame &a_frame,
+                       int /* a_thread_id */,
+                       int /* a_bp_num */,
+                       const UString &/*a_cookie*/)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        LOG_DD ("stopped, reason: " << a_reason);
+        if (a_reason == IDebugger::EXITED_SIGNALLED
+            || a_reason == IDebugger::EXITED_NORMALLY
+            || a_reason == IDebugger::EXITED) {
+            return;
+        }
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (debugger);
+        if (a_has_frame) {
+            saved_frame = a_frame;
+            LOG_DD ("prev frame address: '"
+                    << previous_function_name
+                    << "'");
+            LOG_DD ("cur frame address: "
+                    << a_frame.function_name ()
+                    << "'");
+            if (previous_function_name == a_frame.function_name ()) {
+                is_new_frame = false;
+            } else {
+                is_new_frame = true;
+            }
+            if (should_process_now ()) {
+                finish_handling_debugger_stopped_event (a_reason,
+                                                        a_has_frame,
+                                                        a_frame);
+            } else {
+                saved_reason = a_reason;
+                saved_has_frame = a_has_frame;
+                is_up2date = false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_local_variable_created_signal (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        if (is_new_frame) {
+            append_a_local_variable (a_var);
+        } else {
+            update_a_local_variable (a_var);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_local_variables_listed_signal
+                            (const IDebugger::VariableList &a_vars,
+                             const UString & /* a_cookie */)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        UString name;
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it = a_vars.begin ();
+             it != a_vars.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            name = (*it)->name ();
+            if (name.empty ()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            LOG_DD ("creating variable '" << name << "'");
+            debugger->create_variable
+                (name, sigc::mem_fun (*this,
+                                      &Priv::on_local_variable_created_signal));
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_local_variable_updated_signal (const IDebugger::VariableList &a_vars)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it = a_vars.begin ();
+             it != a_vars.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            update_a_local_variable (*it);
+        }
+    }
+    // Slot of IDebugger::create_variable, for creating backend variables
+    // objects for frame parameter variables.
+    void
+    on_function_arg_var_created_signal (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        if (is_new_frame) {
+            LOG_DD ("appending an argument to substree");
+            append_a_function_argument (a_var);
+        } else {
+            if (is_function_arguments_subtree_empty ()) {
+                LOG_DD ("appending an argument to substree");
+                append_a_function_argument (a_var);
+            } else {
+                LOG_DD ("updating an argument in substree");
+                if (!update_a_function_argument (a_var)) {
+                    append_a_function_argument (a_var);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_function_args_listed_signal
+        (const map<int, IDebugger::VariableList> &a_frames_params,
+         const UString & /* a_cookie */)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        UString name;
+        map<int, IDebugger::VariableList>::const_iterator frame_it;
+        frame_it = a_frames_params.find (debugger->get_current_frame_level ());
+        if (frame_it == a_frames_params.end ()) {
+            LOG_DD ("Got empty frames parameters");
+            return;
+        }
+        IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it;
+        for (it = frame_it->second.begin ();
+             it != frame_it->second.end ();
+             ++it)  {
+            name = (*it)->name ();
+            if (name.empty ()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            LOG_DD ("creating variable '" << name << "'");
+            debugger->create_variable
+                (name,
+                 sigc::mem_fun (*this,
+                                &Priv::on_function_arg_var_created_signal));
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_function_args_updated_signal (const IDebugger::VariableList &a_vars)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        for (IDebugger::VariableList::const_iterator it = a_vars.begin ();
+             it != a_vars.end ();
+             ++it) {
+            update_a_function_argument (*it);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_variable_unfolded_signal (const IDebugger::VariableSafePtr a_var,
+                                 const Gtk::TreeModel::Path a_var_node)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator var_it = tree_store->get_iter (a_var_node);
+        vutil::update_unfolded_variable (a_var,
+                                         *tree_view,
+                                         tree_store,
+                                         var_it);
+        tree_view->expand_row (a_var_node, false);
+    }
+    //****************************
+    //</debugger signal handlers>
+    //****************************
+    void
+    on_tree_view_selection_changed_signal ()
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_view);
+        Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> sel = tree_view->get_selection ();
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (sel);
+        cur_selected_row = sel->get_selected ();
+    }
+    void
+    on_tree_view_row_expanded_signal
+                                (const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &a_it,
+                                 const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &a_path)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        if (!(*a_it)[vutil::get_variable_columns ().needs_unfolding]) {
+            return;
+        }
+        LOG_DD ("A variable needs unfolding");
+        IDebugger::VariableSafePtr var =
+            (*a_it)[vutil::get_variable_columns ().variable];
+        debugger->unfold_variable
+            (var,
+             sigc::bind  (sigc::mem_fun (*this,
+                                         &Priv::on_variable_unfolded_signal),
+                          a_path));
+    }
+    void
+    on_tree_view_row_activated_signal
+                                (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &a_path,
+                                 Gtk::TreeViewColumn *a_col)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        THROW_IF_FAIL (tree_store);
+        Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = tree_store->get_iter (a_path);
+        UString type =
+            (Glib::ustring) it->get_value
+                                    (vutil::get_variable_columns ().type);
+        if (type == "") {return;}
+        if (a_col != tree_view->get_column (2)) {return;}
+        cur_selected_row = it;
+        show_variable_type_in_dialog ();
+    }
+    void
+    on_button_press_signal (GdkEventButton *a_event)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        if ((a_event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) && (a_event->button == 3)) {
+            popup_context_menu (a_event);
+        }
+    }
+    void
+    on_expose_event_signal (GdkEventExpose *)
+    {
+        NEMIVER_TRY
+        if (!is_up2date) {
+            finish_handling_debugger_stopped_event (saved_reason,
+                                                    saved_has_frame,
+                                                    saved_frame);
+            is_up2date = true;
+        }
+    }
+};//end LocalVarsInspector2::Priv
+LocalVarsInspector2::LocalVarsInspector2 (IDebuggerSafePtr &a_debugger,
+                                          IWorkbench &a_workbench,
+                                          IPerspective &a_perspective)
+    m_priv.reset (new Priv (a_debugger, a_workbench, a_perspective));
+LocalVarsInspector2::~LocalVarsInspector2 ()
+    LOG_D ("deleted", "destructor-domain");
+LocalVarsInspector2::widget () const
+    THROW_IF_FAIL (m_priv);
+    THROW_IF_FAIL (m_priv->tree_view);
+    return *m_priv->tree_view;
+LocalVarsInspector2::show_local_variables_of_current_function ()
+    THROW_IF_FAIL (m_priv);
+    THROW_IF_FAIL (m_priv->debugger);
+    re_init_widget ();
+    m_priv->debugger->list_local_variables ();
+    m_priv->debugger->list_frames_arguments ();
+LocalVarsInspector2::re_init_widget ()
+    THROW_IF_FAIL (m_priv);
+    m_priv->re_init_tree_view ();
+#endif //WITH_VAROBJS
diff --git a/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.h b/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3fbb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/persp/dbgperspective/nmv-local-vars-inspector2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+//Author: Dodji Seketeli
+ *This file is part of the Nemiver project
+ *
+ *Nemiver is free software; you can redistribute
+ *it and/or modify it under the terms of
+ *the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ *Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
+ *or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *Nemiver is distributed in the hope that it will
+ *be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ *without even the implied warranty of
+ *See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *You should have received a copy of the
+ *GNU General Public License along with Nemiver;
+ *see the file COPYING.
+ *If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ *Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ *See COPYRIGHT file copyright information.
+ */
+#include <list>
+#include "common/nmv-object.h"
+#include "common/nmv-safe-ptr-utils.h"
+#include "nmv-i-perspective.h"
+#include "nmv-i-debugger.h"
+namespace Gtk {
+    class Widget;
+class IWorkbench;
+class NEMIVER_API LocalVarsInspector2 : public nemiver::common::Object {
+    //non copyable
+    LocalVarsInspector2 (const LocalVarsInspector2&);
+    LocalVarsInspector2& operator= (const LocalVarsInspector2&);
+    struct Priv;
+    SafePtr<Priv> m_priv;
+    LocalVarsInspector2 ();
+    LocalVarsInspector2 (IDebuggerSafePtr &a_dbg,
+                         IWorkbench &a_wb,
+                         IPerspective &a_perspective);
+    virtual ~LocalVarsInspector2 ();
+    Gtk::Widget& widget () const;
+    void set_local_variables
+                    (const std::list<IDebugger::VariableSafePtr> &a_vars);
+    void show_local_variables_of_current_function ();
+    void re_init_widget ();
+};//end LocalVarsInspector2
+#endif //WITH_VAROBJS

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