[seed: 2/15] Importer now supports enums and toplevel functions

commit 25432cb8505a771fba915a1e1bb8d7d92e7a6743
Author: Robert Carr <racarr mireia (none)>
Date:   Sat Apr 11 16:52:56 2009 -0400

    Importer now supports enums and toplevel functions
 libseed/seed-importer.c |  167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libseed/seed-importer.c b/libseed/seed-importer.c
index 1b840b1..4fbf962 100644
--- a/libseed/seed-importer.c
+++ b/libseed/seed-importer.c
@@ -1,8 +1,149 @@
+#include <string.h>
 #include "seed-private.h"
 JSClassRef importer_class;
 JSObjectRef importer;
+JSClassRef gi_importer_class;
+JSObjectRef gi_importer;
+JSObjectRef gi_importer_versions;
+static void
+seed_gi_importer_handle_enum (JSContextRef ctx,
+			      JSObjectRef namespace_ref,
+			      GIEnumInfo *info)
+  JSObjectRef enum_class;
+  gint num_vals, j;
+  enum_class = JSObjectMake (ctx, 0, 0);
+  num_vals = g_enum_info_get_n_values (info);
+  seed_object_set_property (ctx, namespace_ref, 
+			    g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *)info), 
+			    enum_class);
+  for (j = 0; j < num_vals; j++)
+    {
+      GIValueInfo *val =
+	g_enum_info_get_value ((GIEnumInfo *) info, j);
+      gint value = g_value_info_get_value (val);
+      gchar *name =
+	g_strdup (g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *) val));
+      gint name_len = strlen (name);
+      gint j;
+      JSValueRef value_ref;
+      value_ref = JSValueMakeNumber (ctx, value);
+      JSValueProtect (ctx, (JSValueRef) value_ref);
+      for (j = 0; j < name_len; j++)
+	{
+	  if (name[j] == '-')
+	    name[j] = '_';
+	  name[j] = g_ascii_toupper (name[j]);
+	}
+      seed_object_set_property (ctx, enum_class, name, value_ref);
+      g_free (name);
+      g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *) val);
+    }
+static JSObjectRef
+seed_gi_importer_do_namespace (JSContextRef ctx,
+			       gchar *namespace,
+			       JSValueRef *exception)
+  GIBaseInfo *info;
+  JSObjectRef namespace_ref;
+  GError *e = NULL;
+  guint n, i;
+  // TODO: Versions.
+  // TODO: Guard against multiple imports.
+  if (!g_irepository_require (NULL, namespace,
+			      NULL, 0, &e))
+    {
+      seed_make_exception_from_gerror (ctx, exception, e);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  n = g_irepository_get_n_infos (NULL, namespace);
+  namespace_ref = JSObjectMake (ctx, NULL, NULL);
+  JSValueProtect (ctx, namespace_ref);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      GIInfoType info_type;
+      info = g_irepository_get_info (NULL, namespace, i);
+      info_type = g_base_info_get_type (info);
+      switch (info_type)
+	{
+	  seed_gobject_define_property_from_function_info (ctx, (GIFunctionInfo *) info,
+							   namespace_ref, FALSE);
+	  break;
+	    seed_gi_importer_handle_enum (ctx, namespace_ref, (GIEnumInfo *) info);
+	    g_base_info_unref (info);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	  g_base_info_unref (info);
+	}
+    }
+  return namespace_ref;
+static JSValueRef
+seed_gi_importer_get_property (JSContextRef ctx,
+			       JSObjectRef object,
+			       JSStringRef property_name, 
+			       JSValueRef *exception)
+  guint len;
+  gchar *prop;
+  len = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize (property_name);
+  prop = g_alloca (len * sizeof (gchar));
+  JSStringGetUTF8CString (property_name, prop, len);
+  if (!strcmp(prop, "versions"))
+    return gi_importer_versions;
+  // Nasty hack
+  else if (!strcmp(prop, "toString"))
+    return 0;
+  return seed_gi_importer_do_namespace (ctx, prop, exception);
+static JSValueRef
+seed_importer_get_property (JSContextRef ctx,
+			   JSObjectRef object,
+			   JSStringRef property_name, 
+			   JSValueRef *exception)
+  guint len;
+  gchar *prop;
+  len = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize (property_name);
+  prop = g_alloca (len * sizeof (gchar));
+  JSStringGetUTF8CString (property_name, prop, len);
+  if (!strcmp (prop, "gi"))
+    return gi_importer;
+  return NULL;
 JSClassDefinition importer_class_def = {
   0,				/* Version, always 0 */
@@ -14,7 +155,27 @@ JSClassDefinition importer_class_def = {
   NULL,                         /* Initialize */
   NULL,				/* Finalize */
   NULL,				/* Has Property */
-  NULL,				/* Get Property */
+  seed_importer_get_property,	/* Get Property */
+  NULL,				/* Set Property */
+  NULL,				/* Delete Property */
+  NULL,				/* Get Property Names */
+  NULL,				/* Call As Function */
+  NULL,	/* Call As Constructor */
+  NULL,				/* Has Instance */
+  NULL				/* Convert To Type */
+JSClassDefinition gi_importer_class_def = {
+  0,				/* Version, always 0 */
+  0,
+  "gi_importer",		/* Class Name */
+  NULL,				/* Parent Class */
+  NULL,				/* Static Values */
+  NULL,				/* Static Functions */
+  NULL,                         /* Initialize */
+  NULL,				/* Finalize */
+  NULL,				/* Has Property */
+  seed_gi_importer_get_property,	/* Get Property */
   NULL,				/* Set Property */
   NULL,				/* Delete Property */
   NULL,				/* Get Property Names */
@@ -30,5 +191,9 @@ void seed_initialize_importer(JSContextRef ctx,
   importer_class = JSClassCreate (&importer_class_def);
   importer = JSObjectMake (ctx, importer_class, NULL);
+  gi_importer_class = JSClassCreate (&gi_importer_class_def);
+  gi_importer = JSObjectMake (ctx, gi_importer_class, NULL);
+  gi_importer_versions = JSObjectMake (ctx, gi_importer_class, NULL);
   seed_object_set_property (ctx, global, "imports", importer);

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