[gtk+] Remove generated files

commit e7b496719e54536b0c5403d16fea4da27d9c25e2
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Fri Apr 3 01:49:24 2009 -0400

    Remove generated files
    README and INSTALL are generated files, no need to keep them
    under source control.
 INSTALL |   41 -------
 README  |  401 ---------------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 442 deletions(-)

diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b3a07..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-GTK+ requires the following packages:
- - The GLib, Pango, ATK and cairo libraries, available at the same 
-   location as GTK+. GTK+ 2.16.0 requires at least GLib 2.17.6,
-   Pango 1.20, ATK 1.13.0 and cairo 1.6.0.
- - The TIFF, PNG, and JPEG image loading libraries. You most
-   likely have these installed on your system already. If not
-   these libraries are available from:
-    http://www.libtiff.org/
-    http://www.libpng.org/
-    http://www.ijg.org/
-    libtiff must be version 3.6.0 or higher.
-Simple install procedure
-  % gzip -cd gtk+-2.16.0.tar.gz | tar xvf - # unpack the sources
-  % cd gtk+-2.16.0			   # change to the toplevel directory
-  % ./configure				   # run the `configure' script
-  % make				   # build GTK+
-  [ Become root if necessary ]
-  % make install			   # install GTK+
-The Details
-Complete information about installing GTK+ and related libraries can be found 
-in the file:
- docs/reference/gtk/html/gtk-building.html
-Or online at:
- http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/gtk-building.html
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 260361a..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-General Information
-This is GTK+ version 2.16.0. GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for
-creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets,
-GTK+ is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off projects to
-complete application suites.
-GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the
-licensing terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all
-developers, including those developing proprietary software, without any
-license fees or royalties.
-The official ftp site is:
-  ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk
-The official web site is:
-  http://www.gtk.org/
-Information about mailing lists can be found at
-  http://www.gtk.org/mailinglists.html
-See the file 'INSTALL'
-Release notes for 2.14
-* gtkitemfactory.h is now completely deprecated.
-  As gtkactiongroup.h and gtkstock.h no longer include the gtkitemfactory.h
-  header, this might break application using gtk_item_factory_* symbols
-  without including gtkitemfactory.h - even though this behaviour has never
-  been supported in the first place.
-* The GtkFileSystem semi-private interface has been removed.
-  The GTK+ filechooser implementation now uses GIO directly, which has
-  rendered external filesystem implementations unnecessary. Consequently,
-  the GtkFileSystem interface is no longer available, nor the filechooser
-  will load any GtkFileSystem implementation.
-* GtkComboBox now renders the popdown button insensitive when
-  the model is empty. Applications which want to populate the list
-  only before displaying it can set gtk_combo_box_set_button_sensitivity
-  to GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON, so that the button is always sensitive or
-  GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF to make it insensitive respectively.
-* GtkAdjustment now enforces that values are restricted to the
-  range [lower, upper - page_size]. This has always been the documented
-  behaviour, and the recommended practice is to set page_size to 0
-  when using adjustments for simple scalar values, like in a slider
-  or spin button.
-* gdk-pixbuf will use GIO for mime type detection if possible. For
-  this to work, shared-mime-info needs to be installed and XDG_DATA_DIRS
-  set accordingly at configure time. Otherwise, gdk-pixbuf falls
-  back to its built-in sniffing implementation.
-Release notes for 2.12
-* gtk_about_dialog_get/set_name() were deprecated in favour of
-  gtk_about_dialog_get/set_program_name(), the GtkAboutDialog now uses the
-  "program-name" property instead of the conflicting "name" property.
-* The gdk-pixbuf tiff loader now requires libtiff 3.6.0 or later.
-* Support for Windows 9x/ME has officially been removed. It hasn't worked
-  since 2.6 anyway.
-* The GtkTextBufferTargetInfo enumeration values have been changed from
-  G_MAXUINT-0, G_MAXUINT-1, G_MAXUINT-2, etc, to -1, -2, -3 to stay within
-  ANSI C limits.
-* A change in the handling of _NET_WM_USER_TIME properties on toplevel
-  windows can cause deadlock problems with window managers that are using
-  GDK for drawing decorations. In particular, metacity <= 2.18.0 is affected
-  by this. The problem has been fixed in metacity 2.18.1.
-* Semi-private GtkTextLayout api has changed: new GtkTextLayout method
-  invalidate_cursors(), and new functions gtk_text_layout_invalidate_cursors()
-  and gtk_text_layout_cursors_changed(), which should be used in place of
-  gtk_text_layout_invalidate() and gtk_text_layout_changed() if invalidation
-  is due to marks moved or changed selection; new GtkTextLineDisplay structure
-  member. Source compatibility is preserved; binary compatibility may break
-  only if GtkTextLineDisplay structure was created on stack or as a part
-  of another structure (in particular GnomeCanvas and its clones do not need
-  recompiling).
-* Another new signal has been added to GtkNotebook. The new signal
-  is called create-window, so this name can no longer be used for signals
-  in objects derived from GtkNotebook.
-* The gtk_notebook_set/get_group_id() functions were found to be insufficient
-  and have been deprecated in favour of gtk_notebook_set/get_group().
-* The move-focus signal has been moved to GtkWidget, to unify the
-  various implementations of this signal in specific widgets. Great care
-  has been taken to make sure that all code using this signal continues
-  to work.
-* An unused and hardly visible GtkFrame has been removed from the menu
-  widget hierarchy when GtkComboBox::appears-as-list style property is
-  set. Any RC file applying a different style to any widget below the
-  widget path "gtk-combobox-popup-window.GtkFrame" should take into
-  account that the frame no longer exists.
-* The external print preview application used by GtkPrintOperationPreview
-  is now passed the print settings on the command line with the
-  --print-settings parameter pointing to a temp file containing the
-  settings. The preview application assumes ownership of the file and
-  should delete it once it does not need it anymore. The --print-settings
-  commandline option is understood by Evince 0.9.0 and newer. To use a
-  different print preview application, change the gtk-print-preview-command
-  setting in your gtkrc file, e.g. gtk-print-preview-command = "ggv %f"
-* GtkMenuShell is now defined as an abstract type. It was already
-  documented as an abstract class, and there is little reason to
-  instantiate it.
-* The GtkTooltips struct (this is the old tooltips API) is now considered
-  private. Code that used to access this struct, in particular the
-  tips_data_list field, will need to change. All of the old tooltips
-  API has been deprecated in favour of a new implementation and
-  API. This affects all of the gtk_tooltips_ functions, and functions
-  which take a GtkTooltips argument, such as gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip()
-  and gtk_menu_tool_button_set_arrow_tooltip().
-* The memory management of the GtkRecentManager object has been changed,
-  as using the screen didn't guarantee that the singleton instance was
-  correctly destroyed. The screen-related functions have been deprecated,
-  and should not be used anymore; the GtkRecentManager instance returned by
-  the gtk_recent_manager_get_default() function is guaranteed to be valid
-  for the entire lifetime of an application.
-* A number of interfaces that have been superseded by newer interfaces for
-  a long time have finally been deprecated. This includes
-  gtk_widget_ref/unref(), gtk_rc_style_ref/unref() and the old file selector.
-* The various coordinate systems in use in GtkTreeView widgets have
-  been clarified in the documentation, and in the cause of doing so,
-  the functions gtk_tree_view_widget_to_tree_coords() and
-  gtk_tree_view_tree_to_widget_coords() have been deprecated in
-  favour of a new family of gtk_tree_view_convert_ functions.
-* gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu() has been deprecated in favour of
-  gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (..., NULL).
-* gtk_default_draw_check() has been fixed to really decrease the
-  indicator size by one pixel to ensure an odd size instead of
-  accidentially increasing it.
-  Consequently, gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_render() could be fixed to
-  not subtract 1 from the size passed to gtk_paint_option(), which
-  was just a workaround for above off-by-two for even sizes (theme
-  engines now get the real indicator size passed).
-  The default toggle size of GtkCheckMenuItem and GtkCellRendererToggle
-  has been changed to 13 to be consistent with GtkCheckButton.
-  The only visible change with default settings is that the indicator in
-  GtkCellRendererToggle has changed its size from 11 to 13 and is now
-  consistent with menus and toggle buttons.
-* GTK+ has always required that gtk_init() (or a variant thereof) is
-  called before any other GTK+ function. Some applications call functions
-  like gtk_clipboard_get() to check if they need to call gtk_init(),
-  anyway. A change in GLib 2.14 has recently broken this unsupported
-  practise. It is worth pointing out that calling gtk_init() twice
-  does no harm.
-Release notes for 2.10
-* The hexadecimal Unicode input feature has been reworked. It no longer
-  blocks the use of the sixteen Ctrl-Shift-<hex digit> key sequences. Now
-  it only uses Ctrl-Shift-u.
-* A memory leak in GtkStyle handling has been fixed. This may expose bugs
-  in third-party widgets which forget to call gtk_style_attach() in their
-  realize functions.
-* Range widgets like GtkScrollbar now render their arrows insensitive
-  when the slider is at the end. Applications which react to arrow
-  clicks even if the slider is at the end may want to use the new
-  gtk_range_set_[upper/lower]_stepper_sensitivity() functions to
-  prevent the arrows from being rendered insensitive.
-* GtkObject now uses the "floating reference" support in GObject.
-  GTK_OBJECT_IS_FLOATING() will still work, but direct checking
-  of the GTK_FLOATING flag will no longer detect the floating
-  reference. Details about floating references can be found in the docs:
-  http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#floating-ref
-* Accelerators like (_F) are now stripped from labels when they are
-  displayed in toolbars. If this is not wanted, the feature can be
-  suppressed by inserting a Unicode control character, e.g ZWNJ.
-* The pixbuf theme engine can now customize expanders (in GtkTreeView
-  and GtkExpander) and resize grips, using the new EXPANDER and
-  RESIZE_GRIP function values.
-* Dialogs created by gtk_about_dialog_new() no longer hide automatically
-  when the user clicks close. It is the applications responsibility to
-  hide or destroy the dialog.
-* Several new signals have been added to GtkNotebook. Care has been taken
-  to choose signal names which do not collide with signals added by well-known
-  derived classes. The names which can no longer be used for signals in
-  objects derived from GtkNotebook are page-reordered, page-removed and
-  page-added.
-* Due to the interface changes in the file chooser backend interface,
-  the GTK+ ABI version has been bumped to 2.10.0. Third-party filesystem
-  backends have to be ported to the new interface, other modules, such as
-  theme engines, input method modules or pixbuf loaders have to be rebuilt
-  so that they are installed in the right place for GTK+ to find them.
-Release notes for 2.8
-* GTK+ 2.8 and Pango 1.10 require the cairo library.
-* The default theme has been renamed to "Raleigh". Existing configurations
-  specifying the "Default" theme name should still work.
-* The GtkTreeView::enable-search property has been changed to control
-  only typeahead search, not the C-f keybinding to start an interactive
-  search. To turn off interactive searching completely, you have to
-  set GtkTreeView::search-column to -1.
-* The restriction on using the same cell renderer in multiple columns
-  of a GtkTreeView is now more strictly enforced.
-* In GTK+ 2.8, GtkCalendar uses nl_langinfo() (if available) to determine
-  the first day of the week. Thus, it is possible to select the first day
-  of the week independently from the language, by setting LC_TIME.
-* In GTK+ 2.8, the gtk-update-icon-cache utility includes image data
-  in the icon caches, which will make the icon cache files larger than
-  the one produced by GTK+ 2.6. This change will reduce the memory
-  overhead of icon themes at runtime, since all GTK+ applications can
-  share the image data in memory.
-* In 2.8, GDK emits GdkEventGrabBroken events when a keyboard or pointer
-  grab is broken. On X11, this can happen if the same application grabs
-  again, or if the window used for the grab becomes unviewable. It happens
-  more often on Win32. Applications which use grabs should pay attention
-  to these events and do the necessary cleanups when the grab is lost.
-* The GIOChannel code for sockets on win32 has been rewritten.
-  Applications who make non-trivial use of GIOChannels on win32 should
-  be watched for possible problems.
-* GLib 2.8 uses atomic operations to implement reference counting, thus
-  g_object_ref/unref, g_closure_ref/sink/unref and g_iochannel_ref/unref
-  can be used without locking in multithreaded applications. Note that
-  other modifications, like concurrent setting of properties still require
-  locking.
-* g_convert() and related character set conversion functions have been
-  fixed to emit pending shift states and to not cache iconv descriptors
-  across multiple calls, since that is problematic for some encodings.
-  Note that these functions are not suitable for streaming conversions;
-  use g_iconv() to do streaming conversion.
-Release notes for 2.6
-* GTK+ 2.6 supports clipboard persistency. To make use of this feature,
-  a clipboard manager following the specification at
-  http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards/clipboard-manager-spec
-  must be running. A sample implementation of such a clipboard manager
-  is available at
-  http://people.imendio.com/andersca/archives/clipboard-manager-0.3.tar.gz
-  Applications can use the function gdk_display_supports_clipboard_persistence()
-  to find out if clipboard persistence is available.
-* Notification on clipboard ownership changes via GdkOwnerChange events
-  requires the XFIXES X extension. Applications can use the function
-  gdk_display_supports_selection_notification() to find out if ownerchip
-  change notification is available.
-* The icon theme code in GTK+ 2.6 follows the freedesktop.org icon theme
-  specification. Setting the XDG_DATA_DIRS environtment variable may be
-  necessary if your icons aren't installed in the default location
-  /usr/share/icons.
-* The icon theme code in GTK+ 2.6 can make use of mmap()able cache files
-  to avoid a lot of disk searching overhead. GTK+ includes a utility named
-  gtk-update-icon-cache to generate these cache files. For further details,
-  see the gtk-update-icon-cache man page or the GTK+ documentation.
-* To reduce code size and improve efficiency, GTK+, when compiled
-  with the GNU toolchain, has separate internal and external entry
-  points for exported functions. The internal names, which begin with
-  IA__, may be seen when debugging a GTK+ program.
-* The following functions have been deprecated in GTK+ 2.6:
-  gdk_pango_context_set_colormap
-  gtk_cell_renderer_editing_canceled
-* The new GtkFileChooser widget emphasizes simplicity and thus does
-  not provide a navigation entry by default when opening files.
-  Experienced command line users will likely want to make heavy use of
-  the location dialog brought up by the Control-L key shortcut.
-* The GTK+ libraries use an '_' prefix to indicate private symbols that
-  must not be used by applications. On some platforms, symbols beginning
-  with prefixes such as _gtk, _gdk, and _pango will be exported
-  from the library, on others not. In no case can applications
-  use these private symbols. In addition to that, GTK+ 2.6 makes several
-  symbols private which were not in any installed header files and
-  were never intended to be exported.
-* The gdk_pixbuf_xlib library included in the contrib/ directory
-  and the framebuffer GDK backend included in the gdk/linux-fb directory
-  of GTK+ are provided on an as-is basis and have not been tested at all.
-  No guarantees about the degree of workingness or about future
-  compatibility are provided.
-* On Unix, the assumption of GLib and GTK+ by default is that filenames on
-  the filesystem are encoded in UTF-8 rather than the encoding of the locale;
-  the GTK+ developers consider that having filenames whose interpretation
-  depends on the current locale is fundamentally a bad idea.
-  If you have filenames encoded in the encoding of your locale, then you
-  may want to set the G_FILENAME_ENCODING environment variable:
-  (Earlier versions of GLib 2.x required a different environment variable
-  setting; G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 to achieve the same effect; this
-  is still supported, but G_FILENAME_ENCODING is preferred.)
-  Best integration of GTK+ 2.6 with the environment is achieved by
-  using a UTF-8 locale.
-  On Windows, filenames passed to GTK+ should always be in UTF-8, as
-  in GLib 2.6. This is different than in previous versions of GTK+
-  where the system codepage was used. As in GLib, for DLL ABI
-  stability, applications built against previous versions of GTK+ will
-  use entry points providing the old semantics.
-  When compiling against GTK+ 2.6, applications intended to be
-  portable to Windows must take the UTF-8 file name encoding into
-  consideration, and use the gstdio wrappers to access files whose
-  names have been constructed from strings returned from GTK+ or GLib.
-How to report bugs
-Bugs should be reported to the GNOME bug tracking system.
-(http://bugzilla.gnome.org, product gtk+.) You will need to create an
-account for yourself.
-In the bug report please include:
-* Information about your system. For instance:
-   - What operating system and version
-   - What version of X
-   - For Linux, what version of the C library
-  And anything else you think is relevant.
-* How to reproduce the bug.
-  If you can reproduce it with one of the tests or demos built with GTK+,
-  such as demos/gtk-demo/gtk-demo, that would be most convenient. Otherwise,
-  please include a short test program that exhibits the behavior. As a
-  last resort, you can also provide a pointer to a larger piece of software
-  that can be downloaded.
-* If the bug was a crash, the exact text that was printed out when the
-  crash occured.
-* Further information such as stack traces may be useful, but is not
-  necessary. If you do send a stack trace, and the error is an X error,
-  it will be more useful if the stacktrace is produced running the test
-  program with the --sync command line option.
-Patches should also be submitted to bugzilla.gnome.org. If the patch
-fixes an existing bug, add the patch as an attachment to that bug
-Otherwise, enter a new bug report that describes the patch, and attach
-the patch to that bug report.
-Bug reports containing patches should include the PATCH keyword in their
-keyword fields. If the patch adds to or changes the GTK+ programming
-interface, the API keyword should also be included.
-Patches should be in unified diff form. (The -u option to GNU diff.)

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