gtkmm r1047 - in trunk: . gtk/src

Author: markoa
Date: Tue Sep 30 15:02:26 2008
New Revision: 1047

2008-09-29  Marko Anastasov  <marko anastasov gmail com>

	* gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg: Mention that custom signal handlers
	should connect before the default one for signal_match_selected();
	the default returns true and prevents further handling.
	Discussed in bug #537319.


Modified: trunk/gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg
--- trunk/gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg	(original)
+++ trunk/gtk/src/entrycompletion.hg	Tue Sep 30 15:02:26 2008
@@ -141,6 +141,15 @@
    * entry with the contents of the text column in the row 
    * pointed to by @a iter.
+   * It is necessary to connect your signal handler <i>before</i>
+   * the default one, which would otherwise return <tt>true</tt>,
+   * a value which signifies that the signal has been handled,
+   * thus preventing any other handler from being invoked.
+   *
+   * To do this, pass <tt>false</tt> to this signal proxy's
+   * <tt>connect()</tt> method. For example:
+   * <tt> completion->signal_match_selected().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &YourClass::on_completion_match_selected), false); </tt>
+   *
    * @param model The TreeModel containing the matches
    * @param iter A TreeModel::iterator positioned at the selected match
    * @result true if the signal has been handled

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