tasque r120 - trunk

Author: sharm
Date: Mon Sep 29 15:08:21 2008
New Revision: 120
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/tasque?rev=120&view=rev

2008-09-29  Sandy Armstrong <sanfordarmstrong gmail com> 

	* macbin/: Added pre-compiled ige-mac-integration-sharp.dll from
	  Eoin's banshee-osx git repo.  Thanks Eoin!
	* osx/: Configuration, execution, and icon files for app bundle.
	* bunde-mac-app.sh: Stupid little script to build the app bundle.
	* data/images/tasque.ico: Windows icon, for the future.
	* RtmNet/AssemblyInfo.cs: No need to be CLSCompliant.
	* src/OSXApplication.cs: Integration code for Mac menu bar.


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