gnomemm r1715 - in clutter-gstreamermm/trunk: . clutter-gstreamer/src examples

Author: siavashs
Date: Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
New Revision: 1715

Fixed Clutter::Gst::VideoTexture to derive from Clutter::Scriptable & Clutter::Media too
Added the video-payer example

        * clutter-gstreamer/src/gst-video-texture.hg: Derive from
        Clutter::Scriptable & Clutter::Media too (FIXME: using Clutter::Scriptable is
        * examples/
        * examples/README:
        * examples/
        * examples/
        * examples/videoapp.hh: Added the video-player example (minor bugs


Modified: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/clutter-gstreamer/src/gst-video-texture.hg
--- clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/clutter-gstreamer/src/gst-video-texture.hg	(original)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/clutter-gstreamer/src/gst-video-texture.hg	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
  * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include <cluttermm/media.h>
+#include <cluttermm/scriptable.h>
 #include <cluttermm/texture.h>
 #include <gstreamermm/element.h>
@@ -29,8 +31,9 @@
 //TODO: Documentation.
+//FIXME: using Clutter::Scriptable is ambiguous
 class VideoTexture :
-  public Texture
+  public Texture, public Scriptable, public Media
   _CLASS_GOBJECT(VideoTexture, ClutterGstVideoTexture, CLUTTER_GST_VIDEO_TEXTURE, Texture, ClutterTexture)

Modified: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/
--- clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/	(original)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 include Makefile.am_fragment
-noinst_PROGRAMS = audio video-sink
+noinst_PROGRAMS = audio video-player video-sink
 audio_SOURCES =
+video_player_SOURCES= videoapp.hh
 video_sink_SOURCES =
+EXTRA_DIST = media-actions-pause.png 	\
+		media-actions-start.png	\
+		vid-panel.png		\

Modified: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/README
--- clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/README	(original)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/README	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
    - Has some useless cheesy effects built in.
       - Hit e to flip the video. 
- o video-cube.
-   Pure evil. A nasty hack to do a video cube with clutter.
-   Could be done much nicer.
  o video-sink.
    Demonstrates use of ClutterGstVideoSink with a custom

Added: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/
--- (empty file)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include <clutter-gstreamermm.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "videoapp.hh"
+//FIXME: the video playback is paused when moving the mouse pointer which is related to signals
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Stage> stage;
+  Glib::RefPtr<VideoApp> videoapp;
+  Clutter::Color stage_color("black");
+  if (argc < 2)
+  {
+    g_error("%s <video file>", argv[0]);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  Clutter::init(&argc, &argv);
+  Gst::init(argc, argv);
+  stage = Clutter::Stage::get_default();
+  stage->fullscreen();
+  stage->set_color(stage_color);
+  videoapp = VideoApp::create(argv[1]);
+  stage->add_actor(videoapp->get_video_texture());
+  stage->add_actor(videoapp);
+  std::cout << "start" << std::endl;
+  int x = (stage->get_width() - videoapp->get_width())/2;
+  int y = stage->get_height() - (stage->get_height()/3);
+  std::cout << Glib::ustring::compose("setting x = %1, y = %2, width = %2", x, y, videoapp->get_width()) << std::endl;
+  videoapp->set_position(x, y);
+  std::cout << "stop" << std::endl;
+  videoapp->get_video_texture()->set_playing();
+  stage->show();
+  Clutter::main();
+  return 0;

Added: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/
--- (empty file)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#include "videoapp.hh"
+#include <iostream>
+#define SEEK_H 20
+#define SEEK_W 690
+VideoApp::VideoApp(const Glib::ustring& filename)
+: video_texture(Clutter::Gst::VideoTexture::create()),
+  control_color1(73, 74, 77, 0xee),
+  control_color2(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff),
+  control_bg(Clutter::Texture::create()),
+  control_play(Clutter::Texture::create()),
+  control_pause(Clutter::Texture::create()),
+  control_seek1(Clutter::Rectangle::create(control_color1)),
+  control_seek2(Clutter::Rectangle::create(control_color2)),
+  control_seekbar(Clutter::Rectangle::create(control_color1)),
+  control_label(Clutter::Label::create("Sans Bold 24", Glib::path_get_basename(filename), control_color1)),
+  controls_tl(Clutter::Timeline::create(10, 30)),
+  effect_tl(Clutter::Timeline::create(30, 90))
+  video_texture->set_filename(filename);  
+  video_texture->property_sync_size() = false;
+  video_texture->signal_size_change().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_vtexture_size_change));
+  video_texture->property_position().signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_notify));
+  sink = Clutter::Gst::VideoSink::create_element(video_texture);
+  //sink->property_use_shaders() = true;
+  control_bg->set_from_file("vid-panel.png");
+  control_play->set_from_file("media-actions-start.png");
+  control_pause->set_from_file("media-actions-pause.png");
+  control_seekbar->set_opacity(0x99);
+  add_actor(control_bg);
+  add_actor(control_play);
+  add_actor(control_pause);
+  add_actor(control_seek1);
+  add_actor(control_seek2);
+  add_actor(control_seekbar);
+  add_actor(control_label);
+  control_play->set_position(30, 30);
+  control_pause->set_position(30, 30);
+  control_seek1->set_size(SEEK_W+10, SEEK_H+10);
+  control_seek1->set_position(200, 100);
+  control_seek2->set_size(SEEK_W, SEEK_H);
+  control_seek2->set_position(205, 105);
+  control_seekbar->set_size(0, SEEK_H);
+  control_seekbar->set_position(205, 105);
+  control_label->set_position(200, 40);
+  controls_tl->signal_new_frame().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_controls_tl_new_frame));
+  controls_tl->signal_completed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_controls_tl_completed));
+  effect_tl->signal_new_frame().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_effect_tl_new_frame));
+  Clutter::Stage::get_default()->signal_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_input));
+  set_opacity(0xee);
+  hide();
+Glib::RefPtr<VideoApp> VideoApp::create(const Glib::ustring& filename)
+  return Glib::RefPtr<VideoApp>(new VideoApp(filename));
+void VideoApp::show_controls(bool show)
+  if(controls_tl->is_playing())
+    return;
+  if(show && !controls_showing)
+  {
+    controls_showing = true;
+    controls_tl->start();
+    sigc::slot<bool> my_slot = sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_controls_timeout);
+    sigc::connection connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(my_slot, 5000);
+    controls_timer = connection;
+    return;
+  }
+  if(show && controls_showing)
+  {
+    if(controls_timer)
+  	{
+  	  controls_timer.disconnect();
+      sigc::slot<bool> my_slot = sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VideoApp::on_controls_timeout);
+      sigc::connection connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(my_slot, 5000);
+      controls_timer = connection;
+  	}
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!show && controls_showing)
+  {
+    controls_showing = false;
+    controls_tl->start();
+    return;
+  }
+void VideoApp::toggle_pause_state()
+  if(paused)
+  {
+    video_texture->set_playing();
+    paused = false;
+    control_play->hide();
+    control_pause->show();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    video_texture->set_playing(false);
+    paused = true;
+    control_pause->hide();
+    control_play->show();
+  }
+Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Gst::VideoTexture> VideoApp::get_video_texture()
+  return video_texture;
+void VideoApp::on_vtexture_size_change(int width, int height)
+  int new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Stage> stage = Clutter::Stage::get_default();
+  new_height = (height * stage->get_width()) / width;
+  if (new_height <= stage->get_height())
+  {
+    new_width = stage->get_width();
+    new_x = 0;
+    new_y = (stage->get_height() - new_height) / 2;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    new_width  = (width * stage->get_height()) / height;
+    new_height = stage->get_height();
+    new_x = (stage->get_width() - new_width) / 2;
+    new_y = 0;
+  }
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Actor>::cast_dynamic(video_texture)->set_position(new_x, new_y);
+  video_texture->set_size(new_width, new_height);
+void VideoApp::on_controls_tl_new_frame(int frame_num)
+  guint8 opacity;
+  show_all();
+  if(paused)
+  {
+    control_pause->hide();
+    control_play->show();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    control_pause->show();
+    control_play->hide();
+  }
+  opacity = (frame_num * 0xde) / controls_tl->get_n_frames();
+  if(!controls_showing)
+    opacity = 0xde - opacity;
+  set_opacity(opacity);
+void VideoApp::on_controls_tl_completed()
+  if(!controls_showing)
+    hide_all();
+  //controls_timer = 0;
+void VideoApp::on_effect_tl_new_frame(int frame_num)
+  video_texture->set_rotation(Clutter::Y_AXIS, frame_num * 12, CLUTTER_STAGE_WIDTH() / 2, 0, 0);
+bool VideoApp::on_controls_timeout()
+  show_controls(false);
+  return false;
+bool VideoApp::on_input(Clutter::Event *event)
+  switch (event->type)
+  {
+      show_controls();
+      break;
+      if(controls_showing)
+      {
+        Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Actor> actor;
+        Clutter::ButtonEvent *bev = (ClutterButtonEvent*) event;
+        actor = Clutter::Stage::get_default()->get_actor_at_pos(bev->x, bev->y);
+        std::cout << Glib::ustring::compose("got actor %1 at pos %2x%3", actor, bev->x, bev->y) << std::endl;
+        if(actor == control_pause || actor == control_play)
+        {
+          toggle_pause_state();
+          return false;
+        }
+        if(actor == control_seek1 || actor == control_seek2 || actor == control_seekbar)
+        {
+          int x, y, dist, pos;
+          control_seekbar->get_transformed_position(x, y);
+          dist = bev->x - x;
+          CLAMP(dist, 0, SEEK_W);
+          pos = (dist * video_texture->get_duration()) / SEEK_W;
+          Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Media>::cast_dynamic(video_texture)->set_position(pos);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    {
+      Clutter::KeyEvent* kev = (ClutterKeyEvent*) event;
+      switch(Clutter::key_event_symbol(kev))
+      {
+        case CLUTTER_q:
+        case CLUTTER_Escape:
+          Clutter::main_quit();
+          break;
+        case CLUTTER_e:
+          if(!effect_tl->is_playing())
+            effect_tl->start();
+          break;
+        default:
+          toggle_pause_state();
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return false;
+void VideoApp::on_notify()
+  int w, h, position, duration, seek_w;
+  gchar buf[256];
+  position = Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Media>::cast_dynamic(video_texture)->get_position();
+  duration = video_texture->get_duration();
+  if(duration == 0 || position == 0)
+    return;
+  control_seekbar->set_size((position * SEEK_W) / duration, SEEK_H);  

Added: clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/videoapp.hh
--- (empty file)
+++ clutter-gstreamermm/trunk/examples/videoapp.hh	Tue Sep 23 21:13:46 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <clutter-gstreamermm.h>
+class VideoApp : public Clutter::Group
+  virtual ~VideoApp();
+  static Glib::RefPtr<VideoApp> create(const Glib::ustring&);
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Gst::VideoTexture> get_video_texture();
+  void show_controls(bool show=true);
+  void toggle_pause_state();
+  virtual bool on_input(Clutter::Event *event);
+  VideoApp(const Glib::ustring&);
+  virtual void on_vtexture_size_change(int, int);
+  virtual void on_controls_tl_new_frame(int);
+  virtual void on_controls_tl_completed();
+  virtual void on_effect_tl_new_frame(int);
+  bool on_controls_timeout();
+  virtual void on_notify();
+  bool controls_showing, paused;
+  sigc::connection controls_timer;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Gst::VideoTexture> video_texture;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Element> sink;
+  Clutter::Color control_color1, control_color2;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Texture> control_bg, control_play, control_pause;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Rectangle> control_seek1, control_seek2, control_seekbar;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Label> control_label;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Timeline> controls_tl, effect_tl;

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