ooo-build r13914 - in branches/ooo-build-3-0: . patches/dev300

Author: rodo
Date: Wed Sep 17 09:50:11 2008
New Revision: 13914

2008-09-17  Radek Doulik  <rodo novell com>

        * patches/dev300/transogl-fix-remote.diff: removed duplicate patch


Modified: branches/ooo-build-3-0/patches/dev300/transogl-fix-remote.diff
--- branches/ooo-build-3-0/patches/dev300/transogl-fix-remote.diff	(original)
+++ branches/ooo-build-3-0/patches/dev300/transogl-fix-remote.diff	Wed Sep 17 09:50:11 2008
@@ -301,306 +301,3 @@
      if (pTransition)
  	delete pTransition;
-diff -rup slideshow-orig/source/engine/OGLTrans/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.cxx slideshow/source/engine/OGLTrans/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.cxx
---- slideshow-orig/source/engine/OGLTrans/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.cxx	2008-09-09 22:57:31.000000000 +0200
-+++ slideshow/source/engine/OGLTrans/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.cxx	2008-09-09 22:59:28.000000000 +0200
-@@ -145,6 +145,15 @@ namespace
-     }
- }
-+// not thread safe
-+static bool errorTriggered;
-+int oglErrorHandler( unx::Display* /*dpy*/, unx::XErrorEvent* /*evnt*/ )
-+    errorTriggered = true;
-+    return 0;
- /** This is the Transitioner class for OpenGL 3D transitions in
-  * slideshow. At the moment, it's Linux only. This class is implicitly
-  * constructed from XTransitionFactory.
-@@ -286,7 +295,16 @@ public:
-     */
-     bool mbTextureFromPixmap;
-+    /**
-+       whether to generate mipmaped textures
-+    */
-     bool mbGenerateMipmap;
-+    /**
-+       whether we have visual which can be used for texture_from_pixmap extension
-+    */
-+    bool mbHasTFPVisual;
- #ifdef DEBUG
-     ptime t3;
-     ptime t4;
-@@ -363,6 +381,7 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::createWindow(
-     unx::XVisualInfo* vi( NULL );
- #if defined( GLX_VERSION_1_3 ) && defined( GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap )
-     unx::XVisualInfo* visinfo;
-+    unx::XVisualInfo* firstVisual( NULL );
- #endif
-     static int attrList3[] =
-         {
-@@ -431,7 +450,9 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::createWindow(
- #if defined( GLX_VERSION_1_3 ) && defined( GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap )
-       if( vi ) {
--	  OSL_TRACE("OGLTrans: using VisualID %08X", vi->visualid);
-+	  if( !firstVisual )
-+	      firstVisual = vi;
-+	  OSL_TRACE("trying VisualID %08X", vi->visualid);
-           fbconfigs = glXGetFBConfigs (GLWin.dpy, GLWin.screen, &nfbconfigs);
-           for ( ; i < nfbconfigs; i++)
-           {
-@@ -465,13 +486,22 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::createWindow(
-               break;
-           }
--          if( i != nfbconfigs ) {
--              vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig( GLWin.dpy, fbconfigs[i] );
-+          if( i != nfbconfigs || ( firstVisual && pAttributeTable[1] == NULL ) ) {
-+	      if( i != nfbconfigs ) {
-+		  vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig( GLWin.dpy, fbconfigs[i] );
-+		  mbHasTFPVisual = true;
-+		  OSL_TRACE("found visual suitable for texture_from_pixmap");
-+	      } else {
-+		  vi = firstVisual;
-+		  mbHasTFPVisual = false;
-+		  OSL_TRACE("did not find visual suitable for texture_from_pixmap, using %08X", vi->visualid);
-+	      }
- #else
--          if( vi ) {
-+	  if( vi ) {
- #endif
-               SystemWindowData winData;
-               winData.nSize = sizeof(winData);
-+	      OSL_TRACE("using VisualID %08X", vi->visualid);
-               winData.pVisual = (void*)(vi->visual);
-               pWindow=new SystemChildWindow(pPWindow, 0, &winData, FALSE);
-               pChildSysData = pWindow->GetSystemData();
-@@ -505,17 +535,14 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::createWindow(
- 	  pWindow->SetControlForeground();
- 	  pWindow->SetControlBackground();
- 	  pWindow->EnablePaint(FALSE);
--	  pWindow->SetPosSizePixel(pPWindow->GetPosPixel(),pPWindow->GetSizePixel());
--	GLWin.Width = pPWindow->GetSizePixel().Width();
--	GLWin.Height = pPWindow->GetSizePixel().Height();
- #if defined( WNT ) 
- 		GLWin.hWnd = sysData->hWnd;
- #elif defined( UNX )
-         GLWin.dpy = reinterpret_cast<unx::Display*>(pChildSysData->pDisplay);
- = pChildSysData->aWindow;
- #if defined( GLX_VERSION_1_3 ) && defined( GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap )
--	GLWin.fbc = fbconfigs[i];
-+	if( mbHasTFPVisual )
-+	    GLWin.fbc = fbconfigs[i];
- #endif
- = vi;
- 	GLWin.GLXExtensions = unx::glXQueryExtensionsString( GLWin.dpy, GLWin.screen );
-@@ -552,6 +579,7 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::initWindowFrom
-     pWindow->SetPosSizePixel(aCanvasArea.X, aCanvasArea.Y, aCanvasArea.Width, aCanvasArea.Height);
-     GLWin.Width = aCanvasArea.Width;
-     GLWin.Height = aCanvasArea.Height;
-+    OSL_TRACE("canvas area: %d,%d - %dx%d", aCanvasArea.X, aCanvasArea.Y, aCanvasArea.Width, aCanvasArea.Height);
- #if defined( WNT ) 
- 		GLWin.hDC = GetDC(GLWin.hWnd);
-@@ -560,9 +588,9 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::initWindowFrom
-                        ,
-                                  0,
-                                  GL_TRUE);
--    if( glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR ) {
--	    OSL_TRACE("glError: %s", (char *)gluErrorString(glGetError()));
--	    return false;
-+    if( GLWin.ctx == NULL ) {
-+	OSL_TRACE("unable to create GLX context");
-+	return false;
-     }
- #endif
-@@ -593,11 +621,10 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::initWindowFrom
- 	GLWin.hRC  = wglCreateContext(GLWin.hDC);
- 	wglMakeCurrent(GLWin.hDC,GLWin.hRC);
- #elif defined( UNX )
--    glXMakeCurrent( GLWin.dpy,, GLWin.ctx );
--    if( glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR ) {
--	    OSL_TRACE("glError: %s", (char *)gluErrorString(glGetError()));
-+	if( !glXMakeCurrent( GLWin.dpy,, GLWin.ctx ) ) {
-+	    OSL_TRACE("unable to select current GLX context");
- 	    return false;
--    }
-+	}
-     int glxMinor, glxMajor;
-     mnGLXVersion = 0;
-@@ -616,8 +643,26 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::initWindowFrom
- 	    typedef GLint (*glXSwapIntervalProc)(GLint);
- 	    glXSwapIntervalProc glXSwapInterval = (glXSwapIntervalProc) unx::glXGetProcAddress( (const GLubyte*) "glXSwapIntervalSGI" );
- 	    if( glXSwapInterval ) {
--		    glXSwapInterval( 1 );
-+		int (*oldHandler)(unx::Display* /*dpy*/, unx::XErrorEvent* /*evnt*/);
-+		// replace error handler temporarily
-+		oldHandler = unx::XSetErrorHandler( oglErrorHandler );
-+		errorTriggered = false;
-+		glXSwapInterval( 1 );
-+		// sync so that we possibly get an XError
-+		unx::glXWaitGL();
-+		XSync(GLWin.dpy, false);
-+		if( errorTriggered )
-+		    OSL_TRACE("error when trying to set swap interval, NVIDIA or Mesa bug?");
-+		else
- 		    OSL_TRACE("set swap interval to 1 (enable vsync)");
-+		// restore the error handler
-+		unx::XSetErrorHandler( oldHandler );
- 	    }
-     }
- #endif
-@@ -649,15 +694,6 @@ bool OGLTransitionerImpl::initWindowFrom
-     return true;
- }
--static bool errorTriggered;
--int oglErrorHandler( unx::Display* /*dpy*/, unx::XErrorEvent* /*evnt*/ )
--    errorTriggered = true;
--    return 0;
- void OGLTransitionerImpl::setSlides( const uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >& xLeavingSlide, 
-                                      const uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >& xEnteringSlide )
- {
-@@ -693,7 +729,7 @@ void OGLTransitionerImpl::setSlides( con
- #ifdef UNX
- #if defined( GLX_VERSION_1_3 ) && defined( GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap )
--    if( mnGLXVersion >= 1.2999 && mbTextureFromPixmap && && ) {
-+    if( mnGLXVersion >= 1.2999 && mbTextureFromPixmap && && && mbHasTFPVisual ) {
- 	Sequence< Any > leaveArgs;
- 	Sequence< Any > enterArgs;
- 	if( (xLeavingSet->getFastPropertyValue( 1 ) >>= leaveArgs) &&
-@@ -1128,70 +1164,72 @@ void OGLTransitionerImpl::disposing()
-     }
- #endif
-+    if( pWindow ) {
- #ifdef WNT
--    wglMakeCurrent(GLWin.hDC,GLWin.hRC);
-+	wglMakeCurrent(GLWin.hDC,GLWin.hRC);
- #endif
- #ifdef UNX
--    glXMakeCurrent( GLWin.dpy,, GLWin.ctx );
-+	glXMakeCurrent( GLWin.dpy,, GLWin.ctx );
- #endif
- #if defined( GLX_VERSION_1_3 ) && defined( GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap )
--    unx::PFNGLXRELEASETEXIMAGEEXTPROC myglXReleaseTexImageEXT = (unx::PFNGLXRELEASETEXIMAGEEXTPROC) unx::glXGetProcAddress( (const GLubyte*) "glXReleaseTexImageEXT" );
--    if( mbUseLeavingPixmap ) {
-+	unx::PFNGLXRELEASETEXIMAGEEXTPROC myglXReleaseTexImageEXT = (unx::PFNGLXRELEASETEXIMAGEEXTPROC) unx::glXGetProcAddress( (const GLubyte*) "glXReleaseTexImageEXT" );
-+	if( mbUseLeavingPixmap ) {
--	myglXReleaseTexImageEXT( GLWin.dpy, LeavingPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
--	glXDestroyGLXPixmap( GLWin.dpy, LeavingPixmap );
--	if( mbFreeLeavingPixmap ) {
--	    unx::XFreePixmap( GLWin.dpy, maLeavingPixmap );
--	    mbFreeLeavingPixmap = false;
-+	    myglXReleaseTexImageEXT( GLWin.dpy, LeavingPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
-+	    glXDestroyGLXPixmap( GLWin.dpy, LeavingPixmap );
-+	    if( mbFreeLeavingPixmap ) {
-+		unx::XFreePixmap( GLWin.dpy, maLeavingPixmap );
-+		mbFreeLeavingPixmap = false;
-+	    }
- 	}
--    }
--    if( mbUseEnteringPixmap ) {
--	myglXReleaseTexImageEXT( GLWin.dpy, EnteringPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
--	glXDestroyGLXPixmap( GLWin.dpy, EnteringPixmap );
--	if( mbFreeLeavingPixmap ) {
--	    unx::XFreePixmap( GLWin.dpy, maLeavingPixmap );
--	    mbFreeLeavingPixmap = false;
-+	if( mbUseEnteringPixmap ) {
-+	    myglXReleaseTexImageEXT( GLWin.dpy, EnteringPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT );
-+	    glXDestroyGLXPixmap( GLWin.dpy, EnteringPixmap );
-+	    if( mbFreeLeavingPixmap ) {
-+		unx::XFreePixmap( GLWin.dpy, maLeavingPixmap );
-+		mbFreeLeavingPixmap = false;
-+	    }
- 	}
--    }
- #endif
--    if( !mbUseLeavingPixmap )
--	glDeleteTextures(1,&GLleavingSlide);
--    if( !mbUseEnteringPixmap )
--	glDeleteTextures(1,&GLenteringSlide);
-+	if( !mbUseLeavingPixmap )
-+	    glDeleteTextures(1,&GLleavingSlide);
-+	if( !mbUseEnteringPixmap )
-+	    glDeleteTextures(1,&GLenteringSlide);
--    if (pTransition)
--        pTransition->finish();
-+	if (pTransition)
-+	    pTransition->finish();
- #ifdef UNX
--    if( mbRestoreSync ) {
--	// try to reestablish synchronize state
--	char* sal_synchronize = getenv("SAL_SYNCHRONIZE");
--	XSynchronize( GLWin.dpy, sal_synchronize && *sal_synchronize == '1' );
--    }
-+	if( mbRestoreSync ) {
-+	    // try to reestablish synchronize state
-+	    char* sal_synchronize = getenv("SAL_SYNCHRONIZE");
-+	    XSynchronize( GLWin.dpy, sal_synchronize && *sal_synchronize == '1' );
-+	}
- #endif
- #if defined( WNT )
- 	if (GLWin.hRC)
- 	{
--		wglMakeCurrent( GLWin.hDC, 0 );		// kill Device Context
--		wglDeleteContext( GLWin.hRC );		// Kill Render Context
--		ReleaseDC( GLWin.hWnd, GLWin.hDC );// Release Window
-+	    wglMakeCurrent( GLWin.hDC, 0 );		// kill Device Context
-+	    wglDeleteContext( GLWin.hRC );		// Kill Render Context
-+	    ReleaseDC( GLWin.hWnd, GLWin.hDC );         // Release Window
- 	}
- #elif defined( UNX )
--    if(GLWin.ctx)
-+	if(GLWin.ctx)
- 	{
--        glXMakeCurrent(GLWin.dpy, None, NULL);
--        if( glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR ) {
--            OSL_TRACE("glError: %s", (char *)gluErrorString(glGetError()));
--        }
--		glXDestroyContext(GLWin.dpy, GLWin.ctx);
--		GLWin.ctx = NULL;
-+	    glXMakeCurrent(GLWin.dpy, None, NULL);
-+	    if( glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR ) {
-+		OSL_TRACE("glError: %s", (char *)gluErrorString(glGetError()));
-+	    }
-+	    glXDestroyContext(GLWin.dpy, GLWin.ctx);
-+	    GLWin.ctx = NULL;
- 	}
- #endif
--	if (pWindow)
--		delete pWindow;
-+	delete pWindow;
-+    }
-     if (pTransition)
- 	delete pTransition;

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