orca r4164 - in trunk: . src/orca

Author: joanied
Date: Sat Sep  6 22:42:12 2008
New Revision: 4164
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/orca?rev=4164&view=rev

* src/orca/default.py:
  Fix for bug #551159 - Orca says "link" when it shouldn't and
  sometimes fails to say it when it should in OOo Writer documents.


Modified: trunk/src/orca/default.py
--- trunk/src/orca/default.py	(original)
+++ trunk/src/orca/default.py	Sat Sep  6 22:42:12 2008
@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@
             if settings.enableSpeechIndentation:
                 self.speakTextIndentation(obj, line)
-            line = self.adjustForLinks(obj, line)
+            line = self.adjustForLinks(obj, line, startOffset)
             line = self.adjustForRepeats(line)
             speech.speak(line, voice)
@@ -6301,17 +6301,20 @@
         return line
-    def adjustForLinks(self, obj, line):
+    def adjustForLinks(self, obj, line, startOffset):
         """Adjust line to include the word "link" after any hypertext links.
         - obj: the accessible object that this line came from.
         - line: the string to adjust for links.
+        - startOffset: the caret offset at the start of the line.
-        Returns: a new line adjusted for repeat character counts (if enabled).
+        Returns: a new line adjusted to add the speaking of "link" after
+        text which is also a link.
         line = line.decode("UTF-8")
+        endOffset = startOffset + len(line)
             hyperText = obj.queryHypertext()
@@ -6319,28 +6322,34 @@
             nLinks = 0
-        n = nLinks
-        while n > 0:
-            link = hyperText.getLink(n-1)
-            # If the link was not followed by a whitespace or punctuation
-            # character, then add in a space to make it more presentable.
-            #
-            trailingChar = " "
-            if link.endIndex < len(line) and \
-               (line[link.endIndex] in self.whitespace or \
-                punctuation_settings.getPunctuationInfo(line[link.endIndex])):
-                trailingChar = ""
+        adjustedLine = list(line)
+        for n in range(nLinks, 0, -1):
+            link = hyperText.getLink(n - 1)
+            # We only care about links in the string, line:
+            #
+            if startOffset < link.endIndex < endOffset:
+                index = link.endIndex - startOffset
+            elif startOffset <= link.startIndex < endOffset:
+                index = len(line) - 1
+            else:
+                continue
             # Translators: this indicates that this piece of
             # text is a hypertext link.
-            line = line[0:link.endIndex] + " " + _("link") + \
-                   trailingChar + line[link.endIndex:]
+            linkString = " " + _("link")
-            n -= 1
+            # If the link was not followed by a whitespace or punctuation
+            # character, then add in a space to make it more presentable.
+            #
+            nextChar = adjustedLine[index]
+            if not (nextChar in self.whitespace \
+                    or punctuation_settings.getPunctuationInfo(nextChar)):
+                linkString += " "
+            adjustedLine[index:index] = linkString
-        return line.encode("UTF-8")
+        return "".join(adjustedLine).encode("UTF-8")
     def adjustForRepeats(self, line):
         """Adjust line to include repeat character counts.

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