goffice r2255 - in trunk: . pixmaps plugins/plot_surface

Author: jbrefort
Date: Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
New Revision: 2255
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/goffice?rev=2255&view=rev

2008-10-31  Jean Brefort  <jean brefort normalesup org>

	* pixmaps/Makefile.am: add new icon for GogXYZContourPlot.
	* pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.png: new icon.
	* pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.svg: ditto.
	* plugins/plot_surface/gog-contour.c: fixed various regressions.
	* plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.c: add GogXYZContourPlot.
	* plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.h: ditto.
	* plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz.c: ditto.
	* plugins/plot_surface/plot-types.xml.in: ditto.

   trunk/pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.png   (contents, props changed)

Modified: trunk/NEWS
--- trunk/NEWS	(original)
+++ trunk/NEWS	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+goffice 0.7.3:
+	* Fixed various regressions in contour plots.
+	* Add XYZ series based contour plots.
+	* Plug leaks.
 goffice 0.7.2:
 Hib Eris:
@@ -17,7 +27,6 @@
 	* Fix go_url_resolve_relative.  [#550898]
-	* Plug leaks.
 goffice 0.7.1:

Modified: trunk/pixmaps/Makefile.am
--- trunk/pixmaps/Makefile.am	(original)
+++ trunk/pixmaps/Makefile.am	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 	chart_scatter_4_4.png \
 	chart_bubble_1_1.png \
 	chart_colored_1_1.png \
-	chart_contour_1_1.png \
+	chart_contour_1_1.png chart_contour_2_1.png \
 	chart_boxplot_1_1.png	chart_boxplot_1_2.png \
 	chart_boxplot_2_1.png	chart_boxplot_2_2.png \
 	chart_dropbar_1_1.png	chart_dropbar_1_2.png \

Added: trunk/pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: trunk/pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.svg
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/pixmaps/chart_contour_2_1.svg	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
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Modified: trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-contour.c
--- trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-contour.c	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-contour.c	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -112,6 +112,11 @@
 	gog_axis_map_free (map);
 	g_free (x);
+	if (max < 2) { /* this might happen with bad 3d axis configuration */
+		g_free (data);
+		return NULL;
+	}
 	return data;
@@ -129,7 +134,6 @@
 	unsigned i, j, nticks;
 	char *label;
-	static char separator = 0;
 	GogStyle *style = gog_style_new ();
 	GogTheme *theme = gog_object_get_theme (GOG_OBJECT (plot));
 	GogAxis *axis = plot->axis[GOG_AXIS_PSEUDO_3D];
@@ -137,13 +141,10 @@
 	GogAxisTick *zticks;
 	double *limits;
 	double minimum, maximum;
+	char const *separator = go_locale_get_decimal ()->str;
 	gog_axis_get_bounds (axis, &minimum, &maximum);
-	if (separator == 0) {
-		struct lconv *lc = localeconv ();
-		separator = (strcmp (lc->decimal_point, ","))? ',': ';';
-	}
 	nticks = gog_axis_get_ticks (axis, &zticks);
 	limits = g_new (double, nticks + 1);
 	for (i = j = 0; i < nticks; i++)
@@ -171,14 +172,14 @@
 	if (gog_axis_is_inverted (axis)) {
 		for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
 			style->fill.pattern.back = color[i];
-			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%c %g%c", limits[j - i - 1], separator,
+			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%s %g%c", limits[j - i - 1], separator,
 						limits[j - i], (limits[i - j] > minimum)? '[':']');
 			(func) (i, style, label, data);
 			g_free (label);
 		if (limits[i - j] > minimum) {
 			gog_theme_fillin_style (theme, style, GOG_OBJECT (plot->series->data), i, FALSE);
-			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%c %g]", minimum, separator,
+			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%s %g]", minimum, separator,
 						limits[i - j]);
 			(func) (i, style, label, data);
 			g_free (label);
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@
 	} else {
 		if (minimum < limits[0]) {
 			style->fill.pattern.back = color[0];
-			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%c %g]", minimum, separator,
+			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%s %g]", minimum, separator,
 			(func) (0, style, label, data);
 			g_free (label);
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@
 			i = 0;
 		for (; i < j; i++) {
 			style->fill.pattern.back = color[i];
-			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%c %g%c", limits[i], separator,
+			label = g_strdup_printf ("[%g%s %g%c", limits[i], separator,
 						limits[i + 1], (i == j - 1)? ']':'[');
 			(func) (i, style, label, data);
 			g_free (label);
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@
 	GogPlot *plot = GOG_PLOT (contour);
 	plot->render_before_axes = TRUE;
+	plot->vary_style_by_element = TRUE;
 GSF_DYNAMIC_CLASS (GogContourPlot, gog_contour_plot,
@@ -307,8 +309,8 @@
 	if (xdiscrete) {
 		x0 = gog_axis_map_to_view (x_map, 0.);
 		x1 = gog_axis_map_to_view (x_map, 1.);
-	}else {
-		x_vec = GO_DATA_VECTOR (series->values[(plot->transposed)? 1: 0].data);
+	} else {
+		x_vec = gog_xyz_plot_get_x_vals (GOG_XYZ_PLOT (plot));
 		x0 = gog_axis_map_to_view (x_map, go_data_vector_get_value (x_vec, 0));
 		x1 = gog_axis_map_to_view (x_map, go_data_vector_get_value (x_vec, 1));
@@ -317,8 +319,8 @@
 	if (ydiscrete) {
 		y0 = gog_axis_map_to_view (y_map, 0.);
 		y1 = gog_axis_map_to_view (y_map, 1.);
-	}else {
-		y_vec = GO_DATA_VECTOR (series->values[(plot->transposed)? 0: 1].data);
+	} else {
+		y_vec = gog_xyz_plot_get_y_vals (GOG_XYZ_PLOT (plot));
 		y0 = gog_axis_map_to_view (y_map, go_data_vector_get_value (y_vec, 0));
 		y1 = gog_axis_map_to_view (y_map, go_data_vector_get_value (y_vec, 1));
@@ -326,6 +328,7 @@
 	style = gog_style_new ();
 	path = go_path_new ();
+	go_path_set_options (path, GO_PATH_OPTIONS_SHARP);
 	/* build the colors table */
 	color = g_new0 (GOColor, max);
 	if (max < 2)
@@ -345,14 +348,9 @@
 	style->disable_theming = GOG_STYLE_ALL;
 	style->fill.type = GOG_FILL_STYLE_PATTERN;
 	style->fill.pattern.pattern = GO_PATTERN_SOLID;
-	style->outline.dash_type = GO_LINE_SOLID;
-	style->outline.auto_dash = FALSE;
-	style->outline.auto_color = FALSE;
-	style->outline.width = 1.; /* seems a lower value shows grid effects */
-	style->outline.color = RGBA_BLACK;
 	lines = go_path_new ();
 	for (j = 1; j < jmax; j++) {
 		if (xdiscrete) {
 			x0 = gog_axis_map_to_view (x_map, j);
@@ -478,7 +476,7 @@
 				for (k = 1; k < s; k++)
 					go_path_line_to (path, x[k], y[k]);
 				/* narrow parameter is TRUE below to avoid border effects */
-				gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+				gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 				go_path_clear (path);
 				gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 			} else {
@@ -533,10 +531,11 @@
 						go_path_line_to (path, xl[0], yl[0]);
 						go_path_line_to (lines, xl[0], yl[0]);
 						gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 						while (k < zn) {
 							style->outline.color = color[k];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[k];
@@ -551,11 +550,11 @@
 							t = (k - zval[0]) / (zval[1] - zval[0]);
 							xl[0] = x[0] + t * (x[1] - x[0]);
 							yl[0] =y[0] + t * (y[1] - y[0]);
-							go_path_line_to (path, xl[7], yl[7]);
-							go_path_line_to (lines, xl[7], yl[7]);
+							go_path_line_to (path, xl[0], yl[0]);
+							go_path_line_to (lines, xl[0], yl[0]);
 							go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -578,7 +577,7 @@
 						go_path_line_to (path, xl[4], yl[4]);
 						go_path_line_to (lines, xl[4], yl[4]);
 						gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 						while (k < zn) {
@@ -600,7 +599,7 @@
 							go_path_line_to (lines, xl[4], yl[4]);
 							go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -625,7 +624,7 @@
 						style->outline.color = color[k];
 						style->fill.pattern.back = color[k];
 						gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -647,7 +646,7 @@
 							style->outline.color = color[k];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[k];
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -672,7 +671,7 @@
 						style->outline.color = color[k];
 						style->fill.pattern.back = color[k];
 						gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -694,7 +693,7 @@
 							style->outline.color = color[k];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[k];
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -735,7 +734,7 @@
 							style->outline.color = color[zn];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[zn];
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							if (xl[4] < 0.)
 								go_path_move_to (path, x[2], y[2]);
@@ -746,7 +745,7 @@
 							go_path_line_to (path, xb[2], yb[2]);
 							if (xl[4] >= 0.)
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[4], yl[4]);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 							if (xl[2] < 0.)
@@ -761,7 +760,7 @@
 							style->outline.color = color[zx];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[zx];
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							if (xl[6] < 0.)
 								go_path_move_to (path, x[3], y[3]);
@@ -772,19 +771,20 @@
 							go_path_line_to (path, xb[3], yb[3]);
 							if (xl[6] >= 0.)
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[6], yl[6]);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 						} else {
 							if (up) {
 								/* saddle point is in the lower slice */
 								/* draw the upper slices */
-								if (xl[1] < 0.)
+								if (xl[1] < 0.) {
 									go_path_move_to (path, x[1], y[1]);
-								else {
+									xc = -1;
+								} else {
 									go_path_move_to (path, xl[1], yl[1]);
 									xc = xl[2];
-									xc = yl[2];
+									yc = yl[2];
 								t = (zx - zval[1]) / (zval[0] - zval[1]);
 								xl[1] = x[1] + t * (x[0] - x[1]);
@@ -796,19 +796,20 @@
 								yl[2] = y[1] + t * (y[2] - y[1]);
 								go_path_line_to (lines, xl[2], yl[2]);
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[2], yl[2]);
-								if (xl[1] >= 0.)
+								if (xc >= 0.)
 									go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
 								style->outline.color = color[zx];
 								style->fill.pattern.back = color[zx];
 								gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-								gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+								gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 								go_path_clear (path);
-								if (xl[5] < 0.)
+								if (xl[5] < 0.) {
 									go_path_move_to (path, x[3], y[3]);
-								else {
+									xc = -1;
+								} else {
 									go_path_move_to (path, xl[5], yl[5]);
 									xc = xl[6];
-									xc = yl[6];
+									yc = yl[6];
 								t = (zx - zval[3]) / (zval[2] - zval[3]);
 								xl[5] = x[3] + t * (x[2] - x[3]);
@@ -820,19 +821,20 @@
 								yl[6] = y[3] + t * (y[0] - y[3]);
 								go_path_line_to (lines, xl[6], yl[6]);
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[6], yl[6]);
-								if (xl[1] >= 0.)
+								if (xc >= 0.)
 									go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
-								gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+								gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 								go_path_clear (path);
 								gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 							} else {
 								/* saddle point is in the upper slice */
-								if (xl[0] < 0.)
+								if (xl[0] < 0.) {
 									go_path_move_to (path, x[0], y[0]);
-								else {
+									xc = -1.;
+								} else {
 									go_path_move_to (path, xl[7], yl[7]);
 									xc = xl[0];
-									xc = yl[0];
+									yc = yl[0];
 								t = (k - zval[0]) / (zval[3] - zval[0]);
 								xl[7] = x[0] + t * (x[3] - x[0]);
@@ -844,19 +846,20 @@
 								yl[0] = y[0] + t * (y[1] - y[0]);
 								go_path_line_to (lines, xl[0], yl[0]);
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[0], yl[0]);
-								if (xl[1] >= 0.)
+								if (xc >= 0.)
 									go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
 								style->outline.color = color[zn];
 								style->fill.pattern.back = color[zn];
 								gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-								gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+								gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 								go_path_clear (path);
-								if (xl[4] < 0.)
+								if (xl[4] < 0.) {
 									go_path_move_to (path, x[2], y[2]);
-								else {
+									xc = -1.;
+								} else {
 									go_path_move_to (path, xl[3], yl[3]);
 									xc = xl[4];
-									xc = yl[4];
+									yc = yl[4];
 								t = (k - zval[2]) / (zval[1] - zval[2]);
 								xl[3] = x[2] + t * (x[1] - x[2]);
@@ -868,9 +871,9 @@
 								yl[4] = y[2] + t * (y[3] - y[2]);
 								go_path_line_to (lines, xl[4], yl[4]);
 								go_path_line_to (path, xl[4], yl[4]);
-								if (xl[1] >= 0.)
+								if (xc >= 0.)
 									go_path_line_to (path, xc, yc);
-								gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+								gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 								go_path_clear (path);
 								gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 								zn = zx;
@@ -891,7 +894,7 @@
 							style->outline.color = color[zn];
 							style->fill.pattern.back = color[zn];
 							gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-							gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+							gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 							go_path_clear (path);
 							gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -911,7 +914,7 @@
 						style->outline.color = color[zx];
 						style->fill.pattern.back = color[zx];
 						gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -987,7 +990,7 @@
 						s = r + 1;
-						gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+						gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 						go_path_clear (path);
 						gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 						go_path_move_to (path, x1, y1);
@@ -1011,13 +1014,14 @@
 					style->outline.color = color[zmin];
 					style->fill.pattern.back = color[zmin];
 					gog_renderer_push_style (rend, style);
-					gog_renderer_draw_shape (rend, path);
+					gog_renderer_fill_shape (rend, path);
 					go_path_clear (path);
 					gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
 	gog_renderer_push_style (rend, GOG_STYLED_OBJECT (series)->style);
 	gog_renderer_stroke_serie (rend, lines);
 	gog_renderer_pop_style (rend);
@@ -1038,4 +1042,3 @@
 GSF_DYNAMIC_CLASS (GogContourView, gog_contour_view,
 	gog_contour_view_class_init, NULL,

Modified: trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.c
--- trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.c	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.c	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@
+static GogObjectClass *plot_xyz_contour_parent_klass;
 static GogObjectClass *plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass;
+#define EPSILON 1e-13
 static double *
 gog_xyz_surface_plot_build_matrix (GogXYZPlot const *plot, gboolean *cardinality_changed)
@@ -80,12 +83,81 @@
 		if (grid[k] != 0)
 			data[k] /= grid[k];
-	*cardinality_changed = FALSE;
+	if (GOG_IS_PLOT_CONTOUR (plot)) {
+		GogAxisMap *map;
+		GogAxisTick *zticks;
+		GogAxis *axis = plot->base.axis[GOG_AXIS_PSEUDO_3D];
+		unsigned nticks;
+		double *x, val, minimum, maximum, slope, offset = 0.;
+		unsigned max;
+	if (!gog_axis_get_bounds (axis, &minimum, &maximum)) {
+			g_free (grid);
+			g_free (data);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		nticks = gog_axis_get_ticks (axis, &zticks);
+		map = gog_axis_map_new (axis, 0, 1);
+		x = g_new (double, nticks);
+		for (i = j = 0; i < nticks; i++)
+			if (zticks[i].type == GOG_AXIS_TICK_MAJOR) {
+				x[j++] = gog_axis_map_to_view (map, zticks[i].position);
+			}
+		max = --j;
+		if (x[1] > x[0]) {
+			if (x[0] > EPSILON) {
+				offset = 1.;
+				max++;
+			}
+			if (x[j] < 1. - EPSILON)
+				max++;
+			slope = 1 / (x[1] - x[0]);
+		} else {
+			offset = j;
+			if (x[0] < 1. - EPSILON)
+				max++;
+			if (x[j] > EPSILON) {
+				max++;
+				offset += 1.;
+			}
+			slope = 1 / (x[0] - x[1]);
+		}
+		for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
+			val = gog_axis_map_to_view (map, data[k]);
+			if (fabs (val) == DBL_MAX)
+				val = go_nan;
+			else {
+				val = offset + slope * (val - x[0]);
+				if (val < 0)
+					val = (val < -EPSILON)? go_nan: 0.;
+			}
+			data[k] = val;
+		}
+		if (series->num_elements != max) {
+			series->num_elements = max;
+			*cardinality_changed = TRUE;
+		}
+		gog_axis_map_free (map);
+		g_free (x);
+		if (max < 2) { /* this might happen with bad 3d axis configuration */
+			g_free (data);
+			data = NULL;
+		}
+	} else
+		*cardinality_changed = FALSE;
 	g_free (grid);
 	return data;
 static char const *
+gog_xyz_contour_plot_type_name (G_GNUC_UNUSED GogObject const *item)
+	/* xgettext : the base for how to name surface plot objects
+	*/
+	return N_("PlotXYZContour");
+static char const *
 gog_xyz_surface_plot_type_name (G_GNUC_UNUSED GogObject const *item)
 	/* xgettext : the base for how to name surface plot objects
@@ -93,20 +165,22 @@
 	return N_("PlotXYZSurface");
-extern gpointer gog_xyz_surface_plot_pref (GogXYZSurfacePlot *plot, GOCmdContext *cc);
+extern gpointer gog_xyz_surface_plot_pref (GogXYZPlot *plot, GOCmdContext *cc);
 static void
 gog_xyz_surface_plot_populate_editor (GogObject *item,
 				  GogEditor *editor,
 				  G_GNUC_UNUSED GogDataAllocator *dalloc,
 				  GOCmdContext *cc)
+	GogObjectClass *klass = (GOG_IS_PLOT_CONTOUR (item))?
+				plot_xyz_contour_parent_klass:
+				plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass;
 	gog_editor_add_page (editor,
-			     gog_xyz_surface_plot_pref (GOG_XYZ_SURFACE_PLOT (item), cc),
+			     gog_xyz_surface_plot_pref (GOG_XYZ_PLOT (item), cc),
-	(GOG_OBJECT_CLASS (plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass)->populate_editor) (item, editor, dalloc, cc);
+	(GOG_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->populate_editor) (item, editor, dalloc, cc);
@@ -116,6 +190,9 @@
 	GogXYZPlot *model = GOG_XYZ_PLOT(obj);
 	GogXYZSeries *series;
 	double tmp_min, tmp_max;
+	GogObjectClass *klass = (GOG_IS_PLOT_CONTOUR (obj))?
+				plot_xyz_contour_parent_klass:
+				plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass;
 	if (model->base.series == NULL)
@@ -158,11 +235,11 @@
 		model->z.fmt = go_data_preferred_fmt (series->base.values[2].data);
 	model->z.minima = tmp_min;
 	model->z.maxima = tmp_max;
-	gog_axis_bound_changed (model->base.axis[GOG_AXIS_Z], GOG_OBJECT (model));
+	gog_axis_bound_changed (model->base.axis[((GOG_IS_PLOT_CONTOUR (model))? GOG_AXIS_PSEUDO_3D: GOG_AXIS_Z)], GOG_OBJECT (model));
 	gog_object_emit_changed (GOG_OBJECT (obj), FALSE);
-	if (plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass->update)
-		plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass->update (obj);
+	if (klass->update)
+		klass->update (obj);
 static void
@@ -221,14 +298,12 @@
 static void
-gog_xyz_surface_plot_class_init (GogXYZPlotClass *klass)
+common_init_class (GogXYZPlotClass *klass)
 	GogPlotClass *gog_plot_klass = (GogPlotClass*) klass;
 	GObjectClass *gobject_klass = (GObjectClass *) klass;
 	GogObjectClass *gog_object_klass = (GogObjectClass *) klass;
-	plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
 	gobject_klass->set_property = gog_xyz_surface_plot_set_property;
 	gobject_klass->get_property = gog_xyz_surface_plot_get_property;
 	g_object_class_install_property (gobject_klass, XYZ_SURFACE_PROP_ROWS,
@@ -244,7 +319,6 @@
 			2, 1000, 10, 
-	gog_object_klass->type_name	= gog_xyz_surface_plot_type_name;
 	gog_object_klass->update	= gog_xyz_surface_plot_update;
@@ -268,16 +342,33 @@
 static void
-gog_xyz_surface_plot_init (GogXYZSurfacePlot *surface)
+gog_xyz_contour_plot_class_init (GogXYZPlotClass *klass)
+	plot_xyz_contour_parent_klass = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+	GOG_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->type_name = gog_xyz_contour_plot_type_name;
+	common_init_class (klass);
+static void
+gog_xyz_surface_plot_class_init (GogXYZPlotClass *klass)
-	GogXYZPlot *xyz = GOG_XYZ_PLOT (surface);
+	plot_xyz_surface_parent_klass = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+	GOG_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->type_name = gog_xyz_surface_plot_type_name;
+	common_init_class (klass);
+static void
+gog_xyz_surface_plot_init (GogXYZPlot *xyz)
 	xyz->data_xyz = TRUE;
 	xyz->rows = 10;
 	xyz->columns = 10;
+GSF_DYNAMIC_CLASS (GogXYZContourPlot, gog_xyz_contour_plot,
+	gog_xyz_contour_plot_class_init, gog_xyz_surface_plot_init,
 GSF_DYNAMIC_CLASS (GogXYZSurfacePlot, gog_xyz_surface_plot,
 	gog_xyz_surface_plot_class_init, gog_xyz_surface_plot_init,

Modified: trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.h
--- trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.h	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz-surface.h	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -22,12 +22,31 @@
+#include "gog-contour.h"
 #include "gog-surface.h"
+ * GogXYZContourPlot
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+typedef GogContourPlot GogXYZContourPlot;
+typedef GogContourPlotClass GogXYZContourPlotClass;
+#define GOG_XYZ_CONTOUR_PLOT_TYPE	(gog_xyz_contour_plot_get_type ())
+GType gog_xyz_contour_plot_get_type (void);
+void  gog_xyz_contour_plot_register_type   (GTypeModule *module);
+ *
  * GogXYZSurfacePlot

Modified: trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz.c
--- trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz.c	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/plot_surface/gog-xyz.c	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 	go_data_matrix_get_minmax (mat, &tmp_min, &tmp_max);
 	if ((tmp_min != model->z.minima)
 			|| (tmp_max != model->z.maxima)) {
-		model->z.minima = tmp_min - 0.5 * fabs (tmp_max - tmp_min);
+		model->z.minima = tmp_min;
 		model->z.maxima = tmp_max;
 		gog_axis_bound_changed (
 			model->base.axis[GOG_XYZ_PLOT_GET_CLASS (model)->third_axis],
@@ -513,6 +513,7 @@
 	gog_contour_view_register_type (module);
 	gog_surface_plot_register_type (module);
 	gog_surface_view_register_type (module);
+	gog_xyz_contour_plot_register_type (module);
 	gog_xyz_surface_plot_register_type (module);
 	gog_xyz_series_register_type (module);
 	xl_xyz_series_register_type (module);

Modified: trunk/plugins/plot_surface/plot-types.xml.in
--- trunk/plugins/plot_surface/plot-types.xml.in	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/plot_surface/plot-types.xml.in	Fri Oct 31 10:23:59 2008
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 		_description="Contour plot."
+	<Type _name="XYZSurface" row="1" col="2"
+		engine="GogXYZContourPlot" family="Contour"
+		_description="Builds a contour from a set of points with three coordinates"
+		sample_image_file="chart_contour_2_1.png">
+	</Type>
 	<Type _name="Surface" row="1" col="1"
 		engine="GogSurfacePlot" family="Surface"
 		_description="Surface plot."

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