gjs r54 - in trunk: . test/js

Author: jobi
Date: Fri Oct 24 15:16:49 2008
New Revision: 54
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gjs?rev=54&view=rev

Add testTweener.js


Modified: trunk/Makefile-test.am
--- trunk/Makefile-test.am	(original)
+++ trunk/Makefile-test.am	Fri Oct 24 15:16:49 2008
@@ -74,4 +74,5 @@
 EXTRA_DIST +=				\
 	test/js/modules/jsUnit.js	\
-	test/js/testMainloop.js
+	test/js/testMainloop.js		\
+	test/js/testTweener.js

Added: trunk/test/js/testTweener.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/test/js/testTweener.js	Fri Oct 24 15:16:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+const Tweener = imports.tweener.tweener;
+const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
+function installFrameTicker() {
+    // Set up Tweener to have a "frame pulse" from
+    // our main rendering loop
+    let ticker = {
+        FRAME_RATE : 50,
+        start : function() {
+            let me = this;
+            this._id =
+                Mainloop.timeout_add(1000/this.FRAME_RATE,
+                                     function() {
+                                         me.emit('prepare-frame');
+                                         return true;
+                                     });
+        },
+        stop : function() {
+            if (this._id) {
+                Mainloop.source_remove(this._id);
+                this._id = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    imports.signals.addSignalMethods(ticker);
+    Tweener.setFrameTicker(ticker);
+function testSimpleTween() {
+    var objectA = {
+        x: 0,
+        y: 0
+    };
+    var objectB = {
+        x: 0,
+        y: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { x: 10, y: 10, time: 1, transition: "linear",
+                                onComplete: function() { Mainloop.quit('testTweener');}});
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { x: 10, y: 10, time: 1, delay: 0.5, transition: "linear" });
+    Mainloop.run('testTweener');
+    with (objectA) {
+        assertEquals("A: x coordinate", 10, x);
+        assertEquals("A: y coordinate", 10, y);
+    }
+    with (objectB) {
+        assertEquals("B: x coordinate", 5, x);
+        assertEquals("B: y coordinate", 5, y);
+    }
+function testOnFunctions() {
+    var object = {
+        start: false,
+        update: false,
+        complete: false
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { time: 0.1,
+                               onStart: function () {
+                                   object.start = true;
+                               },
+                               onUpdate: function () {
+                                   object.update = true;
+                               },
+                               onComplete: function() {
+                                   object.complete = true;
+                                   Mainloop.quit('testOnFunctions');
+                               }});
+    Mainloop.run('testOnFunctions');
+    with (object) {
+        assertEquals("onStart was run", true, start);
+        assertEquals("onUpdate was run", true, update);
+        assertEquals("onComplete was run", true, complete);
+    }
+function testPause() {
+    var objectA = {
+        foo: 0
+    };
+    var objectB = {
+        bar: 0
+    };
+    var objectC = {
+        baaz: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { foo: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectC, { baaz: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { bar: 100, time: 0.1,
+                               onComplete: function() { Mainloop.quit('testPause');}});
+    Tweener.pauseTweens(objectA);
+    assertEquals(false, Tweener.pauseTweens(objectB, "quux")); // This should do nothing
+    /* Pause and resume should be equal to doing nothing */
+    Tweener.pauseTweens(objectC, "baaz");
+    Tweener.resumeTweens(objectC, "baaz");
+    Mainloop.run('testPause');
+    with (objectA) {
+        assertEquals(0, foo);
+    }
+    with (objectB) {
+        assertEquals(100, bar);
+    }
+    with (objectC) {
+        assertEquals(100, baaz);
+    }
+function testRemoveTweens() {
+    var object = {
+        foo: 0,
+        bar: 0,
+        baaz: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { foo: 50, time: 0.1,
+                               onComplete: function() { Mainloop.quit('testRemoveTweens');}});
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { bar: 50, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { baaz: 50, time: 0.1});
+    /* The Tween on property foo should still be run after removing the other two */
+    Tweener.removeTweens(object, "bar", "baaz");
+    Mainloop.run('testRemoveTweens');
+    with (object) {
+        assertEquals(50, foo);
+        assertEquals(0, bar);
+        assertEquals(0, baaz);
+    }
+function testConcurrent() {
+    var objectA = {
+        foo: 0
+    };
+    var objectB = {
+        bar: 0
+    };
+    /* The second Tween should override the first one, as
+     * they act on the same object, property, and at the same
+     * time.
+     */
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { foo: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { foo: 0, time: 0.1 });
+    /* In this case both tweens should be executed, as they don't
+     * act on the object at the same time (the second one has a
+     * delay equal to the running time of the first one) */
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { bar: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { bar: 150, time: 0.1, delay: 0.1,
+                               onComplete: function () {
+                                   Mainloop.quit('testConcurrent');}});
+    Mainloop.run('testConcurrent');
+    with (objectA) {
+        assertEquals(0, foo);
+    }
+    with (objectB) {
+        assertEquals(150, bar);
+    }
+function testPauseAllResumeAll() {
+    var objectA = {
+        foo: 0
+    };
+    var objectB = {
+        bar: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { foo: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { bar: 100, time: 0.1,
+                                onComplete: function () { Mainloop.quit('testPauseAllResumeAll');}});
+    Tweener.pauseAllTweens();
+    Mainloop.timeout_add(10, function () {
+                             Tweener.resumeAllTweens();
+                             return false;
+                         });
+    Mainloop.run('testPauseAllResumeAll');
+    with (objectA) {
+        assertEquals(100, foo);
+    }
+    with (objectB) {
+        assertEquals(100, bar);
+    }
+function testRemoveAll() {
+    var objectA = {
+        foo: 0
+    };
+    var objectB = {
+        bar: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(objectA, { foo: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.addTween(objectB, { bar: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    Tweener.removeAllTweens();
+    Mainloop.timeout_add(200,
+                        function () {
+                            assertEquals(0, objectA.foo);
+                            assertEquals(0, objectB.bar);
+                            Mainloop.quit('testRemoveAll');
+                            return false;
+                        });
+    Mainloop.run('testRemoveAll');
+function testImmediateTween() {
+    var object = {
+        foo: 100
+    };
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { foo: 50, time: 0, delay: 0 });
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { foo: 200, time: 0.1,
+                               onStart: function () {
+                                   /* The immediate tween should set it to 50 before we run */
+                                   assertEquals(50, object.foo);
+                               },
+                               onComplete: function () {
+                                   Mainloop.quit('testImmediateTween');
+                               }});
+    Mainloop.run('testImmediateTween');
+    with (object) {
+        assertEquals(200, foo);
+    }
+function testAddCaller() {
+    var object = {
+        foo: 0
+    };
+    Tweener.addCaller(object, { onUpdate: function () {
+                                    object.foo += 1;
+                                },
+                                onComplete: function () {
+                                    Mainloop.quit('testAddCaller');
+                                },
+                                count: 10,
+                                time: 0.1 });
+    Mainloop.run('testAddCaller');
+    with (object) {
+        assertEquals(10, foo);
+    }
+function testGetTweenCount() {
+    var object = {
+        foo: 0,
+        bar: 0,
+        baaz: 0,
+        quux: 0
+    };
+    assertEquals(0, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { foo: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    assertEquals(1, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { bar: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    assertEquals(2, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { baaz: 100, time: 0.1 });
+    assertEquals(3, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Tweener.addTween(object, { quux: 100, time: 0.1,
+                               onComplete: function () {
+                                   Mainloop.quit('testGetTweenCount');}});
+    assertEquals(4, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Tweener.removeTweens(object, "bar", "baaz");
+    assertEquals(2, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));
+    Mainloop.run('testGetTweenCount');
+    assertEquals(0, Tweener.getTweenCount(object));

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