damned-lies r1070 - in branches/djamnedlies: . docs stats stats/conf stats/management/commands stats/templates
- From: claudep svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: damned-lies r1070 - in branches/djamnedlies: . docs stats stats/conf stats/management/commands stats/templates
- Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 07:08:46 +0000 (UTC)
Author: claudep
Date: Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
New Revision: 1070
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/damned-lies?rev=1070&view=rev
2008-10-22 Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net>
* docs/DataModel.odg: Added vcs_subdir to branch table.
* stats/conf/settings.py: Added DEBUG variable (referring to global DEBUG)
* stats/management/commands/migrate.py: Populate vcs_subpath.
* stats/management/commands/update-stats.py: Added script to update
* stats/models.py: Added code to checkout branches and skeleton for
updating stats (wip).
* stats/templates/language-release-stats.tmpl: Fixed relative path for
/data content.
Modified: branches/djamnedlies/docs/DataModel.odg
Binary files. No diff available.
Modified: branches/djamnedlies/stats/conf/settings.py
--- branches/djamnedlies/stats/conf/settings.py (original)
+++ branches/djamnedlies/stats/conf/settings.py Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from django.conf import settings
+DEBUG = getattr(settings, "DEBUG", True)
WEBROOT = "/stats"
POTDIR = "/home/claude/www/damned-lies/cvs/POT"
SCRATCHDIR = "/home/claude/www/damned-lies/cvs/"
Modified: branches/djamnedlies/stats/management/commands/migrate.py
--- branches/djamnedlies/stats/management/commands/migrate.py (original)
+++ branches/djamnedlies/stats/management/commands/migrate.py Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
help = "Migrate current D-L XML files into database content"
output_transaction = False
- xml_base = ""
+ xml_base = "/home/claude/www/damned-lies/po/C"
def handle(self, app, **options):
#drop table language;drop table module;drop table module_maintainer;drop table person;drop table release;drop table category;drop table team;drop table branch;
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
# Adding branches
for bkey, bval in module['branch'].items():
new_b = Branch(name=bkey, module=new_m)
+ if bval.has_key('subpath'):
+ new_b.vcs_subpath = bval['subpath']
# Adding domains (to module), if not exist
for dkey, dval in bval['domain'].items():
Added: branches/djamnedlies/stats/management/commands/update-stats.py
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/djamnedlies/stats/management/commands/update-stats.py Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from optparse import make_option
+import os
+from stats.models import Person, Team, Language, Module, Branch, Domain, Release, Category, Statistics
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ help = "Update statistics about po file"
+ args = "[MODULE_ID [BRANCH]]"
+ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
+ help="force statistics generation, even if files didn't change"),
+ )
+ output_transaction = False
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ if len(args)<=2:
+ if len(args)==2:
+ module_arg = args[0]
+ branch_arg = args[1]
+ if branch_arg == "trunk":
+ branch_arg = "HEAD"
+ try:
+ branch = Branch.objects.get(module__name=module_arg, name=branch_arg)
+ except:
+ print "Unable to find branch '%s' for module '%s'" % (branch_arg, module_arg)
+ return "Update unsuccessful"
+ print "Updating stats for %s.%s..." % (module_arg, branch_arg)
+ branch.update_stats(options['force'])
+ elif len(args)==1:
+ module_arg = args[0]
+ print "Updating stats for %s..." % (module_arg)
+ branches = Branch.objects.filter(module__name=module_arg)
+ for branch in branches.all():
+ branch.update_stats(options['force'])
+ else:
+ modules = Module.objects.all()
+ for mod in modules:
+ print "Updating stats for %s..." % (mod.name)
+ branches = Branch.objects.filter(module__name=modu)
+ for branch in branches.all():
+ branch.update_stats(options['force'])
+ else:
+ return "Too much command line arguments"
+ return "Update completed."
Modified: branches/djamnedlies/stats/models.py
--- branches/djamnedlies/stats/models.py (original)
+++ branches/djamnedlies/stats/models.py Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from django.db import models, connection
-from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _
+from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _, ugettext_noop as N_
from stats.conf import settings
from stats import utils
from time import tzname
-import os, re, commands
+import os, sys, re, commands
class Person(models.Model):
old_id = models.CharField(max_length=50)
@@ -126,11 +126,15 @@
""" Branch of a module """
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
#description = models.TextField(null=True)
+ vcs_subpath = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True)
module = models.ForeignKey(Module)
category = models.ForeignKey('Category', null=True)
class Meta:
db_table = 'branch'
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return "Branch: %s" % self.name
def is_head(self):
if self.module.vcs_type in ('cvs', 'svn') and self.name == "HEAD":
return True
@@ -139,7 +143,11 @@
return False
def get_vcsurl(self):
- if self.is_head():
+ if self.module.vcs_type in ('hg', 'git'):
+ return "%s/%s" % (self.module.vcs_root, self.module_name)
+ elif self.vcs_subpath:
+ return "%s/%s/%s" % (self.module.vcs_root, self.module.name, self.vcs_subpath)
+ elif self.is_head():
return "%s/%s/trunk" % (self.module.vcs_root, self.module.name)
return "%s/%s/branches/%s" % (self.module.vcs_root, self.module.name, self.name)
@@ -176,7 +184,159 @@
return self.get_stats('doc')
def get_uistats(self):
return self.get_stats('ui')
+ def update_stats(self, force):
+ """ Update statistics for all po files from the branch """
+ self.checkout()
+ domains = Domain.objects.filter(module=self.module)
+ for dom in domains.all():
+ domain_path = os.path.join(self.co_path(), dom.directory)
+ if not os.access(domain_path, os.X_OK):
+ # TODO: should check if existing stats, and delete (archive) them in this case
+ continue
+ errors = []
+ if dom.dtype == 'ui':
+ # Run intltool-update -m to check for some errors
+ errors.extend(self.check_pot_regeneration(domain_path))
+ # TODO: update pot file and update DB
+ # TODO: update po files and update DB
+ #stats = Statistics.objects.filter(branch = self)
+ #for stat in stats.all():
+ # stat.update()
+ def checkout(self):
+ """ Do a checkout or an update of the VCS files """
+ module_name = self.module.name
+ vcs_type = self.module.vcs_type
+ localroot = os.path.join(settings.SCRATCHDIR, vcs_type)
+ moduledir = self.module.name + "." + self.name
+ modulepath = os.path.join(localroot, moduledir)
+ scmroot = self.module.vcs_root
+ try: os.makedirs(localroot)
+ except: pass
+ commandList = []
+ if os.access(modulepath, os.X_OK | os.W_OK):
+ # Path exists, update repos
+ if vcs_type == "cvs":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && cvs -z4 up -Pd" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "svn":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && svn up --non-interactive" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "hg":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && hg revert --all" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "git":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && git checkout %(branch)s && git reset --hard && git clean -df" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ "branch" : self.name,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "bzr":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && bzr up" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ })
+ else:
+ # Checkout
+ vcs_path = self.get_vcsurl()
+ if vcs_type == "cvs":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localroot)s\" && cvs -d%(cvsroot)s -z4 co -d%(dir)s -r%(branch)s %(module)s" % {
+ "localroot" : localroot,
+ "cvsroot" : scmroot,
+ "dir" : moduledir,
+ "branch" : self.name,
+ "module" : module_name,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "svn":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localroot)s\" && svn co --non-interactive %(svnpath)s \"%(dir)s\"" % {
+ "localroot" : localroot,
+ "svnpath" : vcs_path,
+ "dir" : moduledir,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "hg":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localroot)s\" && hg clone %(hgpath)s \"%(dir)s\"" % {
+ "localroot" : localroot,
+ "hgpath" : vcs_path,
+ "dir" : moduledir,
+ })
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && hg update %(branch)s" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ "branch" : self.name,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "git":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localroot)s\" && git clone %(gitpath)s \"%(dir)s\"" % {
+ "localroot" : localroot,
+ "gitpath" : vcs_path,
+ "dir" : moduledir,
+ })
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localdir)s\" && git checkout %(branch)s" % {
+ "localdir" : modulepath,
+ "branch" : self.name,
+ })
+ elif vcs_type == "bzr":
+ commandList.append("cd \"%(localroot)s\" && bzr co --lightweight %(bzrpath)s \"%(dir)s\"" % {
+ "localroot" : localroot,
+ "bzrpath" : vcs_path,
+ "dir" : moduledir,
+ })
+ # Run command(s)
+ errorsOccured = 0
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ print >>sys.stdout, "Checking '%s.%s' out to '%s'..." % (module_name, self.name, modulepath)
+ for command in commandList:
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ print >>sys.stdout, command
+ (error, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ print >> sys.stderr, output
+ if error:
+ errorsOccured = 1
+ if settings.DEBUG:
+ print >> sys.stderr, error
+ if errorsOccured:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Problem checking out module %s.%s" % (module_name, self.name)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def check_pot_regeneration(self, po_path):
+ """Check if there were any problems regenerating a POT file (intltool-update -m)."""
+ errors = []
+ command = "cd \"%(dir)s\" && rm -f missing notexist && intltool-update -m" % { "dir" : po_path, }
+ if settings.DEBUG: print >>sys.stderr, command
+ (error, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
+ if settings.DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, output
+ if error:
+ if settings.DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, "Error running 'intltool-update -m' check."
+ errors.append( ("error", N_("Errors while running 'intltool-update -m' check.")) )
+ missing = os.path.join(po_path, "missing")
+ if os.access(missing, os.R_OK):
+ f = open(missing, "r")
+ errors.append( ("warn",
+ N_("There are some missing files from POTFILES.in: %s")
+ % ("<ul><li>"
+ + "</li>\n<li>".join(f.readlines())
+ + "</li>\n</ul>")) )
+ notexist = os.path.join(po_path, "notexist")
+ if os.access(notexist, os.R_OK):
+ f = open(notexist, "r")
+ errors.append(("error",
+ N_("Following files are referenced in either POTFILES.in or POTFILES.skip, yet they don't exist: %s")
+ % ("<ul><li>"
+ + "</li>\n<li>".join(f.readlines())
+ + "</li>\n</ul>")))
+ return errors
class Domain(models.Model):
module = models.ForeignKey(Module)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
@@ -551,7 +711,12 @@
if not error or e.Type == 'error' or (e.Type == 'warn' and error.Type == 'info'):
error = e
return error
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update stats in database """
+ # TODO
+ print("Updating %s/%s (%s-%s)" % (self.branch.module.name, self.branch.name, self.language.name, self.domain.name))
class FakeStatistics(object):
""" This is a fake statistics class where a summary value is needed for a multi-domain module
This is used in get_lang_stats for the language-release-stats template """
Modified: branches/djamnedlies/stats/templates/language-release-stats.tmpl
--- branches/djamnedlies/stats/templates/language-release-stats.tmpl (original)
+++ branches/djamnedlies/stats/templates/language-release-stats.tmpl Wed Oct 22 07:08:45 2008
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
{% if dom.1.partial_po %}
{# This is a partial po, indented, with the domain description #}
<td class="leftcell" style="padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em;">
- <a href="{{ dom.1.po_url }}"><img src="/data/download.png" alt="{% trans "Download po file" %}"></a>
+ <a href="{{ dom.1.po_url }}"><img src="{{ webroot }}/data/download.png" alt="{% trans "Download po file" %}"></a>
{{ dom.1.domain.description }}
{% else %}
<td class="leftcell">
{% if not dom.1.is_fake %}
- <a href="{{ dom.1.po_url }}"><img src="/data/download.png" alt="{% trans "Download po file" %}"></a>
+ <a href="{{ dom.1.po_url }}"><img src="{{ webroot }}/data/download.png" alt="{% trans "Download po file" %}"></a>
<a href="{% url stats.views.module modname %}">
{% else %}
<a href="{% url stats.views.module modname %}" style="font-style: italic;">
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