ooo-build r14333 - trunk/patches/test

Author: noelpwer
Date: Fri Oct 17 16:38:48 2008
New Revision: 14333

incomplete reader for the 'dir' stream of a VBA Project


Added: trunk/patches/test/dir.reader.cxx
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/test/dir.reader.cxx	Fri Oct 17 16:38:48 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// Cutn'pasting this into msvbasicdir ( from ooobuild/patches/test/vba-export-dir.diff should work
+// the reader class DirDumper ( at the end of this file ) is not complete, still some records to go :-(
+// also _VBA_PROJECT_VDPI can be used to create a usable 
+// ( and much smaller ) "_VBA_PROJECT" stream
+// _VBA_PROJECT Stream Version Dependant Project Information
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Reserved1;
+    sal_Int16 Version;
+    sal_Int8 Reserved2;
+    sal_Int16 Reserved3;
+    sal_Int8* PerformanceCache;
+    sal_Int32 PerformanceCacheSize;
+    _VBA_PROJECT_VDPI(): Reserved1( 0x61CC), Version( 0xFFFF ), Reserved2(0x0), Reserved3(0x0), PerformanceCache(0),  PerformanceCacheSize(0) {}
+    {
+        if (  PerformanceCache )
+           delete [] PerformanceCache;
+        PerformanceCache = 0;
+        PerformanceCacheSize = 0;
+    }
+    void read(){}
+    void write( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream << Reserved1 << Version << Reserved2 << Reserved3;
+        for( sal_Int32 i = 0; PerformanceCache && i < PerformanceCacheSize; ++i )
+        {
+            *pStream >> PerformanceCache[ i ];
+        }
+    }
+class ProjectSysKindRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;
+    sal_Int32 SysKind;
+    ProjectSysKindRecord(): Id(0x1), Size(0x4), SysKind( 0x1 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Size >> SysKind;
+    }
+class ProjectLcidRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;
+    sal_Int32 Lcid;
+    ProjectLcidRecord() : Id( 0x2 ), Size( 0x4 ), Lcid( 0x409 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Size >> Lcid;
+    }
+class ProjectLcidInvokeRecord
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;
+    sal_Int32 LcidInvoke;
+    public:
+    ProjectLcidInvokeRecord() : Id( 0x14 ), Size( 0x4 ), LcidInvoke( 0x409 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Size >> LcidInvoke;
+    }
+class ProjectCodePageRecord
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;
+    sal_Int16 CodePage;
+    public:
+    // #FIXME get a better default for the CodePage
+    ProjectCodePageRecord() : Id( 0x03 ), Size( 0x2 ), CodePage( 0x0 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Size >> CodePage;
+    }
+class ProjectNameRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfProjectName;
+    sal_Int8* ProjectName;
+    ProjectNameRecord() : Id( 0x04 ), SizeOfProjectName( 0x0 ), ProjectName(0) {}
+    ~ProjectNameRecord()
+    {
+        delete [] ProjectName;
+        ProjectName = 0;
+    }
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> SizeOfProjectName;
+        if ( ProjectName )
+            delete [] ProjectName;
+        ProjectName = new sal_Int8[ SizeOfProjectName ];
+        for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < SizeOfProjectName; ++nIndex )
+        {
+            *pStream >> ProjectName[ nIndex ];
+        }
+    }
+class ProjectDocStringRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfDocString;
+    sal_Int8* DocString;
+    sal_Int16 Reserved;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfDocStringUnicode;
+    sal_Int8* DocStringUnicode;
+    ProjectDocStringRecord() : Id( 0x5 ), SizeOfDocString( 0x0 ), DocString( 0 ), Reserved( 0x0 ), SizeOfDocStringUnicode( 0 ), DocStringUnicode( 0 ) {}
+    ~ProjectDocStringRecord()
+    {
+        delete [] DocString;
+        delete [] DocStringUnicode;
+        DocString = 0;
+        DocStringUnicode = 0;
+    }
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> SizeOfDocString;
+        if ( DocString )
+            delete [] DocString;
+        pStream->Read( DocString, SizeOfDocString );
+        if ( SizeOfDocStringUnicode )
+            delete [] DocStringUnicode;
+        *pStream >> Reserved >> SizeOfDocStringUnicode;
+        if ( DocStringUnicode )
+            delete [] DocStringUnicode;
+        DocStringUnicode =  new sal_Int8[ SizeOfDocStringUnicode ];
+        pStream->Read( DocStringUnicode, SizeOfDocStringUnicode );
+    }
+class ProjectHelpFilePath
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfHelpFile1;
+    sal_Int8* HelpFile1;
+    sal_Int16 Reserved;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfHelpFile2;
+    sal_Int8* HelpFile2;
+    ProjectHelpFilePath() : Id( 0x06 ), SizeOfHelpFile1(0), HelpFile1(0), Reserved(0x0), SizeOfHelpFile2(0), HelpFile2(0) {}
+    ~ProjectHelpFilePath()
+    {
+        if ( HelpFile1 )
+            delete [] HelpFile1;
+        if ( HelpFile2 )
+            delete [] HelpFile2;
+        HelpFile1 = 0;
+        HelpFile2 = 0;
+    }
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> SizeOfHelpFile1;
+        if ( HelpFile1 )
+            delete HelpFile1;
+        HelpFile1 = new sal_Int8[ SizeOfHelpFile1 ];
+        pStream->Read( HelpFile1, SizeOfHelpFile1 );
+        *pStream >> Reserved >> SizeOfHelpFile2;
+        if ( HelpFile2 )
+            delete HelpFile2;
+        HelpFile2 = new sal_Int8[ SizeOfHelpFile2 ];
+        pStream->Read( HelpFile2, SizeOfHelpFile2 );
+    }
+class ProjectHelpContextRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;    
+    sal_Int32 HelpContext;    
+    ProjectHelpContextRecord() : Id( 0x7 ), Size( 0x4 ), HelpContext( 0 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+       *pStream >> Id >> Size >> HelpContext;
+    }
+class ProjectLibFlagsRecord
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Size;
+    sal_Int32 ProjectLibFlags;
+    public:
+    ProjectLibFlagsRecord() : Id( 0x8 ), Size( 0x4 ), ProjectLibFlags( 0x0 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream ) 
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Size >> ProjectLibFlags;
+    }
+class ProjectVersionRecord
+    public:
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 Reserved;
+    sal_Int32 VersionMajor;
+    sal_Int16 VersionMinor;
+    ProjectVersionRecord() : Id( 0x9 ), Reserved( 0x4 ), VersionMajor( 0x1 ), VersionMinor( 0 ) {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> Reserved >> VersionMajor >> VersionMinor;
+    }
+class ProjectConstantsRecord
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfConstants;
+    sal_Int8* Constants;
+    sal_Int16 Reserved;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfConstantsUnicode;
+    sal_Int8* ConstantsUnicode;
+    public:
+    ProjectConstantsRecord() : Id( 0xC ), SizeOfConstants( 0 ), Constants( 0 ), Reserved( 0x3C ), SizeOfConstantsUnicode( 0 ), ConstantsUnicode(0) {}
+    ~ProjectConstantsRecord()
+    {
+        delete [] Constants;
+        Constants = 0;
+        delete [] ConstantsUnicode;
+        ConstantsUnicode = 0;
+    }
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+       *pStream >> Id >> SizeOfConstants;
+        if ( Constants )
+            delete [] Constants;
+        Constants = new sal_Int8[ SizeOfConstants ];
+        pStream->Read( Constants, SizeOfConstants );
+        if ( ConstantsUnicode )
+            delete [] ConstantsUnicode;
+        ConstantsUnicode = new sal_Int8[ SizeOfConstantsUnicode ];
+        pStream->Read( ConstantsUnicode, SizeOfConstantsUnicode );
+    }
+class ReferenceNameRecord
+    sal_Int16 Id;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfName;
+    sal_Int8* Name;
+    sal_Int16 Reserved;
+    sal_Int32 SizeOfNameUnicode;
+    sal_Int8* NameUnicode;
+    ReferenceNameRecord() : Id( 0x16 ), SizeOfName( 0 ), Name( 0 ), Reserved( 0x3E ), SizeOfNameUnicode( 0 ), NameUnicode( 0 ) {}
+    ~ReferenceNameRecord()
+    {
+        delete [] Name;
+        Name = 0;
+        delete [] NameUnicode;
+        NameUnicode = 0;
+    }
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        *pStream >> Id >> SizeOfName;
+        if ( Name )
+            delete [] Name;
+        pStream->Read( Name, SizeOfName );
+        *pStream >> Reserved >> SizeOfNameUnicode;
+        if ( NameUnicode )
+            delete [] Name;
+        pStream->Read( NameUnicode, SizeOfNameUnicode );
+    }
+// Baseclass for ReferenceControlRecord, ReferenceRegisteredRecord, ReferenceProjectRecord
+class BaseReferenceRecord 
+    virtual void read( SvStream* pStream ) = 0;
+class ReferenceRecord
+   // NameRecord is Optional
+   ReferenceNameRecord* NameRecord;
+   BaseReferenceRecord*  aReferenceRecord;
+   ReferenceRecord(): NameRecord(0), aReferenceRecord(0) {}
+   ~ReferenceRecord()
+   {
+       if ( NameRecord )
+           delete NameRecord;       
+       if ( aReferenceRecord )
+           delete aReferenceRecord;       
+   }
+   // false return would mean failed to read Record e.g. end of array encountered
+   // Note: this read routine will make sure the stream is pointing to where it was the 
+   // method was called ) 
+   bool read( SvStream* pStream )
+   {
+       bool bResult = true;
+       long nPos = pStream->Tell();
+       // Peek at the ID 
+       sal_Int16 Id;
+       *pStream >> Id;
+       pStream->Seek( nPos ); // place back before Id
+       if ( Id == 0x16 ) // Optional NameRecord
+       {
+           NameRecord = new ReferenceNameRecord();
+           NameRecord->read( pStream ); 
+       }
+       nPos = pStream->Tell(); // peek at next
+       *pStream >> Id;
+       pStream->Seek( nPos ); // place back before Id
+       switch( Id )
+       {
+           case 0x0:
+               bResult = false;
+               break;
+   /* #FIXME haven't got as far as coding the following records yet :-( oh hackweek
+   why aren't you longer :-(((
+           case 0x0D:
+               aReferenceRecord = new ReferenceRegisteredRecord();
+               break; 
+           case 0x0E:
+               aReferenceRecord = new ReferenceProjectRecord();
+               break; 
+           case 0x2F:
+           case 0x33:
+               aReferenceRecord = new ReferenceControlRecord();
+               break; 
+   */
+           default:
+               bResult = false;
+               OSL_TRACE("Big fat error, unknown ID 0x%x", Id);
+               break;
+           aReferenceRecord->read( pStream );
+       } 
+       return bResult;
+   }
+class DirDumper
+    ProjectSysKindRecord mSysKindRec;
+    ProjectLcidRecord mLcidRec;
+    ProjectLcidInvokeRecord mLcidInvokeRec;
+    ProjectCodePageRecord mCodePageRec;
+    ProjectNameRecord mProjectNameRec;
+    ProjectDocStringRecord mDocStringRec;
+    ProjectHelpFilePath mHelpFileRec;
+    ProjectHelpContextRecord mHelpContextRec;
+    ProjectLibFlagsRecord mLibFlagsRec;
+    ProjectVersionRecord mVersionRec;
+    std::vector< ReferenceRecord > ReferenceArray;
+    DirDumper() {}
+    void read( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        readProjectInformation( pStream );
+        readProjectReferenceInformation( pStream );
+    }
+    void readProjectReferenceInformation( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+        ReferenceRecord aRef;
+        while( pStream ) )
+            ReferenceArray.push_back( aRef );
+    }
+    void readProjectInformation( SvStream* pStream )
+    {
+ pStream );
+ pStream ); 
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream );
+ pStream ); 
+    }

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