orca r4291 - trunk/test/keystrokes/oowriter

Author: joanied
Date: Tue Oct 14 23:04:37 2008
New Revision: 4291
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/orca?rev=4291&view=rev

Added a regression test which illustrates several issues around the 
presentation of focusable lists in OOo Writer.


Added: trunk/test/keystrokes/oowriter/bug_546941.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oowriter/bug_546941.py	Tue Oct 14 23:04:37 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Test to verify bug #546941 is still fixed.
+   When a list in OOo Writer gains focus, Orca does not display the
+   selected list item in braille.
+from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
+sequence = MacroSequence()
+# 1. Start oowriter.
+sequence.append(WaitForWindowActivate("Untitled[ ]*1 - " + utils.getOOoName("Writer"),None))
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PARAGRAPH))
+# 2. Enter Alt-f, right arrow and Return.  (File->New->Text Document).
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("New", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU))
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Text Document", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM))
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PARAGRAPH))
+# 3. Type "This is a test."
+sequence.append(TypeAction("This is a test."))
+# 4. Select "test"
+# 5. Press Alt-o to bring up the Format menu.
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Default Formatting", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM))
+# 6. Press "h" to select "Character".
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_LIST))
+# 7. Press Tab to move to move to Strikethrough.
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_LIST))
+    "Move to Strikethrough",
+    ["BUG? - 1. We're presenting an awful lot here.",
+     "BUG? - 2. There should be a space between 'Combo' and 'Strikethrough' -- assuming we should be presenting the combo box in the first place.",
+     "BUG? - 3. For the list, we're presenting the name twice and at the end we're not presented the selected item in braille.",
+     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Character Dialog Character OptionPane TabList Font Effects Page Strikethrough  Combo'",
+     "     VISIBLE:  ' Combo', cursor=1",
+     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Character Dialog Character OptionPane TabList Font Effects Page  ComboStrikethrough  Strikethrough Strikethrough List (Without) ListItem'",
+     "     VISIBLE:  '(Without) ListItem', cursor=1",
+     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Character Dialog Character OptionPane TabList Font Effects Page Strikethrough Strikethrough List'",
+     "     VISIBLE:  'Strikethrough Strikethrough List', cursor=1",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Strikethrough Select a strikethrough style for the selected text. combo box'",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Strikethrough list'",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: '(Without)'",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
+     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Strikethrough list'"]))
+# 8. Press Escape to exit the dialog.
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PARAGRAPH))
+# 9. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Writer application.
+#     A save dialog will appear.
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("New", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU))
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Save", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON))
+# 10. Enter Tab and Return to discard the current changes.
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Discard", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON))
+# 11. Wait for things to get back to normal.
+sequence.append(WaitForWindowActivate("Untitled[ ]*1 - " + utils.getOOoName("Writer"), None))
+sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_PARAGRAPH))

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