pitivi r1380 - in trunk/pitivi: timeline ui

Author: edwardrv
Date: Fri Nov 28 17:04:40 2008
New Revision: 1380
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/pitivi?rev=1380&view=rev

refactored CompositionLayers into TimelineCanvas and split into separate module


Modified: trunk/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py
--- trunk/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py	(original)
+++ trunk/pitivi/timeline/timeline.py	Fri Nov 28 17:04:40 2008
@@ -188,8 +188,6 @@
             # TODO: filtering mechanism
         self.__edges = edges.keys()
-        print self.__edges
-        print self.__deadband
     def snapTimeToEdge(self, time):
         """Returns the input time or the nearest edge"""

Modified: trunk/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py
--- trunk/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py	(original)
+++ trunk/pitivi/ui/complextimeline.py	Fri Nov 28 17:04:40 2008
@@ -32,52 +32,10 @@
 from complexlayer import LayerInfoList
 import ruler
 from complexinterface import Zoomable
-import goocanvas
-# FIXME : wildcard imports are BAD !
-from util import *
-from pitivi.utils import closest_item
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# ui imports
 import dnd
-from track import Track
-# default heights for composition layer objects
-    goocanvas.Rect,
-    {
-        "line_width" : 0,
-        "fill_color" : "orange",
-        "width" : 1,
-    },
-    {}
-# the vsiual appearance for the selection marquee
-    goocanvas.Rect,
-    {
-        "stroke_color_rgba" : 0x33CCFF66,
-        "fill_color_rgba" : 0x33CCFF66,
-    },
-    {}
-# cursors to be used for resizing objects
-ARROW = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.ARROW)
-# TODO: replace this with custom cursor
-RAZOR_CURSOR = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.XTERM)
-# FIXME: do we want this expressed in pixels or miliseconds?
-# If we express it in miliseconds, then we can have the core handle edge
-# snapping (it's really best implemented in the core). On the other hand, if
-# the dead-band is a constant unit of time, it will be too large at high zoom,
-# and too small at low zoom. So we might want to be able to adjust the
-# deadband from the UI.
-# default number of pixels to use for edge snaping
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from timelinecanvas import TimelineCanvas
 # tooltip text for toolbar
 DELETE = _("Delete Selected")
@@ -103,251 +61,6 @@
-# FIXME: this class should be renamed CompositionTracks, or maybe just Tracks.
-class CompositionLayers(goocanvas.Canvas, Zoomable):
-    """ Souped-up VBox that contains the timeline's CompositionLayer """
-    def __init__(self, layerinfolist):
-        goocanvas.Canvas.__init__(self)
-        self._selected_sources = []
-        self._timeline_position = 0
-        self._block_size_request = False
-        self.props.integer_layout = True
-        self.props.automatic_bounds = False
-        self.layerInfoList = layerinfolist
-        self.layerInfoList.connect('layer-added', self._layerAddedCb)
-        self.layerInfoList.connect('layer-removed', self._layerRemovedCb)
-        self._createUI()
-        self.connect("size_allocate", self._size_allocate)
-    def _createUI(self):
-        self._cursor = ARROW
-        self.layers = VList(canvas=self)
-        self.layers.connect("notify::width", self._request_size)
-        self.layers.connect("notify::height", self._request_size)
-        root = self.get_root_item()
-        root.add_child(self.layers)
-        root.connect("enter_notify_event", self._mouseEnterCb)
-        self._marquee = make_item(MARQUEE)
-        manage_selection(self, self._marquee, True, self._selection_changed_cb)
-        self._razor = make_item(RAZOR_LINE)
-        self._razor.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-        root.add_child(self._razor)
-## methods for dealing with updating the canvas size
-    def block_size_request(self, status):
-        self._block_size_request = status
-    def _size_allocate(self, unused_layout, allocation):
-        self._razor.props.height = allocation.height
-    def _request_size(self, unused_item, unused_prop):
-        #TODO: figure out why this doesn't work... (wtf?!?)
-        if self._block_size_request:
-            return True
-        # we only update the bounds of the canvas by chunks of 100 pixels
-        # in width, otherwise we would always be redrawing the whole canvas.
-        # Make sure canvas is at least 800 pixels wide, and at least 100 pixels 
-        # wider than it actually needs to be.
-        w = max(800, ((int(self.layers.width + 100) / 100) + 1 ) * 100)
-        h = int(self.layers.height)
-        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.get_bounds()
-        pw = abs(x2 - x1)
-        ph = abs(y2 - y1)
-        if not (w == pw and h == ph):
-            self.set_bounds(0, 0, w, h)
-        return True
-## mouse callbacks
-    def _mouseEnterCb(self, unused_item, unused_target, event):
-        event.window.set_cursor(self._cursor)
-        return True
-## Editing Operations
-    # FIXME: here once again we're doing something that would be better done
-    # in the core. As we add different types of objects in the Core, we'll
-    # have to modify this code here (maybe there are different ways of
-    # deleting different objects: you might delete() a source, but unset() a
-    # keyframe)
-    def deleteSelected(self, unused_action):
-        for obj in self._selected_sources:
-            if obj.comp:
-                obj.comp.removeSource(obj.element, remove_linked=True, 
-                    collapse_neighbours=False)
-        set_selection(self, set())
-        return True
-    # FIXME: the razor is the one toolbar tool that violates the noun-verb
-    # principle. Do I really want to make an exception for this? What about
-    # just double-clicking on the source like jokosher?
-    def activateRazor(self, unused_action):
-        self._cursor = RAZOR_CURSOR
-        # we don't want mouse events passing through to the canvas items
-        # underneath, so we connect to the canvas's signals
-        self._razor_sigid = self.connect("button_press_event", 
-            self._razorClickedCb)
-        self._razor_motion_sigid = self.connect("motion_notify_event",
-            self._razorMovedCb)
-        self._razor.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
-        return True
-    def _razorMovedCb(self, canvas, event):
-        x = event_coords(self, event)[0]
-        self._razor.props.x = self.nsToPixel(self.pixelToNs(x))
-        return True
-    def _razorClickedCb(self, unused_canvas, event):
-        self._cursor = ARROW
-        event.window.set_cursor(ARROW)
-        self.disconnect(self._razor_sigid)
-        self.disconnect(self._razor_motion_sigid)
-        self._razor.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
-        # Find the topmost source under the mouse. This is tricky because not
-        # all objects in the timeline are TimelineObjects. Some of them
-        # are drag handles, for example. For now, only objects marked as
-        # selectable should be sources
-        x, y = event_coords(self, event)
-        items = self.get_items_at(x, y, True)
-        if not items:
-            return True
-        for item in items:
-            if item.get_data("selectable"):
-                parent = item.get_parent()
-                gst.log("attempting to split source at position %d" %  x)
-                self._splitSource(parent, self.pixelToNs(x))
-        return True
-    # FIXME: this DEFINITELY needs to be in the core. Also, do we always want
-    # to split linked sources? Should the user be forced to un-link linked
-    # sources when they only wisth to split one of them? If not, 
-    def _splitSource(self, obj, editpoint):
-        comp = obj.comp
-        element = obj.element
-        # we want to divide element in elementA, elementB at the
-        # edit point.
-        a_start = element.start
-        a_end = editpoint
-        b_start = editpoint
-        b_end = element.start + element.duration
-        # so far so good, but we need this expressed in the form
-        # start/duration.
-        a_dur = a_end - a_start
-        b_dur = b_end - b_start
-        if not (a_dur and b_dur):
-            gst.Log("cannot cut at existing edit point, aborting")
-            return
-        # and finally, we need the media-start/duration for both sources.
-        # in this case, media-start = media-duration, but this would not be
-        # true if timestretch were applied to either source. this is why I
-        # really think we should not have to care about media-start /duratoin
-        # here, and have a more abstract method for setting time stretch that
-        # would keep media start/duration in sync for sources that have it.
-        a_media_start = element.media_start
-        b_media_start = a_media_start + a_dur
-        # trim source a
-        element.setMediaStartDurationTime(a_media_start, a_dur)
-        element.setStartDurationTime(a_start, a_dur)
-        # add source b
-        # TODO: for linked sources, split linked and create brother
-        # TODO: handle other kinds of sources
-        new = TimelineFileSource(factory=element.factory,
-            media_type=comp.media_type)
-        new.setMediaStartDurationTime(b_media_start, b_dur)
-        new.setStartDurationTime(b_start, b_dur)
-        comp.addSource(new, 0, True)
-    # FIXME: should be implemented in core, if at all. Another alternative
-    # would be directly suppporting ripple edits in the core, rather than
-    # doing select after + move selection. 
-    def selectBeforeCurrent(self, unused_action):
-        pass
-    def selectAfterCurrent(self, unused_action):
-        ## helper function
-        #def source_pos(ui_obj):
-        #    return ui_obj.comp.getSimpleSourcePosition(ui_obj.element)
-        ## mapping from composition -> (source1, ... sourceN)
-        #comps = dict()
-        #for source in self._selected_sources:
-        #    if not source.comp in comps:
-        #        comps[source.comp] = []
-        #    comps[source.comp].append(source)
-        ## find the latest source in each compostion, and all sources which
-        ## occur after it. then select them.
-        #to_select = set()
-        #for comp, sources in comps.items():
-        #    # source positions start at 1, not 0.
-        #    latest = max((source_pos(source) for source in sources)) - 1
-        #    # widget is available in "widget" data member of object.
-        #    # we add the background of the widget, not the widget itself.
-        #    objs = [obj.get_data("widget").bg for obj in comp.condensed[latest:]]
-        #    to_select.update(set(objs))
-        #set_selection(self, to_select)
-        pass
-    def _selection_changed_cb(self, selected, deselected):
-        # TODO: filter this list for things other than sources, and put them
-        # into appropriate lists
-        for item in selected:
-            item.props.fill_color_rgba = item.get_data("selected_color")
-            parent = item.get_parent()
-            self._selected_sources.append(parent)
-        for item in deselected:
-            item.props.fill_color_rgba = item.get_data("normal_color")
-            parent = item.get_parent()
-            self._selected_sources.remove(parent)
-    def timelinePositionChanged(self, value, unused_frame):
-        self._timeline_position = value
-## Zoomable Override
-    def zoomChanged(self):
-        instance.PiTiVi.current.timeline.setDeadband(self.pixelToNs(DEADBAND))
-    def setChildZoomAdjustment(self, adj):
-        for layer in self.layers:
-            layer.setZoomAdjustment(adj)
-## LayerInfoList callbacks
-    def _layerAddedCb(self, unused_infolist, layer, position):
-        track = Track()
-        track.setZoomAdjustment(self.getZoomAdjustment())
-        track.set_composition(layer.composition)
-        track.set_canvas(self)
-        self.layers.insert_child(track, position)
-        self.set_bounds(0, 0, self.layers.width, self.layers.height)
-        self.set_size_request(int(self.layers.width), int(self.layers.height))
-    def _layerRemovedCb(self, unused_layerInfoList, position):
-        child = self.layers.item_at(position)
-        self.layers.remove_child(child)
 # Complex Timeline Design v2 (08 Feb 2006)
@@ -361,7 +74,7 @@
 # |
 # +--gtk.ScrolledWindow
 #    |
-#    +--CompositionLayers(goocanas.Canvas)
+#    +--TimelineCanvas(goocanas.Canvas)
 #    |  |
 #    |  +--Track(SmartGroup)
 #    |
@@ -414,8 +127,8 @@
         self.pack_start(self.ruler, expand=False, fill=True)
-        # List of CompositionLayers
-        self.compositionLayers = CompositionLayers(self.layerInfoList)
+        # List of TimelineCanvas
+        self.compositionLayers = TimelineCanvas(self.layerInfoList)
         self.scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow(self.hadj)
         self.scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)

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