online-desktop r7295 - in trunk: . weblogindriver weblogindriver/doc

Author: marinaz
Date: Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
New Revision: 7295

Add documentation to the OnlineAccounts xml files. The full reference is now available at

COPYING: remove some strange characters so that xi:include is able to include the license

weblogindriver/web-login-driver: add dbus annotation to GetConnectedToServerFlag()


Modified: trunk/COPYING
--- trunk/COPYING	(original)
+++ trunk/COPYING	Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
 modification follow.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
     does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
     the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
 identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
 and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
 distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
 compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
   4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
 except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
 otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
 be a consequence of the rest of this License.
   8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
 certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
 original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
 	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@
 when it starts in an interactive mode:
     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+    under certain conditions; type 'show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the appropriate
 parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+be called something other than 'show w' and 'show c'; they could even be
 mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
 You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  'Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
   <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
   Ty Coon, President of Vice

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/doc/online-accounts-docs.xml
--- trunk/weblogindriver/doc/online-accounts-docs.xml	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/doc/online-accounts-docs.xml	Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   <appendix id="license">
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="../COPYING" parse="text"><xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback></xi:include></programlisting>
+<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi=""; href="../../COPYING" parse="text"><xi:fallback>FIXME: MISSING XINCLUDE CONTENT</xi:fallback></xi:include></programlisting>

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccount.xml
--- trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccount.xml	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccount.xml	Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
@@ -1,23 +1,72 @@
 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
-<node name="/">
+<node name="/" xmlns:doc="";>
   <interface name="org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.OnlineAccount">
+    <doc:doc>
+      <doc:description>
+	<doc:para>
+          An object representing an individual online account. 
+          This object can be created with 
+          <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetOrCreateAccount">
+          OnlineAccounts::GetOrCreateAccount()</doc:ref> and changed with 
+          <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.SaveAccountChanges">
+          OnlineAccounts::SaveAccountChanges()</doc:ref>. 
+       </doc:para>
+      </doc:description>
+    </doc:doc>
     <signal name="Changed">
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when an account object has changed. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc>  
     <method name="GetPassword">
-      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="s" name="password" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns an account password. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
     <method name="GetObjectPath">
-      <arg direction="out" type="o" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="o" name="object_path" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a DBus object path for the account object. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
     <method name="GetType">
-      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="s" name="type" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a short name for the account type. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
     <method name="GetEnabled">
-      <arg direction="out" type="b" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="b" name="enabled" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns account's enabled status. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
     <method name="GetUsername">
-      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="s" name="username" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns an account username. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.xml
--- trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.xml	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.xml	Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
@@ -1,83 +1,608 @@
 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
-<node name="/">
+<node name="/" xmlns:doc="";>
   <interface name="org.gnome.OnlineAccounts">
-    <method name="OpenAccountsDialogWithTypes">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="u" name="event_time" />
+    <doc:doc>
+      <doc:description>
+	<doc:para>
+          Online Accounts service can be used by desktop applications 
+          to create and retrieve information about user's online accounts,
+          such as Google or Twitter. Online Accounts service stores account 
+          information in GConf and passwords in 
+          GNOME Keyring and takes care of all GConf and GNOME Keyring                 
+          manipulations. In addition, it provides applications with a 
+          stock dialog that allows adding and modifying accounts of certain 
+          types used by the application. The central management of accounts 
+          allows the user to 
+          only enter account information once and have it be available
+          to all applications that work with a given account type. 
+       </doc:para>
+       <doc:para>
+         The presence of an account type in <doc:ulink url="";>
+         the list of online accounts on the GNOME Online site</doc:ulink> 
+         should be ensured by the application developers. 
+         This enables users who use GNOME Online to have their 
+         accounts of these types available to them on any machine they use.
+         Users can opt-in to use the GNOME Online service by selecting      
+         "Save Accounts Online" option in the stock dialog and logging in 
+         to the GNOME Online site. <doc:ulink url="";>
+         This page</doc:ulink> has an explanation about the service for
+         the users.
+       </doc:para>
+       <doc:para>
+         If the account type needed by a certain application doesn't already exist on
+         the GNOME Online site, the application developers can experiment with the Online 
+         Accounts service by adding the account type locally with 
+         <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.EnsureAccountType">EnsureAccountType()
+         </doc:ref>, and only adding the account type online and making it public once their
+         feature is publicly available. Beyond the initial experimentation, 
+         <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.EnsureAccountType">
+         EnsureAccountType()</doc:ref> should always be used by applications to ensure 
+         that Online Accounts service has information about the type even if the server 
+         is not available. 
+       </doc:para>
+       <doc:para>
+         Typically, applications should use <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes">
+         GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes()</doc:ref> to get all enabled accounts for a certain 
+         set of types, as well as connect to <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountEnabled">
+         AccountEnabled()</doc:ref> and <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountDisabled">
+         AccountDisabled()</doc:ref> signals. Using enabled accounts and allowing the user to edit accounts
+         in the stock dialog by calling 
+         <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.OpenAccountsDialogWithTypes">OpenAccountsDialogWithTypes()
+         </doc:ref> allows applications to completely delegate online accounts management to the Online 
+         Accounts service. Examples of such use of the Online Accounts service can be found in <doc:ulink url="";>the code for the
+         Online Desktop sidebar</doc:ulink> and in <doc:ulink url=" ">the code for Twitux</doc:ulink>.
+       </doc:para>
+       <doc:para>
+         Most other functions are only useful if the application needs to have 
+         its own user interface for adding and modifying accounts. If the application
+         is using <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetAllAccounts">GetAllAccounts()</doc:ref>, 
+         it should check if the accounts it gets are disabled.
+         It should add accounts to the service with <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetOrCreateAccount">GetOrCreateAccount()</doc:ref>, save account changes
+         with <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.SaveAccountChanges">SaveAccountChanges()</doc:ref>, and remove accounts with <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.RemoveAccount">RemoveAccount()</doc:ref>. It should make 
+         it clear to the user that these changes will be saved centrally, and also provide the
+         user with an option to save accounts on GNOME Online and use <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.SetSaveOnlineFlag">SetSaveOnlineFlag()</doc:ref> to
+         toggle that option. <doc:ulink url="";>Implementation of the stock accounts dialog</doc:ulink> might be useful 
+         for understanding how to implement a custom user interface that uses the Online Accounts
+         service to store away the accounts information centrally.
+       </doc:para>
+      </doc:description>
+    </doc:doc>
+    <signal name="AccountAdded">
+      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" >
+       <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path to the added account.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when an account gets added. Be sure to check if the type of the
+            added account is used by the application when handling this signal. Normally, 
+            applications should connect to the <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountEnabled">
+            AccountEnabled()</doc:ref> signal instead to avoid being notified about additions 
+            of disabled accounts. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <signal name="AccountRemoved">
+      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" >
+       <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path to the removed account.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when an account gets removed. Normally, 
+            applications should connect to the <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountDisabled">
+            AccountDisabled()</doc:ref> signal instead to be sure to be notified when accounts get disabled.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <signal name="AccountEnabled">
+      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" >
+       <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path to the enabled account.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when an account gets enabled. Be sure to check if the type of the
+            enabled account is used by the application when handling this signal. This is the signal 
+            applications should connect to if they are only handling enabled accounts. Such applications 
+            don't need to connect to the <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountAdded">
+            AccountAdded()</doc:ref> signal as AccountEnabled() is emitted when an enabled account is 
+            added as well. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <signal name="AccountDisabled">
+      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path to the disabled account.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when an account gets disabled. This is the signal applications should 
+            connect to if they are only handling enabled accounts. Such applications don't need to connect to
+            the <doc:ref type="signal" to="OnlineAccounts::AccountRemoved">AccountRemoved()</doc:ref> 
+            signal as AccountDisabled() is emitted when an account is removed as well. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <method name="SetSaveOnlineFlag">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="b" name="save_online_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A boolean flag specifying if the user wants the accounts information to be saved on the GNOME Online service.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Sets a boolean flag specifying if the user wants the accounts information to be saved on 
+            the GNOME Online service. This preference should be provided by the user. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    <method name="GetSaveOnlineFlag">
+      <arg direction="out" type="b" name="save_online_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a boolean flag specifying if the user wants the accounts information to be saved on the GNOME Online service.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a boolean flag specifying if the user wants the accounts information to be saved on the GNOME Online service.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </method>
+    <signal name="SaveOnlineFlagChanged">
+      <arg type="b" name="new_save_online_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A new boolean value specifying if the user wants the accounts information to be saved on the GNOME Online service.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when the value for a boolean flag specifying if the user wants 
+            the accounts information to be saved on the GNOME Online service is changed. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
     <method name="GetHaveOnlineUserFlag">
-      <arg direction="out" type="b" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="b" name="have_online_user_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns TRUE if the GNOME Online identity of the desktop user is known. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+	    Indicates if the GNOME Online identity of the desktop user is known. 
+            This flag is only useful if the application is not using the stock 
+            accounts dialog and needs to provide the user with an ability to 
+            log in to GNOME Online. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc>
-    <method name="EnsureAccountType">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_name" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_full_name" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_user_info_type" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_link" />
+    <signal name="HaveOnlineUserFlagChanged">
+      <arg type="b" name="new_have_online_user_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A new boolean value specifying if the GNOME Online identity of the desktop user is known.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when the value for a boolean flag specifying if the GNOME Online 
+            identity of the desktop user is known is changed. This signal is only useful if the 
+            application is not using the stock accounts dialog and needs to provide the user with 
+            an ability to log in to GNOME Online. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <method name="GetConnectedToServerFlag">
+      <arg direction="out" type="b" name="connected_to_server_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns TRUE if the Online Accounts service is connected to the GNOME Online server. 
+          </doc:summary> 
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+	    Indicates if the Online Accounts service is connected to the GNOME Online server.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc>
-    <method name="GetOrCreateAccount">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="account_type" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="username" />
-      <arg direction="out" type="(obs)" />
+    <signal name="ConnectedToServerFlagChanged">
+      <arg type="b" name="new_connected_to_server_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A new boolean value specifying if the Online Accounts service is connected to the GNOME Online server.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when the value for a boolean flag specifying if the Online Accounts service 
+            is connected to the GNOME Online server is changed. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <signal name="AccountUpdateFeedback">
+      <arg type="s" name="feedback_header" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A header for the feedback message.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <arg type="s" name="feedback_message" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A text for the feedback message.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <arg type="b" name="is_error_flag" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A boolean value indicating if the feedback message is an error. 
+            TRUE if it is an error, and FALSE if it is just a notice.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            A signal emitted when some feedback about an online account becomes available from the server. 
+            For example, this could happen if the user enabled storing accounts online, and some accounts
+            that were previously stored locally failed server validation. If an application is not using
+            a stock dialog, it needs to be able to display such feedback to the user. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </signal>
+    <method name="SaveAccountChanges">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="o" name="account_object_path" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path to the account for which new properties are being set.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <arg direction="in"  type="a{ss}" name="new_properties" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A dictionary of key and value pairs for account properties. 
+            Valid values for keys are "password" and "enabled". This method needs to be
+            used by an application only if it provides its own user interface for entering account
+            passwords or changing account enabled status.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Sets new values for the specified properties of the account.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <method name="GetAllAccountTypes">
-      <arg direction="out" type="a{s(sss)}" />
+    <method name="GetOrCreateAccount">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="account_type" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A short name for the account type.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="username" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A username for the account.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="return_cb" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A function called with the return value in case of success.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="error_cb" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A function called with an error message in case of failure.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="out" type="(obs)" name="result_account_tuple" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a tuple with an account object path as the first element, 
+            a boolean indicating if a new account was created as a second element, 
+            and a feedback message as a third element
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            An asynchronous function that gets or creates an account of a given type with a given username. 
+            The result is returned by calling a return or an error callback function. The function is asynchronous
+            because it can require communication with the GNOME Online server if a new account is added and
+            the GNOME Online user identity is known.    
+          </doc:para>
+          <doc:para>
+            Applications should not need to use this function if they use the stock account dialog. However, they
+            might want to use this function to add the accounts already saved by the user through the application's
+            own user interface. In this case, the application should ask the user's permission to do so first.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <method name="GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" />
-      <arg direction="out" type="ao" />
+    <method name="RemoveAccount">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="o" name="account_object_path" > 
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            An object path for the account to be removed.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>  
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="return_cb" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A function called in case of success.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="error_cb" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A function called with an error message in case of failure.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            An asynchronous function that removes the specified account. The function is asynchronous
+            because it requires communication with the GNOME Online server to remove the account
+            if the GNOME Online user identity is known. Applications should not need to use this function 
+            if they use the stock account dialog.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
     <method name="GetEnabledAccounts">
-      <arg direction="out" type="ao" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="ao" name="enabled_accounts" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the enabled account objects of all types. 
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the enabled account objects of all types. This function 
+            should be used by applications to avoid getting disabled accounts. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <method name="SetSaveOnlineFlag">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="b" name="save_online_flag" />
+    <method name="GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A list of account types for which enabled accounts should be returned.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="out" type="ao" name="enabled_accounts" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the enabled account objects that have specified types. 
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the enabled account objects that have specified types. 
+            This function should be used by applications to avoid getting disabled accounts. 
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <signal name="AccountDisabled">
-      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" />
-    </signal>
     <method name="GetAllAccounts">
-      <arg direction="out" type="ao" />
+      <arg direction="out" type="ao" name="accounts" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the account objects of all types. 
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the account objects of all types. 
+            <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetEnabledAccounts">
+            GetEnabledAccounts()</doc:ref> should normally be used instead to avoid 
+            getting disabled accounts.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <signal name="AccountAdded">
-      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" />
-    </signal>
-    <signal name="AccountRemoved">
-      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" />
-    </signal>
-    <signal name="SaveOnlineFlagChanged">
-      <arg type="b" name="new_save_online_flag" />
-    </signal>
-    <signal name="AccountUpdateFeedback">
-      <arg type="s" name="feedback_header" />
-      <arg type="s" name="feedback_message" />
-      <arg type="b" name="is_error_flag" />
-    </signal>
     <method name="GetAllAccountsWithTypes">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" />
-      <arg direction="out" type="ao" />
+      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A list of account types for which accounts should be returned.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="out" type="ao" name="accounts">
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the account objects that have specified types. 
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>
+      </arg>    
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a list of object paths to the account objects that have specified types. 
+            <doc:ref type="method" to="OnlineAccounts.GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes">
+            GetEnabledAccountsWithTypes()</doc:ref> should normally be used instead to avoid 
+            getting disabled accounts.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
-    <method name="GetSaveOnlineFlag">
-      <arg direction="out" type="b" />
-    </method>
-    <signal name="AccountEnabled">
-      <arg type="o" name="account_object_path" />
-    </signal>
-    <method name="SaveAccountChanges">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="o" name="account_object_path" />
-      <arg direction="in"  type="a{ss}" name="new_properties" />
+    <method name="GetAllAccountTypes">
+      <arg direction="out" type="a{s(sss)}" name="account_types" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Returns a dictionary with short account names as keys and tuples of 
+            account full name, account user info type, and account type site link as values.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+            Returns a list of account types known to the Online Accounts service.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
+    </method>    
+    <method name="EnsureAccountType">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_name" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A short name for the account type, which can only contain lower 
+            case letters or underscores, e.g. "twitter". This name should match 
+            the short name that is listed or will be listed on 
+            <doc:ulink url="";>GNOME Online 
+            </doc:ulink> for the account.  
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_full_name" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A full name for the account type, e.g. "Twitter".
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_user_info_type" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A type of information that the user needs to enter to identify this account, e.g. "Twitter username".
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="type_link" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A link to a web site that can provide the user with this information, e.g. "". 
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+     <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+	    This method should be used to ensure that the account type is known to the
+            Online Accounts service in case the GNOME Online server that provides a 
+            listing of accounts is not available or the account type is not yet available
+            from the server because support for it is under development and it should
+            not be available publicly. This method should always be called on application
+            start-up for each account type the application works with.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc> 
     <method name="OpenAccountsDialog">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="u" name="event_time" />
+      <arg direction="in"  type="u" name="event_time" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Gtk current event time provided by <doc:ulink url="";>gtk_get_current_event_time()</doc:ulink>.  
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+	    Opens stock accounts dialog for all account types.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc>
-    <method name="RemoveAccount">
-      <arg direction="in"  type="o" name="account_object_path" />
+    <method name="OpenAccountsDialogWithTypes">
+      <arg direction="in"  type="as" name="account_types" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            A list of account types that should be included in the dialog.
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <arg direction="in"  type="u" name="event_time" >
+        <doc:doc>
+          <doc:summary>
+            Gtk current event time provided by 
+            <doc:ulink url="";>
+            gtk_get_current_event_time()</doc:ulink>.  
+          </doc:summary>
+        </doc:doc>  
+      </arg>
+      <doc:doc>
+	<doc:description>
+	  <doc:para>
+	    Opens stock accounts dialog for the given account types.
+          </doc:para>
+        </doc:description>
+      </doc:doc>
-    <signal name="HaveOnlineUserFlagChanged">
-      <arg type="b" name="new_have_online_user_flag" />
-    </signal>
-    <signal name="ConnectedToServerFlagChanged">
-      <arg type="b" name="new_connected_to_server_flag" />
-    </signal>

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver
--- trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver	Fri Nov 28 07:08:20 2008
@@ -1147,6 +1147,8 @@
   def HaveOnlineUserFlagChanged(self, new_have_online_user_flag):
+  @dbus.service.method(OA_BUS_IFACE_STR,                      
+                       out_signature="b")
   def GetConnectedToServerFlag(self): 
     return self.__model is not None and self.__model.global_resource is not None and and self.__save_online_flag

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